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25 Jan, 18:19


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25 Jan, 06:28


Relevance- Philosophical Framework of Constitution and Govt

Use - #Keyword - Creative Constitutionalism (Prof. Baxi)

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25 Jan, 06:26


Relevance- Financial Administration

Use - #Example - Note the parameters for GOOD FISCAL HEALTH

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25 Jan, 06:25


Relevance- Accountability and Control - Social Media

Use - #Keyword - Social Media Pollution

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25 Jan, 06:23


Relevance- Philosophical Framework of Constitution and Govt

Use - #Quotes(Dr. Ambedkar) #Theory (Plato) #Keyword (Indic Constitution)

When Dr. B.R. Ambedkar delivered the closing address to the Constituent Assembly on November 25, 1949, he characterised the complex challenges ahead. He anxiously wondered whether Indians would place “the country above their creed”.

Dr. Ambedkar explained that the ‘Centre and the States are co-equal’ in matters of legislative and executive authority. He clarified to the Constituent Assembly that the overriding powers for the Union are only placed “to be used in an emergency”.

Way Ahead - Plato Theory - Guardian like Philosopher King 👑

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25 Jan, 06:18


Relevance- Government and Administration

Use - #Keyword - Competitive Federalism

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24 Jan, 08:11


Relevance- Development Administration- Western Influence

Use - #Keyword - Françafrique

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24 Jan, 08:06


Relevance- Significant Issues in Administration- Disaster Management- Train Accidents

Use - #Example

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24 Jan, 08:05


Relevance- Civil Services


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24 Jan, 08:04


Relevance- Philosophical Framework- Elections

Use - #Quote #Fact #CaseStudy

#Quote - "The executive Government is instructing or managing things in such a manner that those people who do not belong to them either racially, culturally or linguistically, are being excluded from being brought on the electoral rolls. Electoral rolls are a most fundamental thing in a democracy... Independence of elections and avoidance of any interference by the executive should be regarded as a fundamental right,” said Dr. B.R. Ambedkar in June 1949.

#Case #Facts

The ECI enrolled 9.7 crore voters for the 2024 Maharashtra State election. The Narendra Modi government’s Ministry of Health report estimated the entire adult population of Maharashtra (18-plus years), in 2024, as 9.54 crore. The ECI, by its own admission, registered 16 lakh more voters than the official estimate of the total adult population.

This is because 48 lakh people were registered as new voters in just six months between the Lok Sabha and the State elections. For context, between 2019 to 2024, only 32 lakh new voters were enrolled.
