Marbeanez Perspective @nazbertperspective Channel on Telegram

Marbeanez Perspective


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Marbeanez Perspective (English)

Welcome to Marbeanez Perspective, a Telegram channel curated by the user @nazbertperspective. This channel offers a unique perspective on a wide range of topics, including politics, social issues, and current events. If you're looking for thought-provoking discussions and insightful analysis, this is the place to be.

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Marbeanez Perspective

15 Dec, 18:59

Lol. Because he IS and always has been a leftist. Nothing more than a typical anti-racist "truther." Whom are the dumbest, most clueless and useless bunch of them all. A scene that's wholly saturated with spineless rootless mutts like himself.

Marbeanez Perspective

07 Dec, 22:21

Continuation of this. Couldn't agree with this more. This is absolutely what he's doing and it's so hilariously obvious.

Fortunately we got some good folks around that will always be quick to remind the moroccan mutt that HWNBW or welcome in an ideal white society. 🫑

Marbeanez Perspective

07 Dec, 20:34


Marbeanez Perspective

07 Dec, 20:34

"We jews and muds da real aryans bruv!"

- mentally ill, self-loathing mutt

Marbeanez Perspective

07 Dec, 20:30

The Moore shares his tactics with his semitic brothers. Implying that destruction of the jewish culture and religion is akin to authentic antisemetism. When in fact all it does is make his subversion of White nations all the easier. Lenin (a part jew) wanted his brothers to ditch their strange hats and hairstyles, etc, just as he had. So, they may blend into the crowd without identifying markers. Ergo, why Hitler took steps against them, branding them as what they were. If the destruction of the jewish religion somehow destroys jews then why can't we destroy ghetto culture and cure the plague of blacks? Or say destroy Islam to pacify Moroccans? Purposeful deceiving rhetoric by a man who has a vested interest in harming productive discourse around preservation of the White race and tools to identify our enemies. Ironically, too, this interpretation of Lenin is just materialist and lysenkoist type nonsense on moorbeanez's part. Yet he's a huge anticommunist, guys. As if removing jewish culture somehow changes their genes. Does he even pretend to believe they are an ethnic group? Internationalism is good for them and bad for us. So simple. This is what Goebbels talked about when he said the jew recoils most at being called what he is. His best tool is deception. Be vigilant for this shit brothers and call it out. This is malicious intent, not mere stupidity.

Marbeanez Perspective

03 Dec, 16:36

Brownie Moorbeanez knows all the history, the facts. He's been a troofer for over 15 years bruv...

Marbeanez Perspective

26 Nov, 15:23

Brandy Martini is getting very desperate for white male attention folks...

Marbeanez Perspective

22 Nov, 18:45

Libtard owned!

Marbeanez Perspective

22 Nov, 18:41

OH NOOOOOS!!! Both are racist/supremacists and that's le bad!

Anti-racist, low-IQ clown. No different than those dumb and useless anti-racist antisemites like Lucas Gage that he pretends to be different and better than.

Marbeanez Perspective

22 Nov, 18:35

Gaslighting and schizophrenia

Marbeanez Perspective

19 Nov, 03:50


Marbeanez Perspective

18 Nov, 02:39

Don't really have to say much here. Picture says it all. 😁

Am I surprised to see him cozying up with people like Haz? Absolutely not one bit because this is who he REALLY is and always has been if you just take a glance at his history that he tries desperately to obscure. The delusional mutt tried to larp for a brief moment but got brought back to reality pretty quickly by people like me, and so now it's just returning back home seething about the fact that HWNBW.

Marbeanez Perspective

18 Nov, 01:18

Did you know Moorbeanz used to be a DJ? 😁

Marbeanez Perspective

18 Nov, 01:14

"Recent post from Rebrandon Moorbeanz. Upon being confronted and asked by one of the last white fans he has on why he keeps attacking wignats (potential allies, as he's still claiming to be pro-whyte) so much, he essentialy went on an a 2 minute long rant where he impressively enough projected every scumy aspect of himself onto his ideological opponents.

-the wignat stuff leaves you in stagnation (says the guy who's remaining e-fame is slowly but surely dwindling)

-it attracts scumbags without morals (says the shapeshifting Moroccan who shamelessly taught English to brown invaders while pretending to be pro white and who took it up the ass from bongo)

-they're all so paranoid and emotional that they change positions upon the smallest disagreements (that is literaly the exact thing that the morish mutt has been doing for 15 years now)

All in all, Moorbeanez the mamzerdork is just as low iq and lacking in terms of self awareness as I remember him the last time I watched him 7 months ago."


Marbeanez Perspective

18 Nov, 01:06


Marbeanez Perspective

15 Nov, 08:24

The real DVRK MAGA

Marbeanez Perspective

15 Nov, 00:51

Rebrandon Moorbeans renamed his hugbox. He's a PAYTRIQT now! Of which country is still unknown.

Marbeanez Perspective

14 Nov, 21:11

We all know why... Because he's a cowardly grifter bitch trying to suck kosher dick for welfare. πŸ˜‚

Good to see his time swindling Spanish nationalists is already starting to come to an end. Like I just got done saying, the rat exposes itself.

Marbeanez Perspective

14 Nov, 21:00

As usual, it's all projection/self-hatred. Quite sad but that's just what mutts do.

Marbeanez Perspective

14 Nov, 20:53

I'm confident it has been well established by now who the real "kook, schizo, dishonest subversive liar" is and who isn't. And quite frankly, gd it feels so good being right and vindicated! Like I don't even gotta do anything anymore other than post memes because the mutt is doing the rest for me for free. 😁

Marbeanez Perspective

14 Nov, 20:04

Stephen Miller is Marbeanez's ideal (100% whyte) American. Think about that one for a while. 😁

Marbeanez Perspective

08 Nov, 19:52

πŸ˜πŸ‘‰ πŸ”—

Marbeanez Perspective

07 Nov, 16:14

Marbeanez ain't scared of you racist kkk nazi mAgA spergs, he ready in fact.

Marbeanez Perspective

31 Oct, 19:00

To everyone else:

πŸ‘»πŸŽƒ Happy Halloween! πŸŽƒπŸ‘»

Marbeanez Perspective

31 Oct, 18:55

Daily reminder that Marbeanez was wearing blue contact lenses for years to appear Whiter lmao

Marbeanez Perspective

31 Oct, 18:55

Does Jacob Hersant also have brown eyes and black hair?

Marbeanez Perspective

31 Oct, 18:32

Reminder: YWNBW Moorbeanez

Marbeanez Perspective

28 Oct, 02:13

Moorbeanez's latest thing seems to be trying to guilt his new grift subjects, the Spaniards. Same shit, different target. Seems to have happened faster than usual this time though lol

"Us Spaniards are and always have been the world's problem fellow Spaniards. We're the ones intentionally destroying it worldwide. Nvm those other guys who proudly try to claim our guilt and take our glory!"

Subversive Moroccan rat. Every day he does or says something that would further make one believe that he is indeed jewish himself. That's the only way you can make sense out of all his fuckery, in which case, everything he does and says would start making perfect sense.

And for the slow ones that need it spelled out for them: He will always gaslight by pretending he isn't doing exactly what he's doing while gradually moving into full blown doing the very thing he was pretending to not be doing. Hope that helps ya understand it. πŸ™‚

Marbeanez Perspective

26 Oct, 13:30

Severe mental illness, that's what the above phenomenon is...

Most likely caused by some of them having a tiny bit of self-awareness which inevitably led them to self-hatred. Needs more study though for sure.

"I ain't be like da ress of em bruv! Basically whyte bruv, 100% whyte! I bees atkin whyte 4sho doe u aleese ammit dat?!" 🀑🀑🀑

Marbeanez Perspective

22 Oct, 22:33

Guy realizing that Rebrandon Moorbeanez is indeed a subversive, antiracist, antifa rat like I've been saying. Many such cases.

Marbeanez Perspective

18 Oct, 18:44

Biblically accurate depiction of Moorbeanez

Marbeanez Perspective

17 Oct, 22:39

Some trolls found Marbeanez's location.

Marbeanez Perspective

17 Oct, 22:39

Come on now... We all know there's nothing in this world that Marbeanez loves and cares about more than little brown and black boys.

Correct about his goofy arabic hairstyle that he calls "da matadork" though.

Marbeanez Perspective

17 Oct, 22:11

Here's a perfect example of what I've been saying about this desperate, pathetic, clout-chasing, ankle-biting mutt grifter on this channel.

And btw, Woods is clearly mocking him with the "one struggle" bit, but I guess the mutt is too "high-IQ" to realize that. Props to Woods though for showing just how quick Moorbeanez is to do a 180 and jump on anyone's dick after being given even the slightest of their attention (which is exactly what he did here to one of the most pathetic degrees ive ever witnessed). πŸ«΅πŸ˜‚

Marbeanez Perspective

17 Oct, 21:06

Muttbeanez admitting he's a low-IQ grifter.

Marbeanez Perspective

17 Oct, 20:44

Hahahahaha! Wow!

Lil Marbeany is so smart & contrarian bruv!

Marbeanez Perspective

17 Oct, 20:34

Rebrandon Moorbeanez crying about some Ukrainians being racist nationalists. The same Ukrainians he was pretending to be the biggest fanboy of just a while ago to grift what he could from the ongoing conflict when it first started. He's definitely not an anti-racist antifa grifter though! 😁

Marbeanez Perspective

15 Oct, 07:40

It wouldn't let me reply to whoever sent this so thanks to whoever it was. 😁

Marbeanez Perspective

15 Oct, 07:36

Like this 40yo, single, never married, childless, woman-hating, homosexual loser would know anything about this... lmao

Marbeanez Perspective

15 Oct, 07:35


This was posted in his hugbox by one of his admins, "Kievan Rus" (more correctly known as Clownish Ruse), who's an even more phony, stupid, larping reject than Moorbeanez himself.

It's hard to believe these clowns are serious, like how more obvious does it need to be that these clowns are subversive interlopers??? lol

Marbeanez Perspective

02 Oct, 05:45

Justin Beaner

Marbeanez Perspective

21 Sep, 23:19

The "ethnic national" sentiments of people like Cottrell & Sewell will always resonate infinitely more with the average person than rootless mutt grifter Moorbeanez's anti-racist, fake, delusional, online-only "whyte nationalism," especially in Europe. This can even be seen by his "fellow meds" taking the side of le evil racist nordicist supremacists and saying as much in his own chat time and time again.

Marbeanez Perspective

21 Sep, 23:18

Remember when Moorbeanez was just kissing Cottrell's ass a couple of months ago until that clout chase attempt came to it's predictable deadend after his disingenuous concern trolling fell flat and Blair just ignored the shit out of him? Well, here's the also predictable next phase of the cycle: the soyraging, bad faith attacks, and pretending the former never happened. That ratty mutt is a snake and clown I tell ya! The biggest yet tiniest manlet of them around, tbqh...

If you're smart and someone like Cottrell then you won't give this mutt a second of your time, as Cottrell, Sewell, Davis, etc haven't done. Anglo nordicists effortlessly wins again muttboy. Go cry and seethe some more. W2G getting casually flat lined by that "fellow med" in ur own dead brown hugbox btw... 😁🀴🏼

Marbeanez Perspective

14 Sep, 19:10

This rat can't even fool the blacks... 🀣

If anyone has this gem and sends it to me I'll update this post with it. πŸ™πŸ»

Marbeanez Perspective

14 Sep, 19:10


Marbeanez Perspective

14 Sep, 19:10

Julio from Spikileaks πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Marbeanez Perspective

14 Sep, 19:07

The Moroccan Perspictive becomes more and more obvious by the day. Schizos? Na bruv... Only genuine schizo is you. More like total genius and vindication on this end. Nostradamus even. 😌