The American Sovereign @theamericansovereign Channel on Telegram

The American Sovereign


Buy DLS Binder & Thumbdrive at

Become An American state National by declaring your status!

Order Affidavit of Repudiation Freedom Bundle

The American Sovereign (English)

Are you looking to assert your sovereign rights as an American individual? Look no further than 'The American Sovereign' Telegram channel, where you can find valuable resources and information to help you on your journey to becoming an American state National. From purchasing DLS Binder & Thumbdrive at to ordering the Affidavit of Repudiation Freedom Bundle at, this channel provides all the tools you need to declare your status and exercise your rights. Stay informed, empowered, and connected with like-minded individuals who are also committed to asserting their sovereignty. Join 'The American Sovereign' channel today and take the first step towards reclaiming your sovereignty and freedom. Empower yourself, empower others. Be a part of 'The American Sovereign' community.