Peepal Farm is a renowned animal rescue and awareness organization that is dedicated to helping animals heal and be heard. Based in the picturesque village of VPO Dhanotu, in the Tehsil Shahpur district of Kangra, Himachal Pradesh, Peepal Farm is a sanctuary for animals in need. With a mission to provide a safe and loving environment for animals to recover and thrive, Peepal Farm has become a beacon of hope for countless animals in distress.
At Peepal Farm, every animal is treated with love and compassion, receiving the care and attention they need to lead happy and healthy lives. From injured cows to abandoned dogs, the dedicated team at Peepal Farm works tirelessly to rescue, rehabilitate, and rehome animals in need. In addition to their rescue efforts, Peepal Farm also focuses on creating awareness about animal welfare and promoting compassion towards all living beings.
If you are looking to support a cause that makes a real difference in the lives of animals, Peepal Farm is the perfect organization to get involved with. You can visit their website at to learn more about their work, or contact them at [email protected] or on +91 99994 29144 to find out how you can contribute to their important mission. Together, we can make a difference and give animals a voice at Peepal Farm.
18 Jan, 13:23
15 Jan, 13:39
12 Jan, 05:59
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11 Jan, 05:46
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31 Dec, 13:21
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27 Dec, 07:40
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09 Dec, 13:35
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07 Dec, 13:07
06 Dec, 12:56
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21 Nov, 13:40
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16 Nov, 14:31
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15 Nov, 12:33
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08 Nov, 14:56
05 Nov, 13:20
04 Nov, 12:48
02 Nov, 13:56
31 Oct, 05:09
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28 Oct, 13:42
26 Oct, 11:34
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25 Oct, 07:52
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21 Oct, 05:59
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17 Oct, 06:15
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11 Oct, 08:03
06 Oct, 07:32
05 Oct, 13:26
03 Oct, 13:56
01 Oct, 04:21
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24 Sep, 13:35
23 Sep, 12:55
19 Sep, 14:30
17 Sep, 13:56
16 Sep, 13:45