PixelLab PLP🇺🇿 | Designerlar Uchun | Ready Designs @pixellabofficial Channel on Telegram

PixelLab PLP🇺🇿 | Designerlar Uchun | Ready Designs




⚡️ 𝐂𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐫 👇

🚀 @uzbdesigner

🚀 @nice_dz

🛒For order: @buyurtmalarnarxi 👈


🤖Contact Bot: @pixellabofficial_bot

PixelLab PLP | Designerlar Uchun | Ready Designs (Uzbek)

PixelLab PLP kanalimiz sizlarga dizaynchi bo'lganlar uchun o'z dizaynlarimiz bilan tanishtirib beradi. Agar siz dizayn sohasida faol bo'lsangiz yoki bu sohani o'rganmoqchi bo'lsangiz, PixelLab PLP kanalimiz sizga qulayliklar taqdim etadi. Kanalimizda hazir dizaynlar, foydali maslahatlar va yangiliklar sizni kutmoqda. Sizning yangi loyihalaringizni tezroq boshlash uchun PixelLab PLP kanaliga obuna bo'ling va yangiliklardan birinchi bo'lib xabardor bo'ling. Kanalga obuna bo'lish orqali siz dizayn sohasida o'zingizni rivojlantirib, yangi imkoniyatlarga ega bo'lishingiz mumkin. Bizning PixelLab PLP kanalimizga xush kelibsiz!

PixelLab PLP🇺🇿 | Designerlar Uchun | Ready Designs

26 Jan, 18:15


👤 Created by @NICE_DZ 💻

📢 @pixellabofficial 📎PLP FILE

PixelLab PLP🇺🇿 | Designerlar Uchun | Ready Designs

26 Jan, 18:14

👤 Created by @UZBdesigner or @NICE_DZ 💻

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➡️ @UZBdesigner

📢 @pixellabofficial 👇PLP FILE

PixelLab PLP🇺🇿 | Designerlar Uchun | Ready Designs

26 Jan, 11:57


👤 Created by @NICE_DZ 💻

📢 @pixellabofficial 📎PLP FILE

PixelLab PLP🇺🇿 | Designerlar Uchun | Ready Designs

26 Jan, 11:57

👤 Created by @UZBdesigner or @NICE_DZ 💻

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➡️ @UZBdesigner

📢 @pixellabofficial 👇PLP FILE

PixelLab PLP🇺🇿 | Designerlar Uchun | Ready Designs

19 Jan, 18:47


👤 Created by @UZBdesigner 💻

📢 @pixellabofficial 📎PLP FILE

PixelLab PLP🇺🇿 | Designerlar Uchun | Ready Designs

19 Jan, 18:45

Xorazm fudbol klubni logosini REBRANDING qildik yana qaysi logolarni REBRANDING qilishimizni xohlaysiz plp qilamiz commentda yozing !

🦾 @pixellabofficial

PixelLab PLP🇺🇿 | Designerlar Uchun | Ready Designs

11 Jan, 08:56


👤 Created by @UZBdesigner 💻

📢 @pixellabofficial 📎PLP FILE

PixelLab PLP🇺🇿 | Designerlar Uchun | Ready Designs

11 Jan, 08:55

👤 Created by @UZBdesigner 💻

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➡️ @UZBdesigner

📢 @pixellabofficial 👇PLP FILE

PixelLab PLP🇺🇿 | Designerlar Uchun | Ready Designs

08 Jan, 07:55

Yana qanday plp larni kanalda koʻrishni hohlaysiz

PixelLab PLP🇺🇿 | Designerlar Uchun | Ready Designs

07 Jan, 08:48


PixelLab PLP🇺🇿 | Designerlar Uchun | Ready Designs

05 Jan, 14:19


👤 Created by @UZBdesigner 💻

📢 @pixellabofficial 📎PLP FILE

PixelLab PLP🇺🇿 | Designerlar Uchun | Ready Designs

05 Jan, 13:49

👤 Created by @UZBdesigner 💻

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➡️ @UZBdesigner

📢 @pixellabofficial 👇PLP FILE

PixelLab PLP🇺🇿 | Designerlar Uchun | Ready Designs

03 Jan, 17:19

‼️⚠️ Телеграмнинг сўнгги янгиланиши iPhone батареясини ўлдирмоқда

Apple фойдаланувчилари ҳаддан ташқари қизиб кетиш ва батареянинг тез сарфланишидан кўп шикоят қилмоқдалар.

App Store дўконида мессенжер салбий шарҳлар билан тўлиб кетди: бундай муаммолар кўпинча аудио ва видео контентни кўришда учрамоқда.

iPhone ишлатувчи танишларга юбориб огоҳлантириб қўямиз

PixelLab PLP🇺🇿 | Designerlar Uchun | Ready Designs

01 Jan, 19:31

Evolution of a logo


PixelLab PLP🇺🇿 | Designerlar Uchun | Ready Designs

30 Dec, 13:12


👤 Created by @UZBdesigner 💻

📢 @pixellabofficial 📎PLP FILE

PixelLab PLP🇺🇿 | Designerlar Uchun | Ready Designs

29 Dec, 11:32


👤 Created by @UZBdesigner 💻

📢 @pixellabofficial 📎PLP FILE

PixelLab PLP🇺🇿 | Designerlar Uchun | Ready Designs

29 Dec, 11:32

👤 Created by @UZBdesigner 💻

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➡️ @UZBdesigner

📢 @pixellabofficial 👇PLP FILE

PixelLab PLP🇺🇿 | Designerlar Uchun | Ready Designs

29 Dec, 11:31

👤 Created by @UZBdesigner 💻

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➡️ @UZBdesigner

📢 @pixellabofficial 👇PLP FILE

PixelLab PLP🇺🇿 | Designerlar Uchun | Ready Designs

27 Dec, 12:35

👤 Created by @UZBdesigner 💻

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➡️ @UZBdesigner

📢 @pixellabofficial 👇PLP FILE

PixelLab PLP🇺🇿 | Designerlar Uchun | Ready Designs

22 Dec, 08:49



PixelLab PLP🇺🇿 | Designerlar Uchun | Ready Designs

22 Dec, 07:52


👤 Created by @UZBdesigner 💻

📢 @pixellabofficial 📎PLP FILE

PixelLab PLP🇺🇿 | Designerlar Uchun | Ready Designs

22 Dec, 07:51

👤 Created by @UZBdesigner 💻

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➡️ @UZBdesigner

📢 @pixellabofficial 👇PLP FILE

PixelLab PLP🇺🇿 | Designerlar Uchun | Ready Designs

20 Dec, 06:34


👤 Created by @UZBdesigner 💻

📢 @pixellabofficial 📎PLP FILE

PixelLab PLP🇺🇿 | Designerlar Uchun | Ready Designs

20 Dec, 06:33

👤 Created by @UZBdesigner 💻

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➡️ @UZBdesigner

📢 @pixellabofficial 👇PLP FILE

PixelLab PLP🇺🇿 | Designerlar Uchun | Ready Designs

19 Dec, 23:12


👤 Created by @UZBdesigner 💻

📢 @pixellabofficial 📎PLP FILE

PixelLab PLP🇺🇿 | Designerlar Uchun | Ready Designs

19 Dec, 23:10

👤 Created by @UZBdesigner 💻

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➡️ @UZBdesigner

📢 @pixellabofficial 👇PLP FILE

PixelLab PLP🇺🇿 | Designerlar Uchun | Ready Designs

17 Dec, 05:28

1 or 2

👤 Created by @UZBdesigner 💻

🔖 For those who want to order such logos, contact the profile below


📢 @pixellabofficial 👇PLP FILE

PixelLab PLP🇺🇿 | Designerlar Uchun | Ready Designs

14 Dec, 13:31


👤 @UZBdesigner 💻 tomonidan yaratilgan

📢 @pixellabofficial📎 PLP fayli

PixelLab PLP🇺🇿 | Designerlar Uchun | Ready Designs

13 Dec, 04:23

👤 Created by @UZBdesigner 💻

🔖 For those who want to order such logos, contact the profile below


📢 @pixellabofficial 👇PLP FILE

PixelLab PLP🇺🇿 | Designerlar Uchun | Ready Designs

13 Dec, 04:04


👤 @UZBdesigner 💻 tomonidan yaratilgan

📢 @pixellabofficial📎 PLP fayli

PixelLab PLP🇺🇿 | Designerlar Uchun | Ready Designs

12 Dec, 14:19

👤 Created by @UZBdesigner 💻

🔖 For those who want to order such logos, contact the profile below


📢 @pixellabofficial 👇PLP FILE

PixelLab PLP🇺🇿 | Designerlar Uchun | Ready Designs

12 Dec, 07:26


👤 @UZBdesigner 💻 tomonidan yaratilgan

📢 @pixellabofficial📎 PLP fayli

PixelLab PLP🇺🇿 | Designerlar Uchun | Ready Designs

12 Dec, 07:20

👤 Created by @UZBdesigner 💻

🔖 For those who want to order such logos, contact the profile below


📢 @pixellabofficial 👇PLP FILE

PixelLab PLP🇺🇿 | Designerlar Uchun | Ready Designs

07 Dec, 03:35


👤 @UZBdesigner 💻 tomonidan yaratilgan

📢 @pixellabofficial📎 PLP fayli

PixelLab PLP🇺🇿 | Designerlar Uchun | Ready Designs

07 Dec, 03:33

👤 @UZBdesigner 💻 tomonidan yaratilgan


➡️ @UZBdesigner

📢 @pixellabofficial 👇PLP FILE

PixelLab PLP🇺🇿 | Designerlar Uchun | Ready Designs

06 Dec, 19:24


👤 Created by @UZBdesigner 💻

📢 @pixellabofficial 📎PLP FILE

PixelLab PLP🇺🇿 | Designerlar Uchun | Ready Designs

06 Dec, 13:29

👤 Created by @UZBdesigner 💻

🔖 For those who want to order such logos, contact the profile below

➡️ @UZBdesigner

📢 @pixellabofficial 👇PLP FILE

PixelLab PLP🇺🇿 | Designerlar Uchun | Ready Designs

29 Nov, 15:26

🚀50 ta ovoz yogilsa boshlaymiz Avatarka battleni

🚀If we get 50 votes, we will start Avatarka battle

🚀Если мы наберем 50 голосов, мы начнем батл за Аватарку.

PixelLab PLP🇺🇿 | Designerlar Uchun | Ready Designs

29 Nov, 13:29

📥Qolib ketgan dogs 🐶 bosa olaman lichaga yozing @nice_dz

PixelLab PLP🇺🇿 | Designerlar Uchun | Ready Designs

25 Nov, 20:29


👤 Created by @UZBdesigner 💻

📢 @pixellabofficial 📎PLP FILE

PixelLab PLP🇺🇿 | Designerlar Uchun | Ready Designs

25 Nov, 20:23

👤 Created by @UZBdesigner 💻

🔖 For those who want to order such logos, contact the profile below

➡️ @UZBdesigner

📢 @pixellabofficial 👇PLP FILE

PixelLab PLP🇺🇿 | Designerlar Uchun | Ready Designs

24 Nov, 14:16

👤 Created by @UZBdesigner 💻

🔖 For those who want to order such logos, contact the profile below

➡️ @UZBdesigner

📢 @pixellabofficial

PixelLab PLP🇺🇿 | Designerlar Uchun | Ready Designs

24 Nov, 07:45


👤 Created by @UZBdesigner 💻

📢 @pixellabofficial

PixelLab PLP🇺🇿 | Designerlar Uchun | Ready Designs

24 Nov, 01:03

Maximum activity reaction

PixelLab PLP🇺🇿 | Designerlar Uchun | Ready Designs

24 Nov, 00:33


⬆️ @pixellabofficial

PixelLab PLP🇺🇿 | Designerlar Uchun | Ready Designs

23 Nov, 22:41


👤 Created by @UZBdesigner 💻

📢 @pixellabofficial 📎PLP FILE

PixelLab PLP🇺🇿 | Designerlar Uchun | Ready Designs

23 Nov, 22:40

👤 Created by @UZBdesigner 💻

🔖 For those who want to order such logos, contact the profile below

➡️ @UZBdesigner

📢 @pixellabofficial 👇PLP FILE

PixelLab PLP🇺🇿 | Designerlar Uchun | Ready Designs

20 Nov, 20:13

PixelLab PLP🇺🇿 | Designerlar Uchun | Ready Designs pinned «🚀GOAL 2K»

PixelLab PLP🇺🇿 | Designerlar Uchun | Ready Designs

20 Nov, 20:12


PixelLab PLP🇺🇿 | Designerlar Uchun | Ready Designs

20 Nov, 20:08

😎 Salom obunachilar kanalda 🔤🔤🔤 konkurs o'tqizamizmi? GOO LIKE


PixelLab PLP🇺🇿 | Designerlar Uchun | Ready Designs

20 Nov, 20:01


👤 Created by @UZBdesigner 💻

📢 @pixellabofficial 📎PLP FILE

PixelLab PLP🇺🇿 | Designerlar Uchun | Ready Designs

20 Nov, 20:00

👤 Created by @UZBdesigner 💻

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➡️ @UZBdesigner

📢 @pixellabofficial 👇PLP FILE

PixelLab PLP🇺🇿 | Designerlar Uchun | Ready Designs

20 Nov, 20:00


👤 Created by @UZBdesigner 💻

📢 @pixellabofficial 📎PLP FILE

PixelLab PLP🇺🇿 | Designerlar Uchun | Ready Designs

20 Nov, 19:59

👤 Created by @UZBdesigner 💻

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➡️ @UZBdesigner

📢 @pixellabofficial PLP FILE

PixelLab PLP🇺🇿 | Designerlar Uchun | Ready Designs

17 Nov, 09:20

🩸🩸🩸Endilikda kanalimizga png formatdagi rasmlarniham muntazam tashlab boraylikmi?

© @nice_dz😎

PixelLab PLP🇺🇿 | Designerlar Uchun | Ready Designs

16 Nov, 22:03

👤 Created by @UZBdesigner 💻

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➡️ @UZBdesigner

📢 @pixellabofficial PLP FILE

PixelLab PLP🇺🇿 | Designerlar Uchun | Ready Designs

15 Nov, 19:32


👤 Created by @UZBdesigner 💻

📢 @pixellabofficial 📎PLP FILE

PixelLab PLP🇺🇿 | Designerlar Uchun | Ready Designs

15 Nov, 19:32

👤 Created by @UZBdesigner 💻

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➡️ @UZBdesigner

📢 @pixellabofficial 👇PLP FILE

PixelLab PLP🇺🇿 | Designerlar Uchun | Ready Designs

14 Nov, 14:58


👤 Created by @UZBdesigner 💻

📢 @pixellabofficial 📎PLP FILE

PixelLab PLP🇺🇿 | Designerlar Uchun | Ready Designs

14 Nov, 14:58

👤 Created by @UZBdesigner 💻

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➡️ @UZBdesigner

📢 @pixellabofficial 👇PLP FILE

PixelLab PLP🇺🇿 | Designerlar Uchun | Ready Designs

10 Nov, 20:04


PixelLab PLP🇺🇿 | Designerlar Uchun | Ready Designs

10 Nov, 20:02


👤 Created by @UZBdesigner 💻

📢 @pixellabofficial 📎PLP FILE

PixelLab PLP🇺🇿 | Designerlar Uchun | Ready Designs

10 Nov, 20:02

👤 Created by @UZBdesigner 💻

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➡️ @UZBdesigner

📢 @pixellabofficial 👇PLP FILE

PixelLab PLP🇺🇿 | Designerlar Uchun | Ready Designs

03 Nov, 10:56


👤 Created by @UZBdesigner 💻

📢 @pixellabofficial 📎PLP FILE

PixelLab PLP🇺🇿 | Designerlar Uchun | Ready Designs

03 Nov, 10:55

👤 Created by @UZBdesigner 💻

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➡️ @UZBdesigner

📢 @pixellabofficial 👇PLP FILE

PixelLab PLP🇺🇿 | Designerlar Uchun | Ready Designs

02 Nov, 19:37


👤 Created by @UZBdesigner 💻

📢 @pixellabofficial 📎PLP FILE

PixelLab PLP🇺🇿 | Designerlar Uchun | Ready Designs

02 Nov, 19:37

👤 Created by @UZBdesigner 💻

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➡️ @UZBdesigner

📢 @pixellabofficial 👇PLP FILE

PixelLab PLP🇺🇿 | Designerlar Uchun | Ready Designs

29 Oct, 09:18

Thank you 1500 followers


PixelLab PLP🇺🇿 | Designerlar Uchun | Ready Designs

26 Oct, 20:40


👤 Created by @UZBdesigner 💻

📢 @pixellabofficial 📎PLP FILE

PixelLab PLP🇺🇿 | Designerlar Uchun | Ready Designs

26 Oct, 20:39


👤 Created by @UZBdesigner 💻

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➡️ @UZBdesigner

📢 @pixellabofficial 👇PLP FILE

PixelLab PLP🇺🇿 | Designerlar Uchun | Ready Designs

26 Oct, 20:24

🔠Let's create a LOGO for other letters, write in the comments✉️

PixelLab PLP🇺🇿 | Designerlar Uchun | Ready Designs

26 Oct, 19:37


👤 Created by @UZBdesigner 💻

📢 @pixellabofficial 📎PLP FILE

PixelLab PLP🇺🇿 | Designerlar Uchun | Ready Designs

13 Oct, 16:29

A logo

👤 Created by @UZBdesigner 💻

📢 @pixellabofficial

PixelLab PLP🇺🇿 | Designerlar Uchun | Ready Designs

13 Oct, 16:19

AB logo

👤 Created by @UZBdesigner 💻

📢 @pixellabofficial

PixelLab PLP🇺🇿 | Designerlar Uchun | Ready Designs

13 Oct, 13:16

👚We will create a LOGO for the initial letter of your name and write it in the comment

👚Ismingizni bosh harfiga LOGO yaratamiz komentaryaga yozamiz

PixelLab PLP🇺🇿 | Designerlar Uchun | Ready Designs

13 Oct, 13:13


👤 Created by @UZBdesigner 💻

📢 @pixellabofficial 📎PLP FILE

PixelLab PLP🇺🇿 | Designerlar Uchun | Ready Designs

13 Oct, 13:12

👤 Created by @UZBdesigner 💻

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➡️ @UZBdesigner

📢 @pixellabofficial 👇PLP FILE

PixelLab PLP🇺🇿 | Designerlar Uchun | Ready Designs

13 Oct, 08:52


👤 Created by @UZBdesigner 💻

📢 @pixellabofficial 📎PLP FILE

PixelLab PLP🇺🇿 | Designerlar Uchun | Ready Designs

13 Oct, 08:50

👤 Created by @UZBdesigner 💻

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➡️ @UZBdesigner

📢 @pixellabofficial 👇PLP FILE

PixelLab PLP🇺🇿 | Designerlar Uchun | Ready Designs

12 Oct, 09:50


👤 Created by @UZBdesigner 💻

📢 @pixellabofficial 📎PLP FILE

PixelLab PLP🇺🇿 | Designerlar Uchun | Ready Designs

12 Oct, 09:49

👤 Created by @UZBdesigner 💻

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➡️ @UZBdesigner

📢 @pixellabofficial 👇PLP FILE

PixelLab PLP🇺🇿 | Designerlar Uchun | Ready Designs

06 Oct, 18:49

👤Adminimiz @NICE_DZ ning yangi 🖼logosi baxo beramiz 🔥

👤We present the new 😀logo of our admin @NICE_DZ 🔥

👤Представляем новый 🖼лого нашего администратора @NICE_DZ 🔥

PixelLab PLP🇺🇿 | Designerlar Uchun | Ready Designs

06 Oct, 17:57


👤 Created by @UZBdesigner 💻

📢 @pixellabofficial 📎PLP FILE

PixelLab PLP🇺🇿 | Designerlar Uchun | Ready Designs

06 Oct, 17:56

🌐Juda koʻplab obunachilarimiz shu logoni soʻrashgani uchun tayyorladik yoqgan bolsa 🔥like bosamz

👤 Created by @UZBdesigner 💻

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➡️ @UZBdesigner

📢 @pixellabofficial 👇PLP FILE

PixelLab PLP🇺🇿 | Designerlar Uchun | Ready Designs

05 Oct, 17:56


👤 Created by @UZBdesigner 💻

📢 @pixellabofficial 📎PLP FILE

PixelLab PLP🇺🇿 | Designerlar Uchun | Ready Designs

05 Oct, 17:55

👤 Created by @UZBdesigner 💻

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➡️ @UZBdesigner

📢 @pixellabofficial 👇PLP FILE

PixelLab PLP🇺🇿 | Designerlar Uchun | Ready Designs

02 Oct, 17:57


👤 Created by @UZBdesigner 💻

📢 @pixellabofficial 📎PLP FILE

PixelLab PLP🇺🇿 | Designerlar Uchun | Ready Designs

02 Oct, 17:56

👤 Created by @UZBdesigner 💻

📢 @pixellabofficial ⚙️PLP FILE

PixelLab PLP🇺🇿 | Designerlar Uchun | Ready Designs

30 Sep, 20:54

⬇️Talablarga binoan kanalimiz ming yangi LOGO sining PLP versiyasi

👤 Created by @UZBdesigner 💻

📢 @pixellabofficial 📎PLP FILE

PixelLab PLP🇺🇿 | Designerlar Uchun | Ready Designs

29 Sep, 12:48

Kanal LOGO sni o'zgartiramizmi?

👤 Created by @UZBdesigner 💻

📢 @pixellabofficial ⚙️PLP FILE

PixelLab PLP🇺🇿 | Designerlar Uchun | Ready Designs

24 Sep, 19:10

👤 Created by @UZBdesigner 💻

📢 @pixellabofficial ⚙️PLP FILE

PixelLab PLP🇺🇿 | Designerlar Uchun | Ready Designs

24 Sep, 19:10

💙 Created by @UZBdesigner 💻

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➡️ @UZBdesigner

📢 @pixellabofficial 👇PLP FILE