Sharing Glad Tidings For Coffee Drinkers ☕️
Shaikh Jamaal ad-Din al-Qaasimi (1332 H.) رحمه الله wrote in his treatise:
“It [coffee] is the drink of the writers, teachers, readers of books, educators in the subjects of literature and manufacturing, poets, and the people of literature. If coffee is used after heavy food, then it strengthens digestion and it is appropriate for most residents of damp, foggy, and temperate lands and other than that….
For those who are not accustomed to it, coffee is a precious medicine in this situation because it brings forth the imagination, produces a brilliance of intelligence, and creates a comfort specifically in the easing of work. The witnesses [for that] are from the Scholars and people of literature who use this drink a number of times in a day. Their purpose for that is to consistently have strength in their memory….
Also, for those who are overweight, slow in thinking, lazy, and those whose digestion is difficult. It is most suitable for the Shuyookh and the youth from them, and the men and women from them….
By drinking it, such a person will not be accompanied by disturbance, nor tiredness, and he will remain with a clear, guided mind”.
But, don’t be consistent in excessive intake of coffee as he mentioned:
“Consistency in excessive coffee consumption sometimes leads to pressure in the reproductive organs, except that these symptoms go away by abstaining from coffee.”
[Risalah Fi ash-Shaayi wal-Qahwah wad-Dukhaan (pg. 17-18)]
(“Treatise on Tea, Coffee, and Smoking”)
It is also mentioned in the biography of Imam Abdurrahman bin Naasir as-Sa’di, رحمه الله that he used to prepare a kettle of coffee before his night prayer and drink coffee between the Tasleems in order to give him energy for the prayer.
[Mawaaqif Ijtimaa’iyyah min Hayaat ash-Shaikh al-‘Allaamah ‘Abdurrahmaan bin Naasir as-Sa’di (pg. 34) written by his son]
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