internal medicine @easymedicine7 Channel on Telegram

internal medicine


الطب بطريقه سهله ...... حالات ، أسئلة شفوي
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Internal Medicine (Arabic)

يعتبر قناة الطب الداخلي على تطبيق تيليجرام بوابة مهمة لكل من يهتم بتخصص طب الأمراض الداخلية. تحت اسم المستخدم 'easymedicine7'، تقدم القناة محتوى غني ومتنوع يشمل حالات طبية مختلفة وأسئلة شفوية. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، تتضمن القناة حالات طويلة وقصيرة، اختبارات الـ OSCE، تحليلات ECG، وأساليب مفصلة خطوة بخطوة. بدءًا من فحص الدم وانتهاءً بالمرض الروماتيزمي، تقدم القناة محتوى تعليمي يهدف لتسهيل فهم واستيعاب معلومات طب الأمراض الداخلية. سواء كنت طالبًا في الكلية أو ممارسًا في المجال، ستجد في هذه القناة ما يلبي احتياجاتك من معلومات وموارد تعليمية. انضم الآن إلى قناة الطب الداخلي واستفد من تجربة تعليمية مميزة تساعدك على تطوير مهاراتك ومعرفتك في هذا التخصص الحيوي.

internal medicine

03 Dec, 12:49

Quickly take your Gift

internal medicine

03 Dec, 02:04

📌 Long period of interruption without any Post , Sorry for that
We return back with small Gift for you 😉 😁
this your Gift
🎁 :

internal medicine

18 Nov, 22:59

🫥 We are doctors, not related Politics and wars.
👨‍⚕What job do doctors perform in this life? They are trying to save people's lives... How can we ignore the deliberate killing of more than fifty thousand people and the wounding of more than one hundred thousand people, two-thirds of whom were children and women...

internal medicine

18 Nov, 22:36


internal medicine

18 Nov, 22:34


internal medicine

18 Nov, 22:29

👨🏻‍⚕ What about the International Court of Justice?
🧑🏼‍⚕Yes, they said it was genocide
, 👨🏻‍⚕then what?

internal medicine

18 Nov, 22:24

👨‍⚕After 406 days what Happen ?
🧑‍⚕ Israel is still attacking with all kinds of weapons in full view of the whole world. It is still killing more innocent children and women.

internal medicine

17 Nov, 22:19

😅 as usual members not react to posts "
🔻Number of members: 26 K
🔻Middle number of Views for last posts : 5 K " 20% "
🔻 Middle number of reactions in lasts posts 6- 9 reaction 0.01% or less

😕 I will not say anything else.
Reaction to our posts by 👍🏻 or ♥️ is 🤪🤪
But make us continue very strongly

internal medicine

17 Nov, 21:23

👨🏻‍⚕ absence of pain does not exclude MI ....propation of painless STEMIs is greater in patients with diabetes mellitus, and it increases with age.
In the elderly, STEMI may present as sudden-onset breathless-
ness, which may progress to pulmonary edema

internal medicine

17 Nov, 21:07

⭐️The pain of STEMI may radiate as high as the occipital area but not below the umbilicus .
⭐️Radiation of discomfort to the trapezius is not seen in patients with STEMI and may be a useful distinguishing feature that suggests pericarditis is the correct diagnosis.

internal medicine

15 Nov, 18:01

👨🏻‍⚕ normal ECG does not exclude ACS " acute Coronary syndrome ".

internal medicine

15 Nov, 17:51

👨🏻‍⚕ ECG it's very important but you write about P Wave only ?
🧑🏼‍⚕ No about ECG but today about P wave 😅

internal medicine

15 Nov, 17:48

If you interested in P Wave in ECG 🙂

internal medicine

12 Nov, 00:25

👨‍⚕ Q:What are the causes of abdominal distension?

internal medicine

07 Nov, 22:51

NB: RCA lesion ➡️ think of 4 ➡️
🎙Inferior MI ±
🎙 Posterior MI ±
🎙RV infarction ±
🎙Heart block

internal medicine

07 Nov, 22:45

💬But if inferior MI with bradycardia + junctional rhythm with wide QRS (duration 160 ms) ➡️ indicates a more extensive ischaemic territory affecting the conducting bundle
➡️ Temporal pacing can be used as a holding measure to allow the myocardium time to recove .

internal medicine

07 Nov, 22:37

👨🏻‍⚕ 🪟➡️N.B :
The right coronary artery supplies the AV node, so bradycardia/heart block following inferior MI is common and
they are not considered to be of any prognostic significance

internal medicine

06 Nov, 11:41

Dx ?

internal medicine

05 Nov, 23:18

🧑🏼‍⚕ answered by karam Darwesh
Coronary dominance refers to which coronary artery supplies the posterior descending artery (PDA), which in turn supplies the posterior part of the interventricular septum and the inferior wall of the left ventricle. The pattern of coronary dominance can influence heart health and responses to coronary artery disease, especially when a blockage occurs.
Right Dominance: In about 70-85% of people.
Left Dominance: In 10-15% of people.
Co-Dominance: In around 5-10%
of cases.

internal medicine

05 Nov, 22:57

👨‍⚕ what is the concept of coronary dominance ?