Шо там в лівачків is a Telegram channel that brings together like-minded individuals who are interested in discussions about leftist ideologies, liberalism, Marxism, and anarchism. The channel provides a platform for individuals to share their thoughts, ideas, and opinions on various political and social issues. Whether you are a seasoned activist or someone looking to learn more about these ideologies, this channel is the perfect place for you. Join the discussions, engage with other members, and broaden your understanding of leftist thinking. The channel username @liberaxy is a reflection of the diverse and critical discussions that take place within the community. From critiques of capitalism to discussions on social justice, members of the channel are encouraged to express their viewpoints and engage in respectful debates. In addition to the thought-provoking discussions, the channel also offers a unique feature - a feedback bot named @vegetablebasebot. This bot allows members to provide feedback, suggestions, and comments on the content shared within the channel. Your voice matters, and the channel creators want to ensure that all opinions are heard and considered. Whether you are passionate about leftist ideologies, curious to learn more, or simply looking for a community of like-minded individuals, Шо там в лівачків is the perfect channel for you. Join today and be a part of the conversation!
14 Feb, 20:34
14 Feb, 09:51
13 Feb, 21:02
13 Feb, 08:20
12 Feb, 10:12
12 Feb, 06:05
11 Feb, 20:34
11 Feb, 20:34
11 Feb, 20:32
11 Feb, 20:32
09 Feb, 18:49
07 Feb, 19:12
04 Feb, 09:46
03 Feb, 19:18
28 Jan, 13:02
27 Jan, 23:55
26 Jan, 21:58
4441 1111 2162 3221
26 Jan, 05:40
25 Jan, 17:02
22 Jan, 02:59
21 Jan, 16:34
21 Jan, 12:50
20 Jan, 11:14
18 Jan, 18:19
17 Jan, 21:09
17 Jan, 19:13
17 Jan, 08:58
17 Jan, 02:10
13 Jan, 20:51
13 Jan, 11:29
12 Jan, 14:34
4441 1111 2985 4216
10 Jan, 22:05
09 Jan, 21:12
09 Jan, 00:50
08 Jan, 22:40
08 Jan, 17:16
07 Jan, 14:53
07 Jan, 07:42
05 Jan, 00:58
04 Jan, 21:48
03 Jan, 13:52
27 Dec, 01:17
26 Dec, 21:39
26 Dec, 12:00
24 Dec, 10:22
16 Dec, 20:27
06 Dec, 12:32
06 Dec, 09:01
05 Dec, 08:21
04 Dec, 17:31
01 Dec, 22:03
29 Nov, 09:47
28 Nov, 15:58
26 Nov, 10:16
20 Nov, 17:53
17 Nov, 20:01
17 Nov, 17:50
17 Nov, 15:03
16 Nov, 17:55
12 Nov, 17:55
12 Nov, 09:03
11 Nov, 08:20
10 Nov, 10:15
09 Nov, 23:04
09 Nov, 19:01
08 Nov, 14:46
07 Nov, 14:01
07 Nov, 13:20
06 Nov, 20:05
06 Nov, 12:23
05 Nov, 18:15
05 Nov, 09:21
02 Nov, 20:54
01 Nov, 20:01
01 Nov, 17:01
01 Nov, 07:21
30 Oct, 19:06
28 Oct, 18:12
28 Oct, 10:24
28 Oct, 07:45
27 Oct, 20:10
27 Oct, 20:10
27 Oct, 17:38
25 Oct, 07:00
25 Oct, 06:57
24 Oct, 20:32
24 Oct, 13:31
23 Oct, 06:40
22 Oct, 15:31
18 Oct, 06:16
16 Oct, 19:43
15 Oct, 18:33
15 Oct, 10:23
13 Oct, 10:17
12 Oct, 18:30