F2 Easy Sejarah With Cikgu Shah @sejarahf2cikgushah Channel on Telegram

F2 Easy Sejarah With Cikgu Shah


Selamat datang ke channel Telegram Cikgu Shahzalina. Channel ini khas untuk kelas online, perkongsian bahan dan latihan subjek Sejarah Tingkatan 2 sahaja.

Untuk tingkatan 1, go to t.me/sejarahform1cikgushah

F2 Easy Sejarah With Cikgu Shah (Malay)

Selamat datang ke channel Telegram Cikgu Shahzalina. Channel ini khas untuk kelas online, perkongsian bahan dan latihan subjek Sejarah Tingkatan 2 sahaja. Jika anda mencari bahan-bahan pembelajaran yang berkaitan dengan Sejarah Tingkatan 2, ini adalah tempat yang tepat untuk anda. Cikgu Shahzalina akan berkongsi nota-nota terkini, soalan-soalan latihan, dan tips-tips penting dalam pembelajaran subjek Sejarah. Dengan bergabung ke dalam channel ini, anda akan dapat memperkaya pengetahuan anda dalam bidang Sejarah dan meningkatkan prestasi akademik anda. Teruskan usaha anda dalam pembelajaran Sejarah Tingkatan 2 dengan bantuan dari Cikgu Shahzalina di channel ini. Jom sertai kami sekarang untuk mendapat manfaat yang berguna dalam pembelajaran anda! Untuk tingkatan 1, go to t.me/sejarahform1cikgushah

F2 Easy Sejarah With Cikgu Shah

12 Jan, 10:38

Mak Ayah! Ada yang menarik kem cuti sekolah kami kali ni. Kali ni Kem Cuti Sekolah Kami ala² Squid Game gitew.

Banyak aktiviti² menarik yang mungkin anak² tak pernah main dulu.

Kami tengah ada promosi tau, hanya RM180/pax shj. Terhad untuk 30 orang terawal tau.

Jom daftar sekarang sementara promo masih ada! 🤗

Berminat? Tekan link di bawah.

Jumpa anda semua di sana! 😁

F2 Easy Sejarah With Cikgu Shah

09 Jan, 03:02

Senario biasa dilihat oleh guru:

"Cikgu, anak saya tak dapat hadir sekolah atas urusan keluarga (ikut ayah berkursus/balik kampung).

Then kantoi, macam murid di UK ni.

Bagi TP2 terus lah, coz tipu cikgu. 😆

F2 Easy Sejarah With Cikgu Shah

25 Dec, 04:27

Every ending is a new beginning.

Another week to go before we bid goodbye to 2024 and embrace the new year of 2025.

As the sun sets on another year, may it rise again and shine light on new opportunities, perspectives, and adventures ahead.

And may you find all you’re looking for (and things you didn’t know you were looking for) this year.

To my Christian friends, followers and students, have a great and joyous Christmas celebration today.


F2 Easy Sejarah With Cikgu Shah

20 Oct, 15:23

Cadangan tarikh untuk ulangkaji sempena UASA bersama saya.

T3 - Jumaat, 1 Nov, 10am - 12pm
T2 - Jumaat, 1 Nov, 8.30 - 10pm
T1- Sabtu, 2 Nov, 10am - 12pm

Save the date. Posters will be shared soon!

Yuran RM20 sahaja.
Hubungi @CikguShah untuk mendaftar ya.


F2 Easy Sejarah With Cikgu Shah

05 Oct, 15:05

📝 Gred markah Ujian Akhir Sesi Akademik (UASA) 2024

A (82-100) - Cemerlang
B (66-81) - Kepujian
C (50-65) - Baik
D (35-49) - Memuaskan

Mencapai tahap minimum
E (20-34)

Belum mencapai tahap minimum
F (0-19)



F2 Easy Sejarah With Cikgu Shah

27 Sep, 14:40


F2 Easy Sejarah With Cikgu Shah

27 Sep, 14:40


F2 Easy Sejarah With Cikgu Shah

27 Sep, 14:39


F2 Easy Sejarah With Cikgu Shah

27 Sep, 14:37


F2 Easy Sejarah With Cikgu Shah

27 Sep, 14:36


F2 Easy Sejarah With Cikgu Shah

27 Sep, 14:36


F2 Easy Sejarah With Cikgu Shah

27 Sep, 14:33



F2 Easy Sejarah With Cikgu Shah

16 Sep, 08:15

Hari Malaysia adalah hari untuk meraikan kekuatan kita sebagai sebuah negara yang bersatu.

Semoga Hari Malaysia ini membawa lebih banyak kemakmuran dan kebahagiaan kepada kita semua.

F2 Easy Sejarah With Cikgu Shah

16 Sep, 06:26

Tugu Negara, siap dibina pada tahun 1966, adalah simbol penghormatan kepada pahlawan yang gugur demi keamanan dan kemerdekaan negara.

Idea pembinaan monumen ini dicetuskan oleh Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra Al-Haj, yang merupakan Perdana Menteri Malaysia pada waktu itu.

Monumen ini melambangkan semangat perjuangan rakyat Malaysia dari zaman penjajahan hingga mencapai kemerdekaan dan pembentukan Malaysia.

Selamat Hari Malaysia. 🇲🇾

Ikuti berita terkini di https://grid.astroawani.com/


F2 Easy Sejarah With Cikgu Shah

12 Sep, 09:37

Kelas penuh.
Pendaftaran ditutup.

F2 Easy Sejarah With Cikgu Shah

09 Sep, 03:57

Khas program cuti sekolah. Bengkel bukan sekadar ajar macam mana nak jawab soalan peperiksaan sahaja. Saya fokus kepada mendidik murid memahami konten buku teks dahulu.

Saya kongsikan dahulu program khas untuk anak-anak tingkatan 2 ya.

Sebarang pertanyaan, sila hubungi saya @CikguShah. Terima kasih!


F2 Easy Sejarah With Cikgu Shah

02 Sep, 08:41

Meet Ali Wallace, The Malay Lad From Borneo Who Helped Develop The Theory Of Evolution

Alfred Russel Wallace (A.R. Wallace) was a British naturalist and explorer famed for having developed his own theory of evolution by natural selection ahead of Charles Darwin.

In fact, Wallace’s discoveries throughout his expeditions are said to have provided supporting evidence and inspired Darwin to write his most profound work titled On the Origin of Species, published in 1859, which describes how different organisms change, adapt, and evolve over time.

Wallace’s work stems from his 8-year expedition to the Malay Archipelago which encompasses the surrounding areas of the Philippines, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Singapore, and of course Malaysia, beginning in 1854.

Here, he and his team discovered hundreds of never before seen insects, birds, and mammals and collected over 125,600 specimens of flora and fauna.

The region also became the setting in Wallace’s research journals titled the Sarawak Law published in 1855 and The Malay Archipelago: The Land of the Orang-Utan, and the Bird of Paradise published in 1869.

It was during this time in Southeast Asia that the English explorer met a Sarawakian boy named Ali, a youth who would contribute to many of Wallace’s discoveries.

Not much is known about Ali. However, Wallace’s accounts in his letters and books described the youth as an attentive and clean “Malay lad” from Borneo with various skills in bird hunting and boating.

It is said that Ali may have been a Muslim villager who was around 15-years-old when he joined Wallace’s expedition, tailing the naturalist on his journeys from 1855 to 1862.

Ali started out working for Wallace as a servant and a cook, but would later become the naturalist’s chief assistant or “head man” charged with collecting samples for study.

Ali’s affinity for birds had helped Wallace catalogue countless species of avian creatures including the Wallace’s Standard Wing, a bird of paradise found in Indonesia, collected by Ali himself.

It is said that Ali had gathered some 5,000 species of animals, mostly birds, throughout the expedition, where many of them made their way to museums across Europe.

Ali was also said to have taught the Englishman how to speak Malay and had also trained many of Wallace’s assistants to do their jobs and tasks.

Ali even called himself “Ali Wallace”, described for being the naturalist’s avid comrade.

Before returning to England, Wallace had a portrait of Ali taken, where for the first time in his life, Ali fashioned himself in western-styled clothing.

In his own words, Wallace described the dashing young man as his “faithful companion of almost all my journeyings among the islands of the far East”.

Ali’s portrait is stored in the archives of the Natural History Museum in London, a pleasant reminder of his amazing contributions to the scientific world.

Source and image credit: The Rakyat Post