Quranic Tarbiyah @quranictarbiyah Channel on Telegram

Quranic Tarbiyah


🌱 Let’s nurture a Qur’anic Generation together
An initiative of @alifewithallah
📖 Curriculum, teaching resources & tips
📥 Download free books ⬇️

Quranic Tarbiyah (English)

Are you looking to nurture a Qur'anic Generation? Look no further than the Telegram channel 'Quranic Tarbiyah'! This channel, created by @alifewithallah, aims to provide a platform for parents, educators, and anyone interested in Islamic education to come together and share resources, teaching tips, and curriculum ideas. With a focus on instilling the values and teachings of the Quran in the younger generation, 'Quranic Tarbiyah' offers a variety of downloadable books and educational materials for free. Whether you're a teacher looking for new lesson plans or a parent seeking guidance on how to incorporate Qur'anic teachings into your child's upbringing, this channel has something for everyone. Join the 'Quranic Tarbiyah' community today and be a part of the movement to raise a generation that embodies the values of the Quran. Together, let's nurture a Qur'anic Generation that will shine bright with knowledge, understanding, and faith. Download the Telegram app and search for '@quranictarbiyah' to join in on the conversation and access all the valuable resources available. Start your journey towards raising a Qur'anic Generation today!

Quranic Tarbiyah

28 Dec, 14:29

Tarbiyah (Raising & Nurturing) Children | Abu Bakr Zoud

Quranic Tarbiyah

27 Dec, 10:07

Discover the treasure of the Mu’awwidhatayn with your children/students using the Qur’an & Tadabbur book and ask them the following questions:

Which two surahs are known as the Mu’awwidhatayn?

How did Allah ﷻ help His beloved Prophet ﷺ in this story?

Why is it important for us to recite the three special surahs (Muʿawwidhatayn & Surah al-Ikhlas) everyday?

Why should we seek protection with Allah Alone?

💐 The Qur’an & Tadabbur book is availabe to purchase and FREE to download from: https://quranictarbiyah.com/quran-and-tadabbur/

Quranic Tarbiyah

23 Dec, 18:47

Surah an-Nasr teaches us that victory is only from Allah. In order to achieve victory, we must have strong belief in Allah an-Nasir. We have to work hard and do good deeds.

Introduce this incredible Name in a simple easy-to-understand way to your child.

💙 Help your child to realise the greatness and perfection of Allah.

💐 The Qur’an & Tadabbur book is available to purchase and FREE to download from: https://quranictarbiyah.com/quran-and-tadabbur/

Quranic Tarbiyah

19 Dec, 19:02

💡Narrate the beautiful story of the forbearance of the Prophet ﷺ and ask your children/students these questions.

What would you have done if the Bedouin had done that to you?

What do we learn about the Prophet ﷺ from this story?

What can you do next time someone does something to make you angry?

Nurture exemplary akhlaq and adab with this interactive textbook and workbook. Available to purchase and FREE to download: https://quranictarbiyah.com/all-products/adab-akhlaq-level-3/

Quranic Tarbiyah

18 Dec, 15:24

Teaching Resource. Winter: The Believer's Season.

Ideal for: madrasahs, schools, halaqahs and homeschooling.

The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said, “Indeed Allah, His angels, and the inhabitants of the heavens and earth - including the ant in its hole and the fish - send blessings upon the one who teaches people what is good.” (Tirmidhi)

Download/Print for FREE

Spread the Khayr! Share with your family and friends...

Quranic Tarbiyah

16 Dec, 19:06

“Truly in the heart there is a certain loneliness that cannot be removed except by spending time with Allah in solitude. In the heart there is a sadness that cannot be removed except through the happiness of knowing Allah and being true to Him… In the heart there is a void that cannot be filled except through loving Allah, turning to Him constantly, always remembering Him, and being sincere to Him. Were a person to be given the entire world and everything in it, it would never fill this void.” – Ibn al-Qayyim (raḥimahullāh)

💙 Help your child to realise the greatness and perfection of Allah. 

💐 Purchase the Iman & Tazkiyah books today or download them for FREE .


Quranic Tarbiyah

13 Dec, 18:35

Narrate the special story of the Conquest of Makkah to your children/students and ask them the following questions:

- Why was Muhammad ﷺ forced to leave Makkah?

- How do you think Muhammad ﷺ and the Companions (raḍiy Allahū ʿanhum) felt when they entered Makkah?

- How was Makkah conquered?

- Who alone can give us victory?

💐 The Qur’an & Tadabbur book is availabe to purchase and FREE to download from: https://quranictarbiyah.com/quran-and-tadabbur/

Quranic Tarbiyah

11 Dec, 19:14

Iman & Tazkiyah Series 🌱
Level 4 now available to order! 🌟

The 'Iman & Tazkiyah Level 4' book aims to nurture the foundations of iman and tazkiyah in an enjoyable and engaging manner. Designed for Year 4 children, typically aged 8-9, this book can also benefit older children.

📚 Order your copies now at https://quranictarbiyah.com/all-products/iman-tazkiyah-level-4/

Special discount is available for madrasahs!

Quranic Tarbiyah

09 Dec, 20:25

Iman & Tazkiyah Series 🌱
Level 4 Coming Soon! 🌟

Nurture the foundations of iman and tazkiyah in a fun and engaging manner with this interactive textbook and workbook.

📚 Join the waiting list and get notified
Special discounts available for madrasahs!

Quranic Tarbiyah

29 Nov, 15:19

Narrate this amazing story of Bilal (raḍiy Allāhu ʿanhu) to your children and ask them the following questions:

- Why do you think Bilal (raḍiy Allāhu ʿanhu) is a true hero?

- How did he manage to stay so strong?

- How can we have strong īmān like Bilal (raḍiy Allāhu ʿanhu)?

💐 The Qur’an & Tadabbur book is availabe to purchase and FREE to download from: https://quranictarbiyah.com/quran-and-tadabbur/

Quranic Tarbiyah

27 Nov, 19:05

It is vital that we instil in our children the knowledge, love and reverence of Allah and His Messenger ﷺ, and the centrality of the hereafter before teaching them the dos and don’ts of Islam. Once they know Allah — the Command Giver — the commands will become easy to follow.

Order the Iman & Tazkiyah books OR download the FREE PDFs today!


Quranic Tarbiyah

26 Nov, 14:20

The journey of a child and the parent's response for each phase.

📽 https://youtu.be/M4NcKdmj3kQ

Quranic Tarbiyah

25 Nov, 19:19

Allah created us to worship Him. To worship Him, we need to know Him.

Qiwām al-Sunnah al-Aṣbahānī (raḥimahullāh) writes, “The first command Allah obligated upon His creation is to know and recognise Him. Once they know Him, they will worship Him. Allah says, ‘So, know that there is no god worthy of worship except Allah’ (47:19). Thus, the Muslims should know the Names of Allah so they can venerate and glorify Him as He deserves to be venerated and glorified.”

Connect your children to Allah ﷻ in a meaningful way.

💐 The Iman & Tazkiyah books are available to order & FREE to Download. https://quranictarbiyah.com/iman-tazkiyah/

Quranic Tarbiyah

22 Nov, 15:25

Our beloved Prophet ﷺ was proactive. He was very eager, always rushing to worship Allah and do good deeds. As soon as he heard the adhan, he would stop whatever he was doing and make his way to the Masjid.

Narrate this beautiful story to your children and ask them what we can learn from it and how we can be proactive.

Nurture exemplary akhlaq and adab with this interactive textbook and workbook. Available to purchase and FREE to download: https://quranictarbiyah.com/all-products/adab-akhlaq-level-3/

Quranic Tarbiyah

20 Nov, 18:41

Have you ever wondered what ‘as-Samad’ means? A truly special Name of Allah which we repeat many times in a day in Surah al-Ikhlāṣ.

Introduce this incredible name in a simple easy-to-understand way to your child.

💙 Help your child to realise the greatness and perfection of Allah.

💐 Order the Qur’an & Tadabbur book or Download the FREE PDF: https://quranictarbiyah.com/quran-and-tadabbur/

Quranic Tarbiyah

18 Nov, 19:43

📚 The Qur’anic Tarbiyah values are deeply embedded into the curriculum, and are reinforced in various ways, showing a deep commitment to instilling positive values in our learners.

Learn more at quranictarbiyah.com

Quranic Tarbiyah

16 Nov, 16:51

Raising strong, dignified and righteous children in the 21st century

📹 https://youtu.be/lP5t-AKiJZA?si=1RrHFWJMHS9woYGQ

Quranic Tarbiyah

15 Nov, 17:03

What did you learn from this story?

Imagine you could meet Salim Mawla Abi Hudhayfah. What would you ask him?

💡 Ask your children/students these questions.

💐 The Qur’an & Tafsir book is availabe to purchase and FREE to download from: https://quranictarbiyah.com/quran-and-tadabbur/

Quranic Tarbiyah

13 Nov, 19:37

“There is an ‘early paradise’ in the world. It is to know Allah, to love Him, find comfort in Him, long to meet Him, fear Him and obey Him. Beneficial knowledge leads one to attain this. Whoever’s knowledge leads him to enter this ‘early paradise’, will enter Paradise in the next world. And whoever does not sniff the fragrance of the ‘worldly paradise’, will not sniff the fragrance of the Paradise of the hereafter.” – Ibn Rajab (raḥimahullāh)

💡 Help your children enjoy the ‘paradise of this world’.

💐 Download the FREE Iman & Tazkiyah books today. 


Quranic Tarbiyah

12 Nov, 20:20

🌟 Join Our Team! 🌟

We Are Hiring a Creative Educator!

Do you have years of experience working with young children? Are you passionate about creating innovative learning resources that can be used by children worldwide and serve as your sadaqah jariyah after you leave this world? You might be the person we're looking for.

Apply now by completing the form: https://forms.gle/QQtHdCDZL2dc1CiFA.

For further enquiries, email [email protected]

Quranic Tarbiyah

08 Nov, 14:36

Our beloved Prophet ﷺ was always mindful of his tongue: he never lied, nor did he say hurtful words, nor did he speak about useless things.

Narrate this beautiful story to your children and ask them what we can learn from it and how we should respond to rude speech.

Nurture exemplary akhlaq and adab with this interactive textbook and workbook. Available to download for FREE: https://quranictarbiyah.com/all-products/adab-akhlaq-level-3/

Quranic Tarbiyah

06 Nov, 19:28

Protect Your Children From Doubts

Nurturing hearts to experience the sweetness of īmān serves as a strong protection against doubts.

Order the Iman & Tazkiyah books OR download the FREE PDFs today.


Quranic Tarbiyah

04 Nov, 19:04

“The key to the daʿwah of the Messengers and the essence of their Message, is knowing Allah through His Names, His Attributes, and His Actions. This is the foundation which the rest of the Message, from beginning to end, is based upon.” – Ibn al-Qayyim (raḥimahullāh)

💡 Teach your children the essence of the dīn. 

💐 Download the FREE Iman & Tazkiyah books today. 


Quranic Tarbiyah

03 Nov, 11:45

Our Ways in Raising Children | Episode 7

If you believe in death and in the Hereafter, then you’ll recognize that raising righteous and effective children is among the most important work, and neglecting it is the ultimate loss. How can we safeguard our children and ensure their Islamic upbringing in today's challenging environments? This three-part series seeks to answer that.

📹 https://youtu.be/O2c6QnHeGJY

Quranic Tarbiyah

01 Nov, 18:04

Surah al-Fatihah is an introduction to the entire Qur'an. Understanding it will help us understand the message of the Qur'an.

Surah al-Fatihah is a very special Surah. It is the first and the greatest Surah in the Qur’an. It has many powerful and amazing lessons we can learn from it. Surah al-Fatihah teaches us the most important thing we need to know in life: WHO Allah is, and who we are and why He created us.

Discover the treasures of this surah with your children using the Qur'an & Tafsir Level 3 book. Available to download and order here: https://quranictarbiyah.com/all-products/quran-tadabbur-book-3/

Quranic Tarbiyah

30 Oct, 17:20

“Whoever attains the recognition of Allah through His Names, Attributes and Actions, will undoubtedly love Him.” – Ibn al-Qayyim (raḥimahullāh)

💙 Help your child to love Allah and become close to Him by teaching them His Beautiful Names. 

💐 Download the FREE Iman & Tazkiyah books today.


Quranic Tarbiyah

25 Oct, 11:22

Following on from last Jumuʿah's story, today’s story is about how easygoing and gentle the Prophet ﷺ was.

Here are some questions you can ask your children after sharing this story with them:

1) What would you have done if you saw someone urinating in the masjid?
2) What does this story teach you about the Prophet ﷺ?
3) Are you an easygoing person? How can you be more easygoing with your brothers and sisters?

Taken from Adab & Akhlaq Level 3: https://quranictarbiyah.com/all-products/adab-akhlaq-level-3/

Join the Quranic Tarbiyah (QT) Telegram Channel and stay tuned as more resources and books are uploaded inshaAllah.


Quranic Tarbiyah

21 Oct, 17:50

Teach your child the din in a fun and engaging manner!

Download the Quranic Tarbiyah Books today! https://quranictarbiyah.com/all-products/

Quranic Tarbiyah

18 Oct, 13:11

Every Jumuʿah, inshaAllah, we will share a short story about our beloved Prophet ﷺ. Stories are one of the most effective ways to teach and nurture īmān in our children.

Narrate these beautiful stories to your children and engage them in dialogue to help them reflect on the lessons they can learn.

Here are some questions you can ask them after sharing the story with them:

1. Did the young Companions pray salah in the masjid of the Prophet ﷺ?
2. How do you think young Samurah (raḍiy Allāhu ʿanhu) felt in the above story?
3. Why do you think the young children loved the Prophet ﷺ?

Taken from Adab & Akhlaq Level 3: https://quranictarbiyah.com/all-products/adab-akhlaq-level-3/

Quranic Tarbiyah

17 Oct, 18:24

Iman & Tazkiyah – Level 2

Nurture iman and introduce tazkiyah with this interactive textbook and workbook.


For other books in the syllabus, please visit: https://quranictarbiyah.com/all-products/

Quranic Tarbiyah

16 Oct, 18:29

The Quranic Tarbiyah Curriculum aims to cultivate Allah-consciousness through its five topic areas. The curriculum aims to develop individuals who are the hope and the future of the Ummah: deep-rooted in their faith and prepared to establish the dīn of Allah on His earth bi’idhnillah.

Order the books for your home or madrasah from quranictarbiyah.com

Quranic Tarbiyah

05 Oct, 14:01

Developing īmān is the most important form of tarbiyah (holistic training and development of the individual), and takes precedence over other forms of development.


Quranic Tarbiyah

30 Sep, 05:59

The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said, “Īmān has more than sixty or seventy branches. The best of (these) is to declare there is no god worthy of worship but Allah; and the least of which is to remove something harmful from the path, and modesty is a branch of īmān.” (Muslim)


Quranic Tarbiyah

29 Sep, 12:20

Learn more at quranictarbiyah.com

Quranic Tarbiyah

28 Sep, 20:49

Īmān is to firmly believe in Allah, His Angels, His Books, His Messengers, the Last Day and al-Qadr (divine decree) — also known as the pillars of īmān.


Quranic Tarbiyah

20 Sep, 11:48

Madrasahs, along with maktabs (or kuttab), trace their traditions back through nearly a thousand years of Islamic learning. Till today, they remain the single most vital tool for preserving Prophetic knowledge and cultivating it amongst the masses of the Ummah.
