Charlotta Rexmark @charlottarexmark Channel on Telegram

Charlotta Rexmark


Kanalen är en förlängning av min YouTube-kanal:

Kanalen handlar om mänsklighetens uppvaknande från 3D-matrisen, exponeringen av den verkliga sanningen och uppstigningen till 5D.

Charlotta Rexmark (English)

Welcome to Charlotta Rexmark, a Telegram channel dedicated to all things fashion, beauty, and lifestyle! Run by the fabulous Charlotta herself, this channel is a haven for those who love staying up to date on the latest trends and tips. Whether you're looking for style inspiration, makeup tutorials, or travel recommendations, Charlotta Rexmark has got you covered. The channel features daily posts on fashion trends, beauty products reviews, lifestyle hacks, and much more. Charlotta Rexmark is not just a channel, it's a community of like-minded individuals who share a passion for all things fabulous. Join us today and elevate your style game with Charlotta Rexmark!

Charlotta Rexmark

24 Jan, 05:46

“President Trump To Declare An Environmental / Fire Mitigation Emergency During His Visit To California Tomorrow While Surveying The Destruction Caused By Governor Newsom’s Criminal Cabal”
- Alex Jones

Charlotta Rexmark

24 Jan, 05:44

CIA whistleblower, John Stockwell on their dark operations in Africa.

Join: @RevealedEye

Charlotta Rexmark

24 Jan, 05:42

🇸🇪🇳🇴🇩🇰🇫🇮🇮🇸 Det florerar rykten om att bara USA kan lämna EHO. Det stämmer inte. Det kan alla av de över 190 länderna göra.

Charlotta Rexmark

24 Jan, 05:42

While the Left are obsessing over Nazi salutes, Trump is using EOs to undo the Dems’ disastrous policies, secure the border, conduct deportations, declassify assassination files, cut foreign aid, etc.

Perhaps them being distracted is not a bad thing.

Let them squeal.

Charlotta Rexmark

24 Jan, 05:41

Trump signs order to declassify all remaining JFK, RFK, and MLK, assassination files!

The DNI has 15 days to formulate a plan to release the JFK docs, and 45 days for the RFK/MLK docs.

Hopefully, we will finally see the full picture, but I will remain cautiously optimistic.

Charlotta Rexmark

23 Jan, 09:06

Seven Inches of snow in Pensacola, Florida!
Join @davidavocadowolfe 🥑

Charlotta Rexmark

23 Jan, 08:19

Mycket kort och väldigt aktuellt budskap från Anna Lilja angående att inte låta sig skrämmas av diverse utspel och schackdrag, utan att höja sig över rädslan, se den större bilden och ha tillit till de ljusa krafterna. Både de inom oss och utom oss.

Charlotta Rexmark

23 Jan, 05:53


WSJ reporting that the Trump admin are preparing an executive order that would halt US funding being used for gain of function research!



Charlotta Rexmark

23 Jan, 05:53

This seems significant 🤔

Trump hints that Biden is deeply involved in criminality.

"This guy went around giving everybody pardons, and you know, the funny thing, maybe the sad thing, is, he didn't give himself a pardon, and if you look at it, it all had to do with him.”

Charlotta Rexmark

23 Jan, 05:52

Thank you, Dr. Baker! The truth about Polio.

Join: @RevealedEye

Charlotta Rexmark

22 Jan, 17:52

Trump puts out a statement about ending the war in Ukraine.

Putin just spoke with Xi yesterday, and reiterated that he is ready to negotiate with Trump.

Meanwhile, Zelensky is begging Trump for US troops to help Ukraine, which is never going to happen.

Peace is on the way!

Charlotta Rexmark

22 Jan, 15:14

Det blir allt svårare att upprätthålla klimatnarrativet.

Charlotta Rexmark

22 Jan, 11:30

Här kan man rösta på Årets matbluff.

Charlotta Rexmark

22 Jan, 06:11

The woke-Right think Elon is owned by Israel.

The woke-Left think Elon is literally a Nazi.

The truth, is that he is just a slightly autistic mega-genius, that is excited about saving America, preserving consciousness and making humanity interplanetary. 😂

Charlotta Rexmark

21 Jan, 11:14

Nu startar jag en live på YouTube, välkomna!☀️

Charlotta Rexmark

21 Jan, 06:16

Charlotta Rexmark

21 Jan, 06:14



Charlotta Rexmark

21 Jan, 06:11

Melania comms



Charlotta Rexmark

21 Jan, 06:06

“MAGA was the most successful political OPERATION… in the history of our country, maybe in the history of the world. Let’s see what happens.”


That’s an interesting choice of words 👀

Charlotta Rexmark

26 Nov, 10:11

Charlotta Rexmark

26 Nov, 06:41

🇸🇪🇳🇴🇩🇰🇫🇮🇮🇸 Socialminister Jakob Forssmed, ska på förmiddagen fredagen den 29 november besvara en interpellation av den oberoende riksdagsledamoten Elsa Widding angående det brev som North, en sammanslutning av 10 Nordeuropeiska länder, skickade till sina statschefer och socialministrar den 25 november. Forssmed har tidigare sagt att ”vaccin är något av det vackraste vi har inom sjukvården”. Kommer han att upprepa sin ståndpunkt nu på fredag?

Vi uppmanar allmänheten, både de som drabbats direkt av covid-”vaccin”-skada och de som är kritiska till dessa substanser, att följa interpellationen från riksdagens åhörarläktare. Ni som inte kan komma kan via riksdagens hemsida se diskussionen mellan socialminister Jakob Forssmed och riksdagsledamoten Elsa Widding i direktsändning via denna länk:

Charlotta Rexmark

26 Nov, 06:39

Aftonbladet fortsätter att sprida fake news från Joachim Kerpner om att Trump påstås ha sagt att snattare ska skjutas. Trump har däremot sagt att plundrare och rånare kan riskera att bli skjutna av polisen, något som redan är ett faktum i USA.

Charlotta Rexmark

25 Nov, 16:31

🇸🇪🇳🇴🇩🇰🇫🇮🇮🇸 Dags för nästa uppiskande av oro och ångest. Nu gäller det E. Coli-bakterien, som det uppkommit resistens mot.

Och vad beror det på? Månne för mycket av antibiotikaförskrivning? Påminner det möjligen om en viss vaccination mot ett ganska ofarligt virus? Är läkemedelsbolag, myndigheter och media på människans sida, eller? 😊

Charlotta Rexmark

25 Nov, 15:43

🇸🇪🇩🇰🇪🇪🇫🇮🇬🇱🇮🇸🇱🇻🇱🇹🇳🇴🇬🇧Politiker och internationella experter kräver i ett orosbrev till statscheferna i tio nordeuropeiska länder – Danmark, Estland, Finland, Grönland, Island, Lettland, Litauen, Norge, Storbritannien och Sverige – ett omedelbart stopp för modifierade mRNA-vacciner. Brevet är signerat av 432 personer från de ingående tio länderna och från elva länder utanför gruppen North. Av signaturerna är 210 personer – 48,6 procent – läkare, inkluderas medicinska forskare, varav 36 är professor, så är en klar majoritet läkare eller medicinska forskare.

Brevet och bilagan med det vetenskapliga underlaget samt det officiella och lite längre pressmeddelandet finns på respektive lands språk på North-gruppens hemsida:

Charlotta Rexmark

24 Nov, 16:31

Just reached one million signatures in 26 hours - come on Britain make your voice count 🙏

Charlotta Rexmark

24 Nov, 10:26

Charlotta Rexmark

24 Nov, 07:56

👆👆👆Kort och sevärt om Trump, zionisterna och vaccinen.

Charlotta Rexmark

24 Nov, 07:55

Agents from the Mossad and CIA are posing as popular truth channels, to manipulate you.

Join: @RevealedEye

Charlotta Rexmark

23 Nov, 08:46

Kanalisering om den nya tidens förhållningssätt till pengar.

Charlotta Rexmark

23 Nov, 08:23

"This is for the person that needs to hear this today and to all those that resonate . Your heart will heal , your tears will dry , your season will change , so you rest knowing the storm will end . When you come out of the storm, you won't be the same person that walked in. That's what the storm is all about.
Sometimes in life the Universe closes doors because it’s finally time to move forward and the Universe knows you don’t always have the strength the Universe knows you can’t change these circumstances alone .
Happiness wants to say to you that
It is time to forgive yourself for all of the things you did not know or become. It is time to exonerate yourself for all the people you couldn't save, for all the fragile hearts you fumbled with in the dark of your own confusion. It’s time, to accept that you don't have to be who you were a year ago, that you don't have to want the same things as before . It’s time to believe, with vulnerable abandon that you are worthy of true unconditional love . "

Charlotta Rexmark

23 Nov, 05:52

The Federal Reserve Bank of New York is located on 33 Liberty Street.


Join: @RevealedEye

Charlotta Rexmark

23 Nov, 05:51

Pilot refuses chemtrailling now finds himself in court.

Join: @RevealedEye

Charlotta Rexmark

23 Nov, 05:51

President Trump just nominated Dr. Marty Makary for FDA Commissioner…

So I just went and watched the first interview I found and this guy sounds awesome!

Watch this clip. He’s talking about all the same stuff as RFK Jr…

Chronic diseases, chemicals & pesticides in our foods, microplastics, processed foods, seed oils, the education of our doctors, etc…

This is incredible.

We are truly gonna Make America Healthy Again! 🇺🇸

(Share this with your liberal friends. The health angle is a great redpill method.)

Full interview here:

Charlotta Rexmark

22 Nov, 12:16

This is 99.99% of Pediatricians- they're totally clueless when it comes to vaccines but they go on recommending them for ALL anyway.

Join: @RevealedEye

Charlotta Rexmark

22 Nov, 12:03

Charlotta Rexmark

22 Nov, 10:11

Charlotta Rexmark

20 Nov, 14:26

When you stand in knowing, the knowing of that which you seek, you create the reality that is a match to that knowing.

Charlotta Rexmark

20 Nov, 14:26

👇👇👇Beträffande dagens video som jag postade för några timmar sedan.🎯💯

Charlotta Rexmark

20 Nov, 10:00

Charlotta Rexmark

20 Nov, 06:07

"Soft disclosure" av tunnlar och boende under jorden.

Charlotta Rexmark

20 Nov, 06:04

Charlotta Rexmark

18 Nov, 10:22

Charlotta Rexmark

18 Nov, 08:07

What Big Pharma, Your Government & The Mainstream Media didn’t want you to know.

No Excess Deaths During Covid But an Explosion of it After the Covid "Vaccines"

The data in every country is the same that there was no increase in excess deaths during 2020 and maybe even a decrease in some countries when it was supposed to be a Pandemic.

And why did excess deaths then take a sharp rise in comparison with years before immediately after the Covid Shots rolled out in every country at the start of 2021?


Charlotta Rexmark

17 Nov, 18:37

H.A.A.R.P. Geoengineering is used for depopulation.

Join: @RevealedEye

Charlotta Rexmark

16 Nov, 16:01

Dark Masters, the quarantine has lifted, the incline in the road has begun and the 'fall of man' template is now the 'raise of man' template. This you know and this you see. No amount of machinations or return to the original protocols can swing back to the old ways.

Charlotta Rexmark

16 Nov, 12:03

Charlotta Rexmark

16 Nov, 05:35

Charlotta Rexmark

16 Nov, 05:26

Charlotta Rexmark

15 Nov, 15:38

You know that RFK Jr. was a fantastic pick when MSNBC has this reaction:

“If he actually were to implement some of his policies, people would die!!!”

People will die? 😂

Never forget: The media is complicit in these crimes.

Charlotta Rexmark

15 Nov, 13:08

Charlotta Rexmark

15 Nov, 09:18

Mycket intressant rubriksättning och artikel högst upp på svt:s löp. För första gången någonsin (?) tonar svt ner rädsla istället för att spä på den, och dessutom till Trumps fördel, även om den aspekten är något dubbel eftersom den samtidigt nedvärderar effekterna av hans agerande.

Charlotta Rexmark

15 Nov, 08:53

🇸🇪🇳🇴🇩🇰🇫🇮🇮🇸 Inledningen av artikel av journalisten Margareta Skantze, tidigare anställd vid Sveriges Radio:

”Den 2 november 2024 ägde ett banbrytande möte rum i det tyska parlamentet. I en halvtimmes lång presentation avslöjades hur Tysklands hälsomyndighet, Robert Koch-institutet (RKI), under hela coronapandemin utåt kommunicerat något helt annat än vad man internt känt till.

Sanningen har uppenbarats tack vare en visselblåsare vid RKI. Via en omfattande dokumentation, på nästan tio GB, framkommer med all tydlighet att coronapandemin var ett gigantiskt medicinskt och politiskt bedrägeri som samordnats internationellt.

De läckta dokumenten visar att det fanns en stark politisk påvekan, inte bara från det tyska hälsoministeriet utan också från andra ministrar, samt från NATO.

Avslöjandet har betydelse långt utanför Tysklands gränser. Inte minst i Sverige.”

Margareta Skantze avslutar med ett krav om publicering av dokumentation från den svenska Folkhälsomyndigheten (FHM):

”I detta arbete borde den mest angelägna uppgiften vara att offentliggöra hela FHM:s dokumentation av åren med pandemin, för att belysa frågan hur de politiska påtryckningarna såg ut och varifrån de kom.”

Charlotta Rexmark

15 Nov, 08:51

Charlotta Rexmark

09 Nov, 20:44

Den här retoriken känner vi igen från när C-vaxxet var på tapeten. De vill splittra oss och få människor att hata varandra och må dåligt i sin ensamhet.

Charlotta Rexmark

09 Nov, 20:33

Trump ger sig på censuren av sanningen.😎

Charlotta Rexmark

09 Nov, 17:09

#EricWeinstein: Kommer Donald #Trump tillåtas bli USA:s president?

Charlotta Rexmark

09 Nov, 13:17

Charlotta Rexmark

08 Nov, 20:47

'When I am back in the White House:

• Day 1, I will take action to end the horrific horrific plague of death and destruction save American lives

• I will impose a full Naval embargo on the drug cartels & deploy military assetts to inflict maximum damage on cartel operations

• I will insist on the full cooperation of neighboring governments to dismantle the trafficking & smuggling networks in our region.

• I will ask Congress to ensure drug dealers, kingpins, & human traffickers receive the death penalty.

• I will direct federal law enforcement to take down the gangs & organized street crime who poison our beautiful children.

• I will permanently designate fentanyl as a federally controlled substance.

• I will tell China if they do not clamp down on the export of Fentanyl’s chemical precursors, they will pay a steep price.

• We will also need to do more to end the scourge of addition here at home— we need Work, Faith, & Family.

• We will make it easier for those suffering with addiction, to seek treatment without losing their jobs.

• We will forge new public private partnerships for companies willing to provide job opportunities & skills training for former addicts.

• We will expand federal support for FAITH BASED counseling treatment & recovery programs, recognizing that we are going to need Gods help out of this crisis. 🙏 🙌

• We will ensure if a parent, child, spouse, other relative needs to take time to care for a loved one fighting to overcome addiction, they can take advantage of the family leave program.

“When I am President, we will not rest until we have ended the drug addiction crisis in America. We will win. It will happen! We have to win though in 2024, because our country is going to hell.” '

Charlotta Rexmark

08 Nov, 15:52

Charlotta Rexmark

08 Nov, 13:55

Charlotta Rexmark

07 Nov, 16:14

Now that we have confirmed that President Trump is coming back, it’s time to get f’ing pumped about who he is going to appoint for certain positions!!!

Let’s start with this clip of DJT publicly calling General Flynn in May of 2023 and telling everyone that General Flynn will be brought back into his next administration.


Charlotta Rexmark

07 Nov, 13:24

Now Fauci admits that COVID vaccines cause MYOCARDlTlS, particularly in young men.

He should be prosecuted for lying to the public!

Join: @RevealedEye

Charlotta Rexmark

07 Nov, 08:18


Charlotta Rexmark

07 Nov, 08:14

Dear President Trump:

As part of the declassification process, can you please finally tell us what was in those envelopes?

Thank you in advance.

The American People

Charlotta Rexmark

07 Nov, 08:13

"They will inject you while you're unconscious"

Nurse Warns of "Biologics" & Forced Flu Shots Happening in US Hospitals.

Join: @RevealedEye

Charlotta Rexmark

06 Nov, 20:59

👇 Det känns som att det är läge för crowdfunding.

Charlotta Rexmark

06 Nov, 20:59

Charlotta Rexmark

06 Nov, 18:58

Det har pratats en del om att Harris och demokraterna eventuellt skulle bestrida valresultatet, men det scenariot verkar överspelat i och med detta.

Charlotta Rexmark

05 Nov, 18:29

”LED-lampor är i belysningssammanhang vad fröoljor är i matsammanhang, dvs skadliga för hälsan.”

Charlotta Rexmark

05 Nov, 13:14

Charlotta Rexmark

05 Nov, 11:19

FDA approves first at home Flu mist. This should turn out well.

"FluMist® recipients should avoid close contact with immunocompromised individuals for at least 21 days."

The warning is specifically directed toward those living in the same household with an immunocompromised person, but the on-going release of live viruses throughout the community may be a significant risk to everyone who has a weak, or weakened, immune system.

The number of immunocompromised people in the United States is enormous:

It is estimated that at least 10%, or more than 28 million people have eczema. More than 8.5 million people have cancer. There are reported to be 850,000 individuals with diagnosed and undiagnosed HIV infection or AIDS andBased on 2001 data, there were 184,000 organ recipients.

It is important to realize that FluMist is CONTRAINDICATED for people who are immunocompromised. People who receive FluMist and are living with an immunocompromised person put their loved ones at risk.

Will this make stores that administer the vaccines-like Walmart and the other pharmaceutical chain stores that have announced they will carry FluMist -risky places to shop for large segments of the population? What measures will be taken in these stores to ensure that the virus will not become commingled with food? What hand washing policy is going to be enforced in the stores for all Walmart employees and customers who have received FluMist? These are reasonable questions that deserve answers.

The target market for FluMist is "healthy children and adults, ages 5 to 49 yrs." Some believe that by vaccinating these people, a type of "herd immunity" will occur that will protect the very young and the elderly who are excluded from getting this vaccine. However, it is these very "at-risk" populations who may suffer the most from the flu by being exposed to people who are given FluMist.

An ever greater concern about FluMist is the contents within the vaccine. Each 0.5ml of the formula contains 10 6.5-7.5 particles of live, attenuated influenza virus. That means that between 10 million and 100 million viral particles will be forcefully injected into the nostrils when administered. The viral strain was developed by serial passage through "specific pathogen-free primary chick kidney cells" and then grown in "specific pathogen-free eggs." That means that the culture media was free of pathogens that were specifically tested for, but not a culture that was necessarily "pathogen-free." The risk that the vaccine may contain contaminant avian retroviruses still remains. In addition, a stabilizing buffer containing potassium phosphate, sucrose (table sugar) and nearly 0.5 mg of monosodium glutamate (MSG) is added to each dose.

One of the most troubling concerns over the injection of this "chemical soup" is the potential for the viruses to enter directly into the brain. At the top of the nasal passages is a paper-thin bone called the cribriform plate. The olfactory nerves pass through this bone and line the nasal passages, carrying messenger molecules to the brain that are identified as "smells" familiar to us. The olfactory tract has long been recognized as a direct pathway to the brain. Intranasal injection of certain viruses has resulted in a serious brain infection called encephalitis, presumably by direct infection of the olfactory neurons that carried the viruses to the brain.

FluMist has the potential for causing the worst, most severe flu epidemic seen in years. Parents tell their young children not to put things up their noses because they might cause them harm. It would be wise to consider that advice for adults. With all the risks involved, one should be extremely cautious about what one allows to be sprayed in one's nose."

Can't wait for the non-vaccinated to be blamed for this years Flu epidemic.

And now you can do it all at home.

Join: @RevealedEye

Charlotta Rexmark

05 Nov, 09:58

Charlotta Rexmark

04 Nov, 17:57

Join: @davidavocadowolfe 🥑

Charlotta Rexmark

04 Nov, 13:39

Charlotta Rexmark

04 Nov, 13:18

Charlotta Rexmark

03 Nov, 09:42

Charlotta Rexmark

03 Nov, 09:37

Let’s deal a crushing blow to the parasite media in November 5th.
Join: @davidavocadowolfe 🥑

Charlotta Rexmark

03 Nov, 09:36

President Trump’s closing Ad for the election.

Charlotta Rexmark

03 Nov, 09:33

The squirrel’s name is Peanut. Say his name.
Join: @davidavocadowolfe 🥑

Charlotta Rexmark

03 Nov, 09:29

Join: @davidavocadowolfe 🥑

Charlotta Rexmark

03 Nov, 09:28

Join @davidavocadowolfe 🥑

Charlotta Rexmark

03 Nov, 09:16
Join @davidavocadowolfe 🥑

Charlotta Rexmark

03 Nov, 09:03

Hon är en bra skådespelerska i vanliga fall, men det här är inte ens trovärdigt. Undrar vad de lockat/hotat med för att få henne att göra det.🙄

Charlotta Rexmark

02 Nov, 11:04

Charlotta Rexmark

02 Nov, 11:04

🇸🇪🇳🇴🇩🇰🇫🇮🇮🇸 Tidigare biträdande chefsläkaren Nick Coatsworth ber om ursäkt för covid-”vaccin”-mandatet i Australien. Han drev frågan 2020, erkänner nu att han och myndigheterna hade fel.

Charlotta Rexmark

02 Nov, 08:46

Before Covid was released- the most dangerous vaccine on the market was the HPV vaccine. This video was created in 2013.

Join: @RevealedEye

Charlotta Rexmark

30 Oct, 06:05

Bev Turner: BBC Finally acknowledge vaccine harms, but it's three years too Late.

Join: @RevealedEye

Charlotta Rexmark

30 Oct, 06:05

This is huge!

The Australian Govt. admit Covid measures including lockdowns were wrong and won’t be accepted by the public again.

Better late than never!!

Join: @RevealedEye

Charlotta Rexmark

29 Oct, 10:23

Charlotta Rexmark

29 Oct, 10:22

Charlotta Rexmark

28 Oct, 09:54

Latest post by Pam Gregory astrologer

As many of you know I've deliberately stayed away from commenting on the US election, now less than two weeks away, other than saying I'm not sure it will take place.

The reason for me feeling that it is not certain it will happen is that transiting Mars is currently opposing Pluto at 27° Cancer-Capricorn in the US chart set for 4th July 1776, 17.10, Philadelphia, and this opposition becomes exact from October 27th to 29th. Then on November 3rd, running right into the election, transiting Mars opposes transiting Pluto exactly at 29° Cancer-Capricorn. These aspects are combustible, assertive, explosive, militaristic, and can display 'brute force', but are excellent in your own chart for willpower and focus to drive a project to completion. 

So these unusually powerful aspects running so close to the election may create a 'curved ball' which will mean that the election is delayed, disrupted or even cancelled. I never see the actual events as you know, but they suggest something significant particularly related to the US.

If the election does go ahead, I think it is very likely that the result will be delayed or contested in some way. That isn't just because the energy around the election is so polarised, but Mars moves retrograde on December 6th at 6° Leo, conjunct the US North Node, and continues retrograde until February 24th. When a planet is retrograde it is closer to the Earth and can manifest its symbolism more strongly. It is also during this retrograde phase that the election result must be ratified, and due to the vagaries of the US voting system it is possible that the candidate with fewer votes can still win.

Mars repeats its exact opposition to Pluto on January 3rd at 1° Leo-Aquarius, and again on April 26th at 3° of those signs. Mars doesn't move out of its 'shadow phase' (the degree at which it moved retrograde, at 6° Leo) until May 2nd. So this is an extended period of time, suggesting that whatever began at the first exact opposition may run until around late April.

Therefore there is potentially a lot of drama and noise around these transits and events that can pull out attention very easily into the turbulence and uncertainty of 3D and lower frequencies of polarity and judgement. Could it possibly be that there are some who would wish that to happen?

So this is a powerful test of our mastery. Despite what is happening in the external world, as far as you are able, stay in peace, calm and love, welcoming in an expanded consciousness of love. Keep dropping inwards to stillness. Know that humanity is entering a much more beautiful multidimensional period as the result of a dimensional shift. It's obviously harder to keep a positive focus if we are caught up in some extreme situation or weather event, which means that the rest of us have to come together even more in these higher frequencies to beam them to those who need them most.

Know that all this is part of the final death throes of the old order. Know that just like when I was taught to split a builders' plank with my bare hand, the trick was to focus on where I wanted to get to six inches below the plank, not on the obstacle.

These are very big times of endings and beginnings as many of you are aware. There is a clear collective timeline of fear and panic, and another very beautiful one borne of love, peace, joy and compassion. The latter is where we need to put our consistent focus and when we do, we accelerate its arrival for all of humanity.

Blessings to you all on this journey, and thank you.

Charlotta Rexmark

28 Oct, 08:45


Generational ex Satanist Glenn Hobbs, who grew up in a satanic family explains the rituals and ritual abuse practiced by his family and satanic coven on Halloween.

Join: @RevealedEye

Charlotta Rexmark

28 Oct, 08:44

Svt gör allt de kan för att få människor att må bättre och ge lugn och hopp till svenskarna, precis som media ska göra i en välfungerande demokrati.🙄

Charlotta Rexmark

28 Oct, 06:04

Who would have thought, humanity made it this far 🌎🚀

Charlotta Rexmark

28 Oct, 06:03

Trump at Madison Square Garden:
"This will be America's new golden age. It's going to happen quickly too, very quickly.
Every problem facing us can be solved." 👀
The best is yet to come!

Charlotta Rexmark

27 Oct, 20:49

Simply another beautiful synchronization of God's handiwork.🥰

Charlotta Rexmark

27 Oct, 10:20

Charlotta Rexmark

27 Oct, 10:17

Charlotta Rexmark

26 Oct, 05:20

Joe Rogan: “Did you just float out the idea of getting rid of income taxes and replacing it with tariffs?”

President Trump: “Yeah, sure. But why not?”


(Note: I didn’t clip the rest of the answer because that was pretty much all he said because he went deep into the weave lol)

Charlotta Rexmark

25 Oct, 18:09

Charlotta Rexmark

25 Oct, 14:24

“Not one of them died from Cancer”

Wouldn’t surprise you if we’ve all been deceived over Cancer & treatment of now would it?

Join: @RevealedEye

Charlotta Rexmark

25 Oct, 09:08

Tornvall: När #elfordon lockar för få köpare vill deras tillverkare göra det dyrare och svårare att köpa bensin- och #dieselbilar.

Charlotta Rexmark

25 Oct, 04:22

1 in 22 children in California have Autism, where vaccination rates are almost 100%. Connect the dots.

Read - The True Intentions Behind Vaccinations👇

Join: @RevealedEye

Charlotta Rexmark

25 Oct, 03:55