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Natalia_English_online_classes (English)

Are you looking to improve your English skills from the comfort of your own home? Look no further than @NataliaEnglish_online_classes! Natalia offers a wide range of online English classes tailored to students of all levels, from beginners to advanced learners. Whether you're looking to improve your conversation skills, grammar, vocabulary, or pronunciation, Natalia has the expertise and experience to help you reach your language learning goals. With her interactive and engaging teaching methods, you'll be speaking English with confidence in no time. Join the growing community of students who are already benefiting from Natalia's online classes and see the difference for yourself. Don't let language barriers hold you back - start your English learning journey today with @NataliaEnglish_online_classes!


22 Jan, 06:34

Test your English | Cambridge English


20 Jan, 14:14


9.00 - nine o'clock
9.05 - five past nine
9.10 - ten past nine
9.15 - quarter past nine ['kwɔː:tə pɑ:ːst naɪn]
9.20 - twenty past nine
9.25 - twenty-five past nine
9.30 - half past nine [hɑ:ːf pɑːst naɪn]

9.35 - twenty-five to ten
9.40 - twenty to ten
9.45 - quarter to ten
9.50 - ten to ten
9.55 - five to ten
10.00 - ten o'clock


19 Jan, 08:01

Книга на английском.

O. Henry 'The Gift of the Magi and Other Stories'
Level - Pre-Intermediate


19 Jan, 07:55

Я делюсь с вами файлом Henry O.- The Gift of the Magi and Other Stories


17 Jan, 07:40

1025 самых популярных слов в английском языке — самые важные английские слова


17 Jan, 07:14

5000 часто употребляемых английских слов (список)


14 Jan, 09:25

Я делюсь с вами файлом Идиомы


13 Jan, 17:23

Old New Year, is a holiday celebrated in some Slavic countries, especially in Russia, on January 14th. This date corresponds to January 1st in the Julian calendar, which was used in Russia until 1918. The holiday is seen as a continuation of the New Year celebrations that begin on January 1st.

Traditionally, Old New Year is marked by family gatherings, festive meals, and various customs that reflect the rich cultural heritage of the region. It is not an official holiday, but many people take the opportunity to celebrate with friends and loved ones.

Customs may include serving special dishes, raising a toast for prosperity and good fortune in the coming year, and sometimes performing rituals to attract happiness and success. Some people also participate in traditional folk games and dances, making it a joyful occasion.

While it may not be as widely celebrated as New Year's Day, Old New Year holds a nostalgic charm for those who observe it, reminding them of the deep-rooted traditions and the importance of family and community.


06 Jan, 09:28

Личностные характеристики относятся к чертам или качествам, которые определяют личность и поведение человека. Вот некоторые распространенные личностные характеристики в английском языке, а также их значения:
1. Честность - быть правдивым и открытым.
2. Неподкупность - соблюдение моральных и этических принципов.
3. Эмпатия - способность понимать чувства других людей и разделять их.
4. Уверенность в себе - чувство уверенности в себе и веры в свои силы.
5. Надежность - Быть надежным и заслуживающим доверия.
6. Гибкость - способность адаптироваться к новым ситуациям или изменениям.
7. Креативность - способность мыслить нестандартно и генерировать инновационные идеи.
8. Трудолюбие - Настойчивое и кропотливое выполнение задач.
9. Открытость - Готовность рассматривать новые идеи и перспективы.
10. Жизнестойкость - способность быстро преодолевать трудности или неудачи.
11. Любознательность - сильное желание узнать больше о чем-либо.
12. Щедрость - Готовность отдавать и делиться с другими.
13. Терпение - способность принимать или мириться с задержками, трудностями или раздражением, не впадая в гнев.
14. Оптимизм - оптимистичный взгляд на жизнь.


06 Jan, 09:28

Personal characteristics refer to the traits or qualities that define an individual’s personality and behavior. Here are some common personal characteristics in English, along with their meanings:

1. Honesty - Being truthful and transparent.
2. Integrity - Adhering to moral and ethical principles.
3. Empathy - The ability to understand and share the feelings of others.
4. Confidence - A feeling of self-assurance and belief in one's abilities.
5. Dependability - Being reliable and trustworthy.
6. Flexibility - The ability to adapt to new situations or changes.
7. Creativity - The ability to think outside the box and generate innovative ideas.
8. Diligence - Persistent and hardworking effort in tasks.
9. Open-mindedness - Willingness to consider new ideas and perspectives.
10. Resilience - The ability to recover quickly from difficulties or setbacks.
11. Curiosity - A strong desire to learn or know more about something.
12. Generosity - Willingness to give and share with others.
13. Patience - The capacity to accept or tolerate delay, difficulties, or annoyance without getting angry.
14. Optimism - Having a hopeful and positive outlook on life.


24 Dec, 18:53


24 Dec, 08:49

Фразовые глаголы, которые должен знать каждый

• Grow up — взрослеть, созревать
• Hold on — подождать
• Hang up — положить трубку, откладывать, закончить, бросить, завязать
• Help out — помочь в затруднении, выручить
• Jaw away — разглагольствовать
• Jazz up — сделать более привлекательным
• Keep around — держать поблизости
• Keep away — держаться поодаль, не подходить
• Keep on — продолжать, оставлять
• Key to — приспособить
• Key up — разволновать
• Kick out — выгнать
• Knock off — заканчивать что-то делать
• Knock down — разбивать, сломать, разрушать
• Lash down — привязать
• Lay on — подготовить, организовать
• Lash out — вспылить
• Lay out — тратить
• Let off — отпустить
• Let in — впускать внутрь, пропускать
• Link up — соединять


23 Dec, 14:23

Learning a foreign language offers numerous benefits, both personally and professionally. Here are some key reasons why it can be valuable:

Cognitive Benefits: Research suggests that learning a foreign language can improve cognitive abilities, such as problem-solving skills, memory retention, and multitasking. It can even delay the onset of cognitive decline in older adults.

Personal Growth: Mastering a foreign language can boost your confidence and self-esteem. It challenges you to step out of your comfort zone and persist through difficulties, contributing to personal development.

Lifelong Learning: Engaging in language learning encourages a mindset of lifelong learning, keeping the brain active and adaptable.

In summary, learning a foreign language can enrich your life in many ways, from broadening your horizons and enhancing your career prospects to providing personal fulfillment and cognitive benefits.


21 Dec, 06:44

Готовые фразы и идиомы о настроении

• Everything's cool — Все здорово
• I couldn't care less— Мне совершенно безразлично
• I had a complete fit — Меня не на шутку разозлили
• I haven't got a care in the world — Меня ничто не тревожит
• I'm having a really good time — Я превосходно провожу время
• I'm really buzzing — У меня все просто здорово
• I'm totally over the moon — Я безумно счастлив
• I'm walking on air — Я на седьмом небе от счастья
• I've had the week from hell — У меня была ужасная неделя
• She blew her top — У нее крыша поехала
• She threw a wobbly — Она не в себе
• The fur's been flying — Начались серьезные разногласия
• There's a bad vibe round here — Здесь плохая атмосфера
• We've made it up — Мы все уладили


20 Dec, 08:34

Herring under a fur coat: Russia's most badass salad 😈

A nightmare for all foreigners. A mayonnaise dish you would either hate or love. And an absolute must on the Russian New Year table.

Actually, it's just really salted herring which layered with vegetables.

The secret is in the order of layers. Russian chefs and housewives would argue what goes next to what. But the most popular order is:
🐠 Finely chopped herring,
🧅 sliced onion,
🥔 boiled and grinded potatoes,
🥕 boiled and grinded carrot,
🍳 boiled and sliced egg,
😈 boiled and grinded beetroot.
And the most important thing is to drizzle each layer with mayonnaise.

The latest joke is when Gen-Z asks where to buy pink mayo for the top layer... (The beet gives the color, guys).
There is a legend that this salad was created after the 1917 revolution and each layer had a particular meaning: beetroot symbolized the revolution; carrots and onions - the peasantry; and herring - the proletariat.
Have you tried it? Or would you dare?


20 Dec, 06:15

hair-cut - стрижка
hair-do - прическа
hairstyle - прическа
grow one's hair - отращивать волосы
fringe - челка
bow - бант
ponytail - лошадиный хвост
pinned-up hair - с заколкой сзади
bun - узел волос
plaits (bunches) - косы
chaplet hairstyle - прическа с венком из кос
curled hair - завитые волосы (завивка)
falling downwards curls - ниспадающие локоны


10 Dec, 07:49

английский чтение: Тексты для новичков


19 Nov, 08:06

Channel photo updated


18 Nov, 05:02

👫 Friend

Caesar had only one person he trusted and considered a friend: his physician. Moreover, when he was ill, he would only take medicine if the physician personally administered it to him. 💊😷

One day, when Caesar was not feeling very well, he received an anonymous note: "Beware of your closest friend, your physician. He wants to poison you!" 📜😱

After some time, the physician arrived and gave Caesar his medicine. Caesar handed the note he had received to his friend and, while the physician was reading it, he drank every last drop of the medicinal mixture. 💧🤯

The physician froze in horror:

"Master, how could you drink what I gave you after reading this?"

To which Caesar replied:

"I'd rather die than doubt my friend!" 💪🤝


17 Nov, 07:29

TO KNOW SOMETHING INSIDE OUT [tuː nəʊ ˈsʌmθɪŋ ɪnˈsaɪd aʊt] (ту ноу самсин инсаид аут)
Знать что-либо вдоль и поперек

1. She knows English inside out.
— Она знает английский вдоль и поперек.

2. He knows programming inside out.
— Он знает программирование вдоль и поперек.

3. They know this niche inside and out.
— Они знают эту нишу вдоль и поперек.


16 Nov, 15:43

Risotto with Mushrooms! 🍄


* 400 g. Mushrooms (shiitake and oyster mushrooms)
* Olive oil
* 300 g. Arborio rice
* 1/2 Yellow onion
* 1 clove Garlic
* 150 g. White wine
* 1 liter Chicken stock (lukewarm)
* Pinch of dry thyme
* Saffron
* 50 g. Butter
* 50 g. Parmesan cheese
* Salt to taste
* Fresh parsley


17 Oct, 05:26


15 Oct, 08:51