Prometheism @officialprometheism Channel on Telegram



Dedicated to the philosophical work of Jason Reza Jorjani.

Prometheism (English)

Are you ready to join a community of like-minded individuals dedicated to exploring the depths of philosophy and ideology? Look no further than Prometheism, an enlightening Telegram channel that aims to bring together Anarchs in honor of the Prophetesses and Prophets of the Flame. This channel is dedicated to the philosophical work of Jason Reza Jorjani, a renowned thinker who has delved into the realms of politics, spirituality, and culture. Through thought-provoking discussions, shared resources, and engaging debates, Prometheism offers a space for intellectual growth and exploration. Whether you are a seasoned philosopher or a curious newcomer, this channel welcomes all who seek to expand their understanding of the world. Join us today and embark on a journey of discovery and enlightenment with Prometheism. Follow our official Telegram channel @officialprometheism and become part of a vibrant community dedicated to the pursuit of knowledge and truth.


21 Feb, 01:22



21 Feb, 00:36

The Metapolemos is coming... The Uberkampf, the Abarnabard.


20 Feb, 01:28

© JRJ with AI


20 Feb, 01:15


19 Feb, 20:23

"On this day, 17 February 1600, the flames of ignorance consumed the flesh of Giordano Bruno. An Italian philosopher, poet, alchemist, astrologer, cosmological seer, and esoteric adept, Bruno dared to unveil truths hidden beneath the dogma of his age. He gazed into the great cosmic forge and saw a universe without end—an infinity of suns, each orbited by worlds teeming with potential life. He spoke the heretical wisdom that the Earth, too, was but one wandering star within this vast celestial dance. For unveiling these secrets of the macrocosm and refusing to bow before the leaden weight of orthodoxy, he was delivered unto the pyre.

"For eight long years, Bruno endured the crucible of the Inquisition, his body imprisoned but his mind traversing higher spheres. He was accused not only of cosmological blasphemies but of delving into ancient mysteries—the cross, he declared, was but the echo of the Egyptian ankh, symbol of the life force. He whispered that the stars were as gods, and the planets their children, bearing the seeds of consciousness across the firmament. Threatened with death unless he recanted, Bruno stood unyielding. To his judges, he uttered the immortal words: “Perchance your fear in passing judgment on me is greater than mine in receiving it.”

"Upon the morning of his death, in the Campo de' Fiori—the Field of Flowers—Bruno was bound to the wooden axis mundi, the stake encircled by kindling. As fire coiled around him, he turned his face from the crucifix, rejecting the binding symbols of a faith that had shackled his vision. It is said he proclaimed himself a willing martyr, his soul rising with the smoke to the celestial realms. Before his death, he forged his own epitaph—a final decree—that he preferred a noble death to a life lived in fear. Today, upon the very ground where his mortal vessel was reduced to ash, a statue stands—a silent hierophant—bearing witness to the triumph of spirit over the chains of ignorance."


19 Feb, 17:10

In the context of Simulation Theory, the ontology of my life as a time traveler made a lot more sense. I had not run into potential time travel paradoxes such as the Grandfather Paradox because I was not really a time traveler in some ill-conceived “physical” sense. Rather, with the cosmos as such and as a whole being always only a virtual system of information processing, what I was doing was resetting various “games” that were ongoing within the context of this quantum computational system. Computer games can be saved in such a way that it is possible to return to a previous state of play, and then replay the game forwards in another way. What I was arguing is that our cosmos works in the same way.

— Jason Reza Jorjani, Psychotron

Images: from The Witch's Cradle, directed by Maya Deren, 1944


19 Feb, 16:48

From the efficacy of zodiacal astrology to so-called “synchronicities,” there is considerable evidence to suggest that we are inside some kind of programmable information processing system – a computational cosmos that materializes from out of the relationship between chaos, logos, and psyche. To call it a “simulacrum” may be somewhat inaccurate insofar as it makes implicit and unjustified ontological claims about an ‘objective Reality’ that does not exist.

We are probably not living “on a planet” at all – in anything like the sense that people have customarily interpreted that since Copernicus and Galileo. The “reality” of our situation is much more like some cross between Videodrome and Dark City. Or, if we do live on a planet, that planet is not Earth. It is Solaris.
There is no earth. Only fire.

— Jason Reza Jorjani, Satanaeon

Images: Patrick Woodroffe, 1970s-80s


17 Feb, 02:33


16 Feb, 04:33


16 Feb, 02:43


15 Feb, 19:42


15 Feb, 04:44

@ JRJ with AI


22 Jan, 02:59


22 Jan, 02:41

Day Two. It is America, not China, who will now lead the world in Artificial Intelligence development (with a little help from Japanese and Korean private enterprise). (Interesting choice to reuse the Remote Viewing project name.)


21 Jan, 20:02


21 Jan, 19:47

Day One. No President in the history of the United States has ever come into office with this kind of executive force. Including a threat to invade Mexico, and cut off the black budget of the Deep State, by declaring the cartels to be foreign terrorists.


21 Jan, 19:30

Belial means godless, lawless, and unbound. [...] They treated Parapsychology or Psychotronics just as they treated Physics, Engineering, and Genetics.


The Belial group in Atlantis were most certainly not materialists; they just rejected the metaphysically dualistic theology used by the “Law of One” cult to justify the continued tyranny of the gods over the Earth. A tyranny disguised as a beneficent consciousness-raising plan to redeem spiritual beings from their fall into a material realm. Only a dualist would say that the Belial group were materialists. The proper characterization would be something like “spectral empiricists.”

— Jason Reza Jorjani, Promethean Pirate

Images: David Genchi, 2020s


20 Jan, 18:08

[A]ccording to the Bârdo Thodol the various beings that one beholds while in the bârdo state are “thought-forms” that radiate from out of one’s own mind as “the embodiment of ” one’s “own intellect.” In other words, they are shadows of one’s own mind. One should not be awed by them, nor should one be terrified, even if they take on menacing forms and appear to chop one’s (spectral) body into pieces, over and over again. [...] Secondly, when one is drawn towards a womb for rebirth, one beholds one’s future parents in the act of sexual intercourse.


One imagines that the visions perceived in the bârdo are less “real” than the beings in the physical world, but we are told that the couple who are about to become one’s parents—on the physical plane of one’s next incarnation—are just as unreal as the shadows of one’s mind.

— Jason Reza Jorjani, Novel Folklore

Images: Moebius, creature concepts for James Cameron's The Abyss, 1989


20 Jan, 01:20

Channel photo updated


19 Jan, 16:54

Tesla and Brown thought that, although the static ether conception of 19th century physics was in fact false, there is a dynamic ether that functions as a basic physical medium in the cosmos. According to their rival paradigm, space is filled with a dynamic ether, a subtle substance that can be manipulated through electromagnetic fields. Electromagnetic waves propagate through this medium, and this ether can be tapped in order to harness free energy or to generate electrogravitic effects.


This is the perfect example of what I have argued about epistemology from Prometheus and Atlas (2016) to Prometheism (2020), namely that scientific paradigms are power structures and that a Spectral Revolution in the sciences should yield a post-paradigmatic science. This does not mean abandoning paradigms but recognizing that one is not “truer” than another. Rather than conceiving of scientific paradigms and the theories that they make possible as providing a more or less accurate reflection of some putatively ‘objective reality,’ we should see different paradigms as toolboxes that make differing types of engineering possible.

— Jason Reza Jorjani, Satanaeon

Image: Caravaggio, Medusa, 1597 / Franz Von Stuck, Medusa, 1892 / Jacek Malczewski, Medusa, 1900


17 Jan, 01:26


16 Jan, 23:06

Dear David,
Thank you for all of your awesome and deeply inspiring work. I’m sorry that we didn’t get to meet. Maybe in our next lives. I wish you all the best navigating the bardo state, something for which I know you’ve long prepared.
With gratitude and admiration,
– Jason


16 Jan, 19:07


14 Jan, 18:19


09 Jan, 01:51


09 Jan, 01:29


05 Jan, 04:48


05 Jan, 03:45


05 Jan, 03:27


04 Jan, 15:53


04 Jan, 15:14

It was a pleasure to join @JustXAshton for a broad-ranging discussion of UFO Disclosure and Zero Point Energy. My interview with Ashton Forbes is about to be released here.


04 Jan, 01:49


03 Jan, 23:56


03 Jan, 23:56


03 Jan, 23:56


03 Jan, 17:33


02 Jan, 17:49

Nietzsche argued that Greek tragedy originated in the chorus (not the dramatic action) and it was in its most ancient form nothing but the chorus. People of Dionysian spirit desire the truth of nature in its most unforgiving reality and when they achieve this through intoxication they are transformed into satyr-like beings that speak with an oracular wisdom, which flows from comprehending the heart of existence through union with it.

— Jason Reza Jorjani, LOVERS OF SOPHIA

Images: Timothy Wyllie, 1980s


29 Dec, 21:32

I will be on Aeon Byte Gnostic LIVE tomorrow (Monday, December 30th) at 12pm Eastern to discuss my latest book, SATANAEON.


27 Dec, 03:02


27 Dec, 02:53


27 Dec, 02:26

Dana Avalon's Gotham #02


26 Dec, 17:22

By discovering or creating new concepts through irreverent questioning and bold exploration, the philosopher dethrones gods and other tyrants — including a tyrannous majority — who enforce ignorance, in order to break the chains of societal stagnation with disruptive innovation. Like a thief he breaks into places that are off limits, and there is something of an arsonist in him.

— Jason Reza Jorjani, PROMETHEAN PIRATE

Images: Yves Klein, Fire Painting, 1960s / Anonymous, 18th century


01 Dec, 03:30


01 Dec, 02:27

My SATANAEON just surpassed every so-called UFO/UAP 'Disclosure' title on Amazon, including the disinfo nonsense from military intel asset Lou Elizondo and Co.


30 Nov, 23:46

SATANAEON, my 13th book... the new top release in the UFOs category on Amazon. Although the book is about SO much more.


30 Nov, 13:15

Announcing the release of Number 13. My latest book, SATANAEON, is now available to order.


29 Nov, 15:00

Whereas Gautama sees desire as a quintessentially negative phenomenon, one which perpetuates illusion and always only ends with suffering, desire is the true wellspring of my thought. Desire implies a lack and a need, as much as it is also a generative force.

But its creative power is destructive as well, so that in addition to implicating incompleteness desire is also inconceivable without conflict. This is the occulted conspiracy of Eros and Strife in the womb of the world process.

— Jason Reza Jorjani, EROSOPHIA

Image: Clovis Trouille, Vampire Dream, 1962 / Audrey Flack, Wheel of Fortune, 1978


27 Nov, 02:29

My return to Geopolitics, and to advocating the cause of Iran.


24 Nov, 17:44


24 Nov, 15:24

[Heidegger] is saying something so shocking that it seems to have been missed by any commentator of which I am aware: there is no stable “earth” or nature — the equivalence is his own — that can be encountered as it is in itself underlying the “worlds” that shape it Folklore grounds our existence, in the quite literal sense that without it we would not be able to “stand” as the beings that we are.

Furthermore, the poetic language of the geniuses that craft this lore in the context of a fundamental mood is a basically futural mode of expression. It is concerned with what is “to come” and with what we may become if we maintain a living relationship with our lore.

That is impossible if it is handed down as a dead tradition, rather than a living heritage subject to revolutionary reinterpretations of its elemental structure in each epoch of the historical existence that it first establishes for us on our way to becoming mythical, more-than-merely- human beings envisioned, as it were, through a glass darkly — on our way to giving birth to heroes and striving with gods. This is what lurks behind that otherwise cryptic remark in Being and Time regarding Dasein having to “choose its hero".

— Jason Reza Jorjani, PROMETHEUS AND ATLAS

Images: Esteban Francés, Fantastic Masks in Green, 1960s / Jean-Paul Vroom, Metamorphosis, 1971


22 Nov, 19:57

[T]he only enduring philia is one wherein friends are bound together not by “need” of any kind, but by philo-Sophia — their hopelessly falling for the same beloved, namely Wisdom. Philosophical friendship is always at least a ménage a trois.

— Jason Reza Jorjani, LOVERS OF SOPHIA

Images: Benjamin Creme: Flame Color Diva / Chalice / Solar Angel, 1970s


22 Nov, 19:09

If all things are in common among friends, the most precious is Wisdom.
Her beauty is not small [...]
Her I have loved and diligently sought from my youth up

— Giordano Bruno, The Heroic Frenzies

Image: Anonymous, Tanga Painting, n.d.


21 Nov, 19:09


21 Nov, 18:37

I look forward to watching the total destruction of the European Union, beginning with the Netherlands. May Israel be unequivocally victorious in the War of Revival.


21 Nov, 17:48


21 Nov, 16:28



20 Nov, 18:43

Inanna [...]
you wear the robes
of the old, old gods.

— High Priestess Enheduanna of Ur

Images: Georgiana Houghton, Flower of Samuel Warrand,1862 / Kiki Smith, Sky, 2012