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StandUpX Channel

17 Oct, 06:19

An update from Oracle Films

Let me say first and foremost I’m humbled beyond words by the fact that so many of you are still here, despite the prolonged radio silence and despite the promise of new content being imminent by late September.

One of the most important lessons of the past four years, as I see things, is self-responsibility. Institutions we’ve been conditioned to trust for our entire lives; be they government, media, the health sector, science, education, or indeed the regulators of these bodies, all proved themselves not just unworthy of our confidence, but to be proactive abusers of our better nature.

To say the very least, we were all shaken awake during that period and instilled with the conviction to do our own research and to utilise critical thinking before taking any official spokesperson at their word. But such thinking has left us all inherently untrusting of one another.

With that in mind, your loyalty and trust in our efforts throughout the past four years has not gone unnoticed. And to anybody feeling disappointed or let down with me, or with Oracle Films as a whole at this point, honestly, I understand. It was not my intention for things to take this long. But this is, and has always been as grassroots as it gets over here. This past month has been immensely challenging and laden with roadblocks. But we’re still here and still pressing on.

When this film is ready, and it will be very soon, it will be made available free of charge. Not on the condition that you fill out a data entry form. Or pay a fee to bypass a paywall. We don’t want your email address. In fact, you and I don’t even have to like one another.

I simply need you to recognise the threat that’s in front of you. In front of all of us. And to speak the truth without fear of consequence. To cease your cooperation with what’s happening however you can. And to spread the word.

That’s it.

Because make no mistake, the entirety of the past four years (and in fact long before) have been an exercise in manufacturing the consent of the public for the unbelievable impositions of tyranny that are to imminently follow. And things will only continue to get worse if we permit them to.

So whether it falls on deaf ears or whether you guys help take this thing to the masses, as a filmmaker, the hardest punch I could personally possibly throw at this entire godforsaken agenda is on its way.

We’ll be jumping back in the fight VERY soon and making good on what has been promised. And when we do, we’re going to need you. Thank you for still being here.

The absolute best to you all.

- Phil @ Oracle Films

StandUpX Channel

13 Oct, 17:54

The Northern Ireland Health Bill threatens your medical freedom with forced exams, quarantine, and vaccinations. It extends emergency powers, allowing authorities to impose severe restrictions without consent. This bill undermines human rights, limits personal choice, and bypasses true public consultation.

"Section 143 of the proposals state "the regulations may impose a special restriction or requirement such as requiring a person to be vaccinated or to receive other prophylactic treatments".

Act Now! Reach out to your MLAs before the October 14th deadline. Demand transparency and accountability before these dangerous measures are passed!

Make this your response to the first question in the consultation and also send as an email (further details and links below) :

"I do not consent to this bill.

I refute your authority to ask these questions presuming, that I have consented to a fundamental change in the relationship between the government and the people of Northern Ireland where we are ruled over, rather than governed with.

Under what authority are you asking these questions; that as far as I can see do not bear any relation to the glaring concerns in the proposal in terms of how it affects my human rights.

It is not made clear, at all, what rights I will be giving up for this supposed protectionism.

I see it as an attempt to incite possible harm against the people in the absence of informed consent, and a possible attempt to impose an all-hazards approach to surveillance where it does not define the parameters of the surveillance.

It is not a meaningful consultation: It was difficult to find, no media attention, no promotion; merely sent out to a selected few.

Therefore, I am not accepting the credibility of the consultation or its questions. They do not meet the consultation principles in terms of document length; in that it would take even the most highly educated at least 3 hours to get through and presents as an intimidating read.

The format is designed to give a restricted rather than an informed response.

It is not clear if this potentially negates The Belfast Agreement in terms of devolved healthcare and borders. Implications have not been presented in any capacity, nor has a definitive list of notifiable diseases or the method of diagnosis, PCR or other, been provided.

It has not been made clear to whom else authority can be given, or if the forced mandates of protection will be grounded in fact-based science or computer modeling; all making an informed response impossible.

The state overreach proposed in this document is a gross infringement on human rights and in direct contradiction to informed consent.

The proposed changes to due process and the rule of law in magistrates court breach Article 6, right to appear in court, to hear see and test the evidence; allowing then only the right to appeal; shifting the burden of proof and thus attempting to change the rules of the magistrates court under the guise of public health.

These changes present a constitutional issue that would require a referendum vote.

Take this as my response to all questions in this consultation"

Link to the Survey and to find your MLA:

Support the Campaign:

Link (8.11mins in) :


StandUpX Channel

08 Oct, 05:53

UKMFA Broadcast #29 - Lawyer Stephen Jackson- Sedate to Vaccinate?

UKMFA were delighted to be joined by Stephen Jackson of Jackson Osborne Solicitors, who is supporting "Catherine" and her adult son Adam, who has Down's Syndrome. They face a legal battle in the Court of Protection to stop an NHS board from spiking Adam’s drinks with sedatives so he can be force-vaccinated with a Covid vaccine against his will and the will of his mother.

Catherine is planning to prosecute her local NHS integrated care board (ICB) for “forced vaccination”, which she claims is “tantamount to assault” and a breach of Adam's human rights. Stephen discusses this disturbing story and its implications for medical ethics with our CEO, Dr Liz Evans.

💰 Please donate to support Catherine in her legal battle here 💰

We apologise for the poor video quality in parts of the interview (the audio is fine throughout). We urge you to stick with the interview as it is the only long form video that Stephen has made about this case.

🎧You can also listen to this important interview on our podcast platforms:🎧
- Apple
- Spotify
- Buzzsprout

StandUpX Channel

04 Oct, 08:25


As the previous demonstration was such a success we have decided to go for round two! Please join us 16/11/24 at Marble Arch 12:30.

As promised, the route, time and date have been democratically decided on by THE PEOPLE at the last 'People Platform'

We need to keep up the momentum and fight for our future. During this demonstration, we will be handing out 20,000 informative leaflets raising awareness and awakening the masses to the secret and terrifying agenda sweeping across the West.

This is a demonstration run by THE PEOPLE, any input and feedback is vital to progress. SO INBOX ME 📥

StandUpX Channel

02 Oct, 14:53

Photo from Kels✨️The Greenwich Acorns Parent/Carer and Child group offers a natural approach inspired by Steiner principles.

Each 2 hour session includes child-led play, natural toys, seasonal songs, crafts and a wholesome snack.

We currently have a few places available, please get in touch if you would like to know more.

[email protected]

StandUpX Channel

29 Sep, 14:51

The UN, behind closed doors, adopted a 'Pact for the future' , basically a plot to end all Sovereignty and install the One World Government and New World Order, they've been working towards for decades. A few countries objected including Belarus and Russia and a few abstained but it went through with 193 countries onboard. With the World Economic Forum puppets like Starmer and Trudeau all in place, we are in for the Dystopian future they have planned for us, unless we properly stand up and be counted. It's up to you, not someone else. Please if you've read this far, join us this Wednesday AT 6pm via zoom where Dan Astin Gregory will be laying out exactly what it means and how we can and hopefully will stop them implementing their dystopian plans here in the UK and hopefully across the world.

StandUpX Channel

29 Sep, 10:57

🟡Subscription to Clare’s (Lawyers of Light) SubStack is highly recommended. She’s currently working on a Tax series, looking at ways to manage the state’s ‘claim’ on your cash. This particular article on Inheritance Tax is thought provoking and gives a clear breakdown of what to consider:

StandUpX Channel

28 Sep, 22:59

Martin Lewis shares winter fuel payment eligibility ‘loophole’ for pensioners | The Independent

StandUpX Channel

26 Sep, 13:02

Withdraw consent for the use of you images by Meta. Opt-Out details in this article

StandUpX Channel

25 Sep, 07:48

UKMFA CAMPAIGN - Stop the NI Public Health Bill

UKMFA are joining many groups in opposing the proposed new Northern Ireland Public Health Bill, which would give unprecedented powers to the state in a health emergency, including the ability to mandate vaccines and preventative treatment on individuals, potentially opening the door to forced vaccinations.

It also seeks to give authorities the power to detain and quarantine individuals, force medical examinations, forcibly enter premises, require children to be kept off school and adults off work.

This is a deeply disturbing bill, seeking to expand the powers of the state in ways which would violate fundamental principles of medical ethics - informed consent, bodily autonomy, medical choice - and also infringe many other human rights.


StandUpX Channel

22 Sep, 08:02


I've sat through numerous talks on a variety of topics at the UN Summit of the Future Action Day today, and so far it's been very difficult to navigate the buzzword soup.

I've lost count of how many times the words 'diversity', 'inclusivity', 'sustainability' have been thrown around. It's a barrage of institutionalised policyspeak that is devoid of any substance or meaning.

However, beneath the buzzwords are undertones that represent the concerns we came to challenge. The core issues outlined in the Free Humanity open letter are ever-present:

1) Centralised control of global agendas: The so-called "solutions" being offered prioritise the interests of a few powerful actors over real change for people and planet.

2) Technocratic governance: Decisions are being made by unaccountable elites, far removed from the people they claim to represent.

3) Erosion of autonomy: The relentless drive towards global governance presents a 'one size fits all' view of the world that favours top-down control.

The groupthink here is palpable. There are no dissenting voices, no real dialogue—just a relentless push a carefully curated narrative that reinforces the existing agenda.

The lack of critical debate is staggering, especially on issues that directly affect people around the world.

At a time when open discourse and questioning should be encouraged, we're witnessing a closed loop of echo chamber politics.

What’s even more concerning is the overarching alarmism around climate change, with an increasingly intense push for the declaration of a planetary emergency.

It's evident that the orchestrated climate of fear is being used to justify radical changes to global governance, resource control, and economic systems - which all pave the way to restrictions on personal freedoms and greater centralised contol.

The voices and movements that challenge this centralised control are reduced to a "spreader of misinformation" or accused of undermining global progress, the "science is settled" after all.

Legitimate concerns about sovereignty, freedom, and the concentration of power are dismissed as conspiracies, while those raising these questions are often vilified or silenced.

The suppression of dissent is becoming the default response to any attempt to question the status quo.

We cannot afford to be passive observers. Now more than ever, it's crucial to build a future that respects the autonomy and freedom of all people—not just the few in control.

👉 Please sign and share the Free Humanity open letter:

👉 Donate to support this campaign -

Your support will help us to expact the impact of our campaigns like this

StandUpX Channel

22 Sep, 07:56

We arrived into New York City last night and we're about to head the United Nations' Summit of the Future.

I will be meeting TPR: UK co-organizer Derrick Broze this morning report on and protest at the UN's Summit of the Future, where unelected bureaucrats will unveil the Pact for the Future—an agenda to centralise power that will threaten our freedoms and rights.

The UN's Summit is one of the reasons we are organising The People's Reset UK next weekend! We call TPR "Our Summit for Our Future"!

In honour of our trip to NYC, we're offering you a FINAL £50 discount on all 3 day tickets to celebrate our activism in New York this weekend - use the discount code 'summit' at the checkout to get your discount!

We're building a future of individual liberty and self-sufficiency.

This is your chance to join us and get one of the last remaining discounted tickets and join over 200 freedom seekers in Bath next weekend!
Book now -

PS offer expires I get on the flight back at 8am on Monday morning!

StandUpX Channel

20 Sep, 10:43



Schools and Council's
can't legally fine you.  

It breaches the
Bill of Rights 1688/89 and
Article 6 of the European Convention on Human Rights. 

It comes down to the
set out by the SCHOOL. 

So read what you have signed.
They are effectively fining you for
"breach of contract". 

Do a SAR to the school for all the data they have stored on you.


Also See
School Flu Vaccine

CouncilTax | Gas Electric | Learn Legal Videos | Mortgage | Loans | Leaseholds | PCN | Tennants
Home Page for Everything Else

StandUpX Channel

19 Sep, 06:22

🚨 ACT NOW: Defend Freedom & Sovereignty at the UN's Summit of the Future 🚨

Our freedom is under threat. In just days, the United Nations' Summit of the Future will introduce the "Pact for the Future"—a global agenda that could erode national sovereignty, suppress individual freedoms, and impose a top-down global framework. This is more than a policy—it’s a power grab that risks reshaping our world into one of control and conformity.

Today, Free Humanity launch our open letter campaign to fight back against this centralization of power. We MUST stand together to protect freedom, democracy, and the right of communities to govern themselves.



- Centralised Control that undermines national sovereignty 🌐
- Perpetual "Global Emergency" granting sweeping powers to centralised authorities 🚨
- Erosion of Free Speech & Privacy under the guise of combating "misinformation" 🛡️
- Corporate & Technocratic Influence over global policies without democratic oversight 💼
- A "One-Size-Fits-All" Agenda that stifles cultural and national diversity 🌎

🗣 WE NEED YOUR VOICE! By signing this letter, you're joining a global stand against unchecked power. Share this message far and wide—let’s make it impossible for our voices to be ignored. Together, we can STOP this overreach before it’s too late.

🔗 This is our moment to defend freedom and democracy. The future of our freedoms are at stake, and we must act NOW.

StandUpX Channel

19 Sep, 06:22

OPEN LETTER TO SIGN AND SHARE to defend freedom, sovereignty, and democracy against overreach

From 22-23 September 2024, the United Nations will hold the Summit of the Future, where the Pact for the Future will be unveiled. While the stated goal is to tackle pressing global challenges like climate change, inequality, and public health, we are concerned that no matter how noble the UN goals may appear, the methods of their implementation pose significant risks to freedom, sovereignty, and democracy.

StandUpX Channel

13 Sep, 14:58

LEGAL CASE CROWDFUNDER - Prevent Forced Vaccination under Sedation

Join in supporting Catherine’s legal battle to protect her son, Adam, from forced COVID-19 vaccinations and sedation that she believes are not in his best interests.

Adam is a man with moderate learning disabilities, now in his thirties. He loves games and physical activities and time with his mother, Catherine, outside his care home residence, with whom he also goes to Church and prays.

He has been resistant to medical treatments since childhood and repeated efforts to vaccinate him against COVID-19 since 2021 have caused him great distress.

‼️Please DONATE and SHARE‼️

StandUpX Channel

05 Sep, 11:27

StandUpX Channel pinned «JoinUs! EVENTS SCHEDULE issued 03rd Sep 2024. Info Piers 07958 713320  UPDATES Piers_Corbyn_StopNewNormal  TwittX @Piers_Corbyn WED 4th Sep *11.45 onwards Parliament Square (meet by Churchill Statue). Demand accountability and Take back freedoms! Build…»

StandUpX Channel

05 Sep, 11:25

StandUpX Channel

05 Sep, 10:53

StandUpX Channel

05 Sep, 09:36

A very kind X follower has let me know that you can in fact refuse a body scan at a UK airport. I must say I was under the impression you couldn't.

This is good news as I believe the scans are harmful

Thank you @mypennysworth

Rights about this here