Telegram Anti-Semitic List @tgantisemiticlist Channel on Telegram

Telegram Anti-Semitic List


Telegram's anti-Semitic entities list. Suggestions: @chavesGPT35. Program used to make classification:
Backup classifications:

Telegram Anti-Semitic List (English)

Are you tired of stumbling upon anti-Semitic content on Telegram? Look no further, as we present to you the 'Telegram Anti-Semitic List' channel. This channel is dedicated to compiling and sharing a list of anti-Semitic entities on Telegram, helping users navigate the platform safely and avoid harmful content.nnWho is it for? This channel is for anyone who wants to be informed about anti-Semitic channels on Telegram to steer clear of them. It is especially useful for those who want to protect themselves or their communities from hateful and discriminatory content.nnWhat is it? The 'Telegram Anti-Semitic List' channel aims to create awareness about the presence of anti-Semitic content on Telegram and provide users with the tools to identify and avoid such channels. By sharing information and classification suggestions like @chavesGPT35, this channel is a valuable resource for anyone concerned about encountering hate speech online.nnIf you're wondering how the classifications are made, the program used for classification is Additionally, backup classifications can be found at This channel is committed to promoting a safe and inclusive online environment by addressing anti-Semitic content head-on.nnJoin the 'Telegram Anti-Semitic List' channel today and take a stand against hate speech on Telegram!