Neet SS Neurology ️ @neurology_update Channel on Telegram

Neet SS Neurology ️



🟢 Dr. Prince & Dr. Shubham Gupta

[email protected]

Neurology topics
Recent advances

Neet SS Neurology (English)

Are you a medical professional or a student interested in delving deeper into the world of neurology and medicine? Look no further than the Telegram channel 'neurology_update'! Led by Dr. Prince and Dr. Shubham Gupta, this channel is dedicated to providing you with the latest updates and insights on neurology topics and recent advances in the field. Whether you are preparing for your Neet SS Neurology exams or simply want to stay informed about the latest developments in neurology, this channel is your go-to source for valuable information. Join us today to expand your knowledge and stay up-to-date with the ever-evolving world of neurology and medicine! Contact Dr. Shubham Gupta at shubham.
[email protected] for more information.

Neet SS Neurology ️

19 Jan, 04:31

Neet SS Neurology ️

10 Dec, 07:42


Neet SS Neurology ️

08 Dec, 13:55

Neet SS Neurology ️

24 Nov, 05:12

Neet SS Neurology ️

15 Nov, 19:11

Neet SS Neurology ️

14 Nov, 09:51


Neet SS Neurology ️

13 Nov, 07:19

Neet SS Neurology ️

13 Nov, 03:50

🟡 Tremors

Neet SS Neurology ️

11 Nov, 08:23

🟡 Difference between Neurologist and Neurosurgeon

Neet SS Neurology ️

11 Nov, 08:22

🟡 Anxiety

Neet SS Neurology ️

08 Nov, 07:49

🟡 About Meningitis

Neet SS Neurology ️

08 Nov, 07:49

Neet SS Neurology ️

07 Nov, 16:33

🟡 About Dengue

Neet SS Neurology ️

07 Nov, 16:33

Neet SS Neurology ️

30 Oct, 09:07

🟡 Difference between Neurologist and Neurosurgeon

Neet SS Neurology ️

29 Oct, 16:29

Neet SS Neurology ️

29 Oct, 06:35

Neet SS Neurology ️

27 Oct, 17:54

🟡 Stress and Brain

Neet SS Neurology ️

24 Oct, 06:04

🟡 Stroke

Neet SS Neurology ️

22 Oct, 14:15

Neet SS Neurology ️

19 Oct, 18:18

See how the distribution of time spent on various relationships by an average individual over the last ten decades has evolved. The family took the largest hit. 🤷‍♂️

Neet SS Neurology ️

19 Oct, 18:17


Neet SS Neurology ️

17 Oct, 10:44

🟡 Power of positive thinking in healing

Neet SS Neurology ️

17 Oct, 10:44

Neet SS Neurology ️

15 Oct, 13:39

Neet SS Neurology ️

13 Oct, 17:49

Neet SS Neurology ️

13 Oct, 17:49

🟡 Brain training

Neet SS Neurology ️

13 Oct, 17:49

Neet SS Neurology ️

13 Oct, 17:49

🟡 Brain Hacking

Neet SS Neurology ️

13 Oct, 14:02

Neet SS Neurology ️

13 Oct, 14:02

Brain Facts

Neet SS Neurology ️

12 Oct, 04:39

Neet SS Neurology ️

12 Oct, 04:39

😂 HOD’s Splenomegaly

Neet SS Neurology ️

11 Oct, 17:46
IDIOT syndrome
Internet Derived Information Obstructing Treatment

Neet SS Neurology ️

22 Sep, 11:32

Neet SS Neurology ️

20 Sep, 11:57

Neet SS Neurology ️

19 Sep, 14:42

Neet SS Neurology ️

17 Sep, 12:54

क्या आपको सिर दर्द है? यह माइग्रेन हो सकता है।

Neet SS Neurology ️

14 Sep, 16:22

कमर दर्द के प्रमुख कारण (Low Back Pain)

Neet SS Neurology ️

13 Sep, 14:46

मिर्गी का दौरा (Epilepsy)

Neet SS Neurology ️

12 Sep, 14:57

Like and subscribe the channel for more educational videos

Neet SS Neurology ️

12 Sep, 13:53

Neet SS Neurology ️

09 Sep, 03:37

Rehabilitation after stroke

Neet SS Neurology ️

06 Feb, 09:34


Neet SS Neurology ️

24 Jan, 06:38

🟡 CT brain - Haemorrhage

Neet SS Neurology ️

19 Jan, 18:44

Work balance

Neet SS Neurology ️

11 Jan, 03:01

🟡 Difference : NCC and Tuberculoma of the brain

Neet SS Neurology ️

12 Dec, 07:10

🟡 Dystonia

Neet SS Neurology ️

12 Dec, 07:09

🟡 Tremor

Neet SS Neurology ️

14 Nov, 14:41

🔥 Autonomic nervous system

Neet SS Neurology ️

12 Nov, 09:09

Face of giant panda sign - in WILSONS DISEASE

T2 Hyperintensity in midbrain with relative sparing of red nucleus, subtantia nigra, superior colliculus, and acqueduct hypointensity.

Neet SS Neurology ️

12 Nov, 09:09

Combination of Mid brain(giant panda) and Pons( miniature panda).

Magnetic resonance imaging of the brain (T2-weighted axial view) shows signal intensity changes in the midbrain, revealing the ‘‘face of the giant panda’’ sign (A, arrow), and the ‘‘face of the miniature panda’’ sign in the pontine tegmentum (B, arrow).

Face of miniature panda -The pons face of the miniature panda sign consists of relative hypointensity of the central tegmental tracts (eyes of the panda) in contrast with the hyperintensity of the aqueduct opening into the fourth ventricle (nose and mouth of the panda). The superior cerebellar peduncles form the panda’s cheeks.

Neet SS Neurology ️

11 Nov, 12:26

The trident sign (a.k.a. omega sign) describes the typical appearances of the pons in osmotic demyelination syndrome, whereby the symmetrical high T2/FLAIR signal abnormality centrally in the pons is shaped like a trident, the three-pronged spear of classical Greece 1. The predominant involvement of the transverse pontine fibers and relative sparing of the descending corticospinal tracts is responsible for this characteristic ‘trident’ or omega shaped appearance

Neet SS Neurology ️

11 Nov, 02:53

# Stroke 🔥

Neet SS Neurology ️

09 Nov, 04:16

Congenital myasthenia

Neet SS Neurology ️

08 Nov, 10:19


Hummingbird sign: Midbrain atrophy on the sagittal
plane, with the concavity of the upper border, resembling
the head and bill of a hummingbird. The body of the bird is formed by the preserved pons.

Mickey Mouse sign: Rounded appearance of the cerebral
peduncles at the midbrain level on the axial section.

Morning glory sign: Concavity of the margins of the tegmentum of the midbrain in the axial section.

MR Parkinsonism index (MRPI): MRPI is a ratio of the pons: midbrain area viz-a-viz area of the middle cerebellar peduncle (MCP) compared to SCP [MRPI
(P/M)*(MCP/SCP)]. MRPI above 13.55 may help to distinguish PSP-RS from MSA-P and PD.

Midbrain to pons area ratio: The normal ratio is 0.24. A ratio of below 0.12 indicates significant midbrain atrophy in PSP.

Midbrain anterior-to-posterior diameter: Reduction of
the midbrain anteroposterior diameter below 12 mm from the interpeduncular groove.