PLC Engineers @plc_enginers Channel on Telegram

PLC Engineers


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PLC Engineers (English)

Are you a PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) enthusiast or professional looking to connect with like-minded individuals and stay updated on the latest trends in the industry? Look no further than the 'PLC Engineers' Telegram channel! This channel is a hub for PLC engineers, technicians, and anyone interested in automation and control systems. Whether you are a seasoned expert or just starting in the field, 'PLC Engineers' provides valuable resources, discussions, and networking opportunities to help you excel in your career. Join us to engage in discussions about PLC programming, industrial automation, troubleshooting tips, career advice, and more. Stay informed about upcoming webinars, workshops, and events related to PLC technology. Connect with professionals from around the world, share your knowledge, and learn from others in the community. Don't miss out on this valuable opportunity to expand your knowledge, grow your network, and stay at the forefront of the ever-evolving PLC industry. Join the 'PLC Engineers' Telegram channel today and take your PLC journey to the next level!

PLC Engineers

16 Jan, 07:29

Back to the revolution of controllers.


PLC Engineers

15 Jan, 08:57

Releli boshqaruv tizimlari bilan ishlash jarayoni

Bizni kuztishda davom eting....💻


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PLC Engineers

06 Jan, 14:55

Control valve
Bizning kanal....💻


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PLC Engineers

25 Dec, 12:37

Bizning kanal....💻


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PLC Engineers

19 Dec, 07:17

Qadoqalash jarayonini avtomatik boshqarish tizimi uchun dasturlanuvchi mantiqiy kontrollerga loyiha qilish👨‍💻

Bizning kanal....💻


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PLC Engineers

05 Mar, 04:49

PLC Engineers o'rganuvchilaridan ajoyib g'oya👨‍💻

Bizning kanal....💻


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PLC Engineers

10 Feb, 09:29

Kafedra trenajorlari💻⚡️

Bugun kursimizga ro'yxatdan o'tishning oxirgi kuni.

Bizning kanal....💻


You tube👇

PLC Engineers

09 Feb, 05:05

TDTU EAF 228-xona

PLC Engineers

09 Feb, 05:05

Diqqat qabul
👉Texnologik jarayonlarni va ishlab chiqarishni avtomatlashtirish bo'yicha PLC_Enginers kursimizning 5-qabuliga start berayotganimizni mamnuniyat bilan e'lon qilamiz. Bu kursda PLC dasturlash sohasiga endi kirib kelayotganlar, noldan boshlayotganlar va yanada bilimini oshirmoqchi bo'lgan barcha o'rganuvchilar uchun. Simens S7-300, S7-1200, S7-1500 kontrollerlari bilan ishlash, Tia portal dasturida loyiha qilish, ulardan foydalanish shuningdek real proektlargacha o'rgatiladi.
Kursimiz online va offline tarzda olib boriladi.
1-modul 10 ta darsdan iborat.

💥TDTU ICHJA kafedrasi talabalari uchun ushbu kurs mutlaqo tekin. Va talabalar suxbat asosida saralab olinadi. 💥(9-fevral kuni soat 10:00da TDTU ICHJA kafedrasi talabalarini saralash uchun suxbat bo'lib o'tadi)

Qolgan barcha xoxlovchilar
@UrinjonChoriyev telegram manzili orqali 10-fevralga qadar ro'yxatdan o'tishlari mumkin.

Bizning kurs orqali hech qanday sertifikat berilmaydi.

To'garak manzili: Elektronika va avtomatika fakulteti 228-xona
To'garak boshlanish vaqti: 15.02.2024y

Ro'yxatdan o'tish👇

Bizning kanal....💻


You tube👇

PLC Engineers

08 Feb, 04:34

"Ўзтрансгаз" Акциядорлик Жамияти

Компания расмий сайти:

Электрон почта манзили:
[email protected]

Телефон рақами:

Ишга кирувчи талабгорлар томонидан топшириладиган резумеларни қабул қилувчи электрон почта манзили:
[email protected]


OOO LUKOIL Uzbekistan Operating Company


Lukoil'га резюме топшириш учун линк:

Резюмеларни қабул қилувчи Э-маил:
[email protected]

[email protected]


Манзил: 100027, Тошкент шаҳри. Олмазор, 1A


You tube👇

PLC Engineers

07 Feb, 09:06

Kursimiz haqida savollarga qisqacha javoblar💻

TIA Portal, Simatic S7-300, Simatic S7-1200 & Simatic S7-1500

Bizning kanal....💻


You tube👇

PLC Engineers

06 Feb, 17:13

Ba'zi qisqartmalar📝

Automation And Instrumentation

1. PLC = Programmable Logic Controller
2. DCS = Distributed Control System
3. MPI = Multi Point Interface
4. DP = Distributed Peripheral
5. SCADA = Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition
6. HART = Highway Addressable Remote Transducer
7. HMI = Human Machine Interface
8. MMI = Man-Machine Interface
9. VDU = Visual Display Unit
10. RIO = Remote Input Output
11. TCP/IP = Transmission Control Protocol-Internet Protocol
12. CFC = Continuous Function Chart
13. SFC = Sequential Function Chart
14. PID Control = Proportional Integral And Derivative Control
15. RAM = Random Access Memory
16. ROM = Read Only Memory
17. PROM = Programmable Read Only Memory
18. EPROM = Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory
19. EEPROM = Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory
20. RTD = Resistance Temperature Detector.


Basic Electrical Full forms and abbreviations

1. HT = High Tension (Transformer HT Side)
2. LT = Low Tension
3. AB Switch = Air Break Switch
4. DO Fuse = Drop Out Fuse
5. ACB = Air Circuit Breaker
6. VCB = Vacuum Circuit Breaker
7. SF6 Circuit Breaker = Sulphur Hexafluoride Circuit Breaker
8. ACDB = Alternating Current Distribution Board
9. DCDB =Direct Current Distribution Board
10.PDB = Power Distribution Board
11.MPDB = Main Power Distribution Board
12.PCC = Power Control Centre
13.MCC = Motor Control Centre
14.MCP = Motor Control Panel
15.VVVF = Variable Voltage Variable Frequency Drive
16.VSD = Variable Speed Drive
17.DOL = Direct On Line
18.RDOL = Reverse Duty On Line
19.MLDB = Main Lighting Distribution Board
20.SLDB = Secondary Lighting Distribution Board
21.EMLDB = Emergency Lighting Distribution Board
22.CPSS = Construction Power Substation
23.DSS = Distribution Power Substation
24.RCC = Remote Control Cables
25.MCB = Miniature Circuit Breaker
26.MCCB = Moulded Case Circuit Breaker
27.MPCB = Motor Protection Circuit Breaker
28.EMPR = Electronic Motor Protection Relay
29.RCCB = Residual Current Circuit Breaker
30.RCBO = Residual Current Circuit Breaker With Over-Current Protection
31.ELCB = Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker
32.HRC = Fuse High Rupture Capacity Fuse
33.OLTC = On Load Tap Changer
34.FCMA = Flux Compensated Magnetic Amplifier
35.UPS = Un-Interrupted Power Supply
36.SMF Battery = Sealed Maintenance Free Battery
37.JB = Junction Box
38.PB = Push Button
39.TB = Terminal Box
40.LCB = Local Control Board
41.LCS = Local Control Station
42.SPNDB = Short Circuit Protection Neutral Distribution Board
43.TPNDB =Three Phase And Neutral Distribution Board
44.CT = Current Transformer
45.PT = Potential Transformer
46.SCIM = Squirrel Cage Induction Motor
47.ACVS = Air Conditioning And Ventilation System
48.FDA = Fire Detection And Alarm
49.PCS = Pull Cord Switch
50.ZSS = Zero Speed Switch
51.BSS = Belt Sway Switch
52.NO = Normally Opened
53.NC = Normally Closed
54.TEFC = Total Enclosed Fan Cooled
55.TESC = Totally Enclosed Surface Cooled
56.ISMC = Indian Standard Medium Weight Channel
57.GI Busbar = Galvanized Iron Bus Bar (For Earthing)

Bizning kanal....💻


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PLC Engineers

05 Feb, 08:47

Diqqat qabul
👉Texnologik jarayonlarni va ishlab chiqarishni avtomatlashtirish bo'yicha PLC_Enginers kursimizning 5-qabuliga start berayotganimizni mamnuniyat bilan e'lon qilamiz. Bu kursda PLC dasturlash sohasiga endi kirib kelayotganlar, noldan boshlayotganlar va yanada bilimini oshirmoqchi bo'lgan barcha o'rganuvchilar uchun. Simens S7-300, S7-1200, S7-1500 kontrollerlari bilan ishlash, Tia portal dasturida loyiha qilish, ulardan foydalanish shuningdek real proektlargacha o'rgatiladi.
Kursimiz online va offline tarzda olib boriladi.
1-modul 10 ta darsdan iborat.

💥TDTU ICHJA kafedrasi talabalari uchun ushbu kurs mutlaqo tekin. Va talabalar suxbat asosida saralab olinadi. 💥(9-fevral kuni soat 10:00da TDTU ICHJA kafedrasi talabalarini saralash uchun suxbat bo'lib o'tadi)

Qolgan barcha xoxlovchilar
@UrinjonChoriyev telegram manzili orqali 10-fevralga qadar ro'yxatdan o'tishlari mumkin.

Bizning kurs orqali hech qanday sertifikat berilmaydi.

To'garak manzili: Elektronika va avtomatika fakulteti 228-xona
To'garak boshlanish vaqti: 15.02.2024y

Ro'yxatdan o'tish👇

Bizning kanal....💻


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