basic radiology @radio_2023 Channel on Telegram

basic radiology


قناة تعليم قراءة الأشعة

basic radiology (Arabic)

مرحبًا بكم في قناة تعليم قراءة الأشعة! هل ترغب في اكتساب معرفة أساسية في مجال الأشعة والتصوير الطبي؟ إذاً، هذه القناة هي المكان المثالي لك. نحن نقدم محتوى تعليمي عالي الجودة يساعدك على فهم مبادئ الأشعة وتطبيقاتها بشكل سهل ومبسط.

من خلال قناتنا، ستتعلم كيفية قراءة وتفسير الصور الشعاعية بشكل صحيح، وستكتسب المهارات الضرورية للتعامل مع تقنيات التصوير الطبي المختلفة. سواء كنت طالبًا في مجال الطب أو مهتمًا بالأشعة، فإن هذه القناة ستفيدك وتغنيك بالمعلومات الهامة التي ستحتاج إليها في مسيرتك المهنية.

لا تضيع الفرصة لتعمق معرفتك في مجال الأشعة وتطوير مهاراتك الفنية. انضم إلينا الآن واستمتع بالتعلم والاستفادة من محتوى فريد ومفيد. نحن هنا لمساعدتك على النمو والتطور في حقل الأشعة. انضم إلينا اليوم وكن جزءًا من مجتمع تعليم الأشعة الرائع!

basic radiology

26 Dec, 17:15

While reading an X ray chest, always notice these to never miss anything-

A-Airway (trachea,carina,bronchi)
C-Cardiac Silhouette
F-Field (Lung field)
G-Gastric fundus(bubble)
H-Hilar shadow(lymph node, Pulmonary artery/vein)

basic radiology

09 Apr, 19:56

Glioblastomas are a fast growing type of brain tumour. They are the most common type of cancerous (malignant) brain tumour in adults.

Glioblastomas are a type of brain tumour that belongs to a group of brain tumours called gliomas.

basic radiology

09 Apr, 19:49

Basal ganglia anatomy CT

basic radiology

09 Apr, 19:47

Male pelvic MRI anatomy

basic radiology

09 Apr, 19:41

Sagittal view of a chest CT

basic radiology

09 Apr, 19:36

Abdominal CT anatomy

basic radiology

09 Apr, 19:29

How to read a CT☝️

basic radiology

08 Apr, 03:01

Gallbladder 👆

basic radiology

06 Apr, 04:02


➡️T1: It’s for anatomy, so brain structures reflect the same color as real life. So gray matter is gray on T1 & white matter is white on T1. It’s also for contrast. Contrast material is taken up by masses making them light up & them easier to see.

➡️T2: It’s the water sensitive sequence. What is pathologic water in the brain? Edema! My attending once said, “Everything bad in this world is trying to turn you back into what you came from—water."

➡️DWI: Diffusion detects stroke, which are bright on diffusion. But anything that makes space tight in the brain can be bright on diffusion (highly cellular masses, clotted blood, pus under pressure, etc.)

➡️Gradient: Gradient is sensitive to metals. And what’s the most important metal in body? Iron—bc iron is in blood. So gradient is our blood sensitive sequence

basic radiology

05 Apr, 02:42

1. Liver (purple)
2. Spleen (pink)
3. Location of the pancreas (white outline) – not normally visualized

basic radiology

05 Apr, 02:41

1. Right kidney (red)
2. Left kidney (red)
3. Location of right ureter (white outline) – not normally visualized
4. Location of left ureter (white outline) – not normally visualized
5. Urinary bladder (orange)
6. Gas in the rectum (green)
7. Location of right adrenal gland (white outline) – not normally visualized
8. Location of left adrenal gland (white outline) – not normally visualized
9. Location of the gallbladder (white outline) – not normally visualized

basic radiology

31 Mar, 03:54

𝘽𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙨𝙩 𝙐𝙎

Mass US criteria (𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙧𝙖𝙘𝙩𝙚𝙧)


•Shape oval, round

•Smooth thin margin

•Consistency texture ( homogenous-internal echoes)

•Not deep expansion (wide)

•No acoustic attenuation

•No micro calcification

•No ill-defined cystic changes

•Normal vascularity (by Doppler)

•No associated axially LNP

basic radiology

31 Mar, 03:25

PSV-Peak systolic velocity
EDV-End-diastolic velocity
MDV-minimum diastolic velocity
RI -Resistive index
PI-Pulsatility index
TAPV-Time Average Peak Velocity.
S/D -The systolic / diastolic ratio

basic radiology

06 Mar, 21:43

Pt Known IBD Hx.

1.What is your comment on the x-rays?
2. What is the differential diagnosis?
3. Sopt diagnosis?

basic radiology

24 Jul, 22:28

Ultrasound Criteria of Adenomyosis (According to MUSA) :

• Global increase in the size of uterus (we call it BULKY uterus).

• Asymmetrical thickening (Posterior wall is larger than anterior wall).

• Sub-endometrial cysts.

• Sub-endometrial echogenic lies / buds.

• Fan-shaped shadowing (Venetian blind artifacts).

• Interrupted junctional zone (we call it indistinct endometrial-myometrial interface).