Pneuma - ኒውማ @pneumarba Channel on Telegram

Pneuma - ኒውማ


Promoting Biblical Literacy
“ በእርሱ እንድታድጉ አሁን እንደ ተወለዱ ሕፃናት ተንኰል የሌለበትን የቃልን ወተት ተመኙ።”
— 1ኛ ጴጥሮስ 2፥2-3

Pneuma - ኒውማ (Amharic)

የPneuma - ኒውማ የቴሌግራም ቻናል ስርጭት ነው የሚገኙበት። ይህ ቡኪያስ ትምህርትን ለመፍታት በመሆን ፕሮሞች እና ኢየሱስ እምነትን ያልቀመሰ ማህበረሰብ ነው። ኢየሱስ፣ ይህን ሕፃናት ከመኖሩ፣ ከእግዚአብሔር መምረጥን ወቂቀ ቃልን ሊያደርግ ይገባል። ይህ ቻናል በእሱ አሳፍለው ሕፃናትን እቅፅ፣ ሌለም እውነተኛ ወተት እንዳለ ተመኙ። ስለዚህ ይህን ቱቦት ከፍተኛ ማህበረሰቦችንና ቱቦቶችን ለመረጃን ይበዘብብን! ወተቶችን ለመመረጥ ለመንገድ በተጨቃነነት እያሰውን እና እንገዳውን ይችላሉ።

Pneuma - ኒውማ

03 Jan, 15:11

Pneuma - ኒውማ

02 Jan, 15:43

Dear ones,
I hope you’re all doing well! I wanted to inform you that the sharing feature on the channel was unknowingly disabled for a while. However, the issue has now been fixed!
You are now free to share any content from this channel as you wish.

Enjoy sharing!

Pneuma - ኒውማ

30 Dec, 15:09

Pneuma - ኒውማ

26 Dec, 15:37

Before we were saved, we may have been dull in the mind, unbalanced in the emotion, improper in the will. But the more we contact the Lord and experience Him, the more our mind becomes clear and sober, the more our emotion becomes properly balanced, and the more our will becomes adjusted.
Witness Lee

Pneuma - ኒውማ

23 Dec, 15:25

“ያዕቆብ ሆይ፥ አትፍራ፥ ይላል እግዚአብሔር፥ አንተም እስራኤል ሆይ፥ አትደንግጥ፤ ያዕቆብም ይመለሳል ያርፍማል ተዘልሎም ይቀመጣል፤ ማንም አያስፈራውም።
11 አድንህ ዘንድ ከአንተ ጋር ነኝና፥ ይላል እግዚአብሔር፤ አንተንም የበተንሁባቸውን አሕዛብን ሁሉ ፈጽሜ አጠፋለሁ፥ አንተን ግን ፈጽሜ አላጠፋህም፤” (ኤር 30:10-11)

Pneuma - ኒውማ

06 Dec, 13:38

Pneuma - ኒውማ

22 Nov, 14:35

Pneuma - ኒውማ

19 Nov, 23:30

“በሰማርያም ሊያልፍ ግድ ሆነበት።” (ዮሐ 4:4)

Doing the will of God should be the guiding principle of our lives. The Lord Jesus exemplified this by prioritizing the will of God above His personal preferences. As a Jew, He would typically avoid passing through Samaria, but for the sake of His Father’s will, He chose to do so. He set aside His cultural identity to fulfill the Father’s purpose. Similarly, we all have our own “Jewishness”—our preferences, traditions, and ways. True satisfaction in this life comes from aligning ourselves with God’s will. Whether it leads us to Samaria or Jerusalem, we should always dwell where His will is.

Pneuma - ኒውማ

19 Nov, 00:09

Pneuma - ኒውማ

12 Nov, 14:05

Divine Encounter

Pneuma - ኒውማ

25 Oct, 14:41

Pneuma - ኒውማ

22 Oct, 14:41

“ለእግዚአብሔርም ክብርና ምስጋና ከኢየሱስ ክርስቶስ የሚገኝ የጽድቅ ፍሬ ሞልቶባችሁ፥ ለክርስቶስ ቀን ተዘጋጅታችሁ ቅኖችና አለ ነውር እንድትሆኑ የሚሻለውን ነገር ፈትናችሁ ትወዱ ዘንድ፥ ፍቅራችሁ በእውቀትና በማስተዋል ሁሉ ከፊት ይልቅ እያደገ እንዲበዛ ይህን እጸልያለሁ።” (ፊል 1:11)