Dr.Noor Alhuda/dentistry🦷 @nooralhuda218 Channel on Telegram

Dr.Noor Alhuda/dentistry🦷


شرح مواد طب الاسنان 🦷🦷


Dr.Noor Alhuda/dentistry🦷 (Arabic)

هل تهتم بمجال طب الأسنان؟ هل ترغب في معرفة المزيد عن شرح مواد طب الأسنان؟ إذا كانت إجابتك نعم، فقناة Dr.Noor Alhuda/dentistry🦷 هي المكان المناسب لك! تقدم لك هذه القناة معلومات قيمة وشاملة عن مواد طب الأسنان، بإشراف الدكتور نور الهدى. ستجد في هذه القناة شروحات مفصلة ومحتوى تعليمي متميز يساعدك على فهم واكتساب المعرفة اللازمة في هذا المجال المهم. قم بالانضمام إلينا اليوم واستفد من تجربة تعليمية فريدة وممتعة! للانضمام إلى القناة، يمكنك زيارة الرابط التالي: https://www.instagram.com/dentist21_8?igsh=czFzemE0ZGU0MTJq

Dr.Noor Alhuda/dentistry🦷

04 Jan, 06:21

اللهم أنت ربي لا إله إلا أنت خلقتني وأنا عبدك وأنا على عهدك ووعدك ما استطعت، أعوذ بك من شر ما صنعت، أبوء لك بنعمتك علي وأبوء بذنبي فاغفر لي فإنه لا يغفر الذنوب إلا أنت 🤍

Dr.Noor Alhuda/dentistry🦷

25 Dec, 16:47

Relative frequency of different types of jaw cyst

Dr.Noor Alhuda/dentistry🦷

20 Dec, 20:03

"وتشاءُ أنت من البشائر قطرةً
ويشاءُ ربُك أن يُغيثك بالمطر

وتشاءُ انت من الأماني نجمةً
ويشاءُ ربُك أن يُناولك القمر

وتشاءُ انت من الحياة غنيمة
ويشاءُ ربُك أن يسوق لك الدرر

وتظلُ تسعى جاهدا في همة
والله يعطي من يشاء إذا شكر "

Dr.Noor Alhuda/dentistry🦷

17 Dec, 08:38

All the malocclusion are treated by braces
In severe cases orthoganathic surgery may be required in class 2 and class 3 malocclusion

Dr.Noor Alhuda/dentistry🦷

17 Dec, 08:15


Upper teeth are too far behind lower teeth

Dr.Noor Alhuda/dentistry🦷

17 Dec, 08:14

Overbite or overjet (retrognathism)

lower too far behind teeth in upper

Dr.Noor Alhuda/dentistry🦷

16 Dec, 10:15

الحمدلله دائماً و أبداً، سراً و جهراً ، و أولاً و أخيراً، الحمدلله حتى يبلغ الحمد مُنتهاه 🤍

Dr.Noor Alhuda/dentistry🦷

12 Dec, 12:35

When is the treatment for pregnant women?

Pregnancy  is divided into three stages:

1- first trimesters =The first three months  (1-12 weeks )   
2-second trimesters= From the third to the sixth month (13-24 weeks)

3-third trimesters=From the sixth to the ninth month  (25-40 weeks)    

المرحلة  الاولى :  هي اول شهرين ونص من الحمل منگدر نعالج بيها اطلاقا لان تسبب خطورة في تشوه  الجنين ومن اسباب تشوه  الجنين الاشعة  الادوية وغيرها من الاسباب

المرحلة الثانية : هي منتصف شهر الثالث ونهاية شهر السادس نگدر نشتغل اي شي قلع حشوات ...

المرحلة  الثالثة : هي شهر السابع والثامن والتاسع منگدر نعالج بيها اطلاقا ..

ملاحظة مهمه جدا /
supine hypotensive syndrome 
هي مجموعة من الاعراض مثل التعرق و الضعف والاحساس بضيق التنفس والغثيان وتباطؤ دقات القلب ومرات تفقد الوعي , هاي الاعراض ترتبط بفد مرض معين ,,  هاي  المتلازمة تحدث بعد الشهر الخامس يعني بالمرحلة الثانية والثالثة

علاج هاي المتلازمة تجلس على كرسي الاسنان على جانبها الايسر ...

هواي يسألون عن الاشعة خلال الحمل  نكدر ناخذ اولا ؟
نكدر ناخذ بالحالات الضرورية  بس بشروط

1-  نستخدم lead apron
2- الاشعة تكون .00001 rad   اللي يتعرض لها الجنين
3- نستخدم long cone
4- نستخدم collimation

المضادات الحيوية / Antibiotics
Penicillin, clindamycin,amoxcillin are safe antibiotics.

المضادات  الممنوع اعطاها للمرأه الحامل
1- tetracycline
2- vancomycin
3- doxycycline 
4- erythromycin (estolate form)

مسكنات الالم / anelgesics
paracetamol is choice for all stages of pregnancy

التخدير / local anesthesia

عادي نستخدم الادرينالين فهو آمن. 

lidocaine is the most common local anesthetic in dentistry bcause its safe to pregnancy

Dr.Noor Alhuda/dentistry🦷

11 Dec, 21:13

12:12 Am

Dr.Noor Alhuda/dentistry🦷

29 Nov, 07:23

السلام عليكم
هاي تصحيح أخطاء بسيطة بالملف للي يريد يدرس الملف.

Dr.Noor Alhuda/dentistry🦷

19 Nov, 00:17

اللهم أجعل حياتنا ﴿ نُورٌ علىٰ نُورٍ ﴾

Dr.Noor Alhuda/dentistry🦷

17 Nov, 12:33

Healthy score 0
Mild score 1
Moderate score 2
Sever score 3

Dr.Noor Alhuda/dentistry🦷

16 Nov, 17:04

transillumination (fiberoptic light)

Transillumination is an excellent technique for viewing caries, fractures, narrow root canal orifices, and other clinical entities. It is used by passing an intense light through the side of the tooth and can substantially enhance the clinician's diagnostic and treatment abilities

Dr.Noor Alhuda/dentistry🦷

16 Nov, 16:10


محتاجة طالب / ة مرحلة اولى
طب اسنان جامعة الموصل

Dr.Noor Alhuda/dentistry🦷

16 Nov, 09:31

Tooth numbering/community

Dr.Noor Alhuda/dentistry🦷

13 Nov, 11:47

extraction upper 4 with granuloma


Dr.Noor Alhuda/dentistry🦷

09 Nov, 18:06

All contraindications whether local or systemic, can be relative or absolute depending upon the general condition of the patient. When the contraindication is absolute, extraction should never be done to avoid any risk to the patients, whereas if the contraindication is relative then extreme care must be taken before any extraction is done.

Dr.Noor Alhuda/dentistry🦷

09 Nov, 18:05

CONTRAINDICATIONS of tooth extraction

Local absolute contraindications
Teeth involved in arterio-venous malformations

Systemic absolute contraindications
2-Renal failure
3-Cirrhosis of liver
4-Cardiac failure

Dr.Noor Alhuda/dentistry🦷

09 Nov, 18:02

CONTRAINDICATIONS of tooth extraction

Local relative contraindications
1-  Localized periapical pathology
2- Presence of oral infection like Vincent's Angina
3-  Herpetic gingivostomatitis
4-  Acute pericoronitis
5-  Malignant disease
6-  Extraction of teeth in previously irradiated jaw which may lead to osteoradionecrosis


Systemic  relative contraindications
1- Uncontrolled diabetes mellitus
2- Cardiac disease
3- Blood Dyscrasias
4- Medically compromised patients
5- Addison's disease and patients on long term steroid therapy
6- Fever of unexplained origin
7- Nephritis
8- Pregnancy
9- During menstruation cycle
10- Psychosis

Dr.Noor Alhuda/dentistry🦷

09 Nov, 17:44

Indications of tooth extraction

1- Pulpal diseases
2- Periapical  diseases
3- Periodontal diseases with tooth mobility
4- Severe non-restorable carious lesion with root decay
5-  Cracked/broken tooth especially in the mesio-distal direction or at the cervical line
6-Teeth in the line of a jaw fracture
7-  Impacted or ectopically present teeth
8-  Retained root or roots
9-  Supernumery teeth
10-  Teeth involved with cysts or tumors of the jaw
11-  Teeth removed due to orthodontic reasons (for space gaining):
12-  Malposed or malposition teeth
13-  Teeth removed due to prosthetic considerations
14-  Teeth in the direct field for radiotherapy to the jaws may be removed prophylactically
15-  Over-retained deciduous teeth
16-  Teeth involved in the focal of infection
17-  Teeth removed due to esthetic reasons

Dr.Noor Alhuda/dentistry🦷

08 Nov, 12:26

The advantages of additions of vasoconstrictors to the local anesthetic solution are:
•1. Vasoconstrictors decrease blood flow (perfusion) to the site of the injection. .
•2. Decrease the risk of systemic toxicity (lower the local anesthetic plasma levels).
•3. Increase the duration of action of local anesthetics (higher volumes of the local anesthetic agent remain in and around the nerve for longer periods).
•4. Decrease bleeding at the site of injection, especially useful when increase bleeding is anticipated (e.g. during a surgical procedure).

Dr.Noor Alhuda/dentistry🦷

08 Nov, 12:10

•All local anesthetics are readily cross the blood brain barrier, they also readily cross the placenta and enter the circulatory system of the developing fetus.

Dr.Noor Alhuda/dentistry🦷

08 Nov, 12:00


. local anesthetics without a hydrophilic part are not suited for injection but are good topical anesthetics (ex: benzocaine)

Dr.Noor Alhuda/dentistry🦷

08 Nov, 11:59

Classification of local anesthetics
•The local anesthetic agents can be classified in various ways
•1 – on the basis of occurrence in nature
•• Natural (e.g. cocaine)
•• Synthetic (e.g. lidocaine)
•2 – on the  basis of duration of action
•• Short-acting (e.g. Articaine, lidocaine)
•• Long-acting (e.g. bupivacaine)

•3 – on the basis of chemical structure
•• Ester (e.g. Procaine, Cocaine, Benzocaine)
•• Amide (e.g. Lidocaine, Prilocaine, Articaine)

Dr.Noor Alhuda/dentistry🦷

07 Nov, 10:48

مرحبا دكتورة
ممكن تنشرين هذولا للبيع جداد ما مستعملين وبسعر جداً مناسب


Dr.Noor Alhuda/dentistry🦷

16 Oct, 18:48

Instruments used to remove hard and soft deposits

Dr.Noor Alhuda/dentistry🦷

16 Oct, 17:40

The parts of each instrument

Dr.Noor Alhuda/dentistry🦷

16 Oct, 16:04


Dr.Noor Alhuda/dentistry🦷

16 Oct, 15:56


اي شخص عنده هيج تسوس (كلاس تو ) ويريد يعالجه يراسلني @no_or218

الموقع / جامعه الحدباء الأهلية
يوم الاحد

Dr.Noor Alhuda/dentistry🦷

09 Oct, 20:34

Tractional forces: This delivers the tooth out of the socket. This force should be
gentle and the tooth should not be pulled out of the socket. The final movement by
which the tooth is removed from its socket should be always directed outwards, so
reducing the trauma to the opposing teeth and preventing slipping of the tooth in the
mouth which may be swallowed or aspirated by the patient.
If the tooth dose not yield (no movement) after applying a reasonable force,
excessive force should not be used, stop and re-evaluate the case clinically and/or
radiographically because the tooth may be need surgical extraction.

Dr.Noor Alhuda/dentistry🦷

09 Oct, 20:34

Rotational pressure: Here the tooth is rotated resulting in internal socket expansion
and tearing of periodontal ligaments. This force must only primarily applied to the
teeth with single and conical roots. Teeth with multiple or dilacerated roots are prone
to fracture on the primary application of this force. So rotatory movements or figure
of 8 movement are useful in completing the removal of such teeth previously
loosened by other means and this is called secondary rotatory movement.

Dr.Noor Alhuda/dentistry🦷

09 Oct, 20:34

Palatal/Lingual pressure (Inward movement): Similar to the buccal/labial pressure,
but in opposite direction aiming in the expansion of lingual cortical plate

Dr.Noor Alhuda/dentistry🦷

09 Oct, 20:33

Buccal/Labial pressure (Outward movement): This results in expansion of buccal
cortical plate, specifically at the crest of the ridge. However, at the same time, it
results in lingual apical pressure. However, excessive pressure must be avoided to
prevent fracture of buccal bone and the apical portion of the root.

Dr.Noor Alhuda/dentistry🦷

09 Oct, 20:33

‼️‼️الحركات الي نطبقها ع الفورسيبس

Dr.Noor Alhuda/dentistry🦷

09 Oct, 20:30

5th The displacement of the tooth from its socket
When the blades applied to the root surface the pressure should be firm but not crushing,
smooth and controlled not jerking.
The aims of the extraction movement are to:
1-Cutting the tooth attachment.
2- Separating the tooth from the wall of the socket.
3- Dilatation of the bony wall of the socket utilizing the resiliency of the living bone.
4- The removal of the tooth from the socket.

Dr.Noor Alhuda/dentistry🦷

09 Oct, 20:20

The forceps majorly apply with Apical pressure, with the force in this direction,
the tooth movement is minimal in apical direction; however, the socket expands due to
insertion of beaks in the periodontal ligament space. Also, the center of rotation of tooth
displaces apically, resulting in less amount of force at the apical portion of root
preventing it from getting fractured.

يعني اثناء استخدام الفورسيبس لحركه السن لازم نطبق قوة سلسله و بهدوء نحو الابكل هذا راح يساعدنا بتوزيع ونقل القوه الى نهاية السن وما يصير عدنا فوكجر للتوث

Dr.Noor Alhuda/dentistry🦷

09 Oct, 20:15

‼️‼️It’s a good practice to apply the blades of the forceps to the less accessible side
of the tooth to be extracted first under direct vision and then apply the other blade on
opposite side. If one side of the tooth is carious, then the forceps blades applied to the
carious side first and extraction movement should be started toward the carious side.
يعني من نحرك سن بي كيريز من جهة واحدة نحركه اول مره ب اتجاه الكيريز ليش لان منطقة الكيريز راح يكون السن بيها سوفت واذا حركنا السن ب الاتجاه المعاكس بسهولة يصير فركجر للكراون

Dr.Noor Alhuda/dentistry🦷

09 Oct, 20:10

4th The application of forceps blades to the tooth (tooth grasp)
After selection of the proper forceps for the extraction of particular tooth. The
forceps blades are applied on both labial (buccal) and lingual (palatal) surface of the
tooth, so that the blades are parallel to the long axis of the tooth to be extracted.

Dr.Noor Alhuda/dentistry🦷

09 Oct, 20:05

The non-working (left hand) has a variety of functions:

__ It helps to stabilize the patient’s head during extraction process.

__The opposite hand plays an important role in supporting and stabilizing the lower
jaw when mandibular teeth are being extracted to prevent injury and post-operative
pain in the tempromandibular joint (T.M.J). And also, to prevent dislocation of the
mandible during extraction especially when extraction is performed under general

__The opposite hand supports the alveolar process and provide tactile information to
the operator concerning the expansion of the alveolar process during luxation

Dr.Noor Alhuda/dentistry🦷

09 Oct, 20:01

‼️‼️The non-working (left hand) has a variety of functions

It’s used to reflect the soft tissues of the cheeks, lips and tongue to provide
adequate visualization of the area of surgery.

Dr.Noor Alhuda/dentistry🦷

09 Oct, 19:50

3rd Retraction and support (the use of the left hand)
‼️‼️السبورتنك مهم جداً حتى لا ينكسر عظم الفك طريقتين مختلفة نستخدم للسبورتنك

Grasp of opposite hand:
• Pinch grasp: While extracting maxillary teeth, the operator grasps the alveolar bone
around the tooth to be extracted by a pinch grasp
• Sling grasp: While extracting mandibular teeth, the operator grasps the alveolar bone
around the tooth to be extracted by a sling grasp.

‼️ نفس الصورة بالضبط

Dr.Noor Alhuda/dentistry🦷

09 Oct, 19:40

2nd step: Handling of the forceps
The forceps should be grasped by the palm of the right hand and the thumb finger
is placed below the joint. The little finger is placed inside the two handles of the forceps
so that it can control the opening and closure of the handle and guide the forceps beaks
on the root surface, and when the tooth is grasped the little finger is placed outside the
‼️‼️ اكثر شي يحاسبون عليه الدكاتره طريقة مسك الفورسيبس

Dr.Noor Alhuda/dentistry🦷

09 Oct, 19:38

1st step: Soft tissue retraction
Before starting the application of the dental forceps,

قبل استخدام الفورسيبس نسوي سبريشن

the gingival tissue surrounding the tooth should be reflected with blunt probe or tweezers, the neck of the
tooth freed labially and lingually as far as the bony alveolar margin.
Gingival retraction allows the beaks of forceps to be positioned more apically without
interference or impingement of the gingival tissue. Also the reflection of the gingival
tissue help the surgeon to ensure that profound anesthesia is secured before starting