Are you tired of fake news and misinformation? Do you crave authentic and honest conversations? Look no further than the Telegram channel "Make It Real with John Paul Rice," also known as @makeitrealjpr. This channel is dedicated to promoting truth and transparency in our daily lives. Who is John Paul Rice, you may ask? He is a renowned filmmaker and producer who has dedicated his career to shedding light on important social issues and sparking meaningful dialogue. With his channel, John Paul Rice invites you to join him on a journey towards uncovering the truth and making real connections. What is "Make It Real with John Paul Rice" all about? It's a space where like-minded individuals come together to engage in conversations that matter. From discussions on current events to personal reflections on the state of the world, this channel is a platform for sharing perspectives and challenging conventional narratives. The motto of the channel is simple yet powerful: Always Speak The Truth. If you're looking for a community that values authenticity and encourages open dialogue, then @makeitrealjpr is the place for you. Join John Paul Rice and fellow truth-seekers as they explore the complexities of our modern society and strive towards a more honest and transparent world. Together, let's make it real.
02 Nov, 19:17
02 Nov, 13:39
01 Nov, 01:51
31 Oct, 02:29
27 Oct, 14:21
27 Oct, 01:42
26 Oct, 14:55
24 Oct, 12:33
23 Oct, 22:38
23 Oct, 01:44