такие бантики милые, не могу 🎀
мне подарили несколько штучек, теперь буду украшать ими волосы
Welcome to kalinichevvva, a Telegram channel dedicated to sharing delicious recipes and cooking tips from around the world. Led by renowned food blogger and Instagram influencer tasyakalinicheva, this channel is a culinary paradise for food enthusiasts and home cooks alike. Whether you're looking for mouth-watering dessert recipes or savory main dishes, kalinichevvva has you covered. Join us to discover new flavors, cooking techniques, and culinary inspiration. Follow tasyakalinicheva on Instagram for more delicious content and cooking adventures. Don't miss out on the opportunity to elevate your cooking game with kalinichevvva!
28 Jan, 19:14
28 Jan, 18:30
28 Jan, 07:07
25 Jan, 07:39
17 Jan, 19:10
13 Jan, 14:56
06 Jan, 11:47
03 Jan, 18:12
31 Dec, 20:23
31 Dec, 20:16
31 Dec, 08:49
25 Dec, 21:14
23 Dec, 19:32
28 Nov, 17:32
28 Nov, 17:30
27 Nov, 11:14
26 Nov, 21:33
24 Nov, 16:00
22 Nov, 18:46
21 Nov, 19:33
21 Nov, 17:31
21 Nov, 14:35
19 Nov, 09:06
18 Nov, 16:39
14 Nov, 07:06
14 Nov, 07:06
09 Nov, 19:38
09 Nov, 19:35
09 Nov, 16:26
09 Nov, 12:09
06 Nov, 16:41
03 Nov, 18:56
30 Oct, 21:29
27 Oct, 13:29
26 Oct, 11:25
25 Oct, 22:02
25 Oct, 08:09
24 Oct, 19:41
24 Oct, 14:43
24 Oct, 14:41
23 Oct, 20:52
23 Oct, 17:55
17 Oct, 16:36
16 Oct, 10:46
16 Oct, 10:45
15 Oct, 16:35
15 Oct, 16:31