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Tawheed Untangled
أهل السنة والجماعة - منهاج السلفية
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Tawheed Untangled

20 Feb, 14:53


Broken Hearts, Heavy Souls, Only Allah Can Heal!

As we approach Ramadan, our hearts carry the weight of sins, trials, and the struggles we witness around us. Broken relationships, financial hardships, and global injustices only deepen this pain. But just as only the manufacturer can repair what is broken, only Allah, the Creator of our hearts, can mend them. Turn to Him, for He alone is Al-Jabaar, the One who restores and heals.

—AbuBakr Zoud
Tawheed Untangled

20 Feb, 13:52


This Dua is Rarely Rejected!

Shaykh Abdul Razzaq Al Badr حَفِظَهُ اللّهُ
Tawheed Untangled

18 Feb, 07:59


Imām Ibn al-Qayyim Raḥimahullāh said:

“A person does not stop committing a sin until it becomes easy upon him and it becomes insignificant in his heart, and THAT is a SIGN OF DESTRUCTION.”

‎ [الداء والدواء ١٤٤]
Tawheed Untangled

17 Feb, 16:25


You Are Capable of Abandoning Sin and Obeying Allah: Ramadan Teaches Us That We Can!

Shaykh Sulayman Ar-Ruhayli حفظه الله
Tawheed Untangled

14 Feb, 19:02


Practice isolation for it is basis of all good, and beware of bad companionship and let the books and reading about the lives of our predecessors be your companions.

[Ibn al-Jawzi (rahimahullah), Sincere Counsel to the Seekers of Sacred Knowledge, pg. 67]
Tawheed Untangled

08 Feb, 17:28


Musʿab bin Saʿd reported from his father (may Allah be pleased with him):
I said, “O Messenger of Allah, which people are tested most severely?”

The Messenger of Allahﷺsaid:

“They are the prophets, then the next best, then the next best.
A man is put to trial according to his religion. If he is firm in his religion, his trials will be more severe. If he is weak in his religion, he is put to trial according to his (level) in religion.
The servant will continue to be put to trial until he is left walking upon the earth without any sin.”

محمد ناصر الدين الألباني، صحيح الترغيب والترهيب ٣/٣٢٩ ٣٤٠٢
Tawheed Untangled

08 Feb, 03:49


Imām Fudhayl Bin ‘Iyyādh says:

Three things harden the heart:
Eating a lot,
sleeping a lot,
speaking a lot.

Sīyar as-Salaf as-Sālihīn of Qawām as-Sunnah al-Asbahānī 1036
Tawheed Untangled

07 Feb, 09:02


Sha’baan is like a precursor to Ramadan.

The things which are legislated in Ramadan – such as fasting and reciting the Quran (plentifully) – are also legislated in Sha’baan so that one can be prepared to meet Ramadan and accustom himself to obeying Ar-Rahman.

[Ibn Rajab al-Hanbali (rahimahullah), Book on the Months and Seasons of the Islamic Calendar, Shabaan]
Tawheed Untangled

05 Feb, 19:23



Ja'far bin Muhammad رحمه الله said:

"Whoever honors you, honor him, and whoever disrespects you, honor yourself by being away from him."

[Rawdah al ‘Uqalā, trans: Umar Quinn]
Tawheed Untangled

05 Feb, 07:45



In Times of Distress, Turn to Allah, Not People

Complaining to Allah is not contrary to patience; rather what is contrary to patience is complaining to people.

Complaints should be made only to Allah, this is part of being a true slave of Allah, putting one’s trust in Him alone and expressing one’s need of one’s Lord. It is part of relying on Him alone and being completely independent of people.

“I only complain of my suffering and my grief to Allah, and I know from Allah that which you do not know”
[Yoosuf 12:86]

Similarly with regard to Ayyub Alyhis-salaam

“Indeed, adversity has touched me, and you are the Most Merciful of the merciful”
[al-Anbiya’ 21:83].

"When a calamity befalls you, bear it with patience, like a man of dignity, for Allah knows best about your situation.

But if you complain to the son of Adam, then you are only complaining about the Most Merciful to one who has no mercy."

Madaarij as-Saalikeen (2/160).