አይሻ (ረ.ዐ) እንዳሉት ‹‹ የአላህ መክዕክተኛ (ሰ.ዐ.ወ) በሽታ ሲበዛባቸዉ እና የታመመ ሰዉ ቤታችን ሲመጣ የገብስ ድስት ከእሳት አይወርድም ፣ ያ በሽታ ከራቀን ቢሆን እንጂ›› ብለዋል (ኢብኑ ማጃህ ፡3446) ዘግበዉታል፡፡
ለውዷ ሙስሊሟ እህቴ is a Telegram channel dedicated to providing a platform for Muslim women to connect, share, and support each other. The channel's title translates to 'Lewda Muslim Women's Forum' in English. It aims to create a space where Muslim women can discuss various topics, seek advice, and build a community of like-minded individuals. The channel promotes inclusivity, respect, and empowerment among its members. If you are a Muslim woman looking for a supportive and engaging online community, ለውዷ ሙስሊሟ እህቴ is the perfect destination for you. Join now and be part of a vibrant community that celebrates diversity and unity.
20 Sep, 06:00
19 Jun, 06:49