Мaсквада иш елонлар Moskvada (Uzbek)
Moskvada is a Telegram channel specifically designed for travelers in Moscow. The channel focuses solely on job announcements, making it a useful resource for anyone seeking employment opportunities in the city. Users can find a variety of job postings, from part-time gigs to full-time positions, all conveniently located in one channel. The channel also ensures the legitimacy of job postings by requiring payment for advertising listings, holding the 'Admin' accountable for any fraudulent activity. If you're looking to advertise a job opening, you can do so by contacting @MIGRANT_ADMIN. For advertising inquiries, reach out to @XURSHIDADMIN. Join Moskvada today to stay updated on the latest job opportunities in Moscow and connect with other job seekers in the area. Channel Creator: @MUSOFIRDAUZ