Marbeanez Perspective @nazbertperspective Channel on Telegram

Marbeanez Perspective


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Marbeanez Perspective (English)

Welcome to Marbeanez Perspective, a Telegram channel curated by the user @nazbertperspective. This channel offers a unique perspective on a wide range of topics, including politics, social issues, and current events. If you're looking for thought-provoking discussions and insightful analysis, this is the place to be.

Nazbert Perspective strives to provide its audience with engaging content that sparks conversation and encourages critical thinking. Whether you are interested in global affairs or local politics, this channel has something for everyone.

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Marbeanez Perspective

03 Dec, 16:36

Brownie Moorbeanez knows all the history, the facts. He's been a troofer for over 15 years bruv...

Marbeanez Perspective

26 Nov, 15:23

Brandy Martini is getting very desperate for white male attention folks...

Marbeanez Perspective

22 Nov, 18:45

Libtard owned!

Marbeanez Perspective

22 Nov, 18:41

OH NOOOOOS!!! Both are racist/supremacists and that's le bad!

Anti-racist, low-IQ clown. No different than those dumb and useless anti-racist antisemites like Lucas Gage that he pretends to be different and better than.

Marbeanez Perspective

22 Nov, 18:35

Gaslighting and schizophrenia

Marbeanez Perspective

19 Nov, 03:50


Marbeanez Perspective

18 Nov, 02:39

Don't really have to say much here. Picture says it all. 😁

Am I surprised to see him cozying up with people like Haz? Absolutely not one bit because this is who he REALLY is and always has been if you just take a glance at his history that he tries desperately to obscure. The delusional mutt tried to larp for a brief moment but got brought back to reality pretty quickly by people like me, and so now it's just returning back home seething about the fact that HWNBW.

Marbeanez Perspective

18 Nov, 01:18

Did you know Moorbeanz used to be a DJ? 😁

Marbeanez Perspective

18 Nov, 01:14

"Recent post from Rebrandon Moorbeanz. Upon being confronted and asked by one of the last white fans he has on why he keeps attacking wignats (potential allies, as he's still claiming to be pro-whyte) so much, he essentialy went on an a 2 minute long rant where he impressively enough projected every scumy aspect of himself onto his ideological opponents.

-the wignat stuff leaves you in stagnation (says the guy who's remaining e-fame is slowly but surely dwindling)

-it attracts scumbags without morals (says the shapeshifting Moroccan who shamelessly taught English to brown invaders while pretending to be pro white and who took it up the ass from bongo)

-they're all so paranoid and emotional that they change positions upon the smallest disagreements (that is literaly the exact thing that the morish mutt has been doing for 15 years now)

All in all, Moorbeanez the mamzerdork is just as low iq and lacking in terms of self awareness as I remember him the last time I watched him 7 months ago."


Marbeanez Perspective

18 Nov, 01:06


Marbeanez Perspective

15 Nov, 08:24

The real DVRK MAGA

Marbeanez Perspective

15 Nov, 00:51

Rebrandon Moorbeans renamed his hugbox. He's a PAYTRIQT now! Of which country is still unknown.

Marbeanez Perspective

14 Nov, 21:11

We all know why... Because he's a cowardly grifter bitch trying to suck kosher dick for welfare. πŸ˜‚

Good to see his time swindling Spanish nationalists is already starting to come to an end. Like I just got done saying, the rat exposes itself.

Marbeanez Perspective

14 Nov, 21:00

As usual, it's all projection/self-hatred. Quite sad but that's just what mutts do.

Marbeanez Perspective

14 Nov, 20:53

I'm confident it has been well established by now who the real "kook, schizo, dishonest subversive liar" is and who isn't. And quite frankly, gd it feels so good being right and vindicated! Like I don't even gotta do anything anymore other than post memes because the mutt is doing the rest for me for free. 😁