Toxic Masculinity is a thought-provoking Telegram channel that delves into the complexities of traditional male gender roles and social expectations. The channel username, men_at_war, hints at the ongoing battle that many men face when it comes to conforming to societal norms and stereotypes. This platform is not for public appeasement, as it aims to create a safe space for discussing and challenging toxic masculinity. Who is it? Toxic Masculinity is for anyone interested in exploring the impact of harmful stereotypes on men and society as a whole. It is a place where individuals can engage in meaningful conversations about gender, masculinity, and how we can strive for healthier and more inclusive definitions of manhood. What is it? This channel serves as a platform for sharing articles, resources, and personal stories related to toxic masculinity. It offers a critical perspective on how traditional masculine ideals can contribute to issues such as violence, mental health struggles, and relationship dynamics. By shining a light on these topics, Toxic Masculinity aims to foster understanding, empathy, and positive change in how masculinity is perceived and experienced. Contact us @trustworthybot to join the conversation and be part of a community that is dedicated to challenging toxic masculinity and promoting healthier notions of manhood. Take a step towards personal growth and social progress by joining Toxic Masculinity today.
09 Dec, 04:13
08 Dec, 14:38
07 Dec, 07:31
07 Dec, 01:10
06 Dec, 00:42
03 Dec, 08:48
02 Dec, 09:31
01 Dec, 10:50
29 Nov, 12:18
29 Nov, 04:06
28 Nov, 15:31
28 Nov, 04:57
27 Nov, 07:13
26 Nov, 17:40
25 Nov, 09:11
23 Nov, 19:58
22 Nov, 01:57
20 Nov, 02:11
19 Nov, 03:50
19 Nov, 03:50
18 Nov, 19:21
18 Nov, 13:54
17 Nov, 12:09
16 Nov, 08:42
15 Nov, 20:14
15 Nov, 06:24
20 Oct, 15:51
20 Oct, 00:30
19 Oct, 14:59
19 Oct, 14:50
19 Oct, 00:19
18 Oct, 09:55
17 Oct, 14:59
17 Oct, 09:25
16 Oct, 23:08
15 Oct, 17:32
15 Oct, 10:28
13 Oct, 14:43