Quran Player MP3 @quranplayermp3 Channel on Telegram

Quran Player MP3


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Quran Player MP3 (English)

Are you looking for a convenient way to listen to the Quran on the go? Look no further than the Quran Player MP3 Telegram channel! This channel is your one-stop destination for all the latest posts and Quran reciters (Qaris) delivered straight to your device. Stay up to date with the latest recitations and immerse yourself in the beautiful verses of the Quran. Whether you are commuting, working out, or simply relaxing at home, you can easily access a wide variety of recitations in MP3 format. Who is Quran Player MP3? This channel is dedicated to providing a platform for Quran enthusiasts to listen to their favorite reciters at their convenience. It is perfect for anyone who wants to incorporate Quran recitations into their daily routine without any hassle. What is Quran Player MP3? Quran Player MP3 is a Telegram channel that offers a wide selection of Quran recitations in MP3 format. You can easily access the channel on your device and listen to your favorite reciters anytime, anywhere. Whether you prefer the soothing voice of Mishary Rashid Alafasy or the melodious recitation of Abdul Basit Abdus Samad, you can find it all on Quran Player MP3. Don't miss out on the opportunity to enhance your spiritual journey with the Quran Player MP3 Telegram channel. Join today and start listening to the beautiful recitations of the Quran at your fingertips!

Quran Player MP3

18 Jan, 11:01

Three Things to Satisfy Yourself With

ʿAbdullāh b. ʿAwn – Allāh have mercy on him – said:

There are three things that I like for myself and for my brothers:

That the Muslim man looks to the Qurān; he learns it, recites it, ponders it and refers to it. Second, that he looks to the narrations and the Sunnah; he asks about it and follows it with all his efforts. Third, that he leaves alone all these people except when doing good.

Al-Bukhāri, Al-Ṣaḥīḥ, no. 97

Quran Player MP3

10 Jan, 17:00

The Diagnosis and the Cure

It is reported that Qatādah – Allāh have mercy on him – said:

Verily the Qurān guides you to your disease and your treatment: as for your disease, it is your sins; and as for your treatment, it is to seek the forgiveness of Allāh.

Al-Bayhaqī, Shuʿab Al-Īmān 9:347 no. 6745

Quran Player MP3

05 Jan, 15:39

When the Scholar Talks, and When He is Silent

It is reported that Al-Fuḍayl b. ʿAyyāḍ – Allāh have mercy on him – said:

The true faqīh (scholar) is the one who the fear of Allāh makes talk and the fear of Allāh makes silent.

If he speaks, it is by the Book and the Sunnah, and if he is silent, it is by the Book and the Sunnah. And if something is confusing to him and unclear, he withholds judgement and refers it back to whoever knows about it.

Ibn Baṭṭah, Ibṭāl Al-Ḥiyal p18, 19

Quran Player MP3

27 Dec, 11:09

Understanding the Quran

Abu 'Abdur Rahmān (may Allāh be pleased with him) reported:

The companions would learn to recite ten verses from the Messenger of Allāh (ﷺ). They would not take another ten verses until they understood the knowledge and deeds they contained. They would say, “We learned sacred knowledge and action together.

(Musnad Aḥmad)

Quran Player MP3

12 Dec, 10:06

Regular Reading of the Quran

It is reported that ʿUthmān b. ʿAffān – Allāh be pleased with him – said:

I do not like it that a day or night comes upon me without me looking at the speech of Allāh, meaning reading from the muṣḥaf.

Imām Aḥmad, Al-Zuhd #675.

Quran Player MP3

10 Dec, 20:01

There are always bright spots to any trouble a believer experiences, whether one sees it or not. When Prophet Yūsuf met his father (peace be upon them), his father asked: "What did your brothers do to you?" Yūsuf replied:

يا أبتِ! لا تسألني عن صنيع إخوتي ولكن سَلْني عن لطف ربي

"My father! Do not ask me about the actions of my brothers, but ask me about the kindness of my Rabb."

• التمثيل والمحاضرة لثعالبي

Perseverance in the face of trials is a bright spot. Your recompense is a bright spot. Awaiting Allāh's relief is a bright spot.

Focus on the bright spots!


Quran Player MP3

06 Dec, 19:17

Self-Inflicted 🫥

من الآفات الخفية العامة أن يكون العبد في نعمة أنعم الله بها عليه واختارها له فيملها العبد ويطلب الانتقال منها إلى ما يزعم لجهله أنه خير له منها

"A commonly hidden rot found setting in: that a person finds himself surrounded by a blessing that Allāh has gifted him with; he then becomes bored with it and seeks to move away from it to something else he wants to claim - out of sheer ignorance - thinking it's better for him..."

• الفوائد لابن القيم (١٨٠)


Quran Player MP3

28 Nov, 14:11


Quran Player MP3

21 Nov, 16:09

Humilitude of the Powerful 🌴

It was a Friday and the Muslims were sitting in the masjid, eagerly awaiting for their Imām and khatīb to arrive.

Shortly after, 'Umar al-Khattāb رضي الله عنه entered. He stood on the minbar, apologised for his lateness and said:

إنما حبسني قميصي هذا، لم يكن لي قميص غيره

“This shirt of mine held me back, for I have no other shirt but this."

It was his practise, and that of others to wash their worthy garment for Friday. They'd wait for it to dry before it could be worn.



Quran Player MP3

13 Nov, 16:39

Allāh Provides the Cause  ✴️

A person may say, "Were it not for my skills..."; "Were it not for so-and-so..."; "Were it not for the rain..."

And Allāh ﷻ‎ reminds us:

وَمَا يُؤْمِنُ أَكْثَرُهُم بِاللَّهِ إِلَّا وَهُم مُّشْرِكُونَ

"And most of them do not believe in Allāh without associating others with Him." {12:106}

Ibn Abbās رضي الله عنه commented:

ﺇﻥ ﺃﺣﺪﻫﻢ ﻳُﺸﺮِﻙُ ﺣﺘﻰ ﻳﺸﺮِﻙَ ﺑﻜﻠﺒﻪ، فيقول: ﻟﻮﻻ اﻟﻜﻠﺐُ ﻟَﺴُﺮِﻗﻨﺎ اﻟﻠﻴﻠﺔ

"Of them are those who associate (partners with Allāh) to the point that he associates his dog! He does this by saying, "Were it not for the dog, we would have been robbed tonight."

• فتح الباري لابن رجب (١٤٧/١)


Quran Player MP3

11 Nov, 09:08

Quran Player MP3 pinned «The Messenger of Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم said: افضل الذكر لا اله الا الله “The best of Dhikr is to say La illaha illallah.” [At-Tirmidhi, 3383 who graded it hasan ghareeb – graded as hasan by Ibn Hajar in ‘Nata’ij al-Afkar’, 1/63; and hasan by al-Albani…»

Quran Player MP3

06 Nov, 19:06


Quran Player MP3

30 Oct, 10:33


Quran Player MP3

26 Oct, 11:47

Make Things Easy

In commenting on the Prophetic Hadīth:

يسروا و لا تعسروا

❝Make things easy for people and don’t make them difficult.❞

أخرجه البخاري (٦٩))

Commenting on this narration, imām al-Nawawī (d.676H) said:

وفيه تأليف مَن قَرُب إسلامه، وترك التَّشديد عليهم، وكذلك مَن قارب البلوغ مِن الصِّبيان ومَن بلغ، ومَن تاب مِن المعاصي، كلُّهم يُتَلطَّف بهم، ويُدْرَجون في أنواع الطَّاعة قليلًا قليلًا. وقد كانت أمور الإسلام في التَّكليف على التَّدريج؛ فمتى يسَّر على الدَّاخل في الطَّاعة -أو المريد للدُّخول فيها- سَهُلَت عليه، وكانت عاقبته -غالبًا- التَّزايد منها، ومتى عَسُرَت عليه أوشك أن لا يدخل فيها، وإن دخل أوشك أن لا يدوم أو لا يَسْتَحْلِيَها

“Here the Prophet ﷺ directed people to soften the hearts of people so they may come closer to Islām and keep away from stressing them out (with a rough and tough attitude).

This is especially the case with:

▪️ Children who are approaching puberty.

▪️ Those who are new in puberty.

▪️ Those who have repented from their sins; they should especially be dealt with gently.

[Practising obedience needs to be gradual, little by little without being overburdening.] Once one feels such ease and becomes steady in obeying Allāh, then he will increase in obedience. If he feels however, that obedience is heavy and difficult, he will likely leave it.

(In this case) even when one follows the path of obedience, he will then be unable to maintain it.”


Quran Player MP3

22 Oct, 21:11


Quran Player MP3

20 Oct, 12:32


Quran Player MP3

16 Oct, 15:36

A Pressing Need 🔖

'Āmir ibn 'Abd al-Qays al-Basrī (d.60H) used to say in the mornings:

اللهم إِنَّ الناس قد انتشروا لحوائجهم، وإن حاجتي أَن تغفر لي

"O Allāh, the people have scattered (in the land) seeing to their needs. As for my need, it is that you forgive me."

• الزهد لإبن أبي عاصم (ص٢٢٥)


Quran Player MP3

14 Oct, 10:34


Quran Player MP3

09 Oct, 12:34


Quran Player MP3

08 Oct, 15:51

'Abdullah ibn 'Umar (ر) used to remind his companions:

ساعة للدنيا وساعة  للْآخرة، قولوا في خلالِ الْحديث اللهم اغفر لنا

"Let there be a moment for this world and a moment for the Hereafter, and during your conversations (don't forget to) say: "O Allāh, forgive us."

• الزهد للإمام أحمد


Quran Player MP3

05 Oct, 15:47

Khaythama reported: Abdullah ibn Amr, may Allah be pleased with him, said,

يَأْتِي عَلَى النَّاسِ زَمَانٌ يَجْتَمِعُونَ وَيُصَلُّونَ فِي الْمَسَاجِدِ وَلَيْسَ فِيهِمْ مُؤْمِنٌ

“A time will come to people when they gather and pray in the mosques, yet there will not be a believer among them.”

Source: Kitāb al-Īmān 97

Grade: Sahih (authentic) according to Al-Albani


Quran Player MP3

02 Oct, 11:41

For thirty years...

Al-Sarri al-Saqati (d. 253 AH) said:

منذ ثلاثين سنة أنا في الاستغفار من قولي: الحمد لله مرة
قيل: وكيف ذلك؟
فقال: وقع ببغداد حريق، فاستقبلني رجل، فقال لي: نجا حانوتك
فقلت: الحمد لله. فمنذ ثلاثين سنة أنا نادم على ما قلت، حيث أردت لنفسي خيرًا مما حصل للمسلمين

“For thirty years I have been making istighfar for saying (the word): ‘Al Hamdulillah’.

It was said: ‘And how is that?’

He replied: ‘A fire occurred in Baghdad, and a man (came and) told me that my shop was saved (from the fire).

So I said: ‘Al Hamdulillah’. I regret what I said for thirty because I sought goodness for myself before (thinking about) what happened to (other) Muslims.”

[Al-Manawi, ‘Fayd Al-Qadeer’, 124/1]


Quran Player MP3

01 Oct, 11:12


Quran Player MP3

28 Sep, 19:51

La ilaha illallah - without moving the lips

In his ‘Risalatil-Talkhees’, Ibn Hazm رحمه الله تعالى noted a very interesting observation regarding the kalimatil ikhlas (i.e. the statement of sincerity). He said:

و لـيـكـثـر مـن قـولِ ( لا إلـه إلَّا الله ) فـإنَّهـا ألـفـاظٌ تـتِـمُّ بـحـركـةِ الـلـسـانِ دونَ حـركـةِ الـشَّـفـتـيـن فـلا يَـشـعُـرُ بـذلـكَ الـجـلـيـسُ

“…and make abundant mention of لا إلـه إلَّا الله (la ilaha illallah) for indeed these words are (made) by the movement of the tongue without moving the lips, so you won’t feel that (i.e. the lips move when sitting) in gatherings…”

In other words, all other types of adhkar can be seen from the lips when the person is saying them. This is not the case with ‘la illaha illallah’ because one can say this statement behind his teeth and without people around him noticing him saying it! This most praiseworthy and noble of speech reflects a sincere intention; and indeed when one becomes accustomed in saying ‘la ilaha illallah’ regularly, then he will be constantly reminded of its implications and live by its meaning. This would increase hope that one would die in a state in which all Muslims wish to leave this world; as the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم said,

A person whose last words are ‘la ilaha illallah’ will enter Jannah.


Quran Player MP3

24 Sep, 10:08

The Messenger of Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم said:

افضل الذكر لا اله الا الله

“The best of Dhikr is to say La illaha illallah.”
[At-Tirmidhi, 3383 who graded it hasan ghareeb – graded as hasan by Ibn Hajar in ‘Nata’ij al-Afkar’, 1/63; and hasan by al-Albani in ‘Saheeh al-Jaami’, 1104]


Quran Player MP3

23 Sep, 10:00


Quran Player MP3

21 Sep, 11:43

Better than Gold 👝

It is recorded in ‘Hilyat al-Awliya’ (4/604) of Abu Nu’aym, that ‘Adullah ibn Mas’ūd رضي الله عنه said:

لو أن رجلا جلس على ظهر الطريق ومعه خرقة فيها دنانير، لا يمر إنسان إلا أعطاه دينارا وآخر إلى جانبه يكبر الله تعالى، لكان صاحب التكبير أعظم أجرا

“Were a person to sit at a roadside with a pouch containing gold coins, and with every passerby handing him a gold coin; while another person sat besides him exalting the praises of Allāh Almighty (with takbīr), the one reciting the takbīr would have greater reward.”

It is worthy to note that he who doesn’t have the financial means to extend in charity, then let him show his gratitude with his tongue by increasing in his portion of daily dhikr.

Quran Player MP3

20 Sep, 10:27


Quran Player MP3

19 Sep, 11:42

The Correct Way ⬆️

روي عن النبي عليه الصلاة والسلام: مَن نَسِيَ الصَّلاةَ عَلَيَّ خَطِئَ طَرِيقَ الجَنَّةِ

The Prophet ﷺ is reported to have said: "Whoever is unmindful in sending salutations upon me has taken an erroneous path to Jannah."

📖  أخرجه ابن ماجه (٩٠٨)، والطبراني (١٢٨١٩)
• صحيح الجامع (٦٥٦٨)

Quran Player MP3

18 Sep, 11:35


Quran Player MP3

17 Sep, 10:52

My Rabb will Guide Me 🌈

‏﴿ قَالَ كَلَّا إِنَّ مَعِيَ رَبِّي سَيَهْدِينِ ﴾

❝(Musa said) Nay, verily! With me is my Lord, He will guide me.❞ [Shu'ara, 62]

التفاؤل هو يقين داخلي بالله أن مهما اشتدت ظروفك وأحكمت الأبواب إغلاقها في وجهك أن يد الله سوف تفتحها

"Optimism is an innermost certainty in Allah that no matter how intense your circumstances, and how tight the doors are shut in your face, the Hand of Allah will open it (for you)."