Are you tired of seeing billions of pounds being spent on military alliances when there are so many pressing issues in the world that need attention? Look no further than the Telegram channel 'No 2 Nato' to join the conversation and take a stand against excessive military spending. With the UK being the second biggest contributor to Nato and paying a staggering £60 billion this year alone, it's time to question where our priorities lie. The 'No 2 Nato' channel, with the username @no2nato, aims to raise awareness about the implications of such massive financial contributions to military alliances like Nato. Instead of allocating funds towards military endeavors, the channel advocates for investing in job creation and other social welfare programs that can benefit society as a whole. Join like-minded individuals on 'No 2 Nato' to discuss the impact of military spending on our economy, society, and global politics. Share your thoughts, ideas, and concerns about the need for a shift in priorities when it comes to allocating financial resources. Together, we can make our voices heard and push for a more balanced approach to international relations. Say no to excessive military spending and yes to investing in our communities. Follow 'No 2 Nato' on Telegram today and be part of the movement for change!