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منشورات English From Zero to Hero على Telegram

English From Zero to Hero
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قنوات مشابهة

The Hindu Vocabulary
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English World
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أحدث المحتوى الذي تم مشاركته بواسطة English From Zero to Hero على Telegram

English From Zero to Hero

16 Feb, 20:40



◼️ Balance {noun}

💠 1- your ability to stand or walk steadily, without falling

◾️ lose your balance (=become unsteady)
◾️ keep your balance (=stay steady)
◾️ regain/ recover your balance (=become steady again)
◾️ knock/ throw sb off balance

◾️ off balance

◾️ a sense of balance

💠 2- a situation in which there is the right relationship between things

◾️ a good/ healthy balance
◾️ a fine balance (=hard to achieve)
◾️ a delicate balance (=easily damaged)
◾️ the right/ proper/ correct balance
◾️ the natural balance
◾️ the ecological balance
◾️ the political/ military balance

◾️ get/ find/ achieve/ strike a balance (=succeed in getting the balance right)
◾️ keep/ maintain/ preserve a balance
◾️ upset/ disturb/ disrupt the balance (=make it less equal or correct)
◾️ change/ alter/ shift the balance
◾️ redress/ restore the balance (=make it equal or correct again)
◾️ the balance changes/ alters/ shifts

◾️ a balance between things

◾️ the balance of power
◾️ the balance of nature
◾️ your work–life balance (=between your work and the rest of your life)
English From Zero to Hero

16 Feb, 20:39



◼️ Bail {noun}

💠 money left with a court of law to make sure that a prisoner will return when his or her trial starts

◾️ be released/ freed on bail also be remanded on bail BrE (=be given bail and allowed to stay out of prison, usually until a trial takes place)
◾️ apply/ ask for bail
◾️ be held without bail

◾️ be granted/ given bail
◾️ be refused bail
◾️ get bail
◾️ set bail (=say how much bail someone must pay)
◾️ post bail also put up bail (=pay the amount set as bail)
◾️ oppose bail (=ask a judge not to grant bail)
◾️ jump bail also skip bail BrE (=not return for your trial as you promised)

◾️ police bail BrE (=bail given to someone by the police while deciding whether to charge them with a crime)
◾️ conditional/ unconditional bail (=bail which has or does not have rules and conditions)

bail + NOUNS
◾️ a bail application also an application for bail
◾️ a bail condition
◾️ a bail hearing (=a meeting of a court, that decides whether someone should be given bail)
◾️ a bail bond (=a sum of borrowed money left with a court by the person receiving bail)
◾️ a bail bondsman (=a person or company that provides bail bonds)
◾️ a bail hostel (=a place for people on bail who do not have a permanent home)

◾️ on bail
English From Zero to Hero

16 Feb, 19:44



Hear oneself think

To engage in mental activity without being distracted by noise.

◐Please turn down that music. I can hardly hear myself think.
English From Zero to Hero

16 Feb, 19:43



Take something at face value 🔘

🔘Definition : "Take something at face value" means to accept something as it is presented, without looking for deeper meanings or questioning its accuracy. It implies accepting something as true or genuine based on its outward appearance or initial presentation.


He tends to be very straightforward, so when he said he was happy with the project, I took his feedback at face value and didn't overthink it.

It's important not to always take things at face value; sometimes there may be hidden intentions or meanings behind what people say or do.
English From Zero to Hero

16 Feb, 11:54



🌟 My holiday plans fell apart

👨🏻 Josh: Oh, Not again. My holiday plans fell apart(1). My wife is gonna go nuts. She always accuses me of not keeping my word.
👱🏻‍♂ Bill: Do you often go back on your word ?
👨🏻 Josh: When the vase fell apart(2) last month, I promised to buy a new one. But I’m still broke!
👱🏻‍♂ Bill: Don't let on to her yet. Maybe everything will turn out okay.
👨🏻 Josh: The point is my wife is counting a lot on this holiday. She has already informed all friends about it. I can’t just overlook that.
👱🏻‍♂ Bill: Man! marriage is no a bed of roses!
👨🏻 Josh: Looking back on my bachelorhood days, I can obviously say that marriage is heaven in comparison. Al least I got rid of the dog’s life.

◾️ Vocabulary◾️

◼️ Fall apart(1): to fail.

◼️ Go nuts: to become very angry or very excited.

◼️ Keep one’s word: do what one has promised.

◼️ Go back on one’s word: fail to keep a promise.

◼️ Fall apart(2): break into pieces.

◼️ Let on: to reveal; to inform; to tell.

◼️ Count on: to hope or expect that something will happen.

◼️ No bed of roses: there are unpleasant things to deal with as well as the pleasant ones.

◼️ Look back: to think about a time or event in the past.

◼️ Heaven: (Uncountable noun) something that gives you great pleasure.

◼️ Dog’s life: a very unhappy and unpleasant life.
English From Zero to Hero

15 Feb, 16:27



💢 Multifarious
💠 متنوع
♣️ Meaning:- Having great diversity or variety

Ex:- This Swiss Army knife has multifarious functions and capabilities.
English From Zero to Hero

12 Feb, 10:09


English From Zero to Hero

12 Feb, 08:52



💢 Flat cap

♣️ Meaning:- a hat that is not rounded on top and has little height, usually with a peak (= a flat curved part that goes above the eyes) that does not stick out far beyond the edge of the hat
English From Zero to Hero

12 Feb, 08:52



💢 Beret

♣️ Meaning:- a round flattish cap of felt or cloth
English From Zero to Hero

12 Feb, 08:52



💢 Beanie

♣️ Meaning:- a small close-fitting hat worn on the back of the head