Monica Smit, also known as @monicasmitofficial, is a full-time freedom-loving activist who is dedicated to fighting for liberty and justice. With a passion for advocating for individual rights and civil liberties, Monica is a powerful voice in the fight against government overreach and tyranny. She is committed to standing up for what is right and speaking out against unjust laws and regulations that infringe upon personal freedoms.
Monica's upcoming book, which will be available at, promises to provide insights and inspiration for those who are passionate about defending freedom and standing up for their beliefs. As a respected figure in the liberty movement, Monica Smit's channel is a valuable resource for news, information, and updates on important issues facing society today.
Whether you are an experienced activist or someone who is new to the fight for freedom, Monica Smit's channel is a must-follow for anyone who is passionate about defending individual rights and promoting liberty. Join the conversation, stay informed, and make a difference with Monica Smit and @monicasmitofficial.
05 Dec, 07:59
03 Dec, 04:08
02 Dec, 01:24
30 Nov, 07:56
26 Nov, 00:49
24 Nov, 08:51
20 Nov, 01:01
19 Nov, 06:56
19 Nov, 01:56
18 Nov, 05:22
17 Nov, 23:46
17 Nov, 04:15
17 Nov, 01:34
16 Nov, 00:09
15 Nov, 06:12
15 Nov, 00:05
14 Nov, 03:25
13 Nov, 23:43
13 Nov, 23:31
13 Nov, 12:51
13 Nov, 02:49
12 Nov, 03:51
11 Nov, 04:58
11 Nov, 02:16
08 Nov, 02:14
07 Nov, 09:46
07 Nov, 05:47
06 Nov, 06:52
06 Nov, 03:01
06 Nov, 01:31
05 Nov, 05:08
05 Nov, 04:31
04 Nov, 03:56
04 Nov, 00:54
03 Nov, 06:50
01 Nov, 03:12
01 Nov, 00:24
21 Oct, 03:44
21 Oct, 03:03
21 Oct, 00:33
21 Oct, 00:29
20 Oct, 06:29
19 Oct, 06:35
17 Oct, 23:11
17 Oct, 06:10
16 Oct, 23:41
16 Oct, 07:08
16 Oct, 01:39
15 Oct, 03:17
15 Oct, 02:05
14 Oct, 06:02
14 Oct, 02:10
10 Oct, 05:34
10 Oct, 05:31
09 Oct, 04:46
05 Oct, 03:49