Skumshot RAC & Roll @skumshot Channel on Telegram

Skumshot RAC & Roll


More than a RAC & Roll band!



Contact: [email protected]

Skumshot RAC & Roll (English)

Are you a fan of RAC & Roll music? Look no further than Skumshot! Skumshot is more than just a band - they are a powerhouse of energy and passion for this unique genre. With their electrifying performances and soul-stirring music, Skumshot will take you on a musical journey like no other.

Follow Skumshot on Instagram for exclusive behind-the-scenes looks and updates: You can also check out their incredible music videos on YouTube: For any inquiries or booking information, feel free to contact Skumshot at [email protected].

Join the Skumshot community today and experience the magic of RAC & Roll at its finest! Get ready to rock out with Skumshot!

Skumshot RAC & Roll

19 Jan, 19:06

🇨🇵 but first France! March 08 🇨🇵

Skumshot RAC & Roll

19 Jan, 17:56

🇸🇪 March 29, Sweden. See you there! 🇸🇪

Skumshot RAC & Roll

15 Jan, 04:56

Forever in our hearts

Skumshot RAC & Roll

14 Jan, 19:58

Wie fängt man so einen Text an…

Wie Einige bereits gestern schon erfahren haben ist Steve am 13.01.2025 bei einem tragischen Verkehrsunfall ums Leben gekommen. Er hinterlässt eine Familie und viele, viele Freunde.

Ruhe in Frieden, du wirst schmerzlichst vermisst!

In tiefer Trauer,
Yves für die gesamte Belegschaft 😕🕯️

Skumshot RAC & Roll

11 Jan, 19:56

🔜 Saturday night fever!

Skumshot RAC & Roll

10 Jan, 14:23

Defend Europe

Skumshot RAC & Roll

08 Jan, 16:51

In Großbritannien hat man heute die dort ansässige Organisation „Blood & Honour“ verboten. Dies gilt auch für die Gruppen „Radio28“ und „Combat18“. Grund sei Terrorismus Verdacht.

Skumshot RAC & Roll

03 Jan, 13:29

Yeah right! ⚰️

Skumshot RAC & Roll

01 Jan, 16:28


1/2/25 🇬🇷 🏴

Εθνικιστικό live στην Αθήνα!

Για να θυμούνται οι παλιοί και να μαθαίνουν οι καινούριοι!

Skumshot RAC & Roll

31 Dec, 09:09

That's all folks!
See you next year!

Skumshot RAC & Roll

24 Dec, 07:34

Merry Christmas everyone and stay strong.

See you somewhere in Europe... 1st stop for the new year, Athens - February 1st.


Skumshot RAC & Roll

21 Dec, 08:47

Yesterday in Magdeburg, tomorrow somewhere near you.
Refugees NOT welcome!

Skumshot RAC & Roll

19 Dec, 05:40

Martin Cox — Gone but not forgotten

Skumshot RAC & Roll

16 Dec, 18:47

Amazing vinyl work by Nordic Sun and another one vinyl (no.5) under our belt!
Buy original here!

Skumshot RAC & Roll

09 Dec, 06:40

Daniel Wretström - Presente!

Skumshot RAC & Roll

08 Dec, 10:12

🕯 08/12/1984 🕯

Skumshot RAC & Roll

06 Dec, 15:56


Skumshot RAC & Roll

03 Dec, 14:29

10 χρόνια σε κάθε πόλη,σε κάθε δρόμο και πλατεία!🇬🇷🏴


Skumshot RAC & Roll

26 Nov, 18:08

February 1st, Athens.

More info coming soon!

Skumshot RAC & Roll

22 Nov, 20:08

From the live in Cyprus - 07.09.2024
Pure chaos!

Skumshot RAC & Roll

21 Nov, 06:21

You were the voice of freedom, a meaning of our cause and an extra motive to keep us fighting.
A warrior who raised her voice against the system.

"You were the light in the darkness
You were a diamond in the dust."

We will never forget your name.

Frau Ursula Haverbeck - HIER!


Skumshot RAC & Roll

20 Nov, 19:27

Wir senken die Fahnen! 🏴🏴🏴

Ruhen Sie in Frieden, Frau Haverbeck! In einer kranken Zeit, standen Sie sinnbildhaft für Stärke & Kampfgeist!

Ruhen Sie in Frieden! 🕯️

Skumshot RAC & Roll

14 Nov, 13:07

🚫Political correctness is a disease!

Skumshot RAC & Roll

13 Nov, 13:24

Our friends from Irminsul released a song for the tragic incidents in Valencia named "Sólo el Pueblo". Enjoy friends!

Skumshot RAC & Roll

11 Nov, 12:27


Skumshot RAC & Roll

11 Nov, 12:27

Tuhopolttoisku Otsolassa!

Noin neljä viikkoa sitten äärivasemmistolaisen yhdistyksen anonyymi taustaväki maalitti Otsolan vuokranantajaa. Viime yönä Otsolaan on kohdistunut tuhopolttoisku. On selvää, että kyseessä on äärivasemmiston teko. Isku on myös suunniteltu, sillä esimerkiksi kamerat on maalattu umpeen ennen tekoa.

Äärivasemmistolainen vandalismi on Suomessa vaiettu toimintatapa, joka kohdistuu heidän epämiellyttäväksi katsomiinsa tahoihin - erityisesti nationalisteihin. Valtamedia suojelee "hyvällä asialla" olevia rikollisia ja jopa osallistuu näiden maalituskampanjoihin. On korkea aika, että tähän puututaan myös yhteiskunnan tasolla.

Otsola pyytää nyt vasemmistoon kyllästyneiltä solidaarisuutta. Tiedotamme pian lisää vahinkojen laajuudesta sekä jatkostamme.

Skumshot RAC & Roll

06 Nov, 06:32

Like last year, we remember the two Greek nationalists of Golden Dawn who were gunned down by antifa terrorists in Athens. 11 years have passed but the immortals live on.

🇬🇷 Giorgos and Manolis - ΠΑΡΌΝΤΕΣ!
🔥 November 1, 2013 - Heroes Never Die

☺️ @PAxActiveClub
Poster by @skumshot

Skumshot RAC & Roll

05 Nov, 08:42

🎶Play our music loud!

Skumshot RAC & Roll

04 Nov, 19:37

Not many words, just actions! Today we turn 6 so happy birthday to us! See you around and don't forget to support our cause! Cheers ladies and gentlemen!

Skumshot RAC & Roll

01 Nov, 05:42

1.11.2013 - Heroes Never Die

Skumshot RAC & Roll

28 Oct, 09:15


Skumshot RAC & Roll

24 Oct, 15:36

Oh yeah! 😎

Skumshot RAC & Roll

22 Oct, 15:17


Skumshot RAC & Roll

16 Oct, 19:50

Stop copying RAC-Music

Wer kopiert beklaut Kameraden!

Unterstützt lieber mal die Bands, die ihre gesamte Kohle in Instrumente stecken oder die Labels, die ständig Rechtsstreits wegen Produktionen mit dem Clownsystem führen müssen.

Musik produzieren kostet und klauen ist zutiefst unsolidarisch!

Video: Basierte Kunst

#dontcopy #basiertekunst #rac #teamdeutschland

Instagram: basierte_kunst
[email protected]

Skumshot RAC & Roll

14 Oct, 11:50

⚡️Live in Norway 2024 t-shirt⚡️

Don't miss this opportunity

For order details,  contact:
[email protected]

Skumshot RAC & Roll

13 Oct, 17:37

Hungary - 14 September 2024
Thank you! 🇭🇺

Skumshot RAC & Roll

11 Oct, 13:11

Stop the madness!!

Skumshot RAC & Roll

09 Oct, 12:30


Skumshot RAC & Roll

08 Oct, 17:51

Thank you and see you soon!! 💙🤍♥️

Skumshot RAC & Roll

03 Oct, 16:35

🚫 GNLS 🚫

Skumshot RAC & Roll

01 Oct, 04:19

Joe Rowan - forever in our hearts

Skumshot RAC & Roll

30 Sep, 16:01

Our 2nd album "Based On True Crimes" released on this day, 2 years ago by PC Records!
More to come!

Skumshot RAC & Roll

27 Sep, 19:17

We're the sound of revolution and we play for you!

Skumshot RAC & Roll

24 Sep, 04:47

ISD - Forever In Our Hearts

Skumshot RAC & Roll

23 Sep, 18:17

Takk Norge and fuck antifa!

Skumshot RAC & Roll

09 Sep, 17:16

Thank you Cyprus, it was a blast!
Next stop: Hungary, this weekend!

Skumshot RAC & Roll

09 Sep, 11:07

𝙲𝚊𝚒𝚘 - 𝙿𝚛𝚎𝚜𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚎

Skumshot RAC & Roll

06 Sep, 07:12

Tomorrow! See ya there!

Skumshot RAC & Roll

06 Sep, 07:12

07.09 in Cyprus! See you there!

Skumshot RAC & Roll

28 Aug, 18:29

💥New shirt out now! Available on the 5 next gigs (you know where 😉)