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Spanish Language · Español


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Language, culture, new horizons. Your compass to the world of Spanish-speaking countries 🌍📚

Spanish Language · Español (Spanish)

¿Quién es? ¿Qué es? ¿Dónde está? Si te estás haciendo estas preguntas, entonces el canal 'Spanish Language · Español' es justo lo que necesitas. Este canal es tu brújula hacia el mundo de los países de habla hispana, donde podrás sumergirte en el idioma, la cultura y descubrir nuevos horizontes

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Sumérgete en el fascinante mundo de la lengua española a través de nuestro canal, donde podrás explorar la riqueza lingüística, cultural y social de los países hispanohablantes. Descubre nuevas expresiones, costumbres y tradiciones que te acercarán más a esta vibrante comunidad

Déjate llevar por la pasión por el español y únete a nuestra comunidad. ¡Te esperamos con los brazos abiertos en 'Spanish Language · Español'!

21 Feb, 09:01

🐦 Dicho: "A palabras necias, oídos sordos." 
🦉 Traducción: "To foolish words, deaf ears."

Explicación: Este dicho nos recuerda que a veces es mejor ignorar comentarios negativos o sin sentido, como un ave que no presta atención a los ruidos que no le interesan. 

💬 Pregunta para mis seguidores: ¿Cuál es un comentario que decidiste ignorar recientemente? ¡Compártelo en los comentarios! 👇

20 Feb, 09:00

🌟 Dicho del Día: "Más vale tarde que nunca" 🌟

¿Sabías que este dicho significa que es mejor hacer algo tarde que no hacerlo en absoluto? A veces, la vida nos lleva por caminos inesperados, ¡y eso está bien! 😊

👉 Traducción al inglés: "Better late than never."

💬 Pregunta para ustedes: ¿Alguna vez han llegado tarde a algo importante pero se sintieron felices de haberlo hecho? ¡Compartan sus historias en los comentarios!

19 Feb, 09:00

🌟 Dicho del Día: "A buen hambre no hay mal pan" 🍞 

¡Hola, amigos! Hoy quiero hablarles sobre este sabio dicho. ¿Qué significa? 🤔

👉 Interpretación: Cuando realmente necesitas algo, no te importa mucho la calidad. Es una forma de decir que en situaciones difíciles, lo que importa es satisfacer la necesidad, sin ser exigente.

💬 Ahora, ¡quiero saber de ustedes! ¿Alguna vez han tenido que conformarse con algo que no era lo que esperaban, pero lo aceptaron porque era lo que había? ¡Compartan su experiencia en los comentarios! 👇

18 Feb, 09:00

¡Hola, amigos! 🌟 Hoy vamos a aprender sobre los superlativos en español de una manera divertida e interactiva. ¡Listos? ¡Vamos!

🔍 ¿Qué son los superlativos?
Los superlativos son formas que usamos para expresar que algo tiene la mayor o menor cantidad de una cualidad. Por ejemplo, si decimos "el más alto", estamos hablando de alguien que es más alto que todos los demás.

Formas de crear superlativos:
1. Con "más" o "menos": 
- Ejemplo: "El libro es el más interesante de todos."
- Ejemplo: "Ella es la menos rápida del grupo."

2. Con sufijos:
- Para adjetivos que terminan en "o", "a", "e", o consonante, podemos agregar "-ísimo/a":
- Ejemplo: "Este coche es rapidísimo."

🤔 ¡Ahora es tu turno!
1. Piensa en un adjetivo que te guste (por ejemplo, "bonito").
2. ¿Cómo lo convertirías en superlativo? ¡Escribe tu respuesta en los comentarios! 

💬 Ejemplo: "El vestido es el más bonito de la tienda."

¡Espero ver sus respuestas! Recuerden, los superlativos son una forma genial de expresar lo que más nos gusta. ¡Hasta la próxima! 🎉

17 Feb, 09:01

¡Hola, amigos! Hoy vamos a aprender sobre los comparativos de una manera divertida. 🎉

🔍 ¿Qué son los comparativos? 
Los comparativos se utilizan para comparar dos cosas. Por ejemplo, cuando decimos que algo es "más grande" o "menos interesante".

💡 Formas de hacer comparativos:

1. Más... que 
Ejemplo: "El perro es más grande que el gato." 🐶🐱

2. Menos... que 
Ejemplo: "La película es menos emocionante que el libro." 🎬📚

3. Tan... como 
Ejemplo: "Ella es tan inteligente como su hermano." 👩‍🎓👨‍🎓

📝 ¡Ahora es tu turno! 
Escribe una frase usando un comparativo en los comentarios. ¡Pueden ser sobre tus cosas favoritas, como comida, películas o deportes! 🍕🎥

👇 Ejemplo para inspirarte: 
"El chocolate es más delicioso que las galletas." 🍫🍪

¡Espero leer sus comparaciones! ¡Vamos a divertirnos aprendiendo juntos! 🎊 Write them on the comments

14 Feb, 09:01

What does ‘Salud, dinero y amor’ mean in Spanish?:
Hoy quiero compartir contigo una de mis frases favoritas en español: SALUD, DINERO y AMOR. Esta, más que una frase, amigos, es la fórmula para la felicidad en español.
Today I’d like to share with you one of my favourite Spanish phrases: GOOD HEALTH, MONEY and LOVE. This is more than a phrase, my friends, this is a recipe for happiness in Spanish.

¿Estás de acuerdo con esta fórmula? Si no gozas de buena salud física y mental, sin importar cuánto dinero tengas, es muy difícil que puedas explorar el mundo y hasta quizá ni siquiera puedas abrazar a tus seres queridos. 
Wouldn’t you agree with this expression? If you don´t have good physical or mental health, regardless of how much money you own, it´s really hard to explore the world and you probably wouldn’t even be able to hug your beloved ones.

13 Feb, 09:01

Chiste y Broma
Ambas palabras significan ‘joke’ en inglés ¿Cuál es la diferencia entre estas palabras? ¿Y cómo sabemos cuádo usar una o la otra?
Both words broma and chiste translate to the English word joke. What’s the difference between these two Spanish words, and how do I know when to use each one?
The main difference is that “chiste” is a joke or a funny story. For example, “three guys walk into a bar…”. A “chiste” is a story joke that you tell and it has a punch line. A funny story.
While “broma” is a joke that you play on someone, such as putting a sign on someone’s back with a funny message. A “broma” is also a silly comment, a practical joke, a way a speaking that means that you’re not serious. For example, when someone tells you something and you say, “You’re joking, right?” (¿Es una broma, verdad?).
A “broma inocente” is a joke played on someone that makes the “victim” laugh together with the ones who did the joke, something light; while a “broma pesada” o “broma de mal gusto” is a prank that went a little too far.

11 Feb, 09:00

Su abogado contrató para defenderlo en su juicio a Virginia Goodman. Ella es la mejor abogada de toda la ciudad y nunca ha perdido un caso en toda su carrera. La defensa de Adrián Doria es el último caso que decide tomar antes de su retiro y hará todo lo que necesario para no manchar su reputación profesional. Ella está decidida a ganar a toda costa.

For his trial defense, Adrian’s lawyer hired Virginia Goodman. She is the best lawyer in the entire city and has never in her entire career lost a case. Adrián Doria’s defense is the last case she decides to take before her retirement and will do whatever it takes not to ruin her win history. She’s determined to win at all costs.

10 Feb, 09:01

Los rebeldes se refugiaron en los montes desde donde continúan con la resistencia. Hacia allí viaja nuestra protagonista Ofelia, una niña de 11 años a quien le fascinan los cuentos de hadas. Su madre se ha casado en segundas nupcias con el Capitán de la Policía Armada, Vidal, quien fue encargado de eliminar a la guerrilla rebelde. Ofelia va a conocer por primera vez a su padrastro y a vivir con él.

The rebels sought refuge in the mountains from where they continue with the resistance. That’s where our protagonist Ophelia, an 11-year-old girl who is fascinated with fairy tales is travelling to. Her mother married for the second time to the Captain Vidal. He is the Captain of the Armed Police, he is in charge of eliminating the rebellious guerrilla. Ofelia is going to meet her stepfather for the first time and to live with him.

07 Feb, 09:02

Today I have a horror story to share with you. Be prepared for a sleepless night!

¿Qué es el Chupacabras?
El chupacabras es un ser aterrador y misterioso que ataca a animales de ganado en zonas rurales. Hay muchas personas que aseguran haberlo visto, aunque la descripción varía según quién lo cuente ya que nunca nadie lo ha podido atrapar. Algunos dicen que se ve como un reptil, otros que es un mamífero parecido a un perro salvaje, sin piel y esquelético. Lo que nunca cambia es su particular forma de atacar: succionando la sangre, como un vampiro.
Generalmente, ataca por las noches. Sus víctimas amanecen sin una gota de sangre en sus cuerpos. A veces hasta les faltan sus órganos vitales. De allí viene su nombre:
´Chupa´ viene del verbo ´Chupar´, que según el diccionario de la Real Academia Española significa: ´Sacar o traer con los labios y la lengua el jugo o la sustancia de algo´. La segunda parte de la palabra es el animal que es la cabra, al que suele atacar con frecuencia, aunque no es el único animal que devore.

06 Feb, 09:02

¿Te gusta el fútbol? / Do you like it? How do you call it: soccer or football? Let me know in the comments down below.

05 Feb, 09:01

I’ll teach you the very basics of Spanish: Introducing yourself. It’s really easy! You’ll nail it after a couple minutes. If you are planning on travelling to Spain or Latin-America, PLEASE make sure that you memorise these words. We’re known for being very sociable, and if you can at least to introduce yourself in Spanish will earn you extra points for sure!
SOY… = I’M…

Can you try it?

04 Feb, 09:02

How to say ‘car’ in Spanish:
Cual usas tu?

30 Jan, 09:01

Could you give an example?

29 Jan, 09:01

Número 4 – Number 4: /i/
The n way to pronounce the “LL” in Spanish is with an /i/ or /ee/ sound, as when you say ‘bee’ or ‘iguana’.
We use this way to pronounce the ‘LL’ in most countries in Latin America such as México, Chile, Perú, Bolivia, Cuba.
Por ejemplo:
– Me llamo María /meh iamoh maria/ (My name is Maria)
-Lluvia /iuveeah/
-Llaves /iahbehs/

27 Jan, 09:01

Número 3 – Number 3: /ly/
This specific pronunciation way is mostly used in Spain and it’s a /ly/ sound, sort of like pronouncing a ‘y’ after an ‘l’ sound.
Por ejemplo:
– Me llamo María /meh lyamoh maria/ (My name is Maria)
-Lluvia /lyuveeah/
-Llaves /lyahbehs/

26 Jan, 09:01

Sabias sus usos?
Try to make some examples

25 Jan, 09:01

Número 2 – Number 2: /j/
The second way to pronounce the “LL” in Spanish is with a /j/ sound, such as in ‘James’ or ‘jungle’.
It’s widely used in other parts of Argentina, some parts of Colombia, Venezuela, and some other countries in central America such as Guatemala.
Por ejemplo:
– Me llamo María /meh jamoh maria/ (My name is Maria)
-Lluvia /juveeah/
-Llaves /jahbehs/

24 Jan, 09:02

It is equivalent to "would" in English.

23 Jan, 09:01

La Doble Ele ‘LL’:
I’d like to show you 4 different pronunciation differences for the double L in Spanish.
Número 1 – Number 1: /SH/
The first way to pronounce the “LL” in Spanish is with a /sh/ sound, as when you’re trying to silence someone, and you cross your lips with your index finger, quite like the nurses do it in a hospital urging people to keep quiet.
We use this way to pronounce the ‘LL’ in Argentina, most specifically in Buenos Aires and Santa Fé and Uruguay.
Por ejemplo:
– Me llamo María /meh shamoh maria/ (My name is Maria)
-Lluvia /shuveeah/
-Llaves /shahbehs/

22 Jan, 09:01

Te gustaría hablar por telefono en español y aun no haces?
Aqui te dejamos algunas palabras que puedes usar.
Te gustaría mas vocabulario?

21 Jan, 09:01

Acompañame a preparar GUACAMOLE juntos:

Ingredientes (Ingredients): – 3 aguacates (avocado) 🥑 – 2 tomates 🍅 – 1 Lima (lime) – 1/2 cebolla (onion, put it in hot water for a couple minutes before chopping, so it’s not too strong) – 1 diente de ajo (garlic clove) – 1/2 limón (lemon) 🍋 Método (Method): 1. Pisa los avocados con un tenedor.
Exprime la lima y el limón.
Pica el resto de los ingredientes (los tomates, la cebolla y el diente de ajo) y mezcla todo.
No te olvides de agregar sal y chile 🌶, si te gusta picante. ¡Así de simple!

Cual es tu receta favorita?

20 Jan, 09:02

Listening tips:
Es dificil para ti el LISTENING en español?

17 Jan, 09:01

Spanish Version
Jessy: ¿Qué haces en invierno?

Marco: En invierno, me gusta esquiar.

Jessy: ¿Sí? ¿Dónde vas a esquiar?

Marco: Voy a esquiar en las montañas cerca de mi ciudad. Es muy divertido.

Jessy: ¡Qué bien! Suena divertido. Quiero aprender a esquiar algún día.

Marco: Hay clases de esquí para principiantes. Te puedo recomendar un buen profesor. ¿Y tú, qué haces en invierno?

Jessy: Yo no hago muchas cosas. No me gusta el frío. Me gusta hacer sopas, tomar chocolate caliente y ver películas bajo mi manta en invierno.

16 Jan, 09:01

vamos a practicar este 2025 juntos!
Show how do you practice your vocabulary

15 Jan, 09:01

Building an Igloo
Construir un iglú – To build an igloo
Example: “Los niños construyeron un pequeño iglú en la nieve.”
Having a Snowball Fight
Tener una pelea de bolas de nieve – To have a snowball fight
Example: “La pelea de bolas de nieve fue muy divertida.”
Skiing or Snowboarding
Esquiar – To ski
Hacer snowboard – To snowboard
Example: “Esquiar en las montañas es una experiencia increíble.”

14 Jan, 09:01

Que haces en el invierno?
Cuales son tus actividades favoritas?

13 Jan, 09:01

Fiesta de las Cuadrillas:
This is a folkloric festival that takes place on January 26th in Barranda, in the province of Murcia.
It celebrates the traditional music and dance of this rural area, known as cuadrillas.
The festival features performances by different groups of musicians and dancers, who compete for prizes and recognition.
The Fiesta de las Cuadrillas ferial also includes workshops, exhibitions and gastronomy.

Mira este video y entenderas esta fiesta:

11 Jan, 09:01

The Vijanera Festival:
is a carnival-like celebration that takes place in Silio, Cantabria, on the first Sunday in January.
One of Spain's oldest and most distinctive festivities involves dressing up in bright costumes and masks that represent various figures, including beasts, devils, witches and giants.
The festival tries to ward off bad spirits and bring luck and happiness to the new year.

10 Jan, 09:02

Te gustaría participar en este festival?

09 Jan, 09:02

Festividad de San Sebastian:
This is a historical festival that takes place on January 20th in San Sebastian, in the province of Guipúzcoa.
It commemorates the capture of the city by Lord Wellington from the French troops in 1812, during the Peninsular War.
The festival features a reenactment of the battle, as well as music, dancing and gastronomy. The festival also coincides with La Tamborrada, another music festival that celebrates Saint Sebastian, the patron saint of San Sebastián.

08 Jan, 09:01

Do you know who are they?

07 Jan, 09:01

Vision Board Ideas
Here are some types of goals that you may want to include in a vision board.
Social Goals
You can include all of these or make a vision board for each goal, focusing on the details of each. It's up to you. Now it's time to get creative.

Leave your 🧡 if you will do your MAPA DE LOS SUEÑOS

06 Jan, 09:02

Cuales son tus propósitos o sueños para este año?

05 Jan, 09:01

What Is a Vision Board? / Que es un MAPA DE SUEÑOS?
A vision board is usually a collage of images that represent goals and dreams. It can include cut-out pictures from magazines and words that help inspire you to manifest your dreams and get where you want to go (here is a complete guide on how to manifest something).
Although vision boarding is a commonly used tool, there is not a lot of research on its effectiveness. Initial research suggests it can help us more easily reach our goals. This may be due to how vision boards help us gain self-awareness and self-reflect on what is important to us.

Ya hiciste tu mapa de los sueños?

04 Jan, 09:01

HELLO EVERYONE! hola a todos!
Como va su 2025?
Did you do any of these Spanish traditions?
Cuales haces tu?

31 Dec, 09:01

Some linguists talk about 8 types of Spanish dialects, but many more exist. These are the variety groups of Spanish:

Do you know which are they?

30 Dec, 09:01

Pablo Picasso (Spain, 1881-1973)
Perhaps one of the world’s most famous artists of all time, Picasso was a Spanish artist who produced paintings, sculptures, ceramics, and theater sets. Although he painted in a naturalistic style during his youth, he later developed a movement known as Cubism, which also influenced many other artists that came after him.


29 Dec, 09:01

What’s an Accent?
The accent refers to variations in pronunciation within the same language or even within the same dialect or variety. Accents differ from standard language.
It means that a speaker of the Rioplatense variety of Spanish in Argentina can speak the European variety of Spanish if needed, using its specific vocabulary and grammar, but still keep the regional accent of their homeland. 
An English speaker can choose to learn any variety or dialect of Spanish and still pronounce it with a foreign accent. 
The key thing to remember is that “accent” only refers to pronunciation, while dialect must include distinct grammar and vocabulary beyond regional pronunciations.

28 Dec, 09:01

Beatriz González (Colombia 1938 – Lives and Works in Colombia)
Born in Colombia, Beatríz González is a painter, sculptor, art critic, curator and art historian, best known for her bright and colorful Pop Art paintings that illustrate life in Colombia. Her work is known and exhibited in museums worldwide.

27 Dec, 09:02

What are Dialects?
A dialect, also called a variety, signals where a person comes from. It differs from other dialects within the same language in grammar and vocabulary. Some linguists also add phonological features, such as the pronunciation of vowels and consonants, and the intonation, but these are usually considered aspects of an accent. 
So European Spanish and Mexican Spanish are examples of dialects, like British English and American English. They have differences in grammar and vocabulary but still, have a common core. If you learn standard English or standard Spanish, you’ll be able to communicate with speakers of both varieties. 
What’s not a dialect? Well, let’s say you travel to Mexico City—you’ll hear people speaking with different accents depending on their social class. The fact is, a different accent is not equal to a different dialect.

27 Dec, 03:09

Fun and Engaging: Test your Spanish language with questions created by ChatGPT. Each quiz is based on recent news. ¡Sumérgete en el mundo del español!

26 Dec, 09:01

Frida Kahlo (Mexico, 1907 – 1954)
Disabled after a terrible accident in her youth, Frida Kahlo became one of the most famous women painters from Latin America. Best known for her many self- portraits, as well as portraits of others. Frida’s work was highly personal, and also had political motivations. Her work is exhibited in museums around the world, and many books and films have been released about her life and work.

25 Dec, 09:27

Fun and Engaging: Test your Spanish language with questions created by ChatGPT. Each quiz is based on recent news. ¡Sumérgete en el mundo del español!

25 Dec, 09:01

Tampoco es un adverbio que se usa para expresar igualdad, coincidencia, semenjanza o acuerdo con una frase NEGATIVA que dijo otra persona.
Andrés: No vivo con mis padres.
Rubén: Yo tampoco (vivo con mis padres). 
Andrés: No fumo. 
Rubén: Yo tampoco (fumo). 
Andrés: No tengo frío.
Rubén: Yo tampoco.

24 Dec, 09:01

Fernando Botero (Colombia, 1932 –2023)
One of the best known contemporary Latino artists, Fernando Botero was born in Colombia and created a signature style known as “Boterismo” which depicts people and figures as exaggeratedly large and round. Botero’s humorous art is said to represent political criticism or satire in many cases. His work is exhibited internationally and is held in many art museums around the world.


23 Dec, 09:01

- It is also an adverb that is used to express equality, coincidence, semenjanza or agreement with a phrase
Andrés: Estoy orgulloso de mis hijos.
Rubén: Yo también.
Andrés: Tengo hambre. 
Rubén: Yo también. 
Andrés: Estoy contento con este plan de trabajo.
Rubén: Yo también.

22 Dec, 09:02

Belkis Ayón (Cuba 1967 – 1999)
The highly talented Cuban artist Belkis Ayón died a premature death, but she left a great body of work, mostly of prints made using a specialized printmaking process called collagraphy, which combines printmaking techniques with collage. Her work is held in collections at museums all around the world.

21 Dec, 09:01

Me gusta el café ________ azúcar. – I like coffee without sugar. 

Comenta la respuesta!

20 Dec, 09:03

Amelia Peláez (Cuba, 1896 – 1968)
Born in Cuba, Amelia Peláez studied art in Paris and is best known for her European Modernist paintings that depict the everyday people of Cuba. Her works are held in famous museums such as the Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes in Havana, Cuba, and the Museum of Modern Artin New York City.

Video YouTube:

19 Dec, 09:02

María se presentó ________ el juez. 
– María appeared before the judge. 

Comenta la respuesta!

18 Dec, 09:02

Has estado en un restaurante argentino?

17 Dec, 09:01

Ese regalo es ________ Miguel. – That present is for Miguel. 

Comenta la respuesta!

16 Dec, 09:02

Has estado en un restaurante donde tengas que hablar en Español?

15 Dec, 09:01

Ahora vamos a practicar;
1.Estoy ________ el cine. – I’m at the cinema. 

Comenta la respuesta

14 Dec, 09:02

Do you know any paisa slang?
M’ija/o – friend/mate (literally translates to ‘my daughter/son’ but can be used among friends in a light-hearted way)
No des papaya – Don’t give papaya (papaya is a Colombian fruit but the expression is a warning not to be taken advantage of. For example, leaving your phone on a table in a busy nightclub is giving papaya because it’s likely to be stolen)
Hacer una vaca – an expression for a group to split/share the costs (literally means to ‘make a cow’ but is essentially like ‘going Dutch’ for more than two people)

13 Dec, 09:02

Mis hermanos llegarán ________ mañana. – My brothers will arrive until tomorrow. 

Comenta la respuesta!

12 Dec, 09:01

Cual dialecto conoces o cual te gustaría aprender?

11 Dec, 09:01

Nos comimos la hamburguesa ________ los dos. 
– We ate the burger between the two of us. 

Comenta la respuesta!

10 Dec, 09:01

Could you write a sentence with this preposition?

Vamos! TU PUEDES 🤩

09 Dec, 09:02

4. Ellos bailaron ________ la lluvia. – They danced under the rain. 

Comenta la respuesta!

08 Dec, 09:01

Could you write a sentence with this preposition?

Vamos! TU PUEDES 🤩

07 Dec, 09:02

3. La playa debe estar cerca, ________ el mapa. 
– The beach should be near, according to the map.

Comenta la respuesta!

06 Dec, 09:01

Could you write a sentence with this preposition?

Vamos! TU PUEDES 🤩

05 Dec, 09:02

Vamos a practicar:
2. Hicimos esto ________ ti. – We did this for you.

04 Dec, 09:01

Could you write a sentence with this preposition?

Vamos! TU PUEDES 🤩

03 Dec, 09:01

fresco / cool: adjective
1. Hace calor durante el día, pero es fresco por la noche. It's hot during the day, but cool at night.
2. mantenerse fresco. stay cool

can you create a sentence with this word?

02 Dec, 09:02

Could you write a sentence with this preposition?

Vamos! TU PUEDES 🤩
Una preposición muy importante en Español

01 Dec, 09:01

melocotón /peach: noun (masculine)
1. Los melocotones son originarios de China, pero se cultivan por todo el mundo. Peaches are originally from China, but are now grown throughout the world.
2. melocotón y melocotón rebanado. peach and a sliced peach

can you create a sentence with this word?

30 Nov, 09:01

Could you create a sentence with this preposition?

Vamos! TU PUEDES 🤩

29 Nov, 09:02

biblioteca/ library: noun (feminine)
1. Estoy estudiando en la biblioteca.I am studying at the library.
2. Puedes pedir prestados libros, CDs y DVDs, de la biblioteca.You can borrow books, CDs, and DVDs from the library.

can you create a sentence with this word?

28 Nov, 09:01

Could you create a sentence with this preposition?

Vamos! TU PUEDES 🤩
Tienes varias opciones!

27 Nov, 09:01

árbol / tree: noun (masculine)
1. El koala se aferra al árbol. The koala bear is holding on to the tree.
2. La ardilla roja está sentada en un árbol, comiendo una nuez.The red squirrel is sitting in a tree eating a nut.

can you create a sentence with this word?

26 Nov, 09:02

Could you write a sentence with this preposition?

Vamos! TU PUEDES 🤩

25 Nov, 09:02

alergia / allergy: noun (feminine)
1. La niña tiene alergia al polen de las flores.The girl has an allergy to flower pollen.
2. alergia a los cacahuetes / allergy to peanuts

can you create a sentence with this word?

24 Nov, 09:01

Could you write a sentence with this preposition?

Vamos! TU PUEDES 🤩

23 Nov, 09:01

corbata / tie : noun (feminine)
1. En muchas compañías de tecnología, un traje y corbata no son requisito. requisito. At many technology companies, a suit and necktie are not required.
2. El hombre se está anudando una corbata a rayas.The man is tying a striped necktie.

can you create a sentence with this word?

22 Nov, 09:01

Could you write a sentence with this preposition?

Vamos! TU PUEDES 🤩

21 Nov, 09:02

comida / meal noun (feminine)
Por ejemplo:
1. Esta es mi primera buena comida en mucho tiempo. This is my first good meal in a long time.
2. comida casera. home cooked meal

can you create a sentence with this word?

20 Nov, 09:02

La r doble predomina en este popular trabalenguas. Ofrece aún más práctica con la r, que suele causar dificultades a los hablantes nativos de inglés, pero que también proporciona grandes recompensas cuando se domina.

19 Nov, 09:02

estar en desacuerdo/ disagree (verb)

Por ejemplo:
1. Podemos acordar no estar de acuerdo sin pelear el uno con el otro.We can agree to disagree without fighting with each other.
2. no estar de acuerdo acerca de algo. disagree on something

can you create a sentence with this word?

18 Nov, 09:02

Las letras c y p son la base de este trabalenguas, ya que alternas sonidos como co y po y paca. Entender el ritmo te ayudará a decir esta oración correctamente, dado que la frase central «pocas copas» no varía mientras las demás palabras se mueven a su alrededor.

17 Nov, 09:01

cenicero / ashtray noun (masculine)
1. ¿Tienes un cenicero?/ Do you have an ashtray?
2. Por favor pon tus cigarros en el cenicero./ Please put your cigarettes out in the ashtray.

can you create a sentence with this word?

16 Nov, 09:01

Esta oración juega con las palabras «locura» y «lo cura», que suenan igual pero tienen significados muy diferentes. Si añades la alternancia de el lo delante de «cura», podrás enredarte con las palabras si lo dices demasiado rápido.

15 Nov, 09:01

terminar de trabajar/finish work (phrase)
1. Termino de trabajar a las ocho de la noche, así que nos vemos a las nueve en el restaurante.I finish work at eight PM, so I'll meet you at nine at the restaurant.
2. El hombre acaba de terminar de trabajar horas extras.The man has just finished working overtime.

can you create a sentence with this word?

13 Nov, 09:01

hambriento / hungry (adjective)
1. El hombre está hambriento y está buscando comida.The man is hungry and looking for food.
2. Estar hambriento es necesitar comida, no solo quererla.To be hungry is to need food not just want it.

11 Nov, 09:01

patinaje sobre hielo / ice skating (phrase masculine)
For example:
1. El patinaje sobre hielo puede ser muy espectacular.Ice skating can be very spectacular
2.El patinaje sobre hielo puede ser elegante y hermoso.Ice skating can be graceful and beautiful

can you create a sentence with this word?

10 Nov, 09:01

When you tell stories, count how many stories you tell, when you tell stories.

Let’s practice and send your best version!

09 Nov, 09:01

terminar/ finish (verb)
for example:
1. Termino de trabajar a las ocho de la noche, así que nos vemos a las nueve en el restaurante.I finish work at eight PM, so I'll meet you at nine at the restaurant.
2. El hombre acaba de terminar de trabajar horas extras.The man has just finished working overtime.

can you create a sentence with this word?

08 Nov, 09:02

Three sad tigers were eating wheat in a wheat field. In a wheat field, three sad tigers ate wheat.

Let’s practice and send your best version!

07 Nov, 09:01

cuenta/ bill (noun feminine)
For example:
1. La cuenta de la comida era menos de diez dólares.The bill for the food was less than ten dollars.
2. Yo pago la cuenta esta vez y tú pagas la próxima vez.I'll pay the bill this time, and you get it next time.

06 Nov, 09:01

Traducción al inglés: If I eat as I eat and you eat as you eat, how do you eat as I eat if I eat as you eat?

Let’s practice and send your best version!

05 Nov, 09:01

oficial de policía / policeman:
1. El oficial de policía está interrogando al conductor. The police officer is questioning the driver.
2. El trabajo de un oficial de policía es proteger y servir al público.The job of a police officer is to protect and serve the public.

can you create a sentence with this word?

04 Nov, 09:01

Traducción al inglés: I cry if you cry, if you cry I cry. Your cry is my cry; and your cry, my cry. If you no longer cry, neither do I cry.

Let’s practice and send your best version!

03 Nov, 09:02

fax: fax noun (masculine)
1. Te voy a mandar los papeles por fax inmediatamente.I will send you the papers by fax right away.
2. He recibido tu fax.I got your fax.

02 Nov, 09:02

La bruja Maruja prepara un brebaje, con cera de abeja, dos dientes de ajo, cuarenta lentejas y un pelo de oveja.

Let’s practice and send your best version!

01 Nov, 09:01

tarjeta de crédito: credit card
1. Paga la cuenta con una tarjeta de crédito y la propina con efectivo / Pay the bill with a credit card and the tip with cash.
2. El hotel requiere una tarjeta de crédito para reservar la habitación.The hotel requires a credit card to reserve a room.

can you create a sentence with this word?

31 Oct, 09:01

oso hormiguero/anteater:
Los osos hormigueros se alimentan de hormigas: Anteaters feed on ants.
1. El oso hormiguero camina balaceándose de un lado a otro/ The anteater is pacing back and forth.
2. oso hormiguero blanco y negro/ black and white anteater

30 Oct, 09:01

Traducción al inglés: From generation to generation, the generations degenerate with further degeneration.

Let’s practice and send your best version!

29 Oct, 09:02

congelar: freeze (verb)
congelar: deep freeze
1. Algunas plantas morirán, si esta noche congela / Some plants will die if there is a freeze tonight.
2. El agua se congela si la temperatura baja a cero grados centígrados / Water will freeze when the temperature falls below zero degrees Celsius.

27 Oct, 09:01

“Doce cuentos peregrinos” by Gabriel García Márquez
“Doce cuentos peregrinos” (Twelve Pilgrim Tales) is a collection of twelve stories written and edited by Gabriel García Márquez over eighteen years.
The constant discussion of “foreignness” and feeling like “the other” make this collection a fantastic read for learners and future travelers. Each story is about six to ten text-heavy pages, not too long and not too short for advanced learners.
The length and difficulty level make these stories best suited for focused reading practice. The language is all about leading readers through a clear, straightforward narrative, so there is little romantic, poetic or lofty language to tackle.

25 Oct, 09:02

“El cuento envenenado” by Rosario Ferré
The daughter of Puerto Rico’s third elected governor, Ferré’s career might have been helped by her family’s status and wealth but it certainly doesn’t rely upon it.
El cuento envenenado” (The Poisoned Story) is quite complicated, but at the same time a lot of fun. The story plays with the very building blocks of literature, exploring the potential of different narrators in this tale about a young girl named Rosaura (or was it Rosa?).
For a playfully masterful tale that also explores serious topics like the evolving nature of social class by one of the Caribbean’s greatest living female writers, you can’t do much better than “El cuento envenenado.”

24 Oct, 09:01

Could you give us a tip/recommendation based on your experience?

23 Oct, 09:01

“La ratita presumida”  
“La ratita presumida” (The Smug Little Mouse) is a story that’s been floating around for centuries. Starting off orally, it was put to paper in Lágrimas” by Fernán Caballero in 1839.
There are quite a few different versions of this story, but it usually involves a soon-to-be-wed mouse, her many suitors and a cat. While this tale may sound a little dark, it’s widely used as a children’s book because of its moral and educational value.
If it’s your first time reading a short story in Spanish, this is a great one to start with. Having just a few hundred words in length, it’s short, simple and easy to get through.

21 Oct, 09:01

“Me siento alegre” by Andrae Ovalle 
This interactive and positive short story is perfect for learners who are working on mastering basic Spanish nouns and descriptive adjectives.
“Me siento alegre” (I Feel Happy) is told from the perspectives of young children recounting the people, places and things that make them feel happy.

19 Oct, 09:00

“Ricitos de oro” by Robert Southey 
This is simply the classic fairytale, “Goldilocks and the Three Bears.” You probably already know it by heart, which makes it a very easy-to-understand short story.
This Spanish translation on the Cuentos infantiles website is a shortened version that follows the same, well-trodden storyline, and includes cute cartoon images for extra context.
As in the classic story, there are lots of adjectives and comparatives to describe the differences between the bears, beds and bowls of porridge—too hot, too cold, just right, you know the drill here.
You’ll find 300 more fun Spanish stories on Cuentos infantiles, many of which are based on classic English stories. The stories are suitable for all ages, but the site also offers a recommended age range for each one.

17 Oct, 09:01

“Mi casa” 
“Mi casa” (My House) is a simple story that’s ideal for beginners to learn adjectives related to houses and family life.
The narrator describes their new home in a bustling urban center, along with all the reasons why they’re happy about living there.
Since the story is hosted on Lingua, you’ll find it comes with a short comprehension quiz at the end, a downloadable PDF and even recordings of the story in a variety of Spanish accents. Check out this site for more fun stories for all Spanish skill levels!

15 Oct, 09:01

Spanish Short Stories from Beginner to Advanced
“Tairon el super tramposo” by Hans Wilhelm 
This fun little tale is perfect for younger Spanish students as there are large illustrations matching the written text.
Tairon, a large and dominating dinosaur, cheats at all of the games that the other dinosaurs had planned for their fun weekend away—but the other dinosaurs decide to play a clever trick on Tairon. In the end, he learns a valuable lesson.
The story uses some simple past tense constructions so it’s a good pick for practicing this grammar topic and getting exposed to its various uses in different contexts.
You’ll find a few more charming, illustrated short stories for beginners like this one available on the Children’s Library website. Although the Spanish selection isn’t massive, the stories are very high quality and perfect for younger students.

14 Oct, 09:01

Or = o, ó, u EN ESPAÑOL:
"Or" is normally translated as o.
Por ejemplo…
¿Quieres café o té? Do you want coffee or tea?
When o is used with numerals, it becomes ó with an accent, to avoid confusion with the number 0.
ó 3 2 or 39 ó 10 9 or 10

12 Oct, 09:01

The words "and" and "or" are coordinating conjunctions. In Spanish, these two words have a few different forms depending on what they’re used with.
And = y, e
"And" is normally translated as y.
José y Ana hablan francés. José and Ana speak French.
Hay templos e iglesias en este calle. There are temples and churches on this street.

10 Oct, 09:01

Type Accents
Writing in Spanish
It’s just as important to include accents when writing in Spanish as it is to spell words correctly. It drives me kind of crazy when people say, sorry, I can’t type accents on my computer / tablet / smartphone.
Yes, you can type accents – yes! even on your old computer.
No, you don’t have to buy a Spanish keyboard, or install any software.
Virtually every system has at least one built-in method for typing accents – you just need to follow these links to find out what it is and how to activate it.

Do you type accents?

08 Oct, 09:02

Tilde: ñ
Spanish double letter
The ~ accent, called a tilde, on the Spanish letter Ñ indicates that the word used to be spelled with two Ns but now the tilde stands in for the second one. Ñ is pronounced like the ni in onion.
It’s very important to include the tilde when writing or typing, because N and Ñ are two different letters. There are words that mean different things depending on whether the word is spelled and pronounced with N or Ñ. Also, Ñ has its own section of the dictionary which comes after the entire N section.

Try to pronounce some words with this letter and send it 🤗

06 Oct, 09:02

TRAER – to bring
Traigo tres libros. – I’m bringing three books.

Puedes hacer un ejemplo con este verbo?

05 Oct, 09:01

Gestures used in Colombia – and possibly other Spanish-speaking countries

04 Oct, 09:02

PONER – to put
Pongo cebolla en la ensalada. – I’m putting onion in the salad.

Puedes crear una oracion con este verbo?

03 Oct, 09:02

Gestures used in Colombia – and possibly other Spanish-speaking countries

02 Oct, 09:02

HACER – to do, make
Hago mi tarea. – I’m doing my homework.

Puedes crear un ejemplo?

01 Oct, 09:01

Gestures used in Colombia – and possibly other Spanish-speaking countries

30 Sep, 09:01


CAER – to fall
¡No caigo en esa trampa! – I’m not falling in that trap!

Puedes crear una oración?

28 Sep, 09:01

Oído a la caja! Pay attention!
¡Oído al parche! Pay attention!
prestar oído(s) a to give ear to
ser todos oídos to be all ears
tener buen oído to have a good ear

Por ejemplo: Soy todo oidos, puedes contarme la historia COMPLETA!