Pronunciation Time @pronunciationtime Channel on Telegram

Pronunciation Time


🔷 @GrammarReview

🔘 @IELTS_org

🎥 @VideoEnglish

☑️ @EnglishWord

☑️ @BLearningEnglish

⏱️ @bbc_6_minutes

📰 @BBCNewsReview

🎧 @bbclepodcast

🔬 @bbc_lingohack

🎙 @TheEnglishWeSpeak

👄 @PronunciationTime

🔠 @OxfordWordofDay

Pronunciation Time (English)

Are you looking to improve your English pronunciation skills? Look no further than 'Pronunciation Time'! This Telegram channel is dedicated to helping English language learners enhance their pronunciation through various resources and exercises. Join our community of language enthusiasts and practice your pronunciation with daily activities and exercises. Whether you are a beginner or an advanced learner, 'Pronunciation Time' has something for everyone. Discover a range of content, including pronunciation tips, word of the day features, listening exercises, and much more. Engage with fellow members, share your progress, and receive feedback to improve your English fluency. In addition to 'Pronunciation Time', don't forget to check out other related English learning channels such as @GrammarReview, @IELTS_org, @VideoEnglish, @EnglishWord, @BLearningEnglish, @bbc_6_minutes, @BBCNewsReview, @bbclepodcast, @bbc_lingohack, and @TheEnglishWeSpeak for a comprehensive language learning experience. Don't miss out on this opportunity to enhance your English pronunciation skills and become a more confident communicator. Join 'Pronunciation Time' today and take your language learning journey to the next level!

Pronunciation Time

17 Apr, 05:41

Pronouncing ‘-ed’ endings
- Learners' Questions
👄 @PronunciationTime

Pronunciation Time

30 Mar, 01:26

Pronouncing ‘-s’ endings
- Learners' Questions
👄 @PronunciationTime

Pronunciation Time

30 Mar, 01:26

Why you should keep #social_distancing

☑️ @WeConsider

Pronunciation Time

19 Jul, 10:39

#Listen to these words ending with ‘ed’ but pronounced /t/.⠀
Which word is said incorrectly?
👄 @PronunciationTime

Pronunciation Time

14 Jul, 20:15

🗣️ In English, there are 3 ways to pronounce –ed endings. We are giving you one of them: /ɪd/.⠀
🤔 Do you know the other 2?⠀
Hint: How do you pronounce the words ‘stayed’ and ‘worked’?
👄 @PronunciationTime

Pronunciation Time

29 Jun, 12:34

Listen to these words ending with ‘ed’ but pronounced /ɪd/. ⠀
Which word is said incorrectly?
☑️ @BLearningEnglish
👄 @PronunciationTime

Pronunciation Time

27 Jun, 04:26

Have you studied English pronunciation? Have you improved?⠀
Let’s find out by trying some past simple verb endings with –ed but pronounced as /d/.⠀⠀
Listen and repeat.
👄 @PronunciationTime

Pronunciation Time

22 Jun, 15:54

Listen to these past simple verbs ending with ‘ed’ but pronounced /d/. ⠀⠀
Which word is said incorrectly?⠀
👄 @PronunciationTime

Pronunciation Time

17 Jun, 16:05

You just need to watch this video to learn all about the word 'just'!⠀
👉 Add 'just' to this sentence to indicate that something is happening at the moment:⠀
“I'm arriving at the studio to record a programme.”
🔷 @GrammarReview

Pronunciation Time

31 May, 14:37

Understanding syllable stress can be very stressful!
But we're here to help!
Practise your pronunciation, without the stress using this pronunciation lesson!
👄 @PronunciationTime

Pronunciation Time

30 May, 06:19

📘 Best Books that we recommend

🔴 Ideas for IELTS Essay Topics

🌐 Download 👉 link ($28)

🇮🇷 IRAN 👉 link

Pronunciation Time

30 May, 06:19

Sometimes people say ‘think’ but… what others hear is ‘sink’. ⠀
🗣️ It can be difficult to produce the sounds /θ/ and /s/.⠀
Here's a good exercise to help you get it right next time.⠀
👄 @PronunciationTime

Pronunciation Time

24 May, 19:19

It’s sometimes difficult to identify the difference between the sounds /θ/ and /s/ ⠀
Listen to Sam pronouncing these words. Which word do you hear in each pair? ⠀
More pronunciation quizzes here:
quiz learnenglish bbclearningenglish speakenglish elt esl englishtips useful english challenge languages s θ
👄 @PronunciationTime

Pronunciation Time

13 May, 04:10

😎 It’s time for pronunciation practice! Learn the difference between /d /and /t/.⠀⠀⠀
Listen and then tell me how many /d/ sounds there are in this sentence…⠀
“Do you want to go on a bike ride with me down into town?”⠀
👄 @PronunciationTime

Pronunciation Time

03 May, 14:50

Pronunciation Time pinned «📰 @BBCNewsReview 🔷 @GrammarReview 🔘 @IELTS_org 🎥 @VideoEnglish ☑️ @EnglishWord ⏱️ @bbc_6_minutes 🎧 @bbclepodcast 🔬 @bbc_lingohack 🎙 @TheEnglishWeSpeak 👄 @PronunciationTime 🔠 @OxfordWordofDay Our Main Channel 👇 👇 👇 ☑️ @BLearningEnglish Please…»

Pronunciation Time

03 May, 14:50

/t/ and /d/ can sometimes sound similar.⠀
Listen to Phil pronouncing these words. Which word do you hear in each pair?
👄 @PronunciationTime

Pronunciation Time

27 Apr, 16:05

😎 It’s time for pronunciation practice! Learn the difference between /s /and /z/.⠀⠀
Listen to this priceless lesson – you’ve got nothing to lose! (How many /s/ did I use there?!)⠀
☑️ @BLearningEnglish

Pronunciation Time

21 Apr, 06:38

👂 Here is a quick Pronunciation Quiz.
👄 @PronunciationTime

Pronunciation Time

21 Apr, 06:38

📰 @BBCNewsReview

🔷 @GrammarReview

🔘 @IELTS_org

🎥 @VideoEnglish

☑️ @EnglishWord

⏱️ @bbc_6_minutes

🎧 @bbclepodcast

🔬 @bbc_lingohack

🎙 @TheEnglishWeSpeak

👄 @PronunciationTime

🔠 @OxfordWordofDay

Our Main Channel
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☑️ @BLearningEnglish

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Pronunciation Time

13 Apr, 17:33

😎 It’s time for pronunciation practice! What’s the difference between /ʃ /and /tʃ/?⠀
Follow our lesson and you’ll be cheering and shouting about your great pronunciation in no time!
👂 Here is a quick Pronunciation Lesson
👄 @PronunciationTime