🔵اولین و بزرگترین کانال ویس تلگرام🔴
Welcome to the '😂 تله ویس 😂' Telegram channel, also known as 'televc'! This channel is a fun and entertaining space where members can enjoy sharing and listening to voice messages that will make you laugh out loud. Whether you're looking for a break from your daily routine or just want to share a good laugh with others, this channel is the perfect place for you. With a community of like-minded individuals, you can connect with people who share your sense of humor and enjoy a good time together. Join us in spreading happiness and joy through the power of laughter! Remember, sharing is caring, so don't keep the laughter to yourself - share it with the world through '😂 تله ویس 😂' channel on Telegram!
13 Jul, 15:03
11 Jul, 13:33