MSlides @mslides Channel on Telegram



MSlides (English)

Are you tired of boring and ineffective presentations? Look no further than MSlides! MSlides is a dynamic Telegram channel dedicated to helping you create stunning and engaging slideshows that will captivate your audience. Whether you're a student, professional, or just someone looking to spice up your presentations, MSlides has got you covered. With a wide range of templates, design tips, and tricks, you'll be able to create professional-looking slides in no time. So who is MSlides? MSlides is your go-to resource for all things presentation-related. What is MSlides? MSlides is a community of like-minded individuals who are passionate about creating visually appealing and impactful presentations. Join MSlides today and take your presentations to the next level! Let MSlides help you shine in your next presentation.


24 Apr, 15:58

❗️للفائدة : جايه منه بعض الصور بالسنوات السابقة


16 Jan, 15:45

Dx : Dermatitis herpetiformis
• Diagnosis can be made by
*skin biopsy with immunofluorescence shows granular IgA in the papillary dermis.
*Anti-endomysial antibodies , tissue transglutaminase and jejunal biopsy
• Rx : gluten free diet , some pt required dapson


11 Jan, 11:56

اسئلة سلايدات العام ⬆️


11 Jan, 11:52

كورس رابع. سلايد planter reflex وراد وياه الكوزز


11 Jan, 11:52

باطنية سلايدات نهاية الكورس
اسئلة الميجر الأول بالصور 👆👆

الميجر الثاني
1-ECG Heart block
2 ECG inferior MI
3 Facial palsy
4 Anemia "target cell"
5 Peutz joghres syndrome
6 pyoderma gangrenosa
7 Celiac disesa GIT biopsy
8 Oral Candidiasis
9 cushing syndrome

الميجر الثالث
1-ECG: inferior MI
2-ECG :WPWS & management
3-Heamato: Sickle cell anemia & test
4-Neurofibromatosis & diagnosis and
mode of inheritance
5-DVT & causes
6- Peutz joghres syndrome
7- CXR : Pneumothorax & management
8- Gaint cell arteritis
9- Dupuytren contracture

الميجر الرابع
1. Inferior mi and management
2. Atrial fibrillation and causes
3. اسنان صفر وشنو الدرك الي يسبب
4. pleural effusion ; causes
سكل سيل انيما وياها الانفستكيشن 5.

6. acromegaly + test
7.صورة malar flush ويريد الكوز وهو mitral stenosis
8. systemic sclerosis
9- plantar reflex & cause

إذا اكو سلايد نقص اكتبوه جوه بالتعليقات لان جماعة الباطنية يكررون نفس السلايدات تقريبا


07 Jan, 06:40

جميع صور #ماكلويد💙👆