دين دنيا @tholabatilmi Channel on Telegram

دين دنيا


seekers of knowledge.

spreading words of Allah, reminders & knowledge.

may this helps me, u & everyone 🤍

دين دنيا (Arabic)

دين دنيا هو قناة على تطبيق تليجرام تستهدف الباحثين عن المعرفة. تقوم القناة بنشر كلمات الله، تذكيرات ومعرفة متنوعة. يهدف القناة إلى مساعدة الناس على التعلم والنمو الروحي. إذا كنت تبحث عن مصدر للمعرفة الدينية والتأمل، فإن قناة دين دنيا هي المكان المناسب لك. انضم إلينا اليوم لتستفيد من العبر والدروس القيمة التي تقدمها القناة. قم بالتسجيل في القناة الآن واستمتع بمحتوى ملهم ومفيد يمكن أن يساعدك ويساعد الآخرين على النمو الروحي والعقلي. فلنتشارك المعرفة ونبني جسوراً من الفهم والتفاهم معاً.

دين دنيا

16 Feb, 13:22

Let's be honest, one of the reasons we strive for financial stability is to honor our parents while they’re still with us.

Islam teaches us to honor them with love and kindness, and providing for them is one way to do so.

May Allah bless everyone working toward this noble goal 💗

دين دنيا

16 Feb, 12:30

We spend so much time caring for our bodies, nourishing them, adorning them, and striving to keep them perfect, yet in the end, they will return to the earth as dust. Meanwhile, the soul, which will return to Allah, is often neglected. We forget to nurture it with faith, remembrance, and righteousness. But when this life fades, it is not the body that will matter, but the state of our soul. So, shouldn’t we care for it just as much, if not more?

دين دنيا

16 Feb, 09:55

Rindunya padamu, Rasulullah… Rindu yang tak terungkap dengan kata kata. Aku tak pernah melihatmu, tapi kasih ini begitu mendalam. Bagaimana rasanya berada di sisimu, mendengar suaramu, merasai kelembutan kasih sayangmu? Dunya hari ini terasa berat, penuh kekacauan dan kelelahan, alangkah indahnya jika aku dapat berjalan bersamamu, belajar darimu, berlindung di bawah rahmatmu.

Ya Rasulullah, hatiku rindu, jiwaku mendamba. Andai dapat aku luahkan segalanya di hadapanmu, andai dapat aku menjadi sebahagian dari umat yang kau senyumkan wajahmu melihatnya. Tapi pertemuan itu, jika diizinkan, hanya akan terjadi di akhirah kelak. Semoga aku layak bertemu denganmu, ya Habibullah ❤️

دين دنيا

15 Feb, 03:25

20 Sifat Wajib Allah:

- Wujud (Ada)
- Qidam (Terdahulu)
- Baqa (Maha Kekal)
- Mukhalafatuhu lilhawaditsi (Berbeza dengan makhlukNya)
- Qiyamuhu Binafsihi (Berdiri Sendiri)
- Wahdaniyat (Maha Esa)
- Qudrat (Maha Kuasa)
- Iradat (Berkehendak)
- Ilmun (Maha Mengetahui)
- Hayat (Maha Hidup)
- Sama’ (Maha Mendengar)
- Bashar (Maha Melihat)
- Kalam (Berfirman)
- Qadiran (Berkuasa)
- Muridan (Maha Menhendaki)
- ‘Aliman (Maha Mengetahui)
- Hayyan (Maha Hidup)
- Sami’an (Maha Mendengar)
- Bashiran (Maha Melihat)
- Mutakalliman (Maha Berfirman)

Cuba mengenali pencipta kita!

دين دنيا

14 Feb, 16:57

Life is full of different kinds of people, some bring you closer to Allah, while others lead you further away. Have you ever felt that constant socialising drains your heart and distances you from your faith? If your surroundings are filled with negativity, distractions, and actions that weaken your connection with Allah, then perhaps it's time to step back and reflect.

Sheikh Ibn Uthaymeen (rahimahullah) wisely said:
"When the times become corrupt, and you find that mixing with people only increases wrongdoing and distances you from Allah, then it becomes obligatory for you to withdraw."

This doesn’t mean becoming completely isolated or cutting off ties with the world. Islam encourages community and good companionship. However, it does mean choosing your company wisely and recognising when to step away from harmful influences. Surrounding yourself with gossip, sin, and heedlessness can harden the heart, while solitude used wisely can help soften it and bring you closer to Allah.

Solitude can be a time for deep reflection, repentance, and spiritual growth. In the quiet moments, you can reconnect with the Qur’an, engage in dhikr, and realign your heart with your Creator. The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ himself would often retreat for contemplation, teaching us that moments of solitude can be valuable for nurturing faith and wisdom.

So don’t be afraid to step back if it helps you strengthen your relationship with Allah. If solitude allows you to purify your heart and refocus on your purpose, then embrace it. The world is filled with distractions that can cloud the truth, but in stillness, the soul finds clarity.

Take time for yourself. Seek closeness to Allah. True peace lies in remembering Him, and sometimes, a moment of solitude is exactly what you need to return to Him with a purified heart.

دين دنيا

14 Feb, 15:57

If you hear someone exposing another person's aib or faults, turn around and walk away.

Protect others the way you hope to be protected on the Day when all will be revealed.

Guard your heart, your tongue, & your akhirah.

دين دنيا

14 Feb, 05:23

salam jumaat everyone!
sesungguhnya diantara hari2 yang paling mulia adalah hari jumaat. perbanyaklah selawat keatas nabi muhammad saw & perbanyakkan lah sedekah! one way you can sedekah with a small amount of money is by helping out with food for the orphan that only cost $3/pax.
remember that rasulullah saw bersabda “harta seseorang hamba tidak akan berkurang kerana bersedekah”
sedekah walaupun sedikit ok? nescaya ia dapat menyelamatkan diri dari api neraka ☺️.

دين دنيا

13 Feb, 23:10

Salam Jumaat Everyone 🎀

. • ⋆⁎some friday reminders ⋆. • ⋆

- Make Ghusl & put on fresh clean clothes for your Friday Prayers.

- Do Istighfar and lots of Dzikir.

- Sadaqah as much as you can.

- Send lots & lots of salutations to Prophet Muhammad saw.

اللَّهُمَّ صَلِّ عَلَى مُحَمَّدٍ وَعَلَى آلِ مُحَمَّدٍ

(Allahumma salli ‘ala Muhammadin wa ‘ala aali Muhammad.)

- Read Surah Al-Kahf.

- Constantly make Do’a to Allah, especially between Asr to Maghrib.

- Cut your nails.

Have a great day ahead 🎀🤍

دين دنيا

13 Feb, 10:22

Untuk para wanita yang haid, jangan dipaksakan ya untuk malam ini~

Jangan dipaksakan untuk pergi ke Masjid. Jangan dipaksakan untuk solat. Jangan dipaksakan untuk membaca Al-Quraan dll.

Wanita yang dalam keadaan haid tak dihalang untuk berdzikir, berdoa. Maka jangan bersedih, kita niat agar mendapat barakah dan pahala niat niat Baginda kita sallalahu alaihi wassalam, para salafus sholeh, dan semua yang hadir untuk malam yang mulia ini.

Jangan lupa untuk berdzikir dan berdoa dalam keadaan hati yang hadir, yaa pasti Allah yang Maha Pengasih mendengar isi hatimu walau tidak terkata

وباالله التوفيق

دين دنيا

13 Feb, 04:07

^^ Since valentines is coming up. a haram celebration by disbelievers.

Ibn Umar reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Whoever imitates a people is one of them.
[Sunan Abi Dawud 4031]

“Allah has given you better than those feasts (festivals of non-believers): the ‘Eid-ul-Adha’ and ‘Eid-ul-Fitr.”
[An-Nasai: 1556]

دين دنيا

13 Feb, 01:53

Just before Ramadhan…

the hearts are heavy, some are broken, some have lost precious souls, some are drowning in sin and some are simply trying to stay afloat.

May الله heal us, protect us, and allow us to reach the blessed month - a month of true reformation.

اللهم بلغنا رمضان 💗

دين دنيا

12 Feb, 12:04

Akan tibanya nisfu syaaban,
jadi saya ingin memohon maaf sebesar-besarnya kepada semua orang yang pernah terasa dengan kata kata,tulisan, mahupun
perbuatan saya yang secara sengaja mahupun tidak sengaja. Saya manusia yang tak lari dari melakukan kesalahan, saya takut dosa diantara kita menjadi penyebab terhalang doa-doa yang dilangitkan oleh kita nanti.

Halalkan, ikhlaskan dan maafkan segala kekhilafan saya. Semoga malam nisfu syaban nanti kita dapat memperbanyakkan ibadah kita dan memohon keampunan dari Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala. Semoga dengan cara ini, kita dapat pandangan Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala.

Nisfu Sha'ban is nearing, so I would like to apologize sincerely to everyone who has ever felt hurt by my words, writings, or actions, intentionally or unintentionally. I am a human being who does not run away from making mistakes that I am afraid that the sins among us will be the cause of hindering the prayers that we will offer later.

Make it permissible, sincere and forgive all my mistakes. Hopefully on the night of Nisfu Sha'ban, we can increase our worship and ask for forgiveness from Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. Hopefully in this way, we can get the gaze full of love and mercy from Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.

Allahumma ameen, وبالله التوفيق

دين دنيا

12 Feb, 06:32

Tomorrow night marks the special occasion of Malam Nisfu Syaaban, the 15th night of the Islamic month of Syaaban. It is a time for reflection, prayers, and seeking forgiveness. Take this opportunity to engage in extra worship, supplication, and prayer. Let us make the most of this blessed night by drawing closer to Allah.

May our hearts be filled with peace, and our prayers be accepted.

دين دنيا

11 Feb, 07:20

The Merits of Nisfu Sha’ban

The night of Nisfu Sha’ban (the 15th night of Sha’ban) is a night of blessings, forgiveness, and mercy. The majority of scholars from the four schools of thought consider it sunnah to observe this night with prayers, dhikr, and supplication.
It is narrated that Allah looks upon His creation on this night and forgives all except two: those who harbor enmity and a murderer (Hadith by Imam Ahmad and Al-Tabarani).

What Do the Scholars Say?

Imam al-Shafi'i, may Allah have mercy on him, stated in his book "Al-Umm": "I recommend all that I have narrated regarding these nights [including the night of the middle of Sha'ban]." He specifically mentioned the recommendation of engaging in night prayer, supplication, and remembrance during these nights.

• Syeikh Ibn Hajar al-Haytami in his Fatawa Al-Kubra from the Shafie books, mentioned about the night of the middle of Sha'ban: "This night holds virtue, and it is a specific time for forgiveness and answered prayers."

• In Al-Bahr al-Ra'iq from the Hanafi books, Syeikh Ibn Najim mentioned: "Among the recommended acts is observing the nights of the last ten days of Ramadan, the nights of the two Eids, the nights of the first ten days of Dhul-Hijjah, and the night of the middle of Sha'ban, as indicated by the hadiths."

• In Al-Taj wal-Iklil from the Maliki books, it is stated: "There is encouragement for performing night worship on that night" [referring to the night of nisfu Sya'ban].

• In Syarh Minhaj al-Iradat by Al-Buhuti from the Hanbali books it is mentioned that observing the night of the middle of Sha'ban is commendable.

• Syeikh Ibn Taymiyyah stated in Majmu' Al-Fatawa: "Regarding the night of the middle of Sha'ban, hadiths and reports have been narrated about its virtues. It has been reported from a group of the early Muslims that they used to pray during it. Therefore, if a person prays individually during it, it has been preceded by the early Muslims, and he has evidence for it, so such an act should not be denied."

Can We Read Surah Yasin?

As-Sayyid Muhammad bin Alawi al-Maliki said in his book Ma Dza fi Sya'ban:

"If someone recites Surah Yasin or any other part of the Quran, seeking blessings in life, wealth, and health, there is no objection, provided they do not believe it to be a specific prescription for such matters. Reading Yasin or the entire Quran with a sincere intention while seeking fulfillment of needs and relief from difficulties, including health, financial matters, and debts, is acceptable. There is no harm in asking Allah for everything, even down to the salt of one's food and the repair of a sandal. Allah loves His servants to seek His help in all matters."

What Should We Do on This Night?

• Pray Tahajjud
• Make du’a for forgiveness and guidance
• Read Quran and do dhikr
• Seek Allah’s mercy and blessings

May we enrich this night with righteous deeds, and may we be counted among those whom Allah forgives on this blessed night.

دين دنيا

24 Jan, 06:24

اللَّهُمَّ صَلِّ عَلَى مُحَمَّدٍ وَعَلَى آلِ مُحَمَّدٍ

(Allahumma salli ‘ala Muhammadin wa ‘ala aali Muhammad.)

دين دنيا

24 Jan, 06:24

Dah selawat ke tu?

دين دنيا

24 Jan, 05:12

An amalan (deed) of the pious predecessors during the last Muhammad of Rejab, is to recite Ahmadun Rasulullah, Muhammadun Rasulullah 35x

‎من قال في آخر جمعة من رجب والخطيب يخطب في آخر الخطبة الثانية عند الدعاء للمؤمنين والمؤمنات
‎أحمد رسول اللّٰه ، محمد رسول اللّٰه
‎٣٥ مرة
‎لم تنقطع من عنده الدراهم من كتاب كنز النجاح والسرور
‎للشيخ عبدالحميد قدس
‎الحبيب سالم بن عبدالله بن عمر الشاطري رحمة اللّٰه

The benefit:
Whoever says during the last Friday of the month of Rajab, while the preacher is delivering the second sermon (khutbah) and is making supplications for the believers:

‎ احمد رسول اللّٰه ، محمد رسول اللّٰه

35 times,
will not experience a lack of wealth (dirhams) in their life.

This is mentioned in the book “Kanz al-Najah wa al-Surur” by Sheikh Abdul Hamid Quddus (1010 AH),
and it was also narrated by the noble Habib Salim bin Abdullah bin Umar al-Shatiri, may Allah have mercy on him.

دين دنيا

23 Jan, 21:00

Salam Jumaat Everyone 🎀

. • ⋆⁎some friday reminders ⋆. • ⋆

- Make Ghusl & put on fresh clean clothes for your Friday Prayers.

- Do Istighfar and lots of Dzikir.

- Sadaqah as much as you can.

- Send lots & lots of salutations to Prophet Muhammad saw.

اللَّهُمَّ صَلِّ عَلَى مُحَمَّدٍ وَعَلَى آلِ مُحَمَّدٍ

(Allahumma salli ‘ala Muhammadin wa ‘ala aali Muhammad.)

- Read Surah Al-Kahf.

- Constantly make Do’a to Allah, especially between Asr to Maghrib.

- Cut your nails.

Have a great day ahead 🎀🤍

دين دنيا

23 Jan, 21:00

salam jumaat everyone!
sesungguhnya diantara hari2 yang paling mulia adalah hari jumaat. perbanyaklah selawat keatas nabi muhammad saw & perbanyakkan lah sedekah! one way you can sedekah with a small amount of money is by helping out with food for the orphan that only cost $3/pax.
remember that rasulullah saw bersabda “harta seseorang hamba tidak akan berkurang kerana bersedekah”
sedekah walaupun sedikit ok? nescaya ia dapat menyelamatkan diri dari api neraka ☺️.

دين دنيا

21 Jan, 11:36

Imam Al-Ghazali once said something that really struck me: “knowledge & action must always go hand in hand.” He explained that “knowledge without action is pointless.” & even dangerous, because it can lead to arrogance & hypocrisy. On the other hand, “action without knowledge is reckless”, it’s like running in the dark without knowing where you’re going. For him, knowledge isn’t about just collecting information or sounding smart, it’s about transforming yourself and bringing you closer to Allah.

He gave such relatable examples. He said knowing the right path but not walking it is like owning a map but refusing to use it. & rushing into action without guidance? That’s like running aimlessly, wasting time & energy, & possibly ending up in the wrong place. He constantly emphasized that “both knowledge and action are only valuable when they support & strengthen one another.”

What I love most about his perspective is how much he focused on “sincerity”. It’s not enough to learn or do something, you have to check your intentions. Are you doing it to impress others or gain status? Or are you doing it for the sake of Allah? That question is at the heart of everything.

In Ihya’ Ulum al-Din, he described people who don’t act on their knowledge as being like candles, they give light to others but burn themselves out. That hit me because it’s such a clear way to explain why action is so important. Without it, knowledge is just an empty theory. & without knowledge, actions are directionless. Together, they create balance, & that balance is what leads to true success in this life and the Hereafter.

دين دنيا

20 Jan, 07:17

Allah, in His infinite mercy, does not invite anyone to Hellfire, rather, He calls us to Paradise and gives us countless opportunities to turn to Him. The path to Jannah is clear, illuminated by His guidance in the Qur'an and the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad saw.

It is our choices, driven by our desires or heedlessness, that may lead us astray. As the Prophet saw, reminded us,
“Hell is surrounded by desires, and Paradise is surrounded by hardships" (Muslim).
But Allah is always ready to forgive and guide those who sincerely repent.

Remember, no matter how far you’ve strayed, Allah’s mercy is greater than any sin. Take the step back toward Him, for He invites you to the Home of Peace, while only you can choose to turn away. Let your heart respond to His call before it’s too late.

دين دنيا

19 Jan, 01:20


دين دنيا

18 Jan, 16:44

Qn: Why do we spit on our left and not on our right?

• Spitting to the left is a way to reject syaitan because the left side is associated with things that are undesirable or impure in Islamic tradition.

• The right side is used for good and respectful actions, like eating and greeting with our right hand.

• Following the Sunnah of our beloved Prophet Muhammad 🌻

دين دنيا

30 Dec, 11:07

Knowledge Is Not Taken From Four

Imām Malik [رحمه الله] said:

❝Knowledge is not taken from four:

1. A foolish person who outwardly manifests foolishness even if he is the most abundant of the people in narrating,

2. A person of innovation who calls to his desires,

3. He who lies when he speaks to the people even if you don't deem him [to be a liar] in Hadith,

4. A pious and virtuous worshipper who is not precise in what he narrates.❞

[Siyār A'lām An-Nubalā, (7/162)]

دين دنيا

30 Dec, 05:21

Just as we are all starting our Monday morning, let this be a reminder~

“What would I change if I knew the Messenger of Allah sallalahu alaihi wassalam was visiting me?”

May Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala grant us the mindfulness in every of our actions and may He and His Messenger sallalahu alaihi wassalam be pleased with us 🤲🏻

دين دنيا

28 Dec, 06:22

Apabila kita tidur , syaithon akan mengikat kita dengan 3 ikatan . Dan hendaklah kita putuskan ikatan itu tatkala kita bangun daripada tidur . Cara nya adalah :

1- baca doa bangun tidur dan dzikir kpd Allah sekurang ii nya ( لا اله الا الله )

2- Mengambil wudhu’

3- Sembahyang

Maka dengan 3 perkara yg kita lakukan itu , akan terputus ikatan syaithan di atas kepala kita .

Dan kata guru saya , itulah motivation pagi . Dan ia akan membuat badan kita segar dan semangat !

دين دنيا

27 Dec, 15:53

Apa tanda Al-Quran merajuk dengan kita?.

Saat bacaan kita mula tersekat sekat lafaznya, kerana kita dah jarang mendampinginya.

دين دنيا

26 Dec, 17:37

Salam Jumaat Everyone 🎀

. • ⋆⁎some friday reminders ⋆. • ⋆

- Make Ghusl & put on fresh clean clothes for your Friday Prayers.

- Do Istighfar and lots of Dzikir.

- Sadaqah as much as you can.

- Send lots & lots of salutations to Prophet Muhammad saw.

اللَّهُمَّ صَلِّ عَلَى مُحَمَّدٍ وَعَلَى آلِ مُحَمَّدٍ

(Allahumma salli ‘ala Muhammadin wa ‘ala aali Muhammad.)

- Read Surah Al-Kahf.

- Constantly make Do’a to Allah, especially between Asr to Maghrib.

- Cut your nails.

Have a great day ahead 🎀🤍

دين دنيا

26 Dec, 16:04

It’s the Last Friday of the Year…

As we gather on this final Friday of the year, let us take a moment to reflect on the past and prepare our hearts for the year to come. May Allah swt grant us barakah, guide us to righteousness, and make the upcoming year one of blessings, growth, and closeness to Him.

This is a time to renew our intentions and realign our goals with what pleases Allah.

The Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) said:
"Indeed, actions are judged by intentions, and every person will receive what they intended." (Bukhari & Muslim)

Let us take this opportunity to set sincere intentions for the new year, to increase in worship, improve our character, strengthen our ties with family, and serve others.

Allah reminds us in the Quran:
“Indeed, Allah will not change the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves." [13:11]

As we turn the page to a new year, let us leave behind what holds us back and embrace what draws us closer to Allah. May He make us among those who earn His pleasure and mercy in this world and the Hereafter. Aamiin Allahumma Aamiin.

Start new with faith, hope, and reliance on Allah 💓

دين دنيا

25 Dec, 20:28

As we approach a new year, let’s take a moment to reflect and reset our intentions for the journey ahead. Remember, intentions are the foundation of every action. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said:

“Actions are judged by intentions, and everyone will be rewarded according to their intention. (Bukhari & Muslim)

Make your intentions sincere and for the sake of Allah, whether it’s improving your worship, strengthening relationships, or working towards personal goals. Trust that InsyaAllah, Allah will make it easy for you to achieve them if they are pleasing to Him.

Allah reminds us in the Quran:
"And whoever puts their trust in Allah, He will be sufficient for them. Indeed, Allah will accomplish His purpose." (Surah At-Talaq, 65:3)

Let’s start the new year with renewed purpose, seeking Allah’s guidance and pleasure in everything we do. May Allah bless us with barakah, keep us steadfast, and guide us to what is best for our dunya and akhirah. Aamiin 💓💓💓

دين دنيا

25 Dec, 19:54

How much do we truly love our friends?

If we really care about someone, we wouldn’t just sit back and watch them drift away from the right path. Real love means wanting to see your friends firm in their deen, not caught up in gossip, wasting time with the wrong crowd, or exposing what they’ve worked so hard to keep covered for the sake of Allah.

If we truly love them, we wouldn’t turn a blind eye when they’re slipping into bad habits. Real friends don’t just encourage each other to succeed in this world, they push each other to thrive in the akhirah too. It’s not about letting them “live their life” without guidance, it’s about helping them live a life that pleases Allah.

The Prophet ﷺ said:
None of you truly believes until he loves for his brother what he loves for himself.
(Bukhari & Muslim)
If we want Jannah for ourselves, we should want it for them too. That’s real loyalty, that’s true friendship.

So, let this be a reminder, for us and for our friends. True friendship isn’t about just going with the flow or staying silent when we see each other slipping. It’s about having the courage to lovingly remind, guide, and support each other towards what truly matters. At the end of the day, a real friend is someone who wants to walk with you on the path to Jannah, not just in this dunya. Let’s be that kind of friend, for the sake of Allah.

دين دنيا

24 Dec, 11:58

Some Minor Signs of Hari Kiamat:

- Competing to build taller buildings
- Increase in killings
- Time feels shorter
- Frequent natural disasters like earthquakes and landslides
- Rise of luxury lifestyles among Muslims
- Good people decrease, bad people increase
- People dye their hair black to look younger
- Arab lands turn into green fields and rivers
- Men resemble women, and women resemble men
- Religious matters are handled by those who lack proper knowledge

دين دنيا

23 Dec, 16:18

Register at tinyurl.com/haswahcircle

دين دنيا

23 Dec, 08:03

Imam Ibn Kathir said:
"The one who neglects Allah in his youth, Allah will neglect him in his prime.”

[Al-Bidaya wan-Nihayah, Pg 80]

دين دنيا

22 Dec, 07:06

So girls, in this world where ‘ilmu is slowly disappearing, and adab is almost lost, jangan harapkan untuk mendapat suami yang sholeh, tetapi jadilah seorang sholehah yang memiliki taqwa dan maruah terhadap dan kepada Allah. Sebab jodoh ni belum tentu tetapi ajal kita adalah bila2. Kalau maut menjemputi kita sebelum kita dapat menjumpa lelaki idaman yang belum tentu buat kita, apa alasan kita kepada Allah?

دين دنيا

22 Dec, 00:13

Abū Bakr as-Ṣiddīq said: "If I do well, then help me. And if I do wrong, then set me straight."

● {البداية والنهاية ٦/٣٠٥}

دين دنيا

21 Dec, 11:34



دين دنيا

20 Dec, 07:40

One less scholar, one less light in our generation.

The passing of our beloved Ustaz TM Fouzy is not just the loss of an individual, but a deep wound to the ummah & a reminder of how fragile and precious knowledge truly is.

In a time when scholars are already so few, their departure feels heavier, and the void they leave harder to fill.

May we honor his legacy by seeking knowledge sincerely, preserving it, and sharing it for generations to come.

May Allah grant him the highest ranks in Jannah and allow us to benefit from the paths he paved for us!

دين دنيا

19 Dec, 19:30

Salam Jumaat Everyone 🎀

. • ⋆⁎some friday reminders ⋆. • ⋆

- Make Ghusl & put on fresh clean clothes for your Friday Prayers.

- Do Istighfar and lots of Dzikir.

- Sadaqah as much as you can.

- Send lots & lots of salutations to Prophet Muhammad saw.

اللَّهُمَّ صَلِّ عَلَى مُحَمَّدٍ وَعَلَى آلِ مُحَمَّدٍ

(Allahumma salli ‘ala Muhammadin wa ‘ala aali Muhammad.)

- Read Surah Al-Kahf.

- Constantly make Do’a to Allah, especially between Asr to Maghrib.

- Cut your nails.

Have a great day ahead 🎀🤍

دين دنيا

19 Dec, 11:38

"Sebaik baik perempuan adalah yang tidak melihat laki-laki dan yang tidak dilihat laki-laki"

دين دنيا

18 Dec, 14:53


دين دنيا

18 Dec, 09:29

To think that about a month ago, you were there beside me in the busy crowd. I reached for your hand and you returned a calm gaze with a warm smile, your face full of light masya’Allah, and today we hear the news of your passing. You lead the du’a for the jenazah of a good man, and now you’re joining him in the barzakh.
Dear self and everyone reading this, let this be a reminder that our time in this world is too short. too short. wake up, wake up, wake up.

How are we still so heedless? Are we not embarrassed if we’re the ones who return to our Lord in this state full of ignorance?

I have no doubt our teacher Ustaz TM Fouzy, May Allah be pleased with him, is amongst the people of Allah, he devoted his life in worship, he devoted his life to khidmah, how many maulids has he done out of pure love for Rasulullah ﷺ? Subhan’Allah.

What about us? What confirmation do we have that we’re amongst the successful in the akhirah? Why are we wasting our lives?
Yesterday has passed, we’re still living today, and tomorrow isn’t confirmed. Make full use of our days, start today. Reflect on yourselves, this reminder is for myself too, have we made the most of our days or are we still in ignorance?

‎اللَّهُمَّ أَعِنِّي عَلَى ذِكْرِكَ وَشُكْرِكَ وَحُسْنِ عِبَادَتِكَ

Allahumma A'inni Ala Zikrika Wa Shukrika Wa Husni Ibadatik.

O Allah, help me remember You, to be grateful to You, and to worship You in an excellent manner. Rasulullah ﷺ told us to recite this after every prayer, start if you haven’t, from your next prayer onwards.

دين دنيا

18 Dec, 09:27

Yakin ke kalau esok mati, kita boleh mengucap ‘Laa Ilaaha Illallah'
dengan sempurna? Hidup ini singkat, dan kita tak tahu bila masanya akan tiba. Adakah kita sudah cukup bersedia dengan amal dan keimanan yang kukuh? Jangan tunggu hingga terlambat untuk bertaubat dan memperbaiki diri. Moga Allah tetapkan hati kita di jalan-Nya.

دين دنيا

18 Dec, 09:26

Setiap orang hidup akan merasai mati.

دين دنيا

09 Dec, 16:32

Don’t love someone to the point where you will question Allah if He takes them away from you.

Don’t even hate someone, to the point that you forget that Allah has never hated you for all the times you have transgressed against Him.

Hidup ini hanyalah suatu pinjaman daripada Allah.

دين دنيا

09 Dec, 16:32

I like to remind myself, jangan beri ruang untuk manusia di hati, kerana itu hanyalah untuk yang Maha Kuasa. Allah loves us more than we can imagine, His love for us exceeds the scale of the universe, even more than we can even describe with mere words. So who are we to put someone at a place that is only for Him?

When we run to people, they can only give us so much. Sometimes even nothing. But when we run to Allah, we will find ourselves contented, because we understand that when Allah bestows something upon us, it is with His boundless knowledge.

When we ponder upon the saying,

إِنَّا لِلَّهِ وَإِنَّآ إِلَيْهِ رَٰجِعُونَ

most people may think that it’s only for death. But indeed, this is a reminder for us in every situation. Our sole purpose here in life — Indeed, we belong to Allah and Indeed, to Him we shall return.

دين دنيا

09 Dec, 16:32

If you hear someone exposing another person's aib or faults, turn around and walk away.

Protect others the way you hope to be protected on the Day when all will be revealed.

Guard your heart, your tongue, & your akhirah.

دين دنيا

09 Dec, 16:04

Be kind, for whenever kindness becomes part of something it beautifies it. Whenever it is taken from something it leaves it tarnished.
- Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him)

دين دنيا

09 Dec, 07:46

Jika kecintaan kepada Rasulullah saw sudah masuk di dalam hati kamu. Maka benih penyucian hati akan mulai tumbuh. Benih itu akan tumbuh sehingga membentuk
pohon budi pekerti (akhlak mulia).
Kerana itu permulaan penyucian hati adalah dengan mencintai
Rasulullah saw.

-Syeikh Dr. Yusri Rushdi Sayyid Jabr Al-Hasani

دين دنيا

07 Dec, 05:22

This incident reminds us of the impact our words and actions can have on others. Islam teaches us to be cautious with our speech, as we never truly know what someone is going through. A harsh word may hurt deeply, even if unintended. Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said:

“The servant speaks words that he does not consider significant, but they cause him to sink into the Hellfire for seventy autumns.”

Also Prophet Muhammad ﷺ warned:

"Woe to the one who speaks and lies to make people laugh. Woe to him, woe to him."

Sometimes, we may not realise how much our words can hurt. What seems like a harmless joke to us could add to someone’s unseen struggles. Allah reminds us to speak with care:

وَقُولُوا۟ لِلنَّاسِ حُسْنًۭا

[2:83] "…And speak to people good words..."

Our words and behavior reflect our inner character. Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said:

“The best of you are those who have the best manners and character.”

We are reminded that what we do to others often comes back to us. The Quran states:

هَلْ جَزَآءُ ٱلْإِحْسَـٰنِ إِلَّا ٱلْإِحْسَـٰنُ

[55:60] Is the reward for good [anything] but good?

And Prophet Muhammad ﷺ taught:

“Whoever relieves a believer’s distress of the distressful aspects of this world, Allah will rescue him from a difficulty of the difficulties of the Hereafter.”

This serves as a warning and a lesson to be mindful of your words and deeds. Let us be careful of what comes from our mouths, for it reveals the type of person we are. Instead of hurting others, we should choose to bring comfort, as what we do to others will eventually come back to us, whether good or bad.

دين دنيا

07 Dec, 05:22


دين دنيا

05 Dec, 21:23

Salam Jumaat Everyone 🎀

. • ⋆⁎some friday reminders ⋆. • ⋆

- Make Ghusl & put on fresh clean clothes for your Friday Prayers.

- Do Istighfar and lots of Dzikir.

- Sadaqah as much as you can.

- Send lots & lots of salutations to Prophet Muhammad saw.

اللَّهُمَّ صَلِّ عَلَى مُحَمَّدٍ وَعَلَى آلِ مُحَمَّدٍ

(Allahumma salli ‘ala Muhammadin wa ‘ala aali Muhammad.)

- Read Surah Al-Kahf.

- Constantly make Do’a to Allah, especially between Asr to Maghrib.

- Cut your nails.

Have a great day ahead 🎀🤍

دين دنيا

04 Dec, 22:31


دين دنيا

03 Dec, 21:30

If you feel your heart tearing… plaster it! With solat, zikir, baca Qur’an, pondering, borak2 dengan Allah. Once you’ve mastered the “art” of redha & tawakkal, your life will be as smooth as butter.

Your only true best friend in this Dunya is Allah 🩷

دين دنيا

03 Dec, 21:30

Kita takkan pernah betul-betul faham keindahan perancangan Allah… sampai satu hari, Allah uji kita dengan sesuatu yang buat kita rasa macam tak ada sesiapa, and kita hanya mampu berpaut kepadaNya. Trust me, waktu tu baru kita faham apa maksud ‘Allah itu Al-Kafi’ — The Sufficient.

If you think about it, life is like a rollercoaster. Before the ride ends, kita akan go through all the twists and turns yang buat kita tak tentu arah. Tapi bila dah sampai penghujung, baru kita rasa stable. Macam tu jugalah dengan tawakkal. When something had been written for us, it will most definitely 1000000% find us. Tak kira bila, kat mana, or macam mana.

So for now, jangan terlalu risau pasal benda yang kita tak boleh kawal. Focus on yourself and your relationship with Allah. Tawakkal and redha. Allah knows what’s best, and everything we go through is just a process untuk jadikan kita the best version of ourselves in the future.

Percayalah, perancangan Allah sentiasa indah!

دين دنيا

03 Dec, 07:35

The love of Prophet Muhammad for us is unmatched. He loved us before we were even born. He cried for us, asking Allah to forgive us, thinking about our struggles and the mistakes we would make. He wanted nothing less than Jannah for us.

He had wives, children, friends, and family who adored him, but still, it was us he kept praying for. Even in his final moments, he called out, "Ya Ummati, Ya Ummati". That’s real love selfless, pure, and unconditional.

He went through so much pain and hardship just to bring this message to us, to make sure we’d have a chance to live with purpose and enter Jannah. And on the Day of Judgment, when everyone is worried about themselves, he’ll still be thinking about us, pleading to Allah: "My people, my people."

It’s honestly humbling to think about how much he cared. The least we can do is love him back by following his teachings and striving to live the way he showed us. After all, he’s the reason we even know what true love and mercy look like.

Let’s send lots & lots of salutation to Prophet Muhammad ﷺ.

اللَّهُمَّ صَلِّ عَلَى مُحَمَّدٍ وَعَلَى آلِ مُحَمَّدٍ

(Allahumma salli ‘ala Muhammadin wa ‘ala aali Muhammad.)

دين دنيا

02 Dec, 22:59

Prophet Muhammad , the most compassionate and virtuous person to ever walk this earth, was still met with hatred by some. Despite his unparalleled kindness, mercy, and patience, there were those who opposed him, not because of who he was, but because of the darkness within their own hearts. His life teaches us a profound lesson, not everyone will recognise or appreciate your goodness, no matter how sincere your intentions.

As believers, we must remember that their hatred reflects their own struggles, not your worth. Allah swt reminds us in the Qur'an:

وَلَا تَسْتَوِى ٱلْحَسَنَةُ وَلَا ٱلسَّيِّئَةُ ۚ ٱدْفَعْ بِٱلَّتِى هِىَ أَحْسَنُ فَإِذَا ٱلَّذِى بَيْنَكَ وَبَيْنَهُۥ عَدَٰوَةٌۭ كَأَنَّهُۥ وَلِىٌّ حَمِيمٌۭ

[41:34] Good and evil cannot be equal. Respond ˹to evil˺ with what is best, then the one you are in a feud with will be like a close friend.

وَمَا يُلَقَّىٰهَآ إِلَّا ٱلَّذِينَ صَبَرُوا۟ وَمَا يُلَقَّىٰهَآ إِلَّا ذُو حَظٍّ عَظِيمٍۢ

[41:35] But this cannot be attained except by those who are patient and who are truly fortunate.

So, never let the bitterness of others poison your soul or turn you away from the path of goodness. Instead, strive to embody patience, forgiveness, and kindness, knowing that your reward is with Allah. The Prophet said, "The most beloved to Allah are those who are most beneficial to others."

Let your actions be for the sake of Allah alone, and He will elevate your status, even if the world does not. Keep your heart soft, your intentions pure, and your hope in Allah unwavering. After all, the trials we face are a means of purification and a path to Jannah.

دين دنيا

02 Dec, 18:50

Sometimes Allah wills for someone to reach a certain level of Jannah, one far beyond what their good deeds alone can achieve. In His infinite wisdom and mercy, He blesses them with trials and hardships, not to burden them, but to purify, strengthen, and elevate them to a station they could not reach otherwise. For every hardship borne with patience, there is a reward beyond measure.

دين دنيا

29 Nov, 12:05

Maka sudah semestinya seorang muslimah menutup celah pintu-pintu fitnah dengan tidak menampilkan diri ke social media meskipun sudah menutup auratnya dengan hijab syar'i.

دين دنيا

29 Nov, 09:27

اللَّهُمَّ اغْفِرْ لِي ذَنْبِي، وَوَسِّعْ لِي فِي دَارِي، وَبَارِكْ لِي فِي رِزْقِي

دين دنيا

29 Nov, 09:27

Oh Allah, forgive my sins, expand my home (grant me comfort and spaciousness in my living), and bless me in my provision.

دين دنيا

29 Nov, 08:39

Your death is more certain than the day of your marriage. Worry about your soul rather than your soulmate.

دين دنيا

28 Nov, 19:59

Salam Jumaat Everyone 🎀

. • ⋆⁎some friday reminders ⋆. • ⋆

- Make Ghusl & put on fresh clean clothes for your Friday Prayers.

- Do Istighfar and lots of Dzikir.

- Sadaqah as much as you can.

- Send lots & lots of salutations to Prophet Muhammad saw.

اللَّهُمَّ صَلِّ عَلَى مُحَمَّدٍ وَعَلَى آلِ مُحَمَّدٍ

(Allahumma salli ‘ala Muhammadin wa ‘ala aali Muhammad.)

- Read Surah Al-Kahf.

- Constantly make Do’a to Allah, especially between Asr to Maghrib.

- Cut your nails.

Have a great day ahead 🎀🤍

دين دنيا

28 Nov, 06:52

The seeker of Allah should always be in a state of thinking and reflecting upon themselves. An empty heart is an opportunity for Shaytan to consume your state of mind.

Be in a state of dhikr, for Shaytan cannot penetrate the heart that is in remembrance of Allah.

Be in the state of istighfar, for Shaytan does not influence the heart that is seeking forgiveness.

Be in the state of sending salutations to the Nabi Muhammad sallallahu ‘alaihi wassalam, because as my teacher told me, “Don’t think that the Prophet sallallahu ‘alaihi wassalam isn’t here with us. He is here when we are remembering him, through our tongue, our hearts, and our actions (doing sunnah).”

دين دنيا

26 Nov, 23:13

If a person you love wrote you something, would you not read it again and again, what about the words of Allah? The Quran?

دين دنيا

25 Nov, 11:48

عَنْ أَبِي هُرَيْرَةَ رَضِيَ اللَّهُ عَنْهُ قَالَ: قَالَ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ:

الدُّنْيَا سِجْنُ الْمُؤْمِنِ، وَجَنَّةُ الْكَافِرِ
(رواه مسلم)

Abu Huraira (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said:

The world is a prison for the believer and a paradise for the disbeliever.
(Sahih Muslim)

The trials and restrictions a believer faces in this world compared to the ultimate reward awaiting them in the Hereafter, while disbelievers enjoy worldly pleasures as their only "paradise."

دين دنيا

25 Nov, 09:36

Wanita yang hebat itu bukanlah wanita yang cukup satu lelaki

tetapi, wanita yang hebat ialah wanita yang sanggup tinggalkan lelaki itu kerana Allah 🤍

دين دنيا

25 Nov, 05:25

Ada hari, ada masa yang kita tak ingin untuk menunaikan sholat, mengaji, berdzikir, selawat?

Mungkin kita rasa kita yang tak mahu, kenyataannya, itu lah kehendak Allah.

Fikirkanlah sejenak..Allah sendiri, Dia yang mempunyai kuasa atas semua perkara, Dia yang lebih besar, lebih baik daripada idola idola yang diidolakan, tidak ingin ibadah mu. Bayangkan..

Habib Ali Zaenal Abidin Al-Hamid pernah berkata;

Jika manusia masih memilih yang batil dan sesat setelah dikurniakan akal & rasul, maka itulah kehendak Allah untuk membiarkan mereka sesat. Allah akan menghukum orang yang memilih kesesatan itu untuk terus sesat.

Naudzubillah min dzalik~

دين دنيا

24 Nov, 06:11

Tetaplah menjadi wanita yang terus belajar untuk menjadi lebih baik. Yang tetap berusaha menutup aurat dengan sempurna, walaupun akhlak masih jauh dari kata baik. Yang tidak pernah lelah mempelajari banyak perkara, walaupun masih banyak kekurangan. Benar, semuanya tidak mudah, tapi jangan pernah memilih untuk menyerah yaa 🌸

دين دنيا

20 Nov, 06:38

Do not forget that one of the most important things that will help you stay in a constant state of reflection of remembrance (dhikr) is to attend more and more gatherings of the righteous (majlis ‘ilm), and to incline towards them. Conversely, one of the most important things that will take you away from reflection and remembrance is to become immersed in gatherings of amusement and to incline towards heedless people, and to attend gatherings in which precious time is wasted, by delving into that which is of no benefit and the dead flesh of others is bitten into (backbiting [49:12]), as the Qur’an describes in the most reprehensible way and is being warned against.

دين دنيا

20 Nov, 05:47

Alangkah indahnya menjadi wanita tersembunyi~

Jarang terlihat di alam realiti apa lagi alam maya tidak sesekali. Namun alunan selawatya bergema dari jendela rumah menuju ke Raudhah, menyapa mesra, Sang Kekasih Hati.

دين دنيا

19 Nov, 08:22

"Berfalsafah" here basically means coming up with all sorts of excuses to justify a mistake instead of just owning up to it. Instead of saying, “Yeah, I messed up. Sorry," some people will try to sound smart or twist their words to avoid admitting they’re wrong.

Imam al-Shafi’i is pointing out that a wise person knows how to take responsibility and apologise, while a foolish person will waste time making excuses or arguing instead of just fixing the issue.

دين دنيا

19 Nov, 08:15

Orang berakal apabila bersalah, minta maaf.
Orang bodoh apabila bersalah, berfalsafah.

- Al-Imam al-Shafi'i

دين دنيا

19 Nov, 04:50

Tiada di hatiku kecuali Allah

دين دنيا

17 Nov, 23:04

Prophet saw mentioned in his hadith:

The most beloved of people according to Allah is he who brings most benefit.

دين دنيا

17 Nov, 16:05

Keep your house clean like you’re expecting a visitor, and keep your heart clean like you’re expecting death.

دين دنيا

16 Nov, 08:10

Rasulullah saw said:

The five daily prayers are like a great river running by your door in which you take a bath five times a day.

- Hadith narrated by Muslim

دين دنيا

13 Nov, 04:33

Hadith dha'if still boleh amal!
وليس كل ضعيف مردود

دين دنيا

09 Nov, 13:50

Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal رحمه الله was asked:

“How do you know the liars?”

He replied: “By their punctuality (i.e. honouring time)”

Adab al-Imlā'a wal Istimlā'a lis-Sam'āni, Page 40

دين دنيا

08 Nov, 16:54

Assalamualaikum wr wb Youths!

We are excited to announce the return of our Qiyam session! ☺️ This time, we are thrilled to be joined by our special guest, Ustazah Hidayah Roslee, who will be delivering an insightful talk on the Fiqh of Solat.

On top of that, our Qiyamullail Prayer will be led by Ustaz Hanan Farihin too ! 🙌🏼

The event details as below:
15th - 16th November 2024
Time: 7.15pm - 8.30am
Venue: Masjid Yusof Ishak, Auditorium Level 5
Age: 12 - 25 Years Old

Essential Items to Bring for Qiyam :
Telekung (For Ladies)
Personal Medication (If needed)
Notebook & Pen
Sleeping Bag / Mattress (Compulsory)

So what are you waiting for? Join us and register as soon as possible as there will be a limited of 60 pax ! 🫵🏼

Scan the QR Code or visit here at http://bit.ly/3Z4xXo5
See you there! InShaAllah

دين دنيا

08 Nov, 15:06

Anyways if you doooo feel demotivated kan, remember this hadith.

قال الرسول ﷺ:
بلغوا عني ولو آية

Rasulullah ﷺ said: “Convey from me, even if it is a verse.” 

دين دنيا

08 Nov, 04:36

Salam Jumaat Everyone 🎀

. • ⋆⁎some friday reminders ⋆. • ⋆

- Make Ghusl & put on fresh clean clothes for your Friday Prayers.

- Do Istighfar and lots of Dzikir.

- Sadaqah as much as you can.

- Send lots & lots of salutations to Prophet Muhammad saw.

اللَّهُمَّ صَلِّ عَلَى مُحَمَّدٍ وَعَلَى آلِ مُحَمَّدٍ

(Allahumma salli ‘ala Muhammadin wa ‘ala aali Muhammad.)

- Read Surah Al-Kahf.

- Constantly make Do’a to Allah, especially between Asr to Maghrib.

- Cut your nails.

Have a great day ahead 🎀🤍

دين دنيا

04 Nov, 03:51

Rasulullah ﷺ bersabda,

"Didiklah anak-anakmu pada tiga perkara: Mencintai Nabimu, mencintai ahli baitnya dan (cinta) membaca Al- qur’an ……”

HR. At-Thabrani

دين دنيا

03 Nov, 11:12

If there’s one thing that kept me motivated to always stay on the deen, it is the fact that Allah created each and every one of humankind differently. Allah created us with our own special capabilities, strengths and weaknesses.

Allah destined some to receive His hidayah at an early age, while some later in life. Allah allowed some to learn and recite the Qur’an well, while some may struggle and take time. Allah allowed some people to be born a part of a Muslim family, but someone who reverted at a later age may have a closer bond to Allah than them.

Whatever that has been bestowed upon us, one thing is clear — Allah does not expect us to be perfect. People tend to lose interest in the religion because of the ‘rules’ that we have to uphold, making the religion seem ‘tedious’. But in truth, Islam is made to be simple. It is humans that tend to make the religion seem hard. But then again, Allah does not expect us to be perfect.

Allah does not expect us to be the best, but He wants us to try our best. Allah didn’t say that He will put us in Jannah if we become the best Qur’an reciter, or the Imām of a masjid, or a Scholar, you name it. Allah sees our sincerity & intentions.

For example: Someone may be able to do more, and Alhamdulillah. I might be able to do maybe only half of that person, but Alhamdulillah. I acknowledge that I have tried and I have prayed for it. Maybe it is not my time to receive it now, or maybe Allah has granted me something in exchange for it. Maybe the blessing that Allah has given me is to keep trying and not giving up, so He may reward me.
I believe that nothing is impossible with Allah.

Istiqomah is hard, I can’t lie that it is definitely a bittersweet journey. A battle, even. But remember that this is a sign of love and mercy from Allah, because He only tests those that He loves. Imagine how much Allah loves you, when He tests you, and the first thing you think of is Allah. Take it as an honour.

Your struggle with Allah is never overlooked. Every single detail that you may not even realise, is being rewarded. So if you’re looking for a sign, this is it.

Hamāsah, ya Ahlal Jannah. ❤️‍🩹

دين دنيا

03 Nov, 09:35

"Belajarlah ilmu, sesungguhnya mempelajari ilmu adalah suatu kebaikan, mencari ilmu adalah ibadah, mengingatnya adalah tasbih, membahas suatu ilmu adalah jihad, bersungguh-sungguh terhadap ilmu adalah pengorbanan, mengajarkan ilmu kepada orang yang tidak memiliki pengetahuan adalah sedekah."

– Mu'adz bin Jabal r.a.

دين دنيا

02 Nov, 16:12

Some Minor Signs of Hari Kiamat:

- Competing to build taller buildings
- Increase in killings
- Time feels shorter
- Frequent natural disasters like earthquakes and landslides
- Rise of luxury lifestyles among Muslims
- Good people decrease, bad people increase
- People dye their hair black to look younger
- Arab lands turn into green fields and rivers
- Men resemble women, and women resemble men
- Religious matters are handled by those who lack proper knowledge

دين دنيا

02 Nov, 10:05

وَٱلَّذِينَ جَـٰهَدُوا۟ فِينَا لَنَهْدِيَنَّهُمْ سُبُلَنَا ۚ وَإِنَّ ٱللَّهَ لَمَعَ ٱلْمُحْسِنِينَ

[29:69] As for those who struggle in Our cause, We will surely guide them along Our Paths. For verily Allah is with those who do right.

دين دنيا

02 Nov, 10:05

A man's true wealth, as regards the Hereafter, is the good he does in this world to his fellow men.

When he dies, people will say,

"What property has he left behind him?"

But the angels will ask,

“What good deeds has he sent before him?"

دين دنيا

02 Nov, 07:59

Al-Bukhari related it in a shortened form and added in his report:

Your smile for your brother is sadaqah. Your removal of stones, thorns, or bones from the paths of people is sadaqah. Your guidance of a person who is lost is sadaqah.

(Extracted from Fiqh As-Sunnah Volume 3, No.98)

دين دنيا

02 Nov, 07:58

Sadaqah is prescribed for each descendant of Adam every day the sun rises.

It was asked: "O Messenger of Allah, upon whom be peace, from what do we give sadagah every day?"

He said: "The doors of goodness are many, the Tasbih [Subhanallah], the Tahmid [Alhamdulillah], the Tahlil [La ilaha illallah], enjoining good, forbidding evil, removing harm from the road, listening to the deaf, leading the blind, guiding one to the object of his need, hurying with the strength of one's legs to one in sorrow who is asking for help, and supporting the feeble with the strength of one's arms all of these are sadaqah prescribed for you."

(Hadits narrated by Ibn Hibban)

دين دنيا

30 Oct, 12:29

When we sing Tala‘al-Badru ‘Alayna, it's our way of showing respect and joy bila ada tetamu besar, especially bila ulama datang.

This practice goes way back to the time when the people of Madinah welcomed Prophet Muhammad ﷺ dengan penuh kasih dan semangat.

By singing this, we follow that tradition of expressing our love and appreciation for the knowledge and guidance they bring to us.

It's a reminder that kita hargai sangat kedatangan mereka and the wisdom they share with us!

دين دنيا

28 Oct, 14:05

قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه و سلم : من برّ والديه طوبى له و زاد الله في عمره ( رواه البخاري )

Sabda Rasulullah : Barangsiapa yang berbakti / berbuat baik kepada kedua orang tua nya , maka sungguh dia beruntung , dan Allah akan menambah umur nya .

Menambah umur disitu kata Ulama’ adalah :

1- Diberikan keberkatan dalam umurnya .

2- Memang sungguh ditambah umurnya . ( seperti yg kita faham dalam teks hadis tersebut )

والله أعلم

دين دنيا

27 Oct, 15:39

Apapun masalah yang kita sedang hadapi, ucapkanlah Alhamdulillah (segala puji bagi Allah).

Tanpa kesusahan, mungkin kita jarang bersujud kepadaNya di malam hari. Tanpa kesusahan, mungkin tiada lah istilah meminta kepadaNya.

Ia pasti baik buat kita, tidak usah kita mencari kenapa Allah menguji kita, jalani sahaja, pasti kita akan faham suatu hari nanti.

Ketahuilah, setiap ujian yang membawa hati kita lebih dekat dengan Allah lebih baik daripada kesenangan yang membawa kita jauh daripadaNya.

Ucapkanlah, Alhamdulillah (segala puji Allah). Alhamdulillah ‘ala kulli haal (segala puji bagi Allah atas setiap keadaan).

دين دنيا

27 Oct, 14:15

Muhammad was the soul of kindness, and his influence was felt and never forgotten by those around him.

- Diwan Chand Sharma

دين دنيا

27 Oct, 01:08

"If a believer stops seeking knowledge and reading books for three consecutive days, his spiritual state will turn upside down without him even realising."

- Imam Al-Ghazali رحمه الله

دين دنيا

26 Oct, 23:30

ayuh, kita usahakan untuk menjadi terkenal dan mulia di mata Allah 🌷

دين دنيا

26 Oct, 23:30

mungkin imān kita di hadapan orang kuat, tapi bagaimana pula imān kita saat kita bersendirian? renungkan ya

دين دنيا

21 Oct, 04:52

Majlis Maulidur Rasul صلى الله عليه وسلم anjuran Majlis Muwasolah Singapura akan diadakan pada 2hb Nov 2024, di Masjid Al-Ansar dari jam 10pagi.

Majlis akan diserikan dengan pembacaan Maulid Ad-Diyaul Lami' bersama pembacaan Qasidah yang akan dipimpin oleh Munsyideen Masjid Hajjah Fatimah serta ceramah khas yang akan disampaikan oleh para Ulama' Singapura dan juga dari luar negara.

Muslimin dan Muslimat dipersilakan hadir.

Untuk sumbangan ikhlas kepada program dakwah Majlis Muwasolah Singapura secara amnya, boleh disalurkan melalui Paynow ke 96969784.

Sila screenshot dan letak ‘Sumbangan Dakwah’ serta kirimkan imej yang diambil kepada nombor 96969784.

دين دنيا

21 Oct, 02:04

If you find darkness in your heart after you have sinned, then know that in your heart there is light. It is because of this light, you felt the darkness.

— Imām Ibn al-Jawzī رحمه الله

دين دنيا

19 Oct, 04:18

So which of the favors of your Lord will you deny?

دين دنيا

19 Oct, 04:18

فَبِأَىِّ ءَالَآءِ رَبِّكُمَا تُكَذِّبَانِ؟

دين دنيا

16 Oct, 16:26

How much do we love our friends?

If kita betul sayang dengan seseorang, we wouldn’t want to see them go astray.

True love means you want them to be steadfast on their deen, not fall into things like gossiping or hanging out with the wrong crowd, or showing their aurat yang dorang penat-penat tutup sepanjang hidup.

Kalau kita betul sayang, we wouldn’t let them slip into bad habits.

True friends push each other to thrive, not only kat dunia, but kat akhirat jugak. It isn’t about just letting them “have fun,” but to see them berjaya dalam hidup & dekat dengan Allah. That’s real loyalty!

دين دنيا

16 Oct, 11:18

May we all have the opportunity to be invited one day InsyaAllah 🤍

دين دنيا

16 Oct, 11:17

Pain is beautiful when it brings you back to Allah.

دين دنيا

14 Oct, 15:37

When you're feeling sad, cari Allah dulu. He’s the Creator of our hearts, so of course Dia tau apa kita rasa.

Kadang-kadang kita cepat mengadu pada orang lain, but why not turn to Allah first? Mungkin sebab tu masalah kita rasa tak habis-habis, sebab kita terlalu bergantung pada manusia instead of Him.