Source @sourceunlimited Channel on Telegram



May Love and Light and Wisdom restore Peace and Prosperity for all Beings on Earth 💜

Source Unlimited (English)

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05 Jan, 08:35

Join @davidavocadowolfe 🥑


04 Jan, 08:51

Join @davidavocadowolfe 🥑


03 Jan, 07:28

Dear Starseed,

Every 3D/Lower 4D system is programmed for survival no matter its stated purpose or mission statement.

Despite more money being poured into systems such as healthcare, police, military and so on the stated problems they seek to solve do not improve or diminish.

The pharmaceutical and medical industries need customers, they do not need a human collective that is vibrant and happy.

The police and military need crimes/problems to chase/neutralise otherwise they would not exist. They do not need harmonious communities.

Humanity needs a shift in consciousness, it does not need more drugs, more police, more cameras, more investment in arms, more cyber security.

What is needed is not another fight, whether that be against germs or terrorists. What is needed is the creation of a new paradigm, a new environment, a new matrix where 3D problems are not able to survive vibrationally.

Steve 🙏🌷🌈🌟☀️🌟💚🌟🌈🌷🌈🌷💚🌷🌟🌷🌟🙏


02 Jan, 10:20

Practically every Channel I am following here on Telegram is currently going into overdrive ~ attempting to draw me into the drama of the past year or scare me with the terrible future planned for us by ‘The Globalists’ 😱

Practically nowhere on Telegram am I seeing/reading anyone Visioning (and thus Energising into 3D Reality) a glorious possibility for our collective future!!!

(With the possible exception that ‘Trump is going to save us’.)

Over here, in RachelLand, I continue to visualise torus fields of highest vibrational frequencies (i.e Love & Harmonic Resonance) piercing the Veil… flooding the Labyrinth with Light… turning the demonic dark forces to dust… and ushering in the greatest evolutionary quantum leap ever witnessed on this planet.

This Apocalypse is already well and truly underway, and there’s no stopping it ~ no matter how hard the brakes of Fear/Doom/Gloom are applied !!!

Have faith 💜

Rachel xx


02 Jan, 07:40


01 Jan, 06:29

Via 4D International 🩵


01 Jan, 04:35

New Year’s display in China. (11 seconds)
Join @davidavocadowolfe 🥑


01 Jan, 04:10

“Our greatest contribution to humanity is our awakening. It is to literally leave the state of consciousness that the mass of humanity is in and discover the truth of our being.

That’s the ultimate gift we can give to humanity; that’s what’s going to change humanity. Humanity is not going to change because we figure out a different system of government.

It won’t change because of something that is imposed from the outside, because of noble ideas or grand systems. True transformation always comes from the inside. It comes from awakening."

- Adyashanti


01 Jan, 04:06


Attention passengers,
the boarding of your flight 2025 has been announced..

Your luggage should contain only the best memories of 2024...!!
The bad and sad moments should be deposited in the nearest trash can...

The duration of the trip will be 12 months. So comfortably adjust your seat belt, relax and enjoy it.

The next stops will be:
Love, Joy, Kindness, Goodness, Humility, Patience
Self-control, Harmony, Well-being and Peace.

During the flight, the Captain offers you the following menu:
*A Cocktail of abundant Health
*Prosperity Gratin
*A bowl of Excellent
*Success Salad
*Happiness Cake

All accompanied by explosions of smiles and joy.
Before 2024 ends, allow yourself to thank all the people who made your YEAR beautiful.

My wishes: that you and your family have a Pleasant Journey aboard flight 2025... that your best plan for 2025 is to be happy and live intensely in the present with love, health and blessing.


31 Dec, 08:55

A beautiful song to add sparkle to your New Year’s Eve 💖☀️☺️


28 Dec, 09:09


26 Dec, 19:18

A brilliant and illuminating watch which elevated my Boxing Day…


Rachel xx


24 Dec, 18:24

What a wonderful offering on this Christ Mass Eve 🙏🏻💖🥳💙


28 Nov, 23:35

Count Your Blessings Today And Every Day. (42 seconds)
Join @davidavocadowolfe 🥑


28 Nov, 22:51

One of the most fascinating eclectic spiritual conversations I have ever listened to…

Rachel xx


27 Nov, 18:29

Romanian presidential front-runner Călin Georgescu condemns globalist assault on Christianity, declaring:

“The globalists are fighting against God, but they don’t understand that God can’t be defeated”


26 Nov, 21:20

An interview with Rachel Elnaugh 10 years ago about How we can end global conflict. Has anything changed? This is just the intro to the original interview.


25 Nov, 07:23



21 Nov, 01:26

My offering, and I say this with absolute love… the puppets are the puppets. Who is controlling them?
Perhaps no one from this world. Perhaps just their subconscious unclaimed shadows. This world is operating on survival programming (I am a pre birth and early years specialist- humans are wired to survive with huge amounts of epigenetic trauma). A peaceful future requires us to be wired to thrive.
The leaders of this current world are wired to survive with big lack wounding.
Have you watched Thrive, Thrive 2, and The1Field? These are all free documentaries on YouTube. I rewatched Thrive the other day- looks like we are in phase 2 of ‘the solution’.
Please remember beautiful soul humans- all the time, humans are putting their energy into discussing ‘head knowledge’ or who’s right, wrong, good/bad, we continue to remain in duality consciousness that keeps us divided and easily controlled as we are disconnected from Source and not allowing our soul consciousness to raise the frequency of ourselves and our planet.
I’ve just written a book about this- every delay in publishing it, has meant I can weave current issues into my offering.
Our POWER to change the outer world comes through raising our frequency to peace and connecting with others to do the same. Then the puppets play out a different narrative/play.
What do YOU want to see happen in this world?
How much time and energy do you focus on this?
What do you feel might happen if our conversations were about this?
I got a very clear message 4 years ago that in our universe the Light has won. To see this as truth here on earth it is up to us to look for signs of it that we amplify with our consciousness and CoCreate.
I’ll get off my soap box now lol. Just feel it is so important to remember that through our heart and soul consciousness, we are ALL miracle makers ☮️🌈💎


15 Nov, 05:09

Full moon tonight! Put your crystals out to cleanse them. Make your moon water, make ghee!


11 Nov, 06:45

The Lord will mediate between nations & will settle international disputes. They will hammer their swords into plowshares & their spears into pruning hooks.
Nation will no longer fight against nation nor train for war anymore.
Isaiah 2:4

Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord


10 Nov, 20:03

Join @davidavocadowolfe 🥑


10 Nov, 20:00

Join @davidavocadowolfe 🥑


09 Nov, 01:00

Join @davidavocadowolfe 🥑


30 Oct, 15:57

Nature showing us her abundance…

Just look at how many seeds there are in one small pumpkin 🎃

Now imagine if each seed is planted next year… how many pumpkins would grow! 🧡

Scarcity is a False Matrix programme designed to drive Capitalism
“There’s not enough…” “It’s all running out….” “Prices must rise!”



30 Oct, 08:02


30 Oct, 07:25


28 Oct, 09:31

Perfect teaching 🌞💚🌙💫🙏


28 Oct, 06:51

I think now is that time!


27 Oct, 09:19


Made with: Apple Celery Cucumber Kale Mint Ginger & Lime ~ put through a Kuvings cold press juicer

A delicious detox + alkaliser !!! 😍



26 Oct, 17:07

Bring it!! Winning!!! Best News Ever!!
Join: @davidavocadowolfe 🥑


26 Oct, 17:06

This is my jam. I have been doing this my entire life. One time, near my Mom’s house I always through my peach pits on the side of this hill. Eventually, a peach tree grew and produced wonderful fruit, completely wild, for a dozen years. One day I drove by and a landslide had wiped it out. Nevertheless, there are still wild fruit trees I planted on that road.
Join: @davidavocadowolfe 🥑


26 Oct, 15:51

Join: @davidavocadowolfe 🥑


26 Oct, 05:04

Join @davidavocadowolfe 🥑


23 Oct, 20:26

I am privileged to come from a country with a culture where family is everything. My children have grown around their grandparents since they were born, just as I did.

More than a decade after their passing, I still miss my grandparents and think of them pretty much on a daily basis. I am, just like my kids, the result of both my parents’ and grandparents’ nurturing.

I would not have been able to do the things I’ve done without my mum, who is the best grandma in the world, or my sister, who is the best aunt in the universe. My kids have effectively grown up with three mums! Coupled up with my dad and my brother, to keep some yin yang balance!

Having an extended family around you, is without a doubt the most ideal way to grow up. It’s by far the best nurturing, educative and secure safety net you can have and it pains me to see that such circumstances are being lost in modern society.

We must go back to our humanness, to the things that bring us purpose and meaning, for only those things can bring us happiness and health.

This universe was created with a code and like all codes, it has a language and that language is LOVE.

The key to a long, happy life, is to understand this basic code and to live life accordingly.


21 Oct, 08:43

Because every heart can feel affection

Join @awakenedspecies


21 Oct, 08:18


20 Oct, 19:07

Some words from the wonderful Marisa Ariani,
Should Glastonbury be a World Heritage Site? some of you may have read this on the glastonbury norticeboard yesterday . Please consider emailing any objections you may have to the town council

at [email protected] and try to halt this process going forward .

A second meeting with the Antiquarian Group was held on the 16th Oct at the Town Hall which was probably not for public, however the Town Council FB page informded the town it was taking place by error it would seem

However, the two consultants made it clear that they have been contracted since Dec 2023 and their remit is to take it through to phase one and two...

The consultants met with the National trust and the Abbey yesterday- so I feel it’s less about public consultation as they are taking it forward !

We know Glastonbury ticks their boxes to be a WHS but do we want it ?

There is a neighbour plan on the 3rd Nov, which the public can attend

the council didn't do a public consultation