Osce arab board @oscemedicine Channel on Telegram

Osce arab board


Osce arab board (English)

Are you a medical student or professional looking to ace your Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE)? Look no further than the Osce arab board channel on Telegram, also known as @oscemedicine! This channel is dedicated to providing valuable resources, tips, and practice scenarios specifically tailored for Arabic-speaking individuals preparing for OSCE exams. With a team of experienced medical professionals and educators behind the content, you can trust that you are getting high-quality information to help you succeed. From detailed anatomy reviews to mock patient interactions, @oscemedicine covers it all. Join the growing community of aspiring healthcare professionals and start your journey towards mastering the OSCE with Osce arab board today!

Osce arab board

16 Sep, 10:57

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Osce arab board

28 Jul, 11:00

يوم السبت امتحان الاردن 22-7-2023
1;الحالة الاولى كانت : splenomegaly
Dd, discussion was CML
2:الثانية كانت هستوري :
2days fever , admitted to medical ICU
Fever and rigor with pleurisy ( pt said i has back and anterior chest pain after analysis, pain is pleurisy ) cough green sputum and breathlessness , oliguria...
Concern was , Why i admitted to icu not ward !?
Dd : pneumonia
Dicusstion about investigation and management of ARDs
3:الحالة ثالثة long case
6 minute examination and 6 minutes discussion
نظام جديد
On the door
45 female complains of hands pain and swelling, difficulty of movement, shortness of breath
Examine: general and Respiratory and any other system related
الوقت 6 دقايق

.الحالة :diffuse Systemic sclerosis with ILDs
نقاش عليها كله مثل مكتوب في الكتاب مافيش اسئلة غريبة ...
4:الحالة الرابعة
5:الحالة خامسة communication
Breaking bad news Hodgkin lymphoma and manage concern of patients , explain how to manage
Patient concern was complications of chemotherapy, hair loss
Infertility and how long will be the course of treatment
لاني انا المعيل الوحيد لعائلتي و لا استطيع ايقاف العمل

6:الحالة السادسة
Cvs : VSD
Very soft mid systolic murumur
No sings of esimenger syndrome

Osce arab board

21 Jul, 18:56

Day one 20-7-2023 Amman

Metallic mitral valve replacement
Bilateral flaccid paralysis
CLD with ascites and splenomegaly
Communication : pt with recent MI planned for discharge, discussion, future plan and answer his concerns

Osce arab board

03 Jun, 12:49

Third day...Qatar
History...IBD UC.
Communication...AML ,,talk about line of management...not breaking bad news..
CVS...Mechanical valve,,,AVR.
Abdomen...splenomegaly may CLD.
Neuro...peripheral neuropathy.

Osce arab board

02 Jun, 19:04


History today stroke in younge due to APL syndrome

Communication HF with EF 15%

Abdomen thalassemia
LL foot drop (lower motor neuron lesion predominantly motor)
Chest ILD

Osce arab board

02 Jun, 07:42

Frist day ....Qatar
History ...NAFLD
Chest ...ILD Dermatomyosites
CVS ...Aortic stenosis
Abdomen ...Thalasemia
Neuro....Cerebellar LL
Communication...SLE with hyperlipidemia refuse therapy

Osce arab board

02 Apr, 07:31

Alain/UAE day 2

- Thoracotomy scar in patient with bronchiectasis:
What is your diagnosis?
What labs you will order?
What are the complications of bronchiectasis?
- Hepatomegaly:
Causes of CLD?
How would you investigate? Lbs and name AST, ALT etc
What supportive management?
- Thyroid >> status: euthyroid in graves post thyroidectomy.
What other causes of opthalmopathy? Uni or bilateral
What imaging/investigation you will do?
What features you will see in cancer related thyroid?
- history patient with epilepsy presented with pneumonia. They wanted a detailed epilepsy history despite the patient said its un witnessed they still want you to say the questions if it was and the 10 years detailed epilepsy control and events.
The diagnosis was aspiration secondary to seizure
Pt concer:
Do i have to come to the hospital after every seIzure?
How can i prevent this to happen again (aspiration)
What other possible causes of her presentation they wanted 4
Define status epileptics?
How would you manage it?
How will you prevent aspiration?
- RA hand: DDx , other joints and other articular complication/manifestation of RA joint, management
- AS: name other DDx, what symptoms can this patient present with? patient presented with acute heart failure how will you manage

Osce arab board

02 Apr, 07:30

Day 1 alain/ UAE

1. History: 30 yrs female, with bloody diarrhea and weight loss for 6 months. Final diagnosis : Crohns disease.
- Patient concern: why i am loosing weight despite good appetite? Will this disease affect my infertility and pregnancy?
- Q: what is the differential diagnosis and investigation? How will you differentiate Crohns from ulcerative colitis clinically and pathology.
2. Dual metalic valve replacement
- Q: what is the indication of mitral stenosis replacement? What are the causes of anemia in MS patient? How would you assess metallic valve if functional or not.
3. Resp: pleural effusion.
- Q: what are the causes of hemorrhagic pleural effusion. What are the pleural parameters in case the cause is peritoneal dialysis.
4. Abdomen: Renal transplant
- Q: give 6 DDx from RIF mass. Give me 8 immune suppression medications used in renal transplant. What renal transplant is better than dialysis.
5. Graves disease
- Q: what is the diagnosis? Investigation? what is the patient thyroid status physically? How would you manage the eye ? How will be TSH, T4 and T3 will be in case of subclinical hypothyroidism.
6. Scleroderma
- Q: what is CREST stand for? Investigation? What is scleroderma complications? How would you manage scleroderma?

Osce arab board

28 Mar, 21:55

اليوم الأول من امتحان اوسكي مركز اربيل المصادف 28/3/2022

History, inflammatory bowel disease, diarhea, fatigue, weight loss, bleeding 5 weeks… ddx.. management.. complications.. follow up.. counceling

Cvs: cyanotic heart disease, pansystolic murmur, clubbing, peripheral cyanosis

Rheumatology: SLE with cushinoid features

Neuro: examine motor system.. left spastic hemipersis, stroke

Pulmo: COPD

Abdomen: (hematology) asked to examine general only.. had features of Iron def anemia

Osce arab board

26 Nov, 09:45

..1st day, Erbil, Iraq ( November, 2021)..
أولاً : هناك بعض التغييرات التي حدثت بهذا الامتحان :
1. لم يكن هناك محطة (Communication skills ) ولكن في الحالات الست الأخرى تم وضع سؤال Communication بنهاية كل حالة، يعني مثلا في محطة ال Rheumatology كان هناك سؤال كومينكشن عن هل من الممكن الشفاء من المرض، وهل سينتقل للأطفال ؟ ويكون السؤال من الممتحن وتجاوبه للممتحن وليس للمريض ..
2. تم جعل محطة ال Neurology ثابتة .
3. الامتحان مكون من ست محطات :
History, Miscellaneous, CVS, Respiratory, GIT, Neurology..

ثانياً: مصادر القراءة
1. كتب الدكتور ونيس إبراهيم المقصبي لكل المحطات
History and communication + short cases
2. قمت بكتابة Handouts وتجميعها من كتب مختلفة منها كتب الدكتور ونيس ورايدر و OST وغيرها ، اعتمدت عليها في المراجعة.
3 . أهم شيء هو مراجعة ال Checklist للامتحانات السابقة وتجارب السابقين ، لأن طريقة الاراب بورد قد تختلف قليلا عن الامتحانات الأخرى، فلا بد من تعديل الاجابات بحسب ذلك.
4. الوقت ضيق جدا ، لذلك لابد من التحضير للامتحان بحسب الطريقة المطلوبة والتي لا تضيع من خلالها الوقت في فحص أشياء غير مهمة .

ثالثاً: ( Exam stations in my day )
History taking station :
Scenario: A 40 year old woman, C/O SOB , Diagnosed 2 years back with Non specific interstitial pneumonia By HRCT...
Surrogate gathered information:
A female aged 40 year.
Chief complaint:_ Chronic progressive dyspnea, no orthopnea or PND , not related to smokes or fumes , no specific aggravating or relieving factors..
History of chronic progressive dry cough, somtimes associated with sputum.
Duration of cough and dyspnea 2 years.
No wheeze, hemoptysis, URTI, chest pain, palpitations, leg swelling or IC.
No H/O Fever, wt loss, anorexia, skin rash, photosensitivity, sweating ...
H/O JOINT PAIN+ SWELLING in Hands and feet associated with Morning stiffness, she was diagnosed with RA 1 year back for which received MTX( 1 year back) .
No History of skin thickening, no history of proximal myopathy or dry eye.
Other S/R = Unremarkable
PMH= RA, No DM , HTN, cardiac ....
MH = normal
PSH= nill , NO BT
F/H= Nill
SH = occupation ( teacher) no past occupation
No smoking, alcohol or IVDA
No history of exposure to pets or sick people
No significant sexual history.
Examiner questions;
What is your DD?
Rheumatoid Arthritis induced Non specific interstitial pneumonia ..
MTX induced Non specific interstitial pneumonia.
What is the most likey cause ?
Rheumatoid arthritis ( some patients may initially present with only pulmonary manifestations of their underlying autoimmune disorder, as in this patient lung manifestations started before joint features ) ? Her symptoms started from 2 years and she was started on MTX only 1 year back.

What are the causes of Non specific interstitial pneumonia?

#CTD ( strong association) = RA , SLE, SS, polymyositis, Dermatomyositis, Sjogren's , mixed CTD ...
#Hypersensitivity pneumonitis
#Occupational exposue
#Drugs = MTX , nitrofurantoin, thalidomide, #chemotherapy...
#Idiopathic ( usually diagnosed as Idiopathic until development of CTD manifestations, so require careful surveillance).

What are types of interstitial pneumonia, ?
Usual interstitial pneumonia
Non specific interstitial pneumonia
Organizing pneumonia
Acute interstitial pneumonia
Desquamative interstial pneumonia

Which one responds to steroids?
Nonspecific interstitial pneumonia and hypersensitivity pneumonitis
Organizing pneumonia
Some cases of Usual interstitial pneumonia

CXR, HRCT, PFT, serology for HIV and serology panel of hypersensitivity pneumonitis, lung biopsy and BAL , CBC , ESR, CRP, Autoimmune profile...

Immunosuppressive (MFM, Azathioprine, Cyclophosphamide)
Stop MTX
Resgular follow up in respiratory clinic

Is this patient have hypersensitivity pneumonitis?
No related occupational history or pets exposure..

Osce arab board

26 Nov, 09:45

( Neurology station )
Scenario = this man presented with difficulty in walking.
Plz examine neurological system of his upper limbs, lower limbs and ocular movements .

Lower limbs =
Inspection = no wasting , fasciculation or deformity or trophic changes.
Tone= increased bilaterally
Clonus presented and sustained
Power= reduced proximally and distally at both lower limbs more in the lt side.
Reflexes = exaggerated both knee and ankle
Planter response = Extensor.
Heel shin test = impaired bilaterally.
I would like to examine gait and Sensation.

Upper limbs = b/C of time i said to the exainer i would like to examine just specific things == Tone = normal , power = normal , finger nose test= impaired bilaterally with intention tremor.

Then ocular movements =
Impaired horizontal gaze with nystagmus.

What is your clinical diagnosis?
Spastic paraparesis with cerebellar involvement and INO.

What is the most likely dx?
Multiple sclerosis
What is the DD?
Spinal cord compression

MRI brain and spinal cord
LP= for oligoclonal bands and CSF pleocytosis.
Vasculitic screen

Lines of treatment in MS?
Physiotherapy, occupational therapy, muscle relaxnts, Vit D , Vaccinations.
During acute episode = systemic steroid
Maintenance therapy = interferon, glatiramer, figolimod, natalizumab or alemetuzumab

Communication question
هل هذا المرض وراثي وينتقل لأطفالي؟
هو غير وراثي وليس بالضرورة أن ينتقل من جيل لآخر.

بالتوفيق للجميع ...
الشكر موصول الي صاحب البوست .د.ابوبكر الديب

Osce arab board

26 Nov, 09:45

No kidney masses
Percussion = shifting dullness positive.
Auscultation = BS +ve, no renal bruit, no hepatic bruit or splenic rub.
I would like to finish my exam by examining DRE and genitalia.
What is your clinical diagnosis?
Pallor+ splenomegaly + Ascites
What is your DD?
CLD = PBC, hepatitis, AIH
Myeloproliferative neoplasms= CMl, PRV, Myelofibrosis , ET
Lymphoproliferative diseases.
Chronic hemolytic anemia.

Viral serolgy
Uss abdomen, CT abdomen,
Autoimmune profile
PBF, BME, Jak2 mutations
This lady diagnosed as a case of portal vein thrombosis, how to manage?
Anticoagulants = LMWH, then oral Anticoagulants..

Communication question
She is lactating, would like to start warfarin or there is any other option ?

Unfortunately, there is not enough information about the safety of novel anti-coagulants to recommend them as first line treatment for breastfeeding mothers. At this point, warfarin ought to be the mainstay for oral anticoagulation therapy.
(CVS station)
A 70 year old lady, presnted with SOB+ palpation, 4 months back.
PlZ examine her CVS.

Old lady, mildly dyspnic in upright position,
No malar rash or peculiar features.
Hands= no clubbing, splinter hge, osler's nodules or janeway lesions
Pulse= irregular irregular, large volume collapsing.
No pallor or jaundice or cyanosis
Neck= jvp raised with mild hepatic Tenderness by hepatojugular reflux, arterial pulsations.
Legs= mild pedal edema
Precordium = no scars, deformity or visible pulsations.
Apex beat displaced
No heave or thrill
Auscultation = heart sounds irregular, PSM at apex radiated to axilla
Bases of lungs= few crackles.
No sacral edema
Your clinical diagnosis?
PSM, AF, decompensated HF
Your DD?
MR , AF , HF
How to investigate?
CXR, ECG, holter monitor, Echo, C.angio, CE, CBC, ESR, CRP, BNP, TFT .
What are the suspected findings in echo?
Valve lesions, Dilated ventricles with low EF, wall motion abnormalities
How to manage cardiogenic pulmonary edema?
O2, upright position, morphine, lasix, nitrates, NIV, IV, haemodialysis
What are options in long-term management?
AF= rate control, rhythm control, anticoagulants.
HF= diuretics, BB, ACEI, intresto, ivabradine, Devices, Transplantation.
MR= valve replacement.
Indications of surgery?
Symptoms of HF
Regurgitant fraction >50%, Regurgitant volume >50ml with LVEF 30_ 60%.
LVEF < 60%
LVESD > 50ml.

( Respiratory station )
An old man , presented with SOB.
Plz examine his respiratory system.

An old man, cachexic , comfortable in sitting position, not dyspnic.
Hands= no clubbing, no Tar staining, no palmar erythema, no fine or flapping tremor.
Eyes= pallor, no jaundice.
Mouth= no cyanosis.
Neck= no LAP or raised JVP.
Legs= no pedal edema.
Chest inspection = no scars, deformities or visible veins.
Palpation = decrease chest expansion mainly in the rt lower zone.
Percussion = dull percussion note at rt lower zone
Auscultation = absent air entry in the rt lower zone+ bronchial breathing at left upper zone .

What is your clinical diagnosis?
Dullness at rt lung base.
Bronchial breathing ( consolidation)

What is your DD?

Pleural effusion mostly secondary to malignancy.
Pleural thickening .
Diaphragmatic paralysis

How to investigate?
CBC, Sputum analysis, ESR, CRP.
BAL, Bronchoscopy with biopsy, Video assisted open biopsy.
Pleurocentesis , pleural biopsy .

How to manage CA lung if there's mets to liver?
Chemotherpay, radiotherapy, palliative care
No role for surgery.

Communication question
المريض خائف من سحب السائل من الغشاء البلوري ، كيف تقنعه؟
عملية سحب السائل مهمة جدا في حالة حضرتك ، وذلك لأنه ستساعدنا في تأكيد التشخيص ومن غيرها قد لا نتمكن من الوصول للتشخيص، عملية السحب ستجرى تحت إشراف صورة التلفزيون وتؤخذ من منطقة آمنة وتحت إشراف أخصائي متمرس قد قام بها من قبل العديد من المرات ..

Osce arab board

26 Nov, 09:45

Patient concern ?( Communication questions)
هل من الممكن شفائي؟
هذا الأمر من المبكر التنبؤ به الآن ، لذلك نحتاج للبدء في العلاج تحت إشراف أخصائي الجهاز التنفسي والرثويات وهناك حالات عديدة تستجيب للعلاج وسأرتب لك لقاء آخر مع أخصائي الحهاز التنفسي للحديث أكثر عن ذلك ..
هل هو مرض خطير ؟
نسبة الشفاء منه عالية خصوصا مع العلاج المبكر والمتابعة اللصيقة مع عيادة الجهاز التنفسي
Prognosis of nonspecific interstitial pneumonia in general good and better than usual interstitial pneumonia.
هل المرض له علاقة بمشكلة المفاصل ؟
نعم قد يكون له علاقة بمشكلة المفاصل..
هل أوقف علاج المفاصل؟
في الغالب نحتاج لإيقافه (MTX) لأنه يفاقم الأعراض وسأقوم بترتيب لقاء مع أخصائي الرثويات لاستشارته بشأن ذلك وممكن تغيير العلاج.
هل سأحتاج لإجراء أخذ عينة من الرئة؟
قد نحتاج لأخذ عينة من الرئة لتأكيد التشخيص.
هل سينتقل المرض لابنائي؟
قد يكون هناك عوامل وراثية وليس بالضرورة انتقاله من جيل لآخر..
Miscellaneous stations ( Rheumatology)
A middle aged woman presented with hand pain and body aches ..
Plz examine her hands Rheumatological examination..

By examining this middle aged lady , regarding hands examination;
Inspection = there is joint swelling over wrist, MCP, IP bilateral and symmetrical, and there is nodules over the left wrist joint
No muscle wasting , deformity, skin changes, scars or palmar erythema.
Elbow = showing no nodules, psoriasis patches or gouty tophi.
Palpation = no skin thickening,there's soft nodules over left wrist joint, joint swelling and Tenderness over wrist , MCP and PIP no affection of DIP
Tinnel's and phalen's test are positive .
Movement = there's restriction of movement at wrist joints evidence by impaired prayer And Anti prayer signs , impaired hand grip, thumb oppositions.
Functional assessment = impaired( she can't open bottle of water)
Sensation = intact

What is your clinical diagnosis?
Symmetrical polyarthritis .
What is the most likey diagnosis?
RA complicated by CTS
What is DD and how to differentiate between each ?
SLE = Correctable, no erosions and called Jaccoud's arthropathy.
Osteoarthritis = involvement of DIP, heberden and bouchard nodules
Psoriasis = presence of rash+ nail changes
Gout= tophi and more in males.
Basic= CBC, ESR,CRP,RFT,LFT, S.uric acid
Diagnostic= RF, AntiCCP, X ray and MRI joints.
For complications = ECG, Echo, CXR, HRCT,PFT with DLCO, schirmer's test for sjogren's, ...
Non pharmacological= Physiotherapy, occupational therapy, Ca and ViTD, Vaccinations..
Pharmacological = Painkiller's, DMARDs, Biological therapy
Surgery = CTS, deformity correction, Nodule removal, arthrodesis
Names of biological therapy ?
Infliximab, Adalimumab, Etanercept
Communication questions?
هل هذا المرض يمكن الشفاء منه ؟
هو مرض مزمن لا يمكن الشفاء منه ولكن يمكن السيطرة عليه.
هل سينتقل لأولادي؟
قد يكون هناك عوامل وراثية ولكنه ليس مرض وراثي وليس بالضرورة أن ينتقل من جيل لآخر..
( GIT station)

Scenario = A middle aged woman presented with general weakness..
Plz examine her abdomen
A middle aged woman looks comfortable, pale average body built, with musk of pregnancy ( hyperpigmented face) ..
Hands= no clubbing, kolynychia, leukonychia, palmar erythema, duptyren's contracture, palmar eryhthema , fine or flapping tremor
No AV fistula
Eyes= no jaundice, there's pallor and some xanthelasma ,
Mouth= no cyanosis, ulcers , good hygiene.
Neck = no scars, no LAP or raised JVP.
Chest wall= no spider nevi .
Legs = no pedal edema
Abdomen =
Inspection = abdomen distended with full flanks, there's stria alba , umbilicus inverted, no scars, no dilated viens, hernial orifices were intact.
Palpation= no gurading, rigidity or Tenderness.
Liver not enlarged.
Spleen enlarged , 6 Cm BCM, dull , smooth surface.

Osce arab board

07 Nov, 14:52

1th day osce arab ...6/11/2021
Neuro MS
Bilateral cerebellar sign in upper and lower limb
Internuclear ophthalomplagia
Spastic paralysis of one lower limb
Task examine upper and lower motor and ocular
Abdomen 40 year femal with fatigue
Jaundice hepatosplenomegaly ascites?
Discussion toward portal vein thrombosis
And which is anticoagulant save in lactation and convencice patient about use it
Respiratory unilateral pleural effusion and at another side crepitation
Discussion about pleural effusion and metastasis CA
Also patient about pleural aspiration
Aortic and mitral regurgitation
With sign of heart failure
Dissusion about treatment of heart failure
And what's you do to prepare patient for coronary angiography and heart transplant
Examine hand
Bilateral arthritis of small joint and wrist without deformity
Discussion about RA
What's indication of steroid in RA
Exertional dyspnea for two years, ct scan nonspecific pneumonia.
On history patient had RA
On methotrexat at last year
I need biopsy
What about O2 at home
Should l stop methotrexate
Is My condition treatable
And ask About chronic pneumonitis how diagnosis

Osce arab board

20 Jul, 15:37

Second day Misurata OSCE exam
History station
20yrs old patient presented emergency department with history of fatigue after 10 days of skin infection and used many antibiotics,,her blood urea 85 and creatinine 2.1
1Take focused history
2.Manage patient concern
Discussion was about HUS how to manage
What the biological agent can be used for HUS?
What other indications for eculizumab?
Communication station
35yrs old male presented with Rt arm weakness for days patient gave history of transient visual disturbances last one year and history of easily bruised
MRI done and they diagnosed the patient as vasculitis
Your task
1.explain course of the disease and discuss the clinical diagnosis
2.manage patient concerns
3. Discussing the MRI result
First concern about his job as he is driver
Second one about the medication we going to give
Third one as his father died and was having hemispheres
Is it the same Doctor?
Am I going to be on wheelchair Doctor?
Am I going to have another CPx?
Miscellaneous station was
Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis
What condition you should exclude before giving biological agent?

Abdominal station
Discussion was about polycythemia rubra vera
Respiratory station
Scenario was male patient with neuromuscular disease has recurrent productive cough exam the respiratory system
Discussion was about bronchiectasis

Osce arab board

20 Jul, 15:36

1st day #misurata_2021 OSCE of internal medicine ==
Miscellaneous == Neurology
Order = examine lower limbs motor system..
Findings ==female , 45 years old , spastic monoparesis , babinski sign positive bilaterally..
D/D = MS , stroke , SOL ..
INVX == CT scan without contrast , MRI looking for plaques , stoke ischemic or hagic , SOL
Evoked potential
Carotid duplex
RBS , Lipid profile.
Mx = accordingly.
Abdomen ==
Old man , emaciated, pale , huge hepatomegaly and mild splenomegaly ..
D/D == malignancy == HCC , colon cancer with mets , gastric cancer with mets , neuroendocrine tumors.
Invx = CBC , ESR , CRP , Uss , CT scan , upper and lower GIT endoscopy , tumor markers...
Mx of neuroendocrine tumors = surgery , chemotherapy, Hormonal therapy ..

Chest ==
Middle aged female with SLE
Dullness at the Right lung zone with absent breath sounds
D/D = pleural effusion, thickening , mass, collapse ...
Invx = CXR , CT , tapping , biopsy , ESR , CRP ...

CVS ==
Metallic mitral prosthesis with pulmonary HTN and TR and ascites ..
Criteria of valve failure.
Indication of surgery in mitral valve restenosis .
When tissue valve preferred over metallic valve .


History ==
45 years old man discovered to have abnormal LFT on routine preoperative checkup.
ALT=100 , AST = 60
History of increased WT , incresead lipids.
History of arthritis
Family history of SLE
History of BT
D/D ===
Autoimmune hepatitis
Viral hepatitis
Discussion === every thing about NAFLD and hemochromatosis.

Communication skills ==
A middle aged female diagnosed with lymphoma which is resected surgically ..
The main issue is ==
لما تبي تحكي عن العلاج تقول ==
العلاج سيكون على حسب النوع ومرحلة المرض وغالبا لن تحتاج إلى الكيماوي..
أهم كلمه يبو يسمعوها هي أن الكيماوي غير إلزامي وقد لا تحتاجه وتطمئنها ..

Osce arab board

20 Mar, 20:23

اليوم في اربيل 20.3.2021
الهستري HUS
الكومينيكيشن سكل COPD discharge on LTOT
Prosthetic mitral valve .
Hepatosplenomegaly with ascites .
Lt upper limb weakness +facial palsy

Osce arab board

20 Mar, 05:18

Day 1experience Arbeel march 2021

Cardio :MR
DD of systolic murmer
Medical ttt

Chest : COPD
DD, investigation , ttt of COPD excerbation

Abdomen: Chronic Liver diseas( CLD)
DD of heptaospelomegally
Causses of CLD

Neuros: MS


Endstage cancer prostate
Concern: new modality in ttt effective in my case.

H/ O : reactivation of TB
Concern : she will take anti TB again
Predinsolone will be inculded?

Osce arab board

24 Dec, 22:19

ة بمرض وخيم في حال العدوى بالفيروس.
وتنصح منظمة الصحة العالمية الأشخاص من جميع الأعمار باتباع الخطوات اللازمة لحماية أنفسهم من الفيروس، مثل غسل اليدين جيدًا والنظافة التنفسية الجيدة.

هل المضادات الحيوية فعَّالة في الوقاية من فيروس كورونا المستجد وعلاجه؟

لا، لا تقضي المضادات الحيوية على الفيروسات، بل تقضي على الجراثيم فقط.
يعد فيروس كورونا المستجد-2019 من الفيروسات، لذلك يجب عدم استخدام المضادات الحيوية في الوقاية منه أو علاجه.
ومع ذلك، إذا تم إدخالك إلى المستشفى بسبب فيروس كورونا المستجد-2019، فقد تحصل على المضادات الحيوية لاحتمالية إصابتك بعدوى جرثومية مصاحبة.
هده المفاهيم المغلوطة‏ لفيروس كرونا ومحط تساؤلات من المريض
دعواتكم بالتوفيق
د.فاطمه محمد
المصدر ....منظمه الصحه العالميه





