You have to pay STT , GST , Turnover fees , Brokerage , investor protection fund .
You need pay 30% income tax on fno
15% tax on long term gains
20% tax on short term gains
It's very tough to be profitable after so many charges and taxes.
Are you looking to enhance your trading skills and increase your profit potential? Look no further than the Profit Labs Trading Channel! This Telegram channel, with the username @profitlabs_trading, is the perfect place to stay updated on all automated trades made by the bot. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced trader, this channel offers valuable insights and strategies to help you succeed in the world of trading. Profit Labs Trading Channel is constantly evolving and adding new strategies, so make sure to stay tuned for the latest updates. Remember, it's important to do your due diligence before following any strategy to ensure it aligns with your trading goals and risk tolerance. For more information and to join the trading community, contact Don't miss out on the opportunity to take your trading to the next level with Profit Labs Trading Channel!
10 Jan, 09:42
02 Jan, 13:38
22 Aug, 16:02
16 Aug, 03:05
09 Mar, 09:12
01 Nov, 05:39