(Sad abdomen)
هو لسه فيه في الطب أمراض متوصفتش ؟
أه فيه ..وحتي الامراض اللي اتوصفت منعرفش عنها كل حاجه وكل يوم بنفهم أكتر عنها
هو إحنا ممكن نضيف للطب (او للعلم )عموما كل في تخصصه ؟
اه طبعا ممكن ...بل ده واجب علينا
مينفعش نكون مستهلكين للمعرفه وفقط
ده مرض أستاذنا وصفه من أكتر من ٢٠ سنة
أستاذنا اللي دايما يكرر ويعلمنا إن أول درس (أننا لا نعلم شيئا ) هو نفسه اللي بيضيف للعلم
لو فيه حد من أساتذتنا قابله حالات زي دي ياريت يكتب لنا في تعليق
Sad abdomen
(Mohammed Noshy Alalfy disease)
Why we had described this disease ?
Because not un common group of patients who suffer from un explained gradual progressive abdominal enlargement usually associated with discomfort , I know some of them spent all what they have in the dilemma of the consultations and the undue investigations , some of them had undergone surgical explorations ,and in spite of all of these the situation remains the same or getting worse due to arises of a vicious circle , a poor group of them had tricked in the trap of the diagnosis of fatty liver for which they are exhausted in the consultations , investigations and un due medications ,for those we can say confidently the fatty liver is a result not a cause, the mechanism by which abdominal fat accumulation and the intestinal distension that we usually find in this group of the patients for our mind belonging largely to sluggish of the intestinal motility and hereby changes of the intestinal microbiome( Gut flora)(disturbance of the normal balance has Allah the almighty set) with much extraction and absorption from the food , fortunately these patients respond well for full assurance (to be convinced that no thing danger threatens them and that the all manifestations will fade ) , exercise and G I motility regulators plus trials to regain the normal gastro intestinal microbial balance, however anti depressants may be warranted in refractory cases. Please see the enclosed photo A Female patient, complaining of gradual progressive abdominal enlargement, with abdominal discomfort, so she sought medical advice for several years with no improvement. She had full investigations without significant findings. Also she had undergone several interventions including surgical operations with no benefits at all. Clinical examination on presentation to us revealed no significant findings apart from this view ( see the photo). Detailed history revealed that the patient is under severe psychological stress so we considered her as a case of "psychogenic abdominal enlargement". The patient gave a good response to supportive therapy. The cornerstone of this therapy was the explanation for the patient the nature of her problems (change of her perception to her complaints). We can call it : Sad Abdomen (Mohammed Noshy Alalfy disease)
موجود علي research gate
بفكر حضراتكم بمرور استاذنا د محمد الألفي بكره (١٩ نوفمبر ٢٠٢٤) وكل يوم تلات باءذن الله في نفس معادنا من ٢ ظهرا ل ٩ مساءا
مستشفي سيد جلال (باب الشعرية ) المبني الجديد الدور ١١ قاعة المؤتمرات والحضور مفتوح للجميع
والناس اللي جايه جديد ياريت نقرأ بوست القواعد العشر لحضور المرور