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منشورات English From Zero to Hero على Telegram

English From Zero to Hero
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أحدث المحتوى الذي تم مشاركته بواسطة English From Zero to Hero على Telegram

English From Zero to Hero

12 Feb, 08:51



💢 Bobble hat

♣️ Meaning:- a hat made from wool with a small, round wool ball on top
English From Zero to Hero

12 Feb, 08:51



💢 Hood

♣️ Meaning:- a covering for the head and neck with an opening for the face, typically forming part of a coat or sweatshirt
English From Zero to Hero

11 Feb, 14:02



💢 Lapel

🎶 طية

♣️ Meaning:- one of the two front parts of the top of a coat or jacket that are joined to the collar and are folded back

🌀 Ex:- He grabbed him by the lapels of his jacket.
English From Zero to Hero

11 Feb, 14:02



💢 Collar
🎶 ياقة

♣️ Meaning:- the part around the neck of a shirt, jacket or coat that usually folds down

🌀 Ex:- I turned up my collar against the wind (= to keep warm)
English From Zero to Hero

11 Feb, 14:02



💢 Cufflink
🎶 ازرار الكم

♣️ Meaning:- one of a pair of small decorative objects used for fastening shirt cuffs together

🌀 Ex:- He adjusted his cufflink before heading into the meeting, making sure his suit looked perfectly polished.
English From Zero to Hero

10 Feb, 12:42



◼️ Acceptable {adjective}

💠 good enough or satisfactory

◾️ completely/ totally/ entirely/ fully acceptable
◾️ quite acceptable
◾️ perfectly acceptable (=completely acceptable – often used when you disagree with someone)
◾️ generally/ widely acceptable (=most people think it is acceptable)
◾️ not remotely acceptable (=not acceptable at all)
◾️ mutually acceptable (=acceptable to both people or groups)
◾️ socially/ culturally acceptable
◾️ morally/ ethically acceptable

◾️ prove acceptable formal (=be found to be acceptable)
◾️ make sth acceptable
◾️ find/ consider sth acceptable also deem sth acceptable formal (=think it is acceptable)

◾️ an acceptable standard/ level
◾️ acceptable behaviour
◾️ an acceptable solution
◾️ an acceptable way
◾️ an acceptable alternative
◾️ acceptable quality

◾️ acceptable to sb
◾️ acceptable for sth

◾️ be the acceptable face of sth (=be acceptable to people who do not usually approve of that type of thing)
English From Zero to Hero

10 Feb, 12:42



◼️ Accept {verb}

💠 1- to take something that someone offers you, or to agree to do something that someone asks you to do

◾️ accept an offer/ invitation
◾️ accept a gift/ present/ bribe
◾️ accept an award
◾️ accept help/ aid/ assistance
◾️ accept an apology
◾️ accept sb’s resignation
◾️ accept a challenge

◾️ gladly/ willingly/ readily accept sth
◾️ gratefully accept sth
◾️ graciously accept sth (=in a polite and kind way)
◾️ reluctantly accept sth

◾️ accept sth from sb

💠 2- to decide that there is nothing you can do to change a bad situation

◾️ accept a situation
◾️ accept reality (=accept the real situation)
◾️ accept defeat
◾️ accept the consequences
◾️ accept your fate
◾️ accept the inevitable
◾️ accept the fact (that)...

◾️ be forced to accept sth
◾️ learn/ come to accept sth (=gradually accept something)

💠 3- to agree that something is right or true

◾️ accept an idea/ principle/ notion
◾️ accept a view
◾️ accept an argument
◾️ accept an explanation
◾️ accept a proposal
◾️ accept a claim
◾️ accept a recommendation
◾️ accept the need for sth

◾️ be generally/ widely/ commonly accepted (=by many or most  people)
◾️ be universally accepted (=by everyone)
◾️ fully accept sth (=completely)
◾️ readily/ happily accept sth
◾️ reluctantly/ grudgingly accept sth (=unwillingly)
◾️ blindly/ unquestioningly accept sth disapproving (=without thinking or asking questions)

◾️ accept sth at face value (=accept something without thinking that there may be a hidden meaning)
◾️ have no choice but to accept sth
English From Zero to Hero

31 Dec, 04:18


💠 To walk for pleasure

💢 Talk a walk also go for a walk to walk somewhere for pleasure

💢 Stroll also go for a stroll to walk in a relaxed way, especially for pleasure

💢 Hike also go hiking to walk a long way in the mountains or countryside as an activity you enjoy

💢 Trek also go trekking to go for a walk lasting several days or weeks in a faraway place, carrying your clothes with you
English From Zero to Hero

31 Dec, 04:17


💠 To walk with difficulty

💢 Limp to walk with difficulty because one leg hurts, so that you put most of your weight on the other leg

💢 Stagger to walk or move unsteadily, almost falling over, especially because you are drunk or have been injured

💢 Hobble to walk with difficulty in a slow and unsteady way because your legs or feet hurt or have been injured
English From Zero to Hero

31 Dec, 04:17


💠 To walk slowly

💢 Trudge to walk in a slow tired way because it is difficult to continue walking, or you do not want to go somewhere

💢 Plod to walk slowly in a tired way – often used about a horse, donkey etc 

💢 Shuffle to walk very slowly and noisily without lifting your feet off the ground