📚📚One Big Channel㋡ @one_big_channel Channel on Telegram

📚📚One Big Channel㋡


💐Welcome, Dear bro...s & sis...s,
In the beginning, you may find things challenging, but with practice, they become more manageable. This is the path to mastering English.


📚📚One Big Channel㋡ (English)

Are you looking to improve your English language skills and master it once and for all? Look no further than One Big Channel! This channel is dedicated to helping individuals like you on their journey to fluency in English. Whether you are a beginner or an advanced learner, you will find valuable resources and support here.

One Big Channel offers a variety of content such as grammar tips, vocabulary lessons, pronunciation practice, and engaging conversations to help you enhance your language skills. By joining this channel, you will be part of a community of like-minded individuals who are all striving towards the same goal - becoming proficient in English.

From daily practice exercises to interactive quizzes, One Big Channel provides a fun and interactive way to learn English. The supportive environment encourages members to push themselves and reach new milestones in their language learning journey.

So, if you are ready to take your English skills to the next level, join One Big Channel today and start your path to mastery. With dedication and regular practice, you will soon see significant improvement in your language abilities. Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to become a fluent English speaker with the help of One Big Channel!

📚📚One Big Channel㋡

23 Jan, 17:53

💞Good evening 💞

What are the red flags of a toxic
leader? Number one, micromanaging. They constantly oversee every detail, leaving no room for trust or autonomy.
Two, lack of empathy. They fail to consider the feelings and needs of their team, creating a very cold and unwelcoming environment.
Three, indecisiveness. They struggle to make decisions, leaving the team feeling uncertain and very much stuck.
4. There is no motivation or reward. They don't acknowledge hard work or encourage growth.
5. Blame shifting. They never take responsibility for mistakes. Instead, they shift the blame onto others. This creates a culture of fear and defensiveness. If you recognize these signs, it might be time to assess your work environment.
#Amal 💫

📚📚One Big Channel㋡

23 Jan, 13:01

📡 لستة التطوير للقنوات الإنجليزية والعربية الثقافية والتعليمية تُرحب بكم:
• • اليوم الخميس 🌄
• • • • 23 يناير 2025 🪙
يتم الحذف عند الساعة 12:00 صباحاً

⇦  لإضافة قناتك
فقط تواصل معنا للتأكيد .....👇🏾
     👁‍🗨 @En70001bot

✋🏽اخترنا لكم :

🎐تحدث اللغة الإنجليزية بسهولة🗣
🫂 ⚘فن التعامل مع الناسᵜᴥᵜᴥᵜᴥ🤝
💬مجموعة لتطوير اللغة الإنجليزية😳

••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• 📚📖

📚📚One Big Channel㋡

22 Jan, 16:24

Good evening everyone 🌺

Why is it okay to start over, no matter how old you are or where you stand? Always remember, there's nothing wrong with starting over. As long as you're alive, it's never too late, no matter how old you are or where you stand. The clock doesn't define your potential. Your willingness to act does. Life isn't a straight line. It's a series of stops, turns, and restarts. We often fear starting over because it feels like failure. But in fact, it means you're brave enough to try again. It's proof of resilience, not weakness. Whether it's a new career, a new passion, or a new chapter in your personal life, always choose to start over if what you've been through doesn't feel like the life you wanted to keep living. Better to admit you walked through the wrong door than spend your life in the wrong room.
#Amal 💫

📚📚One Big Channel㋡

21 Jan, 23:05

🟥 شارك الرابط مع أصدقائك🆕
Please share the link with your friends.

مجموعة التطوير الاقوى 😐
1҉ 𝐁𝐢𝐠 𝐟𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐲

🎊 We're maturing and learning side by side.‌‌
نكبر ونتعلم جنبًا إلى جنب.‌‌

🔥🔥🔥 Your Path to Success
طريقك للنجاح!💯

🔹Feel free to join us for English language practice. Your questions are most welcome, and we'll respond promptly.
يمكنك الاشتراك معنا وممارسة اللغة الإنجليزية وتشرفنا ويمكنك تقديم أي سؤال وسيتم الرد عليك بأسرع وقت ان شاء الله


🩵 @One_Big_Family

📚📚One Big Channel㋡

20 Jan, 17:59

Good evening 💫
Let me ask you this. Who gets to decide what makes you happy? The answer should always be you. In a world full of opinions, there will always be people who think they know better about your life than you do. If you're a woman who chooses to stay at home, to dedicate yourself to your family, and create a beautiful life within your home, that's amazing. Don't let anyone belittle your choices. And if you're a woman who loves her career, dreams big, and works hard to build a professional life, that's incredible too. Your ambition doesn't make you any less feminine. Your life, your rules, your happiness. Live it unapologetically.

📚📚One Big Channel㋡

20 Jan, 08:07

🤍"On the ropes"
🤍Meaning : in a desperate situation or near defeat

❤️"The small business is on the ropes and will probably not survive."

❤️"The man is on the ropes and may lose his job."

📚📚One Big Channel㋡

19 Jan, 22:23

🎗أحلامك ليس لها تاريخ إنتهاء خذ نفسـًا عميقـًا و حاول مرة أخرى 💗

🎗Your dreams have no expiration date. Take a deep breath and try again

✳️ضَرورة المَسافات بينك وبين الناس ، كْـ ضرورة المَسافات بيْن الكلمات ..لـتكوين الجُمَل

❇️The necessity of spaces between you and people, such as the necessity of spaces between words...to form sentences.

📚📚One Big Channel㋡

19 Jan, 20:32

Basic vs Advanced English sentences

You first - After You
I'm listening - I'm all ears.
I'm very excited - I'm pumped up
I don't understand - I don't get it
I'm a bit busy - I'm a bit tied up
I'll pay the bill - it's on me
Think about it - Sleep on it
Do it alone - Do it by yourself
Move a bit - Scoot over
Don't touch - Hands off
See you soon - Catch you soon
She's very jealous - She's green with envy
I made a mistake - I screwed up
Calm down - Pull yourself together

📚📚One Big Channel㋡

19 Jan, 14:04


🔘Take for granted

📚📚One Big Channel㋡

19 Jan, 13:59


📚📚One Big Channel㋡

19 Jan, 13:59


📚📚One Big Channel㋡

14 Jan, 18:44


🔘Soggy (adjective)

★Unpleasantly wet and soft.

~e.g : 1) The ground was soggy from the rain.
2)The sandwiches have gone all soggy.

🔘Sang-froid (noun)

★Self-possession or imperturbability especially under strain.

~e.g :They showed great sang-froid in dealing with the fire.

🔘Untamed (adjective)

★Wild, uncontrolled, especially of animals not domesticated or trained to human contact.

~e.g :The mustang is an untamed horse that roams where it wants, with little interest in humans.

🔘Befuddled ( adjective)

★Completely confused.

~e.g :Even in my befuddled state, I could find my key.

📚📚One Big Channel㋡

14 Jan, 12:47

📓 Vocabularies   مفردات
الفرق بين:
[ Image - Picture - Photo ]

═══ ❁✿❁ ═══
نلاحظ أن الـثلاث الكلمات 👆 معناها بالعربي "صورة "  ولكن بالانجليزية يوجد فرق بين كل كلمة، وتوضيح ذلك كما يلي:

▪️ كلمة( Photo)
  معناها صورة، لكن (صورة التقطت بـكاميرا )  فقط.
وجاءت من كلمة
( photograph - تصوير ضوئي )
يعني هذه الكلمة photo هي فقط لما يتم تصويره بالكاميرا.
💡 Example مثال:
- This is my class photo. I'm the one in the middle.
هذه صورة لفصلي . أنا الشخص الذي في الوسط ..

▪️ كلمة (Picture)
فهي كلمة أشمل.. نستطيع استخدمها مع الصور والرسومات وحتى الصور اللي بالكاميرا أيضا ..
💡 Example مثال:
- Take a look at this picture and see if you could recognize anyone.
انظر إلى هذه الصورة  ولاحظ لو استطعت أن تتعرف على أي أحد.

▪️ كلمة ( Image )
- تعبر عن صور الخيال،
جاءت من
(Imagination- خيال).
مثل صورتك قدام الناس (انطباع الناس عنك)، أو مثلا صورة في ذهنك.
- ويمكنك أن تستخدمها مع الصور على الكمبيوتر أو المرآة لأنها تعتبر صورة خيالية غير حقيقية.
- ويكثر استخدامها مع الصور الفنية.

💡 Example مثال:
- The poem is full of images
القصيدة مليئة بالصور. - أي الصور الجمالية

📚📚One Big Channel㋡

13 Jan, 12:48

📌🌟Good evening everyone 🌟
The journey starts from within us✋🏻

We carry inside us the wonders we
seek outside of us. So many of us spend our lives chasing external validations, searching for fulfillment in achievements or relationships or possessions. Yet, what if the peace and joy we're chasing were always within us? Instead of always seeking answers from the world, take a moment to reflect inward. What gifts and strengths have you overlooked within yourself? Unlock them and you realize the journey begins and ends with you.🤝

📚📚One Big Channel㋡

13 Jan, 08:37

📔 go to waste

•to not be used
•to squander or miss an opportunity

🤔For example ⬇️

🗣  When the Native American Indians killed a buffalo absolutely nothing went to waste.

🗣Our new apartment has a small refrigerator so now we can't buy many groceries and nothing goes to waste.

📚📚One Big Channel㋡

13 Jan, 08:35

📚 Peeps, plural noun.

🔉 /piːps/ 🇬🇧

Definition (informal): People (often used to refer to a person's friends or associates)

❗️ Examples:

1. Thanks for the feedback, peeps!
2. She's back home with her peeps in Milwaukee.
3. Luckily, Jenna's peeps were not what I had assumed them to be.
4. I'd like to hear from Miami, Brazil or West Coast peeps on this.
5. Hi peeps … this is a new story I posted up.

📚📚One Big Channel㋡

12 Jan, 19:33


🌀 Adjectives like ‘ *unique’, ideal,perfect, complete, universal, entire, extreme, chief, full square and round,* which do not admit different degrees of
comparison should not be compared.

❇️It is ~the most~ unique thing.

❇️ *It is a unique thing.* ✔️

📚📚One Big Channel㋡

12 Jan, 16:23

List of words used daily with their synonyms:

1. No problem - لا مشكلة

Synonyms: Not an issue, No trouble, Nothing to worry about.

2. It's fine - الأمر بخير

Synonyms: It's okay, It's alright, All good.

3. Let it go - دعها تذهب

Synonyms: Drop it, Forget about it, Move past it.

4. Forget it - انسى الأمر

Synonyms: Never mind, Let it be, Ignore it.

5. No worries - لا داعي للقلق

Synonyms: No need to worry, Don't fret, Everything’s okay.

6. Take it easy - خذ الأمور ببساطة

Synonyms: Go easy, Relax, Stay calm.

7. Relax - استرخ

Synonyms: Take a breather, Calm down, Loosen up.

8. Chill out - اهدأ

Synonyms: Take it slow, Stay cool, Don’t stress.

9. Never mind - لا بأس

Synonyms: It's not important, Forget it, Let it go.

10. Don’t stress - لا تضغط نفسك

Synonyms: Stay calm, Don’t worry, Take it easy.

11. It's all good - كل شيء على ما يرام

Synonyms: Everything's fine, No problem, All fine.

12. Move on - امضِ قدماً

Synonyms: Let it go, Forget about it, Keep going.

13. Stay calm - ابقَ هادئاً

Synonyms: Be cool, Relax, Don’t panic.

14. Keep cool - كن هادئاً

Synonyms: Stay composed, Be chill, Stay relaxed.

15. No big deal - ليس بالأمر الجلل

Synonyms: It’s nothing, Not a big issue, Not a problem.

16. Don't sweat it - لا تعرقله

Synonyms: Don’t worry, No biggie, It’s not a hassle.

17. It's okay - لا بأس

Synonyms: It’s fine, No worries, Everything’s alright.

18. Take a deep breath - خذ نفساً عميقاً

Synonyms: Calm yourself, Relax, Ease up.

19. Everything's fine - كل شيء بخير

Synonyms: All is well, Everything’s okay, It’s all good.

20. Don’t bother - لا تهتم

Synonyms: Don’t waste time, Forget it, Don’t mind it.

21. Not a concern - ليس أمراً مهماً

Synonyms: Not an issue, It’s irrelevant, Don’t worry about it.

22. Be at ease - كن مرتاحاً

Synonyms: Stay calm, Don’t stress, Relax.

23. Don’t overthink - لا تفرط في التفكير

Synonyms: Take it easy, Don’t dwell on it, Keep it simple.

24. Let it slide - دعها تمر

Synonyms: Ignore it, Overlook it, Let it pass.

25. Don’t make a fuss - لا تثر ضجة

Synonyms: Stay calm, Don’t overreact, Keep it simple.

26. It’s not worth it - لا يستحق العناء

Synonyms: Forget it, Move on, Don’t worry.

27. Stay positive - ابقَ إيجابياً

Synonyms: Keep a good outlook, Don’t worry, Think positive.

28. Don't lose sleep over it - لا تفقد النوم بسببه

Synonyms: Don’t stress, It’s not a big deal, Relax.

29. Shake it off - تخلص منه

Synonyms: Forget it, Move on, Let it go.

30. It’s not a problem - ليس مشكلة

Synonyms: No big deal, It’s all good, Don’t stress

📚📚One Big Channel㋡

12 Jan, 07:46

🌟Good morning everyone 🌟

Never forget those who came with a lamp when you were in the darkest hour. Good people are those rare souls who stand beside you when life gets heavy. They don't do it for recognition or reward. They do it because they genuinely care. They're the ones who see your worth, even when you can't. They motivate you to become better and to never give up on yourself. But remember, it's not just about having good people. It's about being one too. Be the person who brings light to someone else's darkness. Encourage them. Celebrate their victories. And hold them up when they stumble. The people you surround yourself with shape your journey. So, choose wisely. Appreciate them. And make sure they know how much they mean to you.

📚📚One Big Channel㋡

10 Jan, 18:48

When you extend a hand to someone
in need, you're not just helping them. You're paving the way for Allah's help in your own life. The Prophet Muhammad said, Allah helps his servant as long as his servants help others. Whether it's offering a small gesture of support, giving advice, or simply being there for someone. Every act of kindness bringing Allah's mercy closer to you. When you help others, you're planting seeds of goodness that return to you when you least expect it. It's simple. The more you give, the more you receive. Not just from people, but directly from Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.🥀🥀🥀

📚📚One Big Channel㋡

09 Jan, 19:34

Short Story:

Peter was nervous about his first day at work. As he entered the office, he accidentally spilled coffee on his shirt. Embarrassed, he apologized, but his new manager laughed and said, "Happens to everyone!" That small moment made Peter feel welcomed and relaxed for the rest of the day.

💫A kind word can change your whole day for the better.

كانَ بيتر مُتوتِّراً بِشأن أوَّل يَوم لهُ في العَمل. عِندما دَخلَ المَكْتب، انْسَكبَت القَهوةُ على قَمِيصه عَن طَرِيق الخَطأ فَشعرَ بالإِحرَاجِ واعتَذر، لكِنَّ مُديرهُ الجديد ضَحِك وقال: "يحدثُ للجَميع!" ذلكَ الموقِف البَسيِط جعلهُ يَشعرُ بالترحيبِ والراحَة بقيَّة اليَوم.

💫إنّ بإمكان الكلمةُ الطيّبة أن تُغيِّر يومكَ كلّه للأفضَل❤️

📚📚One Big Channel㋡

08 Jan, 21:21


💢 Nomadic
lifestyle characterized by constant travel/ wandering, and the lack of a permanent home.

💠 Usages
Because her husband is a long-distance truck driver, he’s always on the move and leads a very nomadic lifestyle.

♨️ Basic Synonyms
🔰 drifting
🔰 wandering

♨️ Advanced Synonyms

♻️ Antonyms
🌀 settled

📚📚One Big Channel㋡

08 Jan, 18:38

Good evening

The way you react to certain situations says a lot about your character🌟

Situations greatly influence your personality , as they determine how an individual behaves in the face of various events and challenges. When an individual faces a positive attitude, such as receiving praise or achieving success, this enhances his sense of confidence and self-esteem, thus affecting his behavior and making him act more positively.

When an individual faces a negative situation, such as failing to accomplish a task or receiving criticism, this affects his behavior and makes him behave more negatively, and tends to withdraw and not take the initiative.

It is important for the individual to learn how to deal with negative situations positively, by changing his view of the situation and looking for appropriate solutions, and taking advantage of mistakes to improve future performance

Situations are similar to weather and

Man looks like a tree and his experiences in life are the roots

The effect appears on her leaves in autumn such as difficult and deading situations

And in spring when it bears fruit and blooms like good situations

The more she gets back, the more she endures stronger storms💫💫

📚📚One Big Channel㋡

08 Jan, 18:37

TORT (turn, twist) ↩️↪️

Example words:

• contort
• distort
• retort
• tortuous
• extort
• torsion

📚📚One Big Channel㋡

08 Jan, 15:58

1. Drive Sales

1. Sentence: Offering discounts during the holiday season can help drive sales significantly.
الترجمة: تقديم الخصومات خلال موسم العطلات يمكن أن يساعد في زيادة المبيعات بشكل كبير.

2. Sentence: The company invested in online ads to drive sales for their new product line.
الترجمة: استثمرت الشركة في الإعلانات عبر الإنترنت لزيادة مبيعات خط إنتاجها الجديد.

3. Sentence: Customer feedback plays a vital role in creating strategies to drive sales.
الترجمة: يلعب feedback العملاء دورًا مهمًا في إنشاء استراتيجيات لزيادة المبيعات.


2. Promotion

1. Sentence: The store is running a promotion on all electronic items this weekend.
الترجمة: المتجر يقدم عرضًا ترويجيًا على جميع الأجهزة الإلكترونية هذا الأسبوع.

2. Sentence: She was excited about her promotion to manager after years of hard work.
الترجمة: كانت متحمسة لترقيتها إلى مديرة بعد سنوات من العمل الجاد.

3. Sentence: Social media is a powerful tool for the promotion of new products.
الترجمة: وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي أداة قوية لترويج المنتجات الجديدة.


3. Match the Competitors

1. Sentence: To stay ahead in the market, we must match the competitors' pricing strategy.
الترجمة: للبقاء في صدارة السوق، يجب أن نطابق استراتيجية تسعير المنافسين.

2. Sentence: The new product design was developed to match the competitors’ innovations.
الترجمة: تم تطوير تصميم المنتج الجديد لمواكبة ابتكارات المنافسين.

3. Sentence: If we match the competitors in service quality, we’ll retain more customers.
الترجمة: إذا طابقنا المنافسين في جودة الخدمة، سنحتفظ بمزيد من العملاء.


4. Be Here Any Minute

1. Sentence: The taxi should be here any minute; let’s grab our bags.
الترجمة: من المفترض أن يصل التاكسي في أي لحظة؛ لنأخذ حقائبنا.

2. Sentence: He said he’s running late, but he’ll be here any minute now.
الترجمة: قال إنه متأخر، لكنه سيصل في أي لحظة الآن.

3. Sentence: The guests are expected to be here any minute, so set the table quickly.
الترجمة: من المتوقع أن يصل الضيوف في أي لحظة، لذا جهز الطاولة بسرعة.


5. Sounds Like

1. Sentence: That sounds like a perfect plan for our weekend trip!
الترجمة: يبدو أن هذا خطة مثالية لرحلتنا في عطلة نهاية الأسبوع!

2. Sentence: It sounds like you’ve put a lot of thought into this project.
الترجمة: يبدو أنك فكرت كثيرًا في هذا المشروع.

3. Sentence: Sounds like a storm is coming; we should stay indoors.
الترجمة: يبدو أن هناك عاصفة قادمة؛ يجب أن نبقى في الداخل.


6. That’s a Brilliant Idea

1. Sentence: Let’s start a recycling program in the office; that’s a brilliant idea!
الترجمة: لنبدأ برنامج إعادة التدوير في المكتب؛ إنها فكرة رائعة!

2. Sentence: Adding more interactive features to the app? That’s a brilliant idea!
الترجمة: إضافة المزيد من الميزات التفاعلية للتطبيق؟ إنها فكرة رائعة!

3. Sentence: Combining traditional and modern designs for the event? That’s a brilliant idea!
الترجمة: الجمع بين التصاميم التقليدية والحديثة للفعالية؟ إنها فكرة رائعة!

📚📚One Big Channel㋡

08 Jan, 15:57

إليك مجموعة من العبارات الإنجليزية المشهورة مع ترجمتها:

1. Better late than never

الأفضل أن تأتي متأخرًا من ألا تأتي أبدًا.

2. Actions speak louder than words

الأفعال أبلغ من الأقوال.

3. Break the ice

كسر الحواجز أو بدء الحديث.

4. Practice makes perfect

التمرين يصنع الكمال.

5. Time is money

الوقت كالسيف.

6. Easy come, easy go

ما يأتي بسهولة يذهب بسهولة.

7. Don’t judge a book by its cover

لا تحكم على الكتاب من غلافه.

8. When in Rome, do as the Romans do

عندما تكون في روما، افعل كما يفعل الرومان (تعني التأقلم مع ثقافة المكان).

9. The ball is in your court

القرار بيدك الآن.

10. Every cloud has a silver lining

كل غيمة سوداء لها جانب مضيء (لكل مشكلة جانب إيجابي).

11. Actions speak louder than words

الأفعال أبلغ من الأقوال.

12. No pain, no gain

لا مكاسب بدون معاناة.

13. It’s a piece of cake

الأمر في غاية السهولة.

14. Kill two birds with one stone

أصطاد عصفورين بحجر واحد.

15. Out of sight, out of mind

بعيد عن العين، بعيد عن القلب.

📚📚One Big Channel㋡

08 Jan, 10:14

Good evening

The true strength is healing without becoming like those who hurt you.

The real strength, the real flex, is choosing to heal without leaving a trail of hurt behind. It’s knowing that your pain doesn’t give you a free pass to project it onto others, just as someone else’s struggles don’t mean you have to sacrifice yourself to make them whole. True power lies in breaking cycles, not perpetuating them.

When you’re hurting, it can feel tempting to lash out, to offload that pain onto someone else—whether through anger, blame, or indifference. But here’s the truth: causing harm doesn’t heal you. It might feel like relief in the moment, but it only creates more wounds—both for others and for yourself. The courageous thing, the real flex, is choosing to sit with your pain, to work through it without letting it spill onto those around you. That’s how you reclaim your power: by owning your healing and refusing to pass the burden of it onto someone else.

At the same time, true strength is knowing that helping others doesn’t mean neglecting yourself. Sacrificing your well-being for the sake of someone else’s healing might feel noble, but it only depletes you in the long run. You can’t pour from an empty cup, and breaking yourself to piece someone else back together doesn’t serve either of you. Real love, real compassion, isn’t about martyrdom—it’s about balance. It’s about being there for others while honoring your own boundaries and needs.

Healing is messy. It requires grace, patience, and self-awareness. But in the process, you get to make a choice: will you let your pain define you, or will you let it refine you? Will you perpetuate cycles of hurt, or will you rise above them? The people who inspire change, the ones who radiate light and strength, are the ones who choose the latter.

So, let this be your reminder: You don’t have to hurt others to heal yourself. You don’t have to hurt yourself to help others heal. True strength lies in navigating your pain with integrity and in supporting others without losing yourself in the process. That’s the kind of energy that changes not just your life, but the lives of everyone you touch. That’s the real flex.

📚📚One Big Channel㋡

07 Jan, 13:38

📡 لستة التطوير للقنوات الإنجليزية والعربية الثقافية والتعليمية تُرحب بكم:
• • اليوم الثلاثاء 🌄
• • • • 07 يناير 2025 🪙
يتم الحذف عند الساعة 12:00 صباحاً

⇦  لإضافة قناتك
فقط تواصل معنا للتأكيد .....👇🏾
     👁‍🗨 @En70001bot

✋🏽اخترنا لكم :

🎐تحدث اللغة الإنجليزية بسهولة🗣
🫂 ⚘فن التعامل مع الناسᵜᴥᵜᴥᵜᴥ🤝
💬مجموعة لتطوير اللغة الإنجليزية😳

••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• 📚📖

📚📚One Big Channel㋡

06 Jan, 03:34

1- Come on with:
   يأتِ مع شيء 

2. Get out of:
   يخرج من شيء

3- Keep up with:
   يُحافظ على مجاراة شيء 

4- Came apart at:
   انهار عند 

5- Take a toll on:
   يُؤثر بشكل سلبي على 

6- Pressed on with: 
   واصل مع شيء

7- Fight back against:
   يقاوم ضد 
8- Take out on:
   يُفرِّغ غضبه على 
9- Stood up 2:
   صمد أمام 

10- Capitalize on:
    يستغل شيء 

11- Added up 2:
    يُجمِّع حتى يصل إلى

📚📚One Big Channel㋡

06 Jan, 03:33

In Sha' Allah 🤍🌺

📚📚One Big Channel㋡

02 Jan, 20:34

📚📚One Big Channel㋡ pinned «https://t.me/+CcH96emwZ8ZkNTk0»

📚📚One Big Channel㋡

02 Jan, 20:34

🔴ماهو الفرق بين الكلمتين :

1️⃣Fan :
2️⃣Stan :

🔵الجواب :

🟠أولاً :
يُستخدم المصطلحان " fan"و "stan" لوصف الأفراد الذين لديهم اهتمام قوي أو إعجاب كبير بشخص أو مجموعة أو شيء معين، مثل ممثل أو لاعب أو فريق رياضي. ومع ذلك، هناك اختلافات دقيقة في استخدامها ودلالاتها:

1️⃣Fan :

المعجب هو الشخص الذي يعجب ويدعم شخصًا معينًا أو فريقًا أو عملًا
يمكن للمعجبين الاستمتاع بأعمال الفنانين أو الفرق المفضلة لديهم، ومتابعة أخبارهم. وسلوكهم يعتبر بشكل عام ضمن حدود الحياة الطبيعية.

🟠أما :

2️⃣Stan :

تسمى في اللغويات Portmanteau أي مزيج من كلمتين "stalker" and "fan"
وهو معجب متطرف أو متحمس للغاية. ويظهر عليهم سلوك عدواني.

📚📚One Big Channel㋡

02 Jan, 20:18

Normal English vs Business English Vocabulary

1. Begin 🌟 - Initiate
2. End 🏁 - Terminate
3. Buy 💰 - Acquire
4. Sell 🛍️ - Market
5. Ask - Inquire
6. Use 🛠️ - Utilize
7. Help 🤝 - Support
8. Talk 🗣️ - Communicate
9. Start 🚀 - Commence
10. Finish 🎯 - Conclude
11. Idea 💡 - Concept
12. Problem - Challenge
13. Give 🎁 - Provide
14. Get 🤲 - Obtain
15. Plan 📅 - Strategize
16. Show 📺 - Demonstrate
17. Talkative 💬 - Communicative
18. Tell 🗨️ - Inform
19. Understand 🤔 - Comprehend

📚📚One Big Channel㋡

01 Jan, 23:56


📚📚One Big Channel㋡

01 Jan, 19:06

Good evening

Here are 10 common expressions
along with their meanings:

1. Actions speak louder than words 
   Meaning: What someone does is more important than what they say.

2. Bite the bullet 
   Meaning: To face a tough situation with courage and determination.

3. The ball is in your court 
   Meaning: It’s your turn to take action or make a decision.

4. Cut to the chase 
   Meaning: To get to the point without wasting time on unnecessary details.

5. Hit the ground running 
   Meaning: To start a new activity or job with enthusiasm and energy.

6. Let sleeping dogs lie 
   Meaning: To avoid interfering in a situation that could cause trouble if disturbed.

7. Once in a blue moon 
   Meaning: Something that happens very rarely.

8. Burning the candle at both ends 
   Meaning: To overwork oneself by staying up late and getting up early.

9. Take it with a grain of salt 
   Meaning: To view something with skepticism or not take it too seriously.

10. A blessing in disguise 
    Meaning: Something that seems bad at first but results in something good.

📚📚One Big Channel㋡

31 Dec, 12:47

Useful English phrasal verbs

Take after - Resemble
He has taken after his father.

Turn down - Reject
He turned down my offer.

Bring up - Mention
He brought up the issue of reservation in Parliament.

Calm down - Relax
There is nothing to worry. Carm down.

Cut in - Interrupt
Don't cut in when I speak.

Go on - Continue
He went on speaking for hours.

Break down - Malfunction
My car broke down on the way.

Call off - Cancel
The match was called off.

📚📚One Big Channel㋡

31 Dec, 04:18

💠 To walk for pleasure

💢 Talk a walk also go for a walk to walk somewhere for pleasure

💢 Stroll also go for a stroll to walk in a relaxed way, especially for pleasure

💢 Hike also go hiking to walk a long way in the mountains or countryside as an activity you enjoy

💢 Trek also go trekking to go for a walk lasting several days or weeks in a faraway place, carrying your clothes with you

📚📚One Big Channel㋡

31 Dec, 04:17

💠 To walk with difficulty

💢 Limp to walk with difficulty because one leg hurts, so that you put most of your weight on the other leg

💢 Stagger to walk or move unsteadily, almost falling over, especially because you are drunk or have been injured

💢 Hobble to walk with difficulty in a slow and unsteady way because your legs or feet hurt or have been injured

📚📚One Big Channel㋡

31 Dec, 04:17

💠 To walk slowly

💢 Trudge to walk in a slow tired way because it is difficult to continue walking, or you do not want to go somewhere

💢 Plod to walk slowly in a tired way – often used about a horse, donkey etc 

💢 Shuffle to walk very slowly and noisily without lifting your feet off the ground

📚📚One Big Channel㋡

31 Dec, 04:16

💠 To walk quietly

💢 Tiptoe to walk quietly and carefully on your toes because you do not want to make a noise

💢 Creep to walk quickly and slowly because you do not want anyone to see or hear you

💢 Sneak to walk quietly so that no-one notices you, especially because you are doing something you should not do

💢 Pad to walk quietly without wearing shoes – also used about cats and dogs walking quietly 

📚📚One Big Channel㋡

31 Dec, 04:16


💠 Walk

💢 Walk to move forward by putting one foot in front of the other

💢 Wander to walk without any clear purpose or direction

💢 Stride to walk with long steps in a determined, confident, or angry way

💢 Pace to walk first in one direction and then in another many times, especially because you are nervous

💢 March to walk quickly with firm regular steps- used especially about soldiers or someone who is angry

💢 Wade to walk through deep water

💢 Stomp to walk putting your feet down very hard, especially because you are angry

📚📚One Big Channel㋡

31 Dec, 01:58

القناة الاروع في عالم التيليجرام

ليست مجرد قناة
انها عالم من👌🏽 الرقي والاخلاق

قناة فن التعامل مع الناس قناة كل الناس

للاشتراك اضـغــط هنـا

📚📚One Big Channel㋡

31 Dec, 01:58

لتبقو في علوٌ وسمو
علقو امانيكم بمن في السماء

📸 #صـورة_ومعـنى

📚📚One Big Channel㋡

30 Dec, 12:57

🌼Good evening 🌼

The Kindness of the Prophet
Muhammad (PBUH)

Once, in the city of Medina, there lived a man named Abdullah. He was known for his harsh demeanor and often treated others poorly. One day, he decided to visit the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) to express his grievances about life.

As Abdullah approached the Prophet’s house, he noticed a group of children playing nearby. They were laughing and having fun. Abdullah, feeling annoyed by their joy, shouted at them to be quiet. The children stopped and looked at him with fear.

When the Prophet (PBUH) saw this, he called Abdullah over and said, “Why do you disturb their happiness? Children are a blessing from Allah. They bring joy to our hearts.”

Abdullah was taken aback by the Prophet’s gentle words. Instead of scolding him, the Prophet showed kindness and compassion. This made Abdullah reflect on his own behavior.

From that day on, Abdullah decided to change his ways. He started treating people with kindness and respect, just like the Prophet (PBUH) had shown him. He even began to play with the children, sharing in their joy.

Through this simple act of kindness, Abdullah learned that a little compassion can change not only others’ lives but also one’s own heart. And so, he became known in Medina not for his harshness but for his kindness, inspired by the example of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

Moral: Kindness has the power to transform hearts and lives.

📚📚One Big Channel㋡

24 Dec, 13:00

📡 لستة التطوير للقنوات الإنجليزية والعربية الثقافية والتعليمية تُرحب بكم:
• • اليوم الثلاثاء 🌄
• • • • 24 ديسمبر 2024 🪙
يتم الحذف عند الساعة 12:00 صباحاً

⇦  لإضافة قناتك
فقط تواصل معنا للتأكيد .....👇🏾
     👁‍🗨 @En70001bot

✋🏽اخترنا لكم :

🎐تحدث اللغة الإنجليزية بسهولة🗣
🫂 ⚘فن التعامل مع الناسᵜᴥᵜᴥᵜᴥ🤝
💬مجموعة لتطوير اللغة الإنجليزية😳

••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• 📚📖

📚📚One Big Channel㋡

23 Dec, 18:04


🫧Slap bang
(also slap ) adverb (informal)

1) if you run, drive etc slap bang into something, you hit it with a lot of force.

slap bang into

▪️I ran slap bang into a lamp-post.

2) exactly in a particular place or at a particular time
slap bang next to.

▪️Anne’s house is slap bang next to the station.

📚📚One Big Channel㋡

23 Dec, 17:59


⭐️As the crow flies

in a straight line

⚡️The cabin is only five miles away as the crow flies, but the winding road makes it feel much farther.

📚📚One Big Channel㋡

23 Dec, 17:54


🔘be a cut above somebody/something

to be much better than someone else or something else.

▪️The movie is a cut above recent thrillers.
▪️He proved himself to be a cut above the rest.

📚📚One Big Channel㋡

22 Dec, 15:05

Telephone phrasal verb

📚📚One Big Channel㋡

22 Dec, 09:11


📚📚One Big Channel㋡

21 Dec, 14:29

إليك قائمة بكلمات إنجليزية شائعة تستخدم في المطبخ:

1. Oven (فرن)
2. Stove (موقد)
3. Refrigerator (ثلاجة)
4. Freezer (مجمد)
5. Microwave (ميكروويف)
6. Blender (خلاط)
7. Mixer (خلاط عجين)
8. Toaster (مخبز توست)
9. Kettle (غلاية ماء)

1. Plate (طبق)
2. Bowl (وعاء)
3. Cup (كوب)
4. Glass (كأس)
5. Pan (مقلاة)
6. Pot (قدر)
7. Colander (مصفاة)
8. Cutting board (لوح تقطيع)
9. Spoon (ملعقة)

1. Flour (دقيق)
2. Sugar (سكر)
3. Salt (ملح)
4. Pepper (فلفل)
5. Oil (زيت)
6. Butter (زبدة)
7. Eggs (بيض)
8. Milk (لبن)
9. Water (ماء)

1. Bake (خَبز)
2. Boil (غلي)
3. Steam (بخار)
4. Fry (قلي)
5. Roast (شوي)
6. Grill (شواية)
7. Mix (خلط)
8. Stir (تحريك)
9. Chop (قطع)

1. Appetizer (مقبلات)
2. Main course (وجبة رئيسية)
3. Dessert (حلوى)
4. Salad (سلطة)
5. Soup (حساء)
6. Sandwich (ساندويتش)
7. Pasta (مكرونة)
8. Rice (أرز)
9. Vegetables (خضروات)

مصطلحات إضافية
1. Recipe (وصفة)
2. Ingredient (مكون)
3. Cooking time (وقت الطهي)
4. Temperature (درجة الحرارة)
5. Serving size (حجم الحصة)
6. Nutrition facts (حقائق التغذية)
7. Meal prep (تحضير الوجبات)
8. Food safety (سلامة الأغذية)

📚📚One Big Channel㋡

21 Dec, 12:13

كلمة "when" هي كلمة استفهامية وارتباطية تستخدم في اللغة الإنجليزية لتحديد الوقت أو الظروف. إليك استخداماتها الرئيسية:

استخدامات كلمة "when" ككلمة استفهامية
1. لاستفسار عن الوقت:
"When did you arrive?"
(متى وصلت؟)

2. لاستفسار عن موعد حدث:
"When is the party?"
(متى الحفلة؟)

3. لاستفسار عن مدة الحدوث:
"How long have you been studying when you finished?"
(كم استمررت في الدراسة حتى انتهيت؟)

استخدامات كلمة "when" ككلمة ارتباطية
1. لتحديد الوقت:
"I'll meet you when you arrive."
(سألتقي بك عند وصولك.)

2. لوصف شرط:
"I'll go when it stops raining."
(سأذهب عندما يتوقف المطر.)

3. لوصف تزامن:
"When I saw him, I was surprised."
(عندما رأيته، فُزت بالدهشة.)

استخدامات كلمة "when" في الجمل الشرطية
1. لوصف شرط محتمل: "When I have time, I'll help you."
(عندما أكون لدي وقت، سأساعدك.)
2. لوصف شرط غير محتمل: "When pigs fly, I'll believe you."
(عندما تطير الخنازير، سأؤمن بك.)

استخدامات كلمة "when" في الجمل الزمنية
1. لوصف تزامن: "When I was a child, I loved playing."
(عندما كنت طفلاً، كنت أحب اللعب.)
2. لوصف تكرار: "When I'm tired, I sleep."
(عندما أكون متعباً، أنام.)

استخدامات كلمة "when" في الجمل النسبية
1. لوصف علاقة زمنية: "The year when I graduated was 2010."
(السنة التي تخرجت فيها كانت 2010.)
2. لوصف علاقة شرطية: "The moment when I saw her was magical."
(اللحظة التي رأيتها فيها كانت ساحرة.)

أمثلة إضافية
1. "When did you eat breakfast?"
(متى أكلت الإفطار؟)
2. "I'll call you when I arrive."
(سأتصل بك عند وصولي.)
3. "When she comes, we'll start."
(عندما تأتي، سنبدأ.)
4. "When I'm ready, I'll let you know."
(عندما أكون مستعداً، سأخبرك.)

📚📚One Big Channel㋡

23 Nov, 18:22


📚📚One Big Channel㋡

23 Nov, 13:00

📡 لستة التطوير للقنوات الإنجليزية والعربية الثقافية والتعليمية تُرحب بكم:
• • اليوم السبت 🌄
• • • • 23 نوفمبر 2024 🪙
يتم الحذف عند الساعة 12:00 صباحاً

⇦  لإضافة قناتك
فقط تواصل معنا للتأكيد .....👇🏾
     👁‍🗨 @En70001bot

✋🏽اخترنا لكم :

🎐تحدث اللغة الإنجليزية بسهولة🗣
🫂 ⚘فن التعامل مع الناسᵜᴥᵜᴥᵜᴥ🤝
💬مجموعة لتطوير اللغة الإنجليزية😳

••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• 📚📖

📚📚One Big Channel㋡

23 Nov, 04:05

تهدف هذه القناة إلى تحسين طلاقتك في تحدث اللغة الإنجليزية. تابعنا واستمتع برحلة التعلم!‌‌
This channel aims to enhance your English speaking fluency.
Follow us and enjoy the learning journey!‌‌👇🏽


📚📚One Big Channel㋡

20 Nov, 08:23

Expressions with ill 🤧

📚📚One Big Channel㋡

17 Nov, 16:40


🔮Get to know someone

😱I’d like to know her a bit better.✖️
😇I’d like to get to know her a bit better✔️

😱I’ve enjoyed getting to know Sam over the last few weeks. ✖️
😇I’ve enjoyed knowing Sam over the last few weeks. ✔️

📌To express the idea of starting to know someone after spending time with them, use the phrase get to know someone. It is incorrect simply to use know for this.

📚📚One Big Channel㋡

17 Nov, 16:40



😱Stay with me until help will come. ✖️
😇Stay with me until help comes. ✔️

😱I’ll wait here until you will have had your breakfast.✖️
😇I’ll wait here until you’ve had your breakfast. ✔️

📌Do not use a future form after until. When you are talking about the future, you use the present simple after until. When you are talking about something that will be completed by a particular time, you use the present perfect after until.

📚📚One Big Channel㋡

17 Nov, 16:40



😱They lifted the patient on the bed.✖️
😇They lifted the patient onto the bed.✔️

😱I helped him on his horse.✖️
😇I helped him onto his horse.✔️

📌After many verbs you can use on or onto with the same meaning. However, after lift and verbs which mean ‘to lift’, you can only use onto.

📚📚One Big Channel㋡

17 Nov, 07:32



poorly planned or thought out

1. John suggested some half-baked idea to get rich
quick. Anyone with any brains could see that it
wouldn’t work.

2. You come in here and present some half-baked plan to reorganize the company and fire half of the employees. That won’t go over too well with the

📌The expression suggests that when something is only half- baked, it is not completely cooked, i.e., not properly prepared

📚📚One Big Channel㋡

17 Nov, 07:32



to fall into disrepair; to deteriorate from lack of

1. The house has really fallen into disrepair. It’s too bad
they let it go to seed like that.

2. George really neglects his appearance nowadays. He
has let himself go to pot.

Synonym: go to the dogs

📌Go to seed originates in the idea that the fruit on plants ‘goes to seed’ if it is not picked when ripe.

📚📚One Big Channel㋡

17 Nov, 07:13

Grammar ##

📚📚One Big Channel㋡

08 Nov, 13:02

📡 لستة التطوير للقنوات الإنجليزية والعربية الثقافية والتعليمية تُرحب بكم:
• • اليوم الجمعة 🌄
• • • • 08 نوفمبر 2024 🪙
يتم الحذف عند الساعة 12:00 صباحاً

⇦  لإضافة قناتك
فقط تواصل معنا للتأكيد .....👇🏾
     👁‍🗨 @En70001bot

✋🏽اخترنا لكم :

🎐تحدث اللغة الإنجليزية بسهولة🗣
🫂 ⚘فن التعامل مع الناسᵜᴥᵜᴥᵜᴥ🤝
💬مجموعة لتطوير اللغة الإنجليزية😳

••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• 📚📖

📚📚One Big Channel㋡

05 Nov, 15:23


📚📚One Big Channel㋡

04 Nov, 19:16



[ Gird (Girded/ Girt) ]

▪️[I,T] if you gird for something, or gird yourself for something, especially something difficult, you prepare for it

gird (yourself) for something.

▪️By midsummer both police and protesters were girding for confrontation.

🔘Gird (up) your loinsto get ready to do something difficult – used humorously.

📚📚One Big Channel㋡

23 Oct, 08:30

ياشباب هناك قروب رائع وجميل وكثير الاعظاء فيه متفاعلين وهناك أكثر مايقارب ١٠ ادمنز اغلبهم مدرسين لغة إنجليزية .. مجموعة تطوير اللغة الإنجليزية هي الافضل على الاطلاق



يسعدنا تواجدكم معنا!👏👏👏

📚📚One Big Channel㋡

22 Oct, 20:22

🤍"رَبِّ أَوۡزِعۡنِيٓ أَنۡ أَشۡكُرَ نِعۡمَتَكَ ٱلَّتِيٓ أَنۡعَمۡتَ عَلَيَّ وَعَلَىٰ وَٰلِدَيَّ وَأَنۡ أَعۡمَلَ صَٰلِحٗا تَرۡضَىٰهُ وَأَصۡلِحۡ لِي فِي ذُرِّيَّتِيٓۖ إِنِّي تُبۡتُ إِلَيۡكَ وَإِنِّي مِنَ ٱلۡمُسۡلِمِينَ "🤍

🤍"My Lord! Inspire me to always be thankful for Your favours which You blessed me and my parents with, and to do good deeds that please You. And instil righteousness in my offspring. I truly repent to You, and I truly submit to Your Will''🤍

[Sūrah al-ʾAḥqāf, Verse 15]

📚📚One Big Channel㋡

22 Oct, 18:22


bare essentials:
things that are needed the most
أبسط المقومات
Poor families have just enough money for bare essentials like food and clothing.

📚📚One Big Channel㋡

22 Oct, 18:05


🔘Spectre (BrE), Specter (AmE) /ˈspektə(r)/


1) the spectre of something :
something that people are afraid of because it may affect them badly.

🔸The recession is again raising the spectre of unemployment.

2) [C] (literary) : a ghost

📚📚One Big Channel㋡

22 Oct, 17:48

ياشباب هناك قروب رائع وجميل وكثير الاعظاء فيه متفاعلين وهناك أكثر مايقارب ١٠ ادمنز اغلبهم مدرسين لغة إنجليزية .. مجموعة تطوير اللغة الإنجليزية هي الافضل على الاطلاق



يسعدنا تواجدكم معنا!👏👏👏

📚📚One Big Channel㋡

21 Oct, 12:08



مفهوم ل / مقصور على فئة معينة

🔸 intended for or understood by only a small number of people with specialized knowledge

🔸Example: The professor's lecture on quantum physics was so esoteric that only a few students could understand it.

📚📚One Big Channel㋡

19 Oct, 19:22

ياشباب هناك قروب رائع وجميل وكثير الاعظاء فيه متفاعلين وهناك أكثر مايقارب ١٠ ادمنز اغلبهم مدرسين لغة إنجليزية .. مجموعة تطوير اللغة الإنجليزية هي الافضل على الاطلاق



يسعدنا تواجدكم معنا!👏👏👏

📚📚One Big Channel㋡

19 Oct, 07:32


🔘be drawn/pulled/picked out of the/a hat

🔸 if someone’s name is drawn out of a hat, they are chosen, for example as the winner of a competition, because their name is the first one that is taken out of a container containing the names of all the people involved.

🔸The first correct entry out of the hat on September 2nd will win a prize.

📚📚One Big Channel㋡

19 Oct, 07:32


🔘come/work etc under the umbrella of something

🔸 to be part of a larger organization or involved in the work done by it.

🔸The international education program came under the umbrella of the State Department.

📚📚One Big Channel㋡

18 Oct, 18:36

Janus-faced adj literary

Janus-faced ones change what they say according to who they are talking to, in an insincere and unpleasant way.


📚📚One Big Channel㋡

16 Oct, 21:23

المعنى الحرفي : خارج الرف (ملابس بالة) بالعراقي

Bought in a retail store, as opposed to hand tailored. Said of clothes
المعنى الحقيقي : تم شراؤه من متجر بيع بالتجزئة ، بدلاً من الشراء الجديد .
Jason just buys his clothes off the rack. But his outfits look like he spent thousands of dollars on them.