SSGEOS Research and Education


research institute for monitoring geometry between celestial bodies related to seismic activity

main channel: @ssgeosurvey

SSGEOS Research and Education

21 Jan, 00:07

Seismic activity in the previous forecast time-frame with magnitude ≥ 5.5 reveals two obvious clusters. The latest cluster occurred 6-8 October, a potential discussed in the latest update:

SSGEOS Research and Education

20 Jan, 23:57

A cluster of 5 strong earthquakes peaked Mw 6.6 and quickly followed on the planetary and lunar geometry that was discussed in the latest forecast:

Stronger earthquakes tend to occur in temporal clusters, rather than on average.

SSGEOS Research and Education

20 Jan, 23:57

Critical geometry and stronger earthquakes occurred almost perfectly one-to-one in the previous time-frame. Strongest tremor was M 6.3 that followed on the tight convergence (high red peak) on 25 September.

SSGEOS Research and Education

20 Jan, 23:47

Latest cluster of strong tremors occurred on the 23rd. Overall, seismic response has been relatively weak with two tremors up to low 6 magnitude.

SSGEOS Research and Education

20 Jan, 23:38

A cluster of strong tremors is forming following the geometry on 17-18 September.

Geometry analysis:

SSGEOS Research and Education

20 Jan, 23:37

Two clusters of strong (M ≥ 5.5) earthquakes occurred at and following the near quadruple conjunction around 11 September 2024.

Stronger earthquakes typically occur in temporal clusters, rather than on average. #SSGI

SSGEOS Research and Education

20 Jan, 23:25

#Earthquakes M ≥ 5.5 from 30 August to 8 September. Geometry analysis:

SSGEOS Research and Education

20 Jan, 23:19

So far in this time-frame stronger #earthquakes pretty much occurred when we expected them to occur, with some clustering on the 5th.

Geometry analysis / forecast:

SSGEOS Research and Education

20 Jan, 23:13

Stronger #earthquakes (M ≥ 5.5) 22-31 August 2024. An obvious cluster occurred on 25-26 August. Minimal clustering occurred on 29-30 August.

SSGEOS Research and Education

20 Jan, 23:05

In the first half of this time-frame 22-31 August 2024, an obvious cluster of M ≥ 5.5 #earthquakes started on the 25th with a M 6.9 #earthquake at Tonga.

SSGEOS Research and Education

20 Jan, 23:04

There is important symmetry between the M 6.8 Tonga and M 5.4 Lisbon #earthquakes last night. The Lisbon #earthquake occurred at a fluctuation marker from 24 August and its antipode (A) marked Tonga, Kermadec and New Zealand.

SSGEOS Research and Education

20 Jan, 23:01

Seismic activity M ≥ 5.5 in the latest time-frame 14-23 August.

SSGEOS Research and Education

20 Jan, 22:48

Clustering of strong earthquakes followed on the convergence of critical planetary and lunar geometry on 7-8 August. It peaked M 7.1 in Japan. Since 10 August it has been remarkably quiet, although moderate shaking occurred in Los Angeles and Syria and was felt by many.

SSGEOS Research and Education

20 Jan, 22:42

Critical lunar geometry occurs on 10-11 August due to semi-right angle geometry between the Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune. The tight convergence early on the 11th with Jupiter and Saturn in particular is critical and can result in a strong seismic response.

SSGEOS Research and Education

20 Jan, 22:41

Typical clustering of strong #earthquakes occurred around the 9th, following the geometry convergence on 7-8 August. This geometry and its potential was discussed in the 6 August video:

SSGEOS Research and Education

20 Jan, 22:39

The M 7.1 #Japan #earthquake was pretty much on time with the planetary geometry on 7-8 August according to our #SSGI model. This graph will be updated with M ≥ 5.5 #earthquakes in the specified time-frame.

Detailed 6 August analysis:

SSGEOS Research and Education

20 Jan, 22:37

#Earthquakes M ≥ 5.5 from 28 July to 6 August.
Video analysis:

SSGEOS Research and Education

20 Jan, 22:29

Minimal clustering of stronger (M ≥ 5.5) earthquakes occurred due to the geometry convergence on 29-30 July.

Detailed analysis of this geometry:

SSGEOS Research and Education

20 Jan, 22:29

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