Join the Khomeinichan Telegram channel, also known as '@khomeinichan', for a unique perspective on the ongoing Jihad Against The Modern World. This channel is dedicated to exploring the teachings and ideologies of Ayatollah Khomeini, the spiritual leader of the Islamic Revolution in Iran. Through thought-provoking discussions and analysis, members of Khomeinichan delve into the ways in which modernity clashes with traditional Islamic values. Who is Khomeinichan? Khomeinichan is a community of like-minded individuals who are passionate about upholding the principles of Islamic revolution and resisting the influence of Western ideologies. The channel serves as a platform for members to engage in meaningful conversations, share insights, and deepen their understanding of Ayatollah Khomeini's vision for a truly Islamic society. What is Khomeinichan? Khomeinichan is more than just a Telegram channel - it is a digital forum for those who are committed to the Jihad Against The Modern World. By joining Khomeinichan, you will have access to a wealth of resources, including articles, videos, and discussions that explore the intersection of religion, politics, and culture. Whether you are a scholar of Islamic history or simply curious about the ongoing struggles for traditional values in the face of modernity, Khomeinichan welcomes you to join the conversation. Don't miss out on this opportunity to connect with a community of dedicated individuals who are united in their commitment to preserving the teachings of Ayatollah Khomeini. Join Khomeinichan today and be a part of the Jihad Against The Modern World.
21 Jan, 10:41
20 Jan, 21:51
20 Jan, 17:32
20 Jan, 17:29
20 Jan, 13:46
20 Jan, 13:24
20 Jan, 12:42
03 Jan, 03:50
02 Jan, 21:12
02 Jan, 20:28
02 Jan, 15:00
26 Dec, 05:39
26 Dec, 04:05
25 Dec, 22:43
30 Nov, 09:03
30 Nov, 08:12
22 Nov, 02:07
21 Nov, 11:27
12 Nov, 05:06
26 Oct, 15:18
26 Oct, 15:14
21 Oct, 04:12
20 Oct, 12:27
17 Oct, 23:26
17 Oct, 21:00
17 Oct, 20:38
17 Oct, 20:29