نەدەم لە دەرگایەڪ کە بۆ من نەڪراوە!
هەوڵی ڪردنەوەی شتێڪ نەدەم ڪە ڪلیلەڪەیم لەلا نییە!
مەهێڵە ڕووحم پەیوەست بێت بە شتێڪەوە ڪە هیی من نییه!
ڕازیم بڪە بەوەی ویستت لێیه و پێت بەخشیوم،
وام لێ بڪە تەنها موحتاجی بەر قاپیەڪەی تۆ بـم!
Welcome to "ماڵی خواناسان" Telegram channel! This channel, with the username @malexwanasan, is dedicated to providing inspirational and motivational content to its followers. The title of the channel, which translates to "House of Readers," reflects the mission of the channel to encourage reading and knowledge-sharing among its members. The description of the channel includes a quote in Kurdish, "« فَـإِنَ مَعَ عُسْرِِ یُسْرَا »", which translates to "Indeed, with hardship, there is ease." This quote sets the tone for the positive and uplifting content that you can expect to find on this channel
The channel is open to individuals of all backgrounds, but the emphasis is on Muslim values and teachings. The bio of the channel states that the admin is Muslim and encourages discussions and reflections on Islamic principles. The channel also provides a link to another channel, @Hawkar47, where followers can engage in further discussions and receive additional content
If you are looking for a source of inspiration, motivation, and knowledge-sharing within a supportive community, then "ماڵی خواناسان" is the perfect Telegram channel for you. Join us today and let's embark on a journey of growth and enlightenment together!
08 Jan, 23:03
08 Jan, 14:43
07 Jan, 18:13
07 Jan, 17:13
07 Jan, 14:11
06 Jan, 21:35
06 Jan, 20:42
06 Jan, 18:38
06 Jan, 12:58
05 Jan, 17:37
04 Jan, 18:06
04 Jan, 14:27
03 Jan, 23:03
03 Jan, 17:21
03 Jan, 11:07
03 Jan, 11:07
02 Jan, 18:39
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؍30 Dec, 14:25
30 Dec, 10:35
28 Dec, 15:31
28 Dec, 04:26
27 Dec, 18:55
27 Dec, 13:10
26 Dec, 20:30
26 Dec, 20:27
26 Dec, 18:16
25 Dec, 20:33
25 Dec, 13:56
24 Dec, 14:56
23 Dec, 18:20
22 Dec, 16:47
21 Dec, 20:47
21 Dec, 14:25
21 Dec, 10:57
20 Dec, 19:22
20 Dec, 16:13
20 Dec, 16:00
19 Dec, 14:11
18 Dec, 19:18
18 Dec, 15:28
18 Dec, 12:33
17 Dec, 15:15
16 Dec, 12:40
15 Dec, 20:37
15 Dec, 18:59
03 Dec, 03:05
02 Dec, 19:22
02 Dec, 08:57
01 Dec, 18:07
30 Nov, 08:01
29 Nov, 18:07
28 Nov, 14:08
27 Nov, 22:13
26 Nov, 21:45
26 Nov, 19:11
25 Nov, 14:16
24 Nov, 13:01
23 Nov, 15:14
23 Nov, 15:13
23 Nov, 15:12
23 Nov, 09:46
21 Nov, 16:33
16 Nov, 18:36
15 Nov, 20:24
15 Nov, 20:23
15 Nov, 19:56
14 Nov, 19:32
14 Nov, 18:55
13 Nov, 20:06
13 Nov, 09:39
12 Nov, 11:07
11 Nov, 15:51
10 Nov, 20:09
10 Nov, 19:25
10 Nov, 15:44
09 Nov, 17:37
08 Nov, 18:46
08 Nov, 15:04
08 Nov, 08:50
07 Nov, 15:53
07 Nov, 10:36
06 Nov, 17:40
06 Nov, 13:18
02 Nov, 11:10
01 Nov, 20:07
31 Oct, 10:25
30 Oct, 19:10
30 Oct, 19:05
30 Oct, 18:51
28 Oct, 18:13
28 Oct, 16:43
28 Oct, 14:38
28 Oct, 08:07
28 Oct, 08:00
27 Oct, 16:47
27 Oct, 12:07
26 Oct, 20:21
25 Oct, 06:14
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؍24 Oct, 14:40
23 Oct, 16:23
23 Oct, 10:12
22 Oct, 14:25
22 Oct, 10:50
21 Oct, 17:59
21 Oct, 15:34
21 Oct, 10:55
20 Oct, 21:05
19 Oct, 17:20
19 Oct, 09:49
18 Oct, 19:37
18 Oct, 16:45
18 Oct, 16:44
18 Oct, 06:40
17 Oct, 16:42