

Reminders, news, meme


21 Jan, 00:21


21 Jan, 00:18


21 Jan, 00:18

There’s a big misconception that Tahajjud is prayed solely for marriage, Istikhaara as well. Yes, it’s important to pray for a good spouse, but let's normalise turning to Allah for every decision we make.

No matter how minor or major, Don't ever make a decision without Allah. Tahajjud is in a time when Dua is accepted & it is a highly recommended nafl prayer. Istikhara is for any decision no matter how small. Who knows better, you or Allah? Let Allah give you guidance on what to do, for He is the Most Wise, the All Knowing & His guidance is the best. 🤍


21 Jan, 00:15

We are living in confusing times. But as believers we are given a powerful gift: Duaa.
When you feel lost or unsure, dig deep. Let go of the steering wheel. Because every one of us is blind. Except whom He gives sight. Every one of us is lost. Except whom He gives guidance. And every one of us is in darkness. Except whom He gives Light. So close your eyes and let go. Then ask. Ask for His guidance and Light. Ask for Him to make the Truth clear from Falsehood. Beg for Him to steer you. For truly, truly we cannot steer ourselves.


21 Jan, 00:13

5 tips for staying grateful:

1. Reflect on one good thing every day

2. Thank someone who helped you

3. Appreciate small moments throughout the day

4. Keep a gratitude journal

5. Remember, even tough times have hidden blessings


21 Jan, 00:13

“Let those among you who are bounteous and resourceful not swear to withhold giving to the kindred, to the needy, and to those who have forsaken their homes in the cause of Allah; rather, let them forgive and forbear. Do you not wish that Allah should forgive you? Allah is Ever Forgiving, Most Merciful.”

(Al-Quran 24:22)


21 Jan, 00:11


21 Jan, 00:09


21 Jan, 00:09

𝗬𝗼𝘂 𝘄𝗶𝗹𝗹 𝗴𝗲𝘁 𝗼𝘂𝘁 𝗼𝗳 𝗶𝘁 𝘀𝘁𝗿𝗼𝗻𝗴𝗲𝗿 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝘄𝗶𝘀𝗲𝗿!

If you're going through a tough time, remember this: things will change. Even if the situation lasts longer than expected, it won't stay the same forever, and neither will you.

Just like every flower, whether it grows quickly or slowly, it will bloom in its own time. The process of blooming is different for everyone, so have patience (sabr) and trust (tawakkul) that this difficulty is meant to help you grow into a better version of yourself. It's not meant to break you, but to help you improve day by day. Rely on Allaah, Al-Maalik, the One who owns and controls everything, and trust in His wisdom behind your situation.


21 Jan, 00:08


21 Jan, 00:07

A humble request to keep us in your precious dua 🤍

May Allah ease our hardships and shower His divine mercy on us
Ameen 🌿


21 Jan, 00:05


21 Jan, 00:04

Don't ever make a decision without Allah. Tahajjud, Istikharah,Du’a. If you are seeking His aid, you'll get to a beautiful destination, even if the route currently looks obscured.

It will work out. Don't obsess over the 'How', rather obsess in Dua & tawakul.🤍


21 Jan, 00:04

Istighfaar isn’t just for the sins you knowingly commit, but also the sins you commit daily without being aware and for the falling short in your obligatory worship. Make Istighfaar constantly because we are all in dire need of Allah’s forgiveness. 🌷


21 Jan, 00:03


21 Jan, 00:03

To sustain our channel and improve our offerings, we humbly ask for your financial support through donations. Every contribution, no matter how small, will help us continue our mission of spreading knowledge and positivity.


21 Jan, 00:03


21 Jan, 00:02


21 Jan, 00:02

Allah is in control. When you feel like everything is falling apart, it could actually be falling into place. Allah has a plan. And remember Allah’s words: “And rely upon Allah; and sufficient is Allah as Disposer of affairs.” (Quran 33:3) Sometimes, what seems like a setback is a setup for something greater. Patience and faith are your best allies in times of uncertainty. Allah reminds us: “Indeed, Allah is with those who are patient.” (Quran 2:153)


21 Jan, 00:01