Ketan VORA @ketanvora Channel on Telegram

Ketan VORA


𝘊𝘰𝘮𝘱𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘥𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘞𝘦𝘢𝘭𝘵𝘩 & 𝘞𝘪𝘴𝘥𝘰𝘮

𝘊𝘰𝘮𝘱𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘥𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘞𝘦𝘢𝘭𝘵𝘩 & 𝘞𝘪𝘴𝘥𝘰𝘮 (English)

Are you looking to improve your overall health and wellness? Look no further than the "𝘊𝘰𝘮𝘱𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘥𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘞𝘦𝘢𝘭𝘵𝘩 & 𝘞𝘪𝘴𝘥𝘰𝘮" Telegram channel, managed by Ketan Vora. This channel is dedicated to providing valuable tips, insights, and resources to help you lead a healthier and more fulfilling life. Whether you're interested in learning about nutrition, fitness, mental health, or mindfulness, you'll find a wealth of information here. Ketan Vora, the creator of this channel, is passionate about helping others achieve their wellness goals and is committed to delivering high-quality content that is both informative and inspirational. Join the "𝘊𝘰𝘮𝘱𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘥𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘞𝘦𝘢𝘭𝘵𝘩 & 𝘞𝘪𝘴𝘥𝘰𝘮" channel today and take the first step towards a healthier, happier you!

Ketan VORA

30 Jan, 00:41

Ketan VORA

29 Jan, 00:41

Ketan VORA

28 Jan, 00:41

Ketan VORA

27 Jan, 00:41

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26 Jan, 00:41

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25 Jan, 00:41

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24 Jan, 00:41

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23 Jan, 00:41

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22 Jan, 00:41

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21 Jan, 00:41

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20 Jan, 00:41

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19 Jan, 00:41

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17 Jan, 00:41

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16 Jan, 00:41

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15 Jan, 00:41

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14 Jan, 00:41

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13 Jan, 00:41

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12 Jan, 00:41

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11 Jan, 00:41

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10 Jan, 00:41

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09 Jan, 00:41

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08 Jan, 00:41

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07 Jan, 00:41

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06 Jan, 00:41

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05 Jan, 00:41

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04 Jan, 00:41

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03 Jan, 00:41

Ketan VORA

02 Jan, 00:41

Ketan VORA

01 Jan, 11:32

"Evolve or Die." 🌱💀

🌟 Adapt to change.
🧠 Learn constantly.
🚀 Embrace innovation.
🔄 Pivot when needed.
🔍 Analyze failures.
🛠 Build resilience.
📈 Seek growth.
🌐 Stay connected.
🕰 Value time.
🎯 Focus on goals.
🔥 Stay motivated.
⚡️ Act decisively.
🌈 Embrace challenges.
🧗‍♂️ Push limits.
🛡 Protect vision.
🔗 Collaborate effectively.
🚶‍♂️ Take action.
🌄 Aim higher.
📚 Knowledge empowers.
💡 Innovate boldly.
🌀 Stay agile.
💪 Strengthen skills.
🖋 Document learning.
🌍 Think globally.
🧭 Find purpose.
⚙️ Refine processes.
🔔 Anticipate trends.
🤝 Build networks.
🌟 Seek feedback.
💬 Communicate clearly.
🌊 Ride the waves.
🎨 Be creative.
🏔 Overcome obstacles.
🧱 Lay strong foundations.
🥇 Strive for excellence.

Adopt these principles to "evolve or die" effectively in any endeavor.

Ketan VORA

01 Jan, 03:14

Ketan VORA

31 Dec, 00:41

Ketan VORA

30 Dec, 00:41

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29 Dec, 00:41

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28 Dec, 00:41

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27 Dec, 00:41

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26 Dec, 00:41

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25 Dec, 00:41

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24 Dec, 00:41

Ketan VORA

23 Dec, 00:41

Ketan VORA

22 Dec, 11:38

🎯 58 Cognitive Biases That Impact Our Decisions (Summary)

1. Anchoring Bias 🪝
- पहला जानकारी को ज्यादा महत्व देना।

2. Availability Heuristic 📚
- जो जानकारी आसानी से मिल जाए, उसे ज्यादा अहमियत देना।

3. Bandwagon Effect 🚂
- दूसरों को देखकर वही करना।

4. Blind-Spot Bias 🙈
- सोचना कि आप दूसरों से कम biased हैं।

5. Confirmation Bias 🔍
- अपनी मान्यताओं को सही साबित करने वाली जानकारी ढूंढना।

6. Conservatism Bias 🛡
- पुरानी मान्यताओं को छोड़ना नहीं।

7. Dunning-Kruger Effect 🧠💡
- कम ज्ञान के बावजूद अपनी क्षमता का ज्यादा अनुमान लगाना।

8. Empathy Gap 🥶❤️
- इमोशन्स का असर कम समझना।

9. Endowment Effect 💎
- जो चीज़ें आपके पास हैं, उन्हें ज्यादा महत्वपूर्ण समझना।

10. Framing Effect 🖼
- जानकारी कैसे दी जाती है, उससे फैसला बदलना।

11. Fundamental Attribution Error 🤷‍♂️
- दूसरों के व्यवहार को उनकी पर्सनैलिटी से जोड़ना, हालात से नहीं।

12. Halo Effect 🌟
- किसी एक अच्छे गुण को देखकर पूरे व्यक्ति को अच्छा मानना।

13. Hindsight Bias 🕰
- किसी घटना के बाद ऐसा लगना कि "मुझे पता था ये होगा"।

14. Illusory Correlation 🔗
- बिना किसी कनेक्शन के भी कनेक्शन देखना।

15. Loss Aversion 💔
- नुकसान का डर, फायदे की खुशी से ज्यादा होता है।

16. Optimism Bias ☀️
- हमेशा अच्छे परिणाम की उम्मीद करना।

17. Overconfidence 💪
- अपनी क्षमता का ज्यादा अनुमान लगाना।

18. Recency Bias 🕒
- हाल की घटनाओं को ज्यादा महत्व देना।

19. Self-Serving Bias 🛡
- सफलताओं का श्रेय खुद को देना, नाकामियों को बाहरी कारणों से जोड़ना।

20. Status Quo Bias ⚖️
- चीज़ों को वैसा ही रहने देना जैसे वो हैं।

21. Survivorship Bias 🛟
- सिर्फ सफल उदाहरणों पर ध्यान देना, नाकामियों को नजरअंदाज करना।

22. Sunk Cost Fallacy 💸
- पहले की गई निवेश के कारण किसी चीज़ को जारी रखना।

23. Negativity Bias ⚠️
- नकारात्मक चीज़ों पर ज्यादा ध्यान देना।

24. Pro-Innovation Bias 🚀
- नई चीज़ों को ज्यादा अहमियत देना।

25. Base Rate Fallacy 📊
- सांख्यिकी जानकारी को नजरअंदाज करना।

26. Clustering Illusion 🎯
- यादृच्छिक डेटा में पैटर्न देखना।

27. Planning Fallacy 🗓
- किसी काम को पूरा करने के लिए ज्यादा समय का अनुमान लगाना।

28. Spotlight Effect 🔦
- सोचना कि लोग आपके बारे में ज्यादा ध्यान देते हैं।

29. Gambler’s Fallacy 🎲
- पुराने घटनाओं को भविष्य पर असर डालने वाला मानना।

30. Pessimism Bias 🌧
- नकारात्मक परिणामों की संभावना को ज्यादा समझना।

31. Placebo Effect 💊
- किसी चीज़ को इसीलिए काम करना मानना क्योंकि आप सोचते हैं कि वो काम करेगा।

32. Reactance 🔥
- जो कहा जाए उसका उल्टा करना, बस विरोध करने के लिए।

33. Ambiguity Effect
- अधूरी जानकारी वाले विकल्पों से बचना।

34. Belief Bias 🤔
- अपने विश्वासों के आधार पर तर्कों का मूल्यांकन करना।

35. Cheerleader Effect 👯‍♀️
- सोचना कि लोग ग्रुप में ज्यादा आकर्षक दिखते हैं।

36. IKEA Effect 🛠
- जो चीज़ आपने बनाई हो, उसे ज्यादा अहमियत देना।

37. Decoy Effect 🎯
- तीसरे विकल्प के आने से पसंद बदलना।

38. Forer Effect 🃏
- सामान्य और अस्पष्ट बातें खुद पर लागू मानना।

39. Curse of Knowledge 📖
- ये सोचना कि दूसरों को वही जानकारी है जो आपको है।

40. Paradox of Choice 🤹‍♀️
- ज्यादा विकल्प होने से निर्णय में कठिनाई और चिंता।

41. Mere Exposure Effect 👀
- किसी चीज़ को बार-बार देखना और उसे पसंद करना।

42. Naïve Realism 🌍
- सोचना कि आप दुनिया को ऑब्जेक्टिवली देख रहे हैं, जबकि दूसरों का नजरिया biased है।

43. Self-Fulfilling Prophecy 🔮
- अपनी उम्मीदों को सच करने के लिए कार्रवाई करना।

44. Zero-Risk Bias 🚫
- जोखिम को पूरी तरह से खत्म करना पसंद करना, चाहे वो कम फायदेमंद हो।

45. Authority Bias 🏛
- प्राधिकृत लोगों की राय को ज्यादा अहमियत देना।

46. Social Proof 🤝
- दूसरों के फैसले देखकर सही निर्णय मानना।

47. Hot-Hand Fallacy 🔥
- लगातार सफलता को मानना कि यह सिलसिला चलता रहेगा।

48. Risk Compensation 🚴‍♂️
- सुरक्षा उपायों के साथ ज्यादा जोखिम उठाना।

49. Anchoring Effect ⚓️
- पहली जानकारी को देखकर पूरी सोच का दिशा तय करना।

50. Contrast Effect 🎭
- चीज़ों को एक-दूसरे से तुलना करके आंकना।

Ketan VORA

22 Dec, 11:38

51. Projection Bias 🪞
- सोचना कि दूसरे भी वही सोचते हैं जो आप सोचते हैं।

52. Scarcity Bias
- जो चीज़ें दुर्लभ दिखती हैं, उन्हें ज्यादा महत्व देना।

53. Hyperbolic Discounting 💰
- तुरंत मिलने वाले फायदे को ज्यादा महत्व देना, बजाय भविष्य के बड़े फायदे के।

54. In-Group Bias 🤗
- अपने समूह के लोगों को बाहरी लोगों से ज्यादा पसंद करना।

55. Outgroup Homogeneity Bias 🌐
- बाहरी लोगों को एक जैसा मानना।

56. Misinformation Effect 📰
- गलत जानकारी के कारण यादों पर असर पड़ना।

57. Omission Bias 🙅‍♂️
- किसी गलती को न करने को ज्यादा गलत मानना, बजाय कोई नुकसान पहुंचाने के।

58. Time Discounting ⏱️
- तत्काल लाभ को भविष्य के लाभ से ज्यादा महत्व देना।

💡 इन बायस को समझने से आप अपनी फैसले लेने की प्रक्रिया और इंटरेक्शन को बेहतर बना सकते हैं!

> Join Now

Ketan VORA

22 Dec, 00:41

Ketan VORA

21 Dec, 00:41

Ketan VORA

20 Dec, 00:41

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19 Dec, 00:41

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18 Dec, 00:41

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17 Dec, 00:41

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16 Dec, 00:41

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15 Dec, 00:41

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14 Dec, 00:41

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13 Dec, 00:41

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12 Dec, 00:41

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11 Dec, 00:41

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10 Dec, 00:41

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09 Dec, 00:41

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08 Dec, 00:41

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07 Dec, 00:41

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06 Dec, 00:41

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05 Dec, 00:41

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04 Dec, 00:41

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03 Dec, 00:41

Ketan VORA

02 Dec, 13:36

Mastering Emotional Intelligence by Ketan Vora: 95 Advanced Models for Personal and Professional Growth 🧠💡📈


Ketan VORA

02 Dec, 13:35

Mastering Emotional Intelligence by Ketan Vora: 95 Advanced Models for Personal and Professional Growth 🧠💡📈

Ketan VORA

02 Dec, 00:41

Ketan VORA

01 Dec, 15:07

The Ultimate Guide to Sustainable Weight Loss by Ketan Vora: A Comprehensive Approach to Achieving Your Health and Fitness Goals

Ketan VORA

01 Dec, 00:41

Ketan VORA

30 Nov, 00:41

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29 Nov, 00:41

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28 Nov, 00:41

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27 Nov, 00:41

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26 Nov, 00:41

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25 Nov, 00:41

Ketan VORA

24 Nov, 10:18

Relationship between happiness and money…..

Ketan VORA

24 Nov, 00:41

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23 Nov, 00:41

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22 Nov, 00:41

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21 Nov, 00:41

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20 Nov, 00:41

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19 Nov, 00:41

Ketan VORA

18 Nov, 06:57

ChatGPT is insanely powerful.

I created an advanced cheat sheet that can save you hours a day.

Ketan VORA

18 Nov, 00:41

Ketan VORA

17 Nov, 00:41

Ketan VORA

16 Nov, 00:41

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15 Nov, 00:41

Ketan VORA

14 Nov, 03:00

30 Days of letting go

Ketan VORA

14 Nov, 00:41

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13 Nov, 00:41

Ketan VORA

12 Nov, 00:41

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11 Nov, 00:41

Ketan VORA

10 Nov, 00:41

Ketan VORA

09 Nov, 14:20

How to Get the Best Responses from ChatGPT

Ketan VORA

09 Nov, 14:19

12 Must Know ChatGPT Prompt Techniques

Ketan VORA

09 Nov, 00:41

Ketan VORA

08 Nov, 00:41

Ketan VORA

07 Nov, 11:45

Here's a comprehensive guide to develop innovative thinking:

1. Core Practices for Innovation

👉 Daily Habits:
- Question everything
- Write 10 new ideas daily
- Observe patterns
- Challenge assumptions
- Practice mindfulness

2. Mental Exercises

🧠 Brain Training:
- Solve puzzles
- Learn new skills
- Read diverse topics
- Play strategy games
- Practice reverse thinking

3. Creative Techniques

🎨 Methods:
- Mind mapping
- SCAMPER technique
- Six Thinking Hats
- Random word association
- Analogies & metaphors

4. Environment Design

🏡 Create Innovation Space:
- Minimize distractions
- Surround with inspiration
- Change work location
- Create idea boards
- Use color psychology

5. Learning Approaches

📚 Knowledge Building:
- Cross-disciplinary study
- Attend workshops
- Join innovation groups
- Take online courses
- Travel to new places

6. Problem-Solving Framework

🎯 Steps:
- Define clearly
- Research deeply
- Generate multiple solutions
- Test & iterate
- Implement & review

7. Innovation Tools

🛠 Utilize:
- Brainstorming apps
- Project management tools
- Design thinking software
- Collaboration platforms
- Innovation journals

8. Social Innovation

👥 Engage:
- Network with diverse people
- Join mastermind groups
- Attend innovation events
- Share ideas
- Collaborate on projects

9. Physical Activities

🏃‍♂️ Boost Creativity:
- Exercise regularly
- Practice meditation
- Try new sports
- Dance
- Walk in nature

10. Innovation Habits

💡 Daily Practice:
- Start morning journal
- Set innovation goals
- Review & reflect
- Celebrate small wins
- Learn from failures

11. Emotional Intelligence

❤️ Develop:
- Self-awareness
- Empathy
- Adaptability
- Resilience
- Open-mindedness

12. Implementation Strategy

📈 Action Plan:
Week 1-4:
- Build foundation habits
- Start daily idea generation
- Create innovation space

Month 2-3:
- Join innovation groups
- Start learning new skills
- Practice techniques

Month 4-6:
- Develop own projects
- Build innovation network
- Create feedback system

Year 1:
- Master core techniques
- Build innovation portfolio
- Start teaching others

- Innovation is a skill
- Practice consistently
- Embrace failure
- Stay curious
- Keep experimenting

Measure Progress:
- Track ideas generated
- Monitor implementation
- Review outcomes
- Adjust methods
- Celebrate growth

Success Indicators:
- Better problem solving
- More creative solutions
- Increased adaptability
- Enhanced perspective
- Greater impact

Keep in mind that innovative thinking is a journey, not a destination. Stay committed to continuous improvement and growth.

Ketan VORA

07 Nov, 00:41

Ketan VORA

06 Nov, 00:41

Ketan VORA

05 Nov, 09:01

How to Use It:
- Express appreciation, forgive often, and cultivate kindness.
- Focus on self-compassion, as self-love is key to resilience and happiness.
- Prioritize meaningful connections and stay engaged with loved ones.

### 10. Jealousy
Effect on Mindset and Life:
- Can motivate self-improvement but also lead to resentment and self-doubt.
- May strain relationships if it turns into envy or bitterness.

How to Use It:
- View jealousy as a guide to your unmet desires and goals.
- Take actionable steps toward your goals rather than comparing with others.
- Transform jealousy into admiration, using others’ success to inspire you.

### 11. Guilt
Effect on Mindset and Life:
- Encourages accountability and can lead to personal growth.
- If excessive, can damage self-esteem and lead to stress.

How to Use It:
- Reflect on mistakes to understand what you could do differently.
- Apologize if needed and make amends to others and yourself.
- Use it as motivation to act more aligned with your values.

### 12. Excitement
Effect on Mindset and Life:
- Increases energy and opens the mind to possibilities.
- Can lead to over-enthusiasm, which might cloud judgment.

How to Use It:
- Channel excitement by making concrete plans and setting achievable goals.
- Stay grounded by balancing enthusiasm with thoughtful analysis.
- Use excitement as a reminder of what truly excites you in life and career.

### 13. Contentment
Effect on Mindset and Life:
- Creates inner peace, stability, and satisfaction.
- Can lead to complacency if it limits ambition.

How to Use It:
- Appreciate what you have and celebrate small victories.
- Set goals that align with your values to continue growing without pressure.
- Balance contentment with curiosity, always open to learning and evolving.


### How to Use Emotions for Happiness and Success:
1. Self-Awareness: Regularly reflect on your emotions, understand their triggers, and identify patterns. This awareness enables you to control and direct emotions effectively.
2. Emotional Intelligence: Cultivate empathy, resilience, and social skills, which are crucial for a fulfilling life and successful relationships.
3. Mindfulness: Practice mindfulness to stay grounded and focused, reducing impulsivity and helping you handle emotions constructively.
4. Growth Mindset: Treat all emotions as opportunities for personal growth and improvement, whether through learning, adapting, or gaining new perspectives.
5. Balance and Resilience: Build a life where you actively manage stress, set boundaries, and stay adaptable, using emotions as guides without letting them dominate.

By learning to recognize, accept, and channel your emotions, you can create a harmonious balance that supports both personal happiness and professional success.

Ketan VORA

05 Nov, 09:01

Emotions play a powerful role in shaping our mindset, decisions, and overall life outcomes. Understanding and harnessing these emotions can lead to a more fulfilled, happy, and successful life. Here’s an overview of various emotions, their effects, and ways to leverage them positively:

### 1. Happiness
Effect on Mindset and Life:
- Boosts creativity, energy, and motivation.
- Enhances social connections and improves resilience.
- Promotes a positive outlook, making setbacks easier to overcome.

How to Use It:
- Practice gratitude daily to keep happiness in focus.
- Engage in activities that bring you joy, and celebrate small wins.
- Surround yourself with positive people and environments.

### 2. Sadness
Effect on Mindset and Life:
- Can lower motivation and lead to a pessimistic outlook.
- May cause you to focus on losses, limiting your ability to take risks.

How to Use It:
- Allow yourself to process sadness to gain clarity on what's truly important.
- Use it as a time for reflection, finding lessons in difficult experiences.
- Take steps to shift toward activities or people that bring comfort and healing.

### 3. Fear
Effect on Mindset and Life:
- Activates caution and can help avoid risky decisions.
- If excessive, can lead to avoidance, missed opportunities, and limiting beliefs.

How to Use It:
- Acknowledge fear but don’t let it control you. Approach situations as opportunities for growth.
- Use fear as motivation to prepare thoroughly and plan for contingencies.
- Challenge yourself to face small fears to build resilience and confidence.

### 4. Anger
Effect on Mindset and Life:
- Can give you energy and determination, but also cloud judgment.
- When uncontrolled, can harm relationships and lead to impulsive decisions.

How to Use It:
- Channel anger constructively by focusing it on solving problems rather than assigning blame.
- Practice breathing exercises or physical activity to cool down before reacting.
- Use anger to drive productive change and set boundaries that protect your well-being.

### 5. Surprise
Effect on Mindset and Life:
- Engages curiosity and open-mindedness.
- Can disrupt routine thinking and lead to creative insights.

How to Use It:
- Embrace unexpected events as opportunities for growth and exploration.
- Approach surprises with curiosity and see them as learning moments.
- Use surprises to cultivate flexibility and resilience in the face of change.

### 6. Trust
Effect on Mindset and Life:
- Builds strong relationships and opens doors to collaboration.
- Promotes a positive environment, reducing stress and increasing well-being.

How to Use It:
- Invest in relationships by being reliable and transparent.
- Surround yourself with people you trust, and don’t be afraid to be vulnerable.
- Trust yourself by building self-confidence and honoring your own commitments.

### 7. Disgust
Effect on Mindset and Life:
- Helps you avoid things that are harmful or undesirable.
- Can also lead to judgment and avoidance of people or situations prematurely.

How to Use It:
- Recognize what disgust is signaling about your values and boundaries.
- Be mindful of overreacting; practice tolerance and avoid unwarranted biases.
- Use it to define clear personal standards and boundaries for a healthier lifestyle.

### 8. Anticipation
Effect on Mindset and Life:
- Fosters excitement and motivation toward future goals.
- Can lead to anxiety if focused too much on uncertain outcomes.

How to Use It:
- Visualize positive outcomes and set realistic expectations.
- Break down goals into smaller steps to maintain momentum without stress.
- Keep your focus on preparation rather than overthinking possible failures.

### 9. Love and Compassion
Effect on Mindset and Life:
- Builds emotional resilience and deepens relationships.
- Promotes empathy, understanding, and a sense of purpose.

Ketan VORA

05 Nov, 05:45

As soon as you wake up, hydrate🧂💦

As soon as you feel stressed, run 🏃‍♂️

As soon as you feel down, get sun 🌞

As soon as you feel tired, walk🚶‍♂️

As soon as you self doubt, meditate 🧘‍♂️

As soon as you feel angry, lift weights🏋️‍♂️

Ketan VORA

05 Nov, 00:41

Ketan VORA

04 Nov, 00:51

Ketan VORA

03 Nov, 12:54

अनुशासन आज कठिन बनाता है, पर कल आसान।

Ketan VORA

27 Oct, 12:09

∞ 🅼🆁🅴🅽🅳 Ka Jazba

The Spirit of MREND

> Song

Ketan VORA

27 Oct, 08:20

The 48 Laws Of Power

Ketan VORA

27 Oct, 06:38

11 “If, then” algorithms to rewire your brain

Ketan VORA

27 Oct, 00:41

Ketan VORA

26 Oct, 16:07

आज़ादी खुद को बेहतर बनाने के तरीके से ज्यादा कुछ नहीं है।

Ketan VORA

26 Oct, 16:07

मैं आकाशीय पिंडों की गति की गणना कर सकता हूं, लेकिन लोगों के पागलपन की नहीं।

Ketan VORA

26 Oct, 06:49

Follow the Ketan VORA channel on WhatsApp

> Thank You 9️⃣0️⃣0️⃣ Followers

Ketan VORA

26 Oct, 00:41

Ketan VORA

25 Oct, 04:24

तुम इस दुनिया में रहते नहीं हो बल्कि यहाँ से गुज़र रहे हो।

Ketan VORA

25 Oct, 00:41

Ketan VORA

24 Oct, 11:05

🧠 Brain is the most complicated and powerful thing in the world.

There are 1000s of problems to be solved, innovations to be made, things to be learned.

🤳 But most are busy watching & making 30-sec clips of themselves dancing in random places for imaginary likes & shares.

Ketan VORA

24 Oct, 00:41

Ketan VORA

23 Oct, 00:41

Ketan VORA

22 Oct, 05:23

Comfort is a drug.
The most dangerous of all.

It numbs ambition, dulls growth, and keeps you stuck in place.

Ketan VORA

22 Oct, 00:41

Ketan VORA

21 Oct, 00:41

Ketan VORA

20 Oct, 14:52

Its All in the Mind.

Same Action, different Outcome.

Sri Aurobindo in one of his books gave a fascinating example of 3 people not eating food for a period of 3 days at a stretch.

One was a fat man trying his hand at ‘dieting’ to come back in shape, other was a Yogi interested in fasting to improve his meditation and health and the third was a poor man who could not afford a meal.

While the action (03 day fast) was same for ALL three, the OUTCOME, due to circumstances influencing the mind are totally different.

Yogi will experience autophagy, his bad cells will starve, he will become disease free, his meditation prowess would improve manifolds.

The fat man would get into deprival-sacrifice syndrome and over compensate for the lack once he breaks the fast and remain at the same weight.

The poor man would be miserable and develop some nutrition deficiency related diseases.

In other words,


Ketan VORA

20 Oct, 00:41

Ketan VORA

19 Oct, 08:56

हमेशा भयभीत रहने के बजाए एक बार ख़तरा मोल लीजिए।

Ketan VORA

19 Oct, 00:41

Ketan VORA

18 Oct, 12:41

एक दिन आप जागेंगे और आपके पास उन चीजों को करने के लिए और समय नहीं होगा जो आप हमेशा से करना चाहते थे। इसे अभी करें!

Ketan VORA

18 Oct, 00:41

Ketan VORA

17 Oct, 00:41

Ketan VORA

16 Oct, 12:34

यह जानने के लिए कि आप पर कौन शासन करता है, बस यह पता करें कि आपको किसकी आलोचना करने की अनुमति नहीं है।

Ketan VORA

16 Oct, 00:41

Ketan VORA

15 Oct, 00:41

Ketan VORA

14 Oct, 13:27

सचेत आदमी सीखना मरते दम तक नहीं छोड़ता जो सीखने की उम्र में ही सीखना छोड़ देते हैं, वे मूर्खता और अहंकार के दयनीय जानवर हो जाते हैं।

Ketan VORA

14 Oct, 13:27

अपने बच्चों को सिर्फ पढ़ना ही न सिखाएं... उन्हें सवाल करना सिखाएं कि वे क्या पढ़ते हैं। उन्हें हर चीज पर सवाल करना सिखाएं।