ITMO Speaking Club @itmospeaking Channel on Telegram

ITMO Speaking Club


ITMO Speaking Club is for all who crave boosting their language skills. Our weekly get-togethers are a splendid opportunity to engage in burning discussions of hot topics, make new friends and just have fun in a wonderful company of peers! 🔥

ITMO Speaking Club (English)

ITMO Speaking Club is a fantastic opportunity for individuals who are eager to enhance their language skills. The club hosts weekly meetings where members can participate in lively discussions on various trending topics, socialize with new acquaintances, and simply enjoy themselves in the company of like-minded peers! Join us at ITMO Speaking Club (@itmospeaking) to take your language abilities to the next level and have a great time while doing so. Remember, learning a new language can be fun and exciting with the right support and community around you. Don't miss out on this chance to grow and expand your horizons!

ITMO Speaking Club

24 Jan, 13:30

ITMO Speaking Club pinned «‼️ Breaking News Dear international students who are not ITMO students or staff (holding non-Russian passports), The registration format has changed a bit, making it more convenient for you and us! 🤩 Now you only need to register once to attend the meetings…»

ITMO Speaking Club

24 Jan, 10:01

‼️ Breaking News

Dear international students who are not ITMO students or staff (holding non-Russian passports),

The registration format has changed a bit, making it more convenient for you and us! 🤩

Now you only need to register once to attend the meetings for a month! 

Make sure you register through the link below at least 9 days before the date of the first meeting.

For any additional questions, kindly contact Tania on vk (Tania Shokor) or on tg (@T02s15)

Hope to see you soon 

ITMO Speaking Club

23 Jan, 15:22

We are excited to announce that we are back!

 🇬🇧 English Club: 
07.02 at 17:00
14.02 at 17:00
21.02 at 17:00
28.02 at 17:00

🇷🇺 Russian Club: 
5.02 at 17:00
15.02 at 18:00
19.02 at 17:00

🇩🇪 German Club:
12.02 at 19:00
22.02 at 12:00

🇪🇸 Spanish Club: 
11.02 at 17:00
25.02 at 17:00

🇨🇳 Chinese Club: 
21.02 at 17:00

🇫🇷 French Club: 
06.02 at 18:30
13.02 at 18:30
20.02 at 18:30
27.02 at 18:30

ITMO Speaking Club

13 Jan, 13:00

Calling All Language Enthusiasts! 🌍

We’re considering adding a Turkish Speaking Club to our lineup and want to know what you think! Whether you’re interested in Turkish or have other language suggestions, we’d love to hear from you 🤩

Kindly fill out the survey below 🔻
👉 Survey link

ITMO Speaking Club

01 Jan, 12:00

Happy New Year! 🎉 

Thank you for being a part of our journey this year. Last week marked our final meeting of 2024, and we truly appreciate your participation and support. See you in February, where a wonderful lineup of meetings awaits us. Here’s to new beginnings and inspiring moments together! 

Wishing you a fantastic start to the year!

ITMO Speaking Club

25 Dec, 14:34

русский клуб начинает новогодний огонёк:)

ITMO Speaking Club

21 Dec, 13:30

🇫🇷 les fêtes de fin d’année.

Le prochain club de conversation en français, nous discuterons des vacances de fin d'année. Nous parlerons des traditions de Noël et du Nouvel An à travers le monde. Ce sera l'occasion de partager nos expériences et de célébrer ensemble cette période festive.

📅 Jeudi, 26 décembre  
📍Lomonosov 9, salle 3220

ITMO Speaking Club

21 Dec, 12:00

Christmas Party 🎊🎄

🎉 Join us for a festive Christmas Party next Friday! We'll play exciting games, reflect on the highlights of the passing year, and make resolutions for an amazing year ahead. 

The highlight of the evening will be a Secret Santa Gift Exchange! To take part in the Secret Santa, bring a small gift with you that will be randomly assigned to another participant! 

Budget: 200-300 rubles

Dresscode (optional): red or green colors, santa hat or Christmas/New Year accessories 

Let’s celebrate together and start 2025 with joy and inspiration! 🥳

📅 Friday, December 27
📍 9, Lomonosova, room 3220

ITMO Speaking Club

20 Dec, 12:00

🇷🇺 Русский новый год.

Hовый год в России - волшебный праздник, полный чудес и положительных эмоций. Мы приглашаем вас отметить его с нами в русском разговорном клубе: вместе познакомимся с новогодними традициями и ритуалами, сделаем украшения и загадаем желания!

📅 Cреда, 25 декабря 
📍Ломоносова 9, ауд 3220

ITMO Speaking Club

18 Dec, 14:14

время новогодних мультфильмов на русском клубе:)

ITMO Speaking Club

17 Dec, 15:21

Ya empezamos el club de español 💃🏻! El tema de hoy es Navidad, con la nieve afuera y las luces en la clase, estamos pasando un buen tiempo.

ITMO Speaking Club

17 Dec, 12:01

🇨🇳 Announcement

Unfortunately, the Chinese Speaking Club meeting on December 20 has been cancelled. 
We hope for your understanding and wish Valeria a speedy recovery 🙏 
🇨🇳 Анонс

К сожалению, мы вынуждены отменить встречу китайского разговорного клуба 20 декабря. 
Мы надеемся на ваше понимание и желаем Валерии скорейшего выздоровления 🙏

ITMO Speaking Club

16 Dec, 15:06

🇩🇪 Winteraktivitäten und Feiertage

Es ist bereits Winter, bei unserem nächsten Treffen werden wir über Aktivitäten wie Skifahren und Eislaufen sprechen, die die kalte Jahreszeit ergänzen, sowie über Weihnachten als wichtigen Feiertag, an dem Familien zusammenkommen, Geschenke austauschen und festliche Traditionen pflegen. Begleiten Sie uns, um unsere Gedanken zu teilen! 

📅 Der 21. Dezember 
📍 Zimmer 1303/8, Lomonosowa 9

Drücke auf die Zimmernummer und folge dem Link, um zu sehen, wie du das Zimmer erreichst!

ITMO Speaking Club

16 Dec, 12:00

🇫🇷 Les pièges 

Lors de la prochaine réunion, nous discuterons des pièges de la vie qui se cachent souvent derrière des apparences trompeuses, nous invitant à réfléchir à nos choix. En explorant ces pièges, nous découvrons l'importance de la vigilance et de l'introspection dans notre voyage. En attente pour vous!

📅 Jeudi, 19 décembre  
📍Lomonosov 9, salle 3220

ITMO Speaking Club

15 Dec, 12:00

🎥 Movie night: Klaus

After proving himself to be the worst student at the academy, a postman is sent to a frozen town in the North where he discovers a reclusive toymaker named Klaus.

📅 Friday, December 20
📍 9, Lomonosova, room 3220

ITMO Speaking Club

08 Dec, 13:00

🇫🇷 Les duels 

Lors de la prochaine réunion du club francophone, nous aborderons le sujet des duels. Ce sera l'occasion d'explorer l'histoire des duels, leur signification dans différentes cultures et leur évolution dans le temps. N'oubliez pas d'apporter vos idées et réflexions pour enrichir notre discussion!

📅 Jeudi, 12 décembre  
📍Lomonosov 9, salle 3220

ITMO Speaking Club

02 Dec, 14:01

🇩🇪Soziale Netzwerke

Unser nächster deutschsprachiger Club wird über soziale Netzwerke sprechen. Wir diskutieren, wie sie unser Leben beeinflussen und was ihre Vor- und Nachteile sind. Kommt vorbei und bringt eure Gedanken mit!

📅 der 7. dezember
📍 Zimmer 3220, Lomonosowa 9

ITMO Speaking Club

02 Dec, 14:01

🇷🇺Уже в этот четверг приглашаем вас на просмотр фильма "Монолог"! 

Мы окунёмся в атмосферу 1970-х и задумаемся вместе с авторами фильма о том, что такое выбор в науке и в личной жизни. 

Также в фильме прозвучит музыка легендарного петербургского композитора Олега Каравайчука! 

Ждём вас на нашей киновстрече!

📅 Четверг, 5 декабря  
📍Ломоносова 9, ауд 3109

ITMO Speaking Club

01 Dec, 14:01

❄️ Winter and Folklore

Join us next week for an exciting meeting, where we’ll discuss fascinating myths and legends from around the globe and explore how winter inspires tales of magic and mystery!

📅 Friday, December 6
📍 9, Lomonosova, room 3220

ITMO Speaking Club

28 Nov, 16:01


El próximo tema de nuestro club de habla hispana será "Sobrevivir al invierno". Hablaremos sobre consejos para sobrellevar el resfriado, como la ropa adecuada y los alimentos reconfortantes. También exploraremos las tradiciones invernales de diferentes países. Será una charla muy interesante, ¡acompáñanos! 

📅 Fecha: 3 de diciembre
Hora: 17:30
📍 Lugar: 3220

ITMO Speaking Club

25 Nov, 12:02

December events ❄️

Register in the links below 🔽

🇬🇧 English Club:
6.12 at 17:00:

13.12 at 17:00:

20.12 at 17:00:

27.12 at 17:00:

🇷🇺 Russian Club:
5.12 at 17:00:

12.12 at 17:00:

18.12 at 17:00:

25.12 at 17:00:

🇩🇪 German Club:
7.12 at 12:00:

21.12 at 12:00:

🇪🇦 Spanish Club:
3.12 at 17:30:

17.12 at 17:30:

🇨🇵 French Club:
12.12 at 18:30:

19.12 at 18:30:

26.12 at 18:30:

🇨🇳 Chinese Club:
Speaking Club 20.12 at 17:00:

ITMO Speaking Club

25 Nov, 10:40

🇨🇳 Announcement

The Chinese Speaking Club meeting on Friday, November 29 is postponed. The new date will be announced later with the December schedule!

We hope for your understanding and wish Valeria a speedy recovery!

ITMO Speaking Club

24 Nov, 12:02

🗺️ Thanksgiving around the world 

In our upcoming English-speaking club meeting, we'll explore the fascinating theme of Thanksgiving around the world. This is a wonderful opportunity to learn about various traditions, customs, and celebrations that take place in different cultures. Join us for an engaging discussion as we celebrate the rich tapestry of Thanksgiving traditions globally!

📅 Friday, November 29
📍 9, Lomonosova, room 3220

ITMO Speaking Club

23 Nov, 15:03

🇷🇺Ежедневная рутина

У каждого из нас есть свой распорядок дня, свои привычки и ритуалы. На следующей встрече разговорного клуба поговорим о ежедневной рутине. Приходите поделиться своим опытом и послушать других, а также обменяться полезными советами на каждый день.

📅 Cреда, 27 ноября  
📍Ломоносова 9, ауд 3109

ITMO Speaking Club

21 Nov, 07:01

Доброе утро! 

Пожалуйста, обратите внимание, что аудитория была изменена, наша встреча состоится в 17:00 в зале 3414!

ITMO Speaking Club

17 Nov, 13:00

🇷🇺 Даниил Хармс

Уже в этот четверг отправимся в абсурдный мир писателя и поэта Даниила Хармса! Почитаем его стихи и рассказы, попробуем написать свои - и устроим настоящий поэтический перформанс!

📅 Четверг, 21 ноября  
📍Ломоносова 9, ауд 3109

ITMO Speaking Club

17 Nov, 12:30


Debates are a great way to practice your language and public speaking skills! So, join us this Friday for a wonderful evening filled with arguments and rebuttals!

To register as a speaker or an audience member, register through this form.

To get acquainted with the rules and structure of debates, refer to the following guide.

If you have any questions, feel free to message our page or Tania directly (vk or tg:@T02s15)

📅 Friday, November 22
📍 9, Lomonosova, room 3220

ITMO Speaking Club

16 Nov, 12:15

🇫🇷 l'histoire des chasses au trésor

L'histoire des chasses au trésor est fascinante et pleine d'aventures. Ces quêtes, souvent inspirées d'histoires de pirates ou de découvertes, font appel à l'imagination et à l'esprit d'équipe. Rejoignez-nous ensuite pour discuter et partager nos réflexions sur ce sujet intéressant!

📅 Jeudi, 21 novembre 
📍Lomonosov 9, salle 3110

ITMO Speaking Club

16 Nov, 12:00

🇪🇦 ¡Hola, políglotas!

En nuestro próximo club de habla hispana, hablaremos sobre "Creciendo" y compartiremos recuerdos de nuestra infancia. Recordaremos las travesuras y aventuras que vivíamos de niños, y reflexionaremos sobre cómo hemos cambiado con el tiempo. ¡Será una gran oportunidad para revivir esos momentos y conectar con los demás!

📅 Fecha: 19 de noviembre
 Hora: 17:30
📍 Lugar: 1303/8 (Media zone)

ITMO Speaking Club

15 Nov, 14:32

Climate Change discussion is in session

ITMO Speaking Club

11 Nov, 14:01

🤝 Meet our team, pt.7

Next up is Galina 💃🏼

ITMO Speaking Club

11 Nov, 14:01

1. Tell us a little bit about yourself:

My name is Galina. I teach Russian as a foreign language at ITMO and I am a moderator of the Russian Speaking Club. I also enjoy improvisationas an art form! I perform as an actress with improvisational perfomances and teach improvisation as well.

2. How long have you been a part of ITMO Speaking Club?

I have been a participant of Russian Speaking Club for about three years, sometimes conducted master classes in improvisation and recently I became a moderator 

3. What significance does the Speaking Club bring to you? to our participants?

I realy like the Speaking Club! It gives me the opportunity to meet new people, to see different views on different things and makes my world bigger and brighter. As a moderator I want the club to help participants not only find new people and have fun but also improve their language skills.

4. What piece of advice would you give to anyone looking to improve their language skills?

My advice: you shold not be afraid of mistakes! Mistakes are normal! Go to Speaking Clubs even if you feel that your level of language is not good enough for the club. The more you practice, the faster you will make progress. Speaking clubs help to make this process fun and interesting )

ITMO Speaking Club

10 Nov, 15:46

🇷🇺 Времена года

Уже в этот четверг мы обсудим времена года и их отражение в культуре и искусстве разных стран!

📅 Четверг, 14 ноября  
📍Ломоносова 9, ауд 3109

ITMO Speaking Club

10 Nov, 12:30

🇫🇷 Les super-héros sans cape

Les super-héros sans cape sont ceux qui, par leurs actions quotidiennes, changent le monde autour d'eux. Rejoignez-nous le prochain pour discuter de ces héros méconnus et partager vos propres histoires inspirantes!

📅  Jeudi, 14 novembre  
📍Lomonosov 9, salle 3110

ITMO Speaking Club

09 Nov, 12:30

🌍 Climate Change and Sustainability

What are the real impacts of climate change, and how can we create a sustainable future? As modern citizens, how do we balance our daily lives with the urgent need to protect our planet? 

Join us next Friday for an engaging discussion where we’ll tackle the pressing issues of climate change and sustainability. Let’s share our ideas and strategies for making a difference together!

📅Friday , November 15
📍 9, Lomonosova, room 3220 (ITMO. Place)

ITMO Speaking Club

06 Nov, 12:02

Attention  L'heure de la réunion a été modifiée de 18h00 à 18h30

ITMO Speaking Club

04 Nov, 14:01

1. Tell us a little bit about yourself:

Hi! My name is Linda. I came to Russia from Algeria 5 years ago to become a researcher.

2. How long have you been a part of ITMO Speaking Club?

I joined the ITMO speaking club team last October, but before that, I was a regular visitor at the Russian speaking club whenever the opportunity arose.

3. What significance does the Speaking Club bring to you? to our participants?

As someone with a technical background, I always excluded myself from the linguistic sphere until I attended my first French-speaking club in St. Petersburg in 2019. By chance, a few weeks later, the host left the club, and I found myself becoming the new host. I was very stressed and doubted my ability to hold a conversation without going blank. However, after five years, each session has become a great opportunity to exchange ideas and learn more. I've noticed not only my own improvement but also how the participants in the club have flourished in their speaking skills in a friendly atmosphere 

4. What piece of advice would you give to anyone looking to improve their language skills?

My advice for language learners, regardless of their proficiency level, is to practice while ignoring the fear of making mistakes. It's important to build a foundation of useful phrases that they can use without wasting time questioning whether they are correct or not. This can help them focus on new vocabulary and the topic itself.

ITMO Speaking Club

04 Nov, 14:01

🤝 Meet our team, pt.6

Next up is Linda 💃🏻

ITMO Speaking Club

04 Nov, 11:01

🇫🇷 La zone de comfort et le changement

Nous sommes ravis de vous inviter à notre prochaine rencontre dédiée au comfort et au changement ! Ce sera l'occasion de discuter de ce que sont les zones de comfort et de la manière dont le changement peut nous affecter 

📅 Jeudi, 7 novembre
📍 Lomonosov 9, salle 3109

ITMO Speaking Club

02 Nov, 15:30

🎬 Movie Night: Snowpiercer (2013)

In a future where a failed climate change experiment has killed all life except for the survivors who boarded the Snowpiercer (a train that travels around the globe), a new class system emerges.

📅 Friday, November 8
📍 9, Lomonosova, room 3109

ITMO Speaking Club

30 Oct, 14:30

🇷🇺 Путешествия

Приходите к нам на увлекательную встречу в следующую среду! Мы поговорим о нашем идеальном путешествии, обсудим прошлые поездки и просто повеселимся)

📅 Среда, 6 ноября
📍 Ломоносова, 9, ауд 3109

ITMO Speaking Club

30 Oct, 12:15

🇪🇦 ¡Hola, políglotas!

Esta vez hablaremos del Día de los Muertos. ¿En qué consiste esta festividad? ¿Cómo se celebra? Veámoslo en la próxima reunión del club de español !

📅 Fecha: 5 de noviembre
 Hora: 17:30
📍 Lugar: 3110

ITMO Speaking Club

28 Oct, 14:02

1. Tell us a little bit about yourself:

Hi everyone! I'm Maria, and I work with Master's students at ITMO. This year I'm running Russian Speaking club online!

2. How long have you been a part of ITMO Speaking Club?

It feels like a lifetime ago! Svetlana and I started the Russian Speaking club back in February 2022. I remember how challenging it was to launch a new format for connecting with international and Russian-speaking students, but it quickly became clear that this idea was a huge success.

3. What significance does the Speaking Club bring to you? to our participants?

For me, it's a unique opportunity to create a friendly, warm, and welcoming space where everyone feels comfortable and at home. It's a place where people can express themselves, connect, make new friends, laugh, practice Russian, and learn about new cultures 💗

4. What piece of advice would you give to anyone looking to improve their language skills?

As long as you're interested and motivated, everything is helpful: hanging out with new friends, songs of Kino, museum visits on rainy days, watching Soviet comedies, exploring the city, reading books (you can choose adapted texts), just do what you love! The most important thing is to be open to new experiences, and you can always chat about your adventures in the Russian Speaking club!

ITMO Speaking Club

28 Oct, 14:02

🤝 Meet our team, pt.5

Next up is Maria 💃🏼

ITMO Speaking Club

26 Oct, 14:40

🇪🇸 ¡Ojo! Reunión cancelada

Lamentablemente, nos vemos obligados a cancelar la reunión del 29 de octubre debido a que Alyona sigue enferma.

¡Consulta nuestro calendario de noviembre para las próximas reuniones del Club de Conversación Español!

Deseamos a Alyona una pronta recuperación y esperamos vuestra comprensión 🖤

ITMO Speaking Club

26 Oct, 13:30

🔭 Futurism

What is futurism? How do we, modern people, envision the world in the next 50, 100, or even 1,000 years? Will technology shape a utopia, or are there challenges on the horizon? 

Join us next Friday for a dynamic discussion, as we dive into the captivating world of Futurism and as we explore our wildest dreams and concerns about the days yet to come!

📅 Friday, November 1
📍 9, Lomonosova, room 3220 (ITMO. Place)

ITMO Speaking Club

25 Oct, 12:02

🇷🇺 Поэзия. Анна Ахматова

В этот вторник мы обсудим этот жанр подробнее, поговорим также о биографии и творчестве Анны Ахматовой. И конечно почитаем ее стихи )

📅 Вторник, 29 октября
📍 Онлайн

Ссылка на зум:

ITMO Speaking Club

23 Oct, 14:01

November events 🌬️

Register in the links below 🔽

🇬🇧 English Club:
1.11 at 17:00:

8.11 at 17:00:

15.11 at 17:00:

22.11 at 17:00:

29.11 at 17:00:

🇷🇺 Russian Club:
6.11 at 17:00:

14.11 at 17:00:

21.11 at 17:00:

27.11 at 17:00:

🇪🇦 Spanish Club:
5.11 at 17:30:

19.11 at 17:30:

🇨🇵 French Club:
7.11 at 18:00:

14.11 at 18:30:

21.11 at 18:00:

🇨🇳 Chinese Club:
29.11 at 17:00:

ITMO Speaking Club

22 Oct, 09:40

🇩🇪 German Speaking Club 🌟

Am Samstag werden wir das Thema Multitasking besprechen.

📅 der 26. Oktober (Samstag)
📍 Zimmer 3109, Lomonosowa 9

Alle Fragen und wichtigen Informationen kannst du In unserem Telegram-Chat finden:

ITMO Speaking Club

21 Oct, 14:01

🤝 Meet our team, pt.4

Next up is Valeria 💃🏻

1. Tell us a little bit about yourself:

My name is Valeria. I teach General English and Chinese at ITMO FLTC and also I am one of the moderators of Chinese Speaking Club.

2. How long have you been a part of ITMO Speaking Club?

Not long really. We started in 2023 Spring semester )

3. What significance does the Speaking Club bring to you? to our participants?

For me, and I think for the participants as well, the speaking club is about experimenting, sharing and enjoying.
Compared to English and maybe some other European languages, there are fewer opportunities for Chinese learners to practice it. So, first of all it's about putting it into practice 💪🏻

4. What piece of advice would you give to anyone looking to improve their language skills?

I believe, Chinese is a very likeable language, a puzzle to solve)) So, if you're already learning it, the only way to continue is to go deeper and fall in love with it. And there won't be a chance to quit)

ITMO Speaking Club

20 Oct, 16:40

🇪🇸 ¡Ojo! Reunión aplazada

Desafortunadamente, nos vemos obligados a posponer la reunión del 22 de octubre debido a que Alyona se ha puesto enferma.

La reunión tendrá lugar el 29 de octubre a las 17:00 en la sala 3220.

Deseamos a Alyona una pronta recuperación y esperamos vuestra comprensión 🖤

ITMO Speaking Club

20 Oct, 14:01

🇨🇳 The ability to learn: What's the secret?

Before becoming a good professional, become a good learner. But what is a good learner? 
Join us next Friday to discuss what's most important: motivation and self-organization, understanding goals or curiosity 

📅 Friday, October 25
📍 9, Lomonosova str., room 3109
🇨🇳 Умение учиться: в чем секрет?

Прежде чем стать хорошим профессионалом, станьте хорошим учеником. Но что такое хороший ученик?
Присоединяйтесь к нам в следующую пятницу, чтобы обсудить, что важнее всего: мотивация и самоорганизация, понимание целей или любознательность 

📅 Пятница, 25 октября
📍 ул. Ломоносова, 9, ауд. 3109

ITMO Speaking Club

20 Oct, 12:02

🇷🇺 Телемост

Во вторник присоединяйтесь к нам онлайн или в офлайн: мы обсудим телемосты СССР и США в 80-е как уникальный культурный феномен. Вместе мы воссоздадим первый телемост 1982 года и погрузимся в атмосферу того времени. Узнаем больше о том, как культура преодолевала границы в эпоху перемен 🛰️

📅 Вторник, 22 октября
📍 ул. Ломоносова, д. 9, ауд 3110

Для тех, кто будет присутствовать онлайн:
🇷🇺 Teleconference

On Tuesday, join us online or offline, where we will discuss the teleconferences of the USSR and the USA in the 80s as a unique cultural phenomenon. Together we will recreate the first teleconference in 1982 and immerse ourselves in the atmosphere of that time. Learn more about how culture overcame boundaries in an era of change 🛰️

📅 Tuesday, October 22
📍 9, Lomonosova str., room 3110

For those who will attend online:

ITMO Speaking Club

20 Oct, 10:15

ITMO Club Fest is starting next week 💞

We're excited to announce that ITMO Speaking Club will be participating as well 

We have a lot of fun games prepared for you, so don't miss out! We'd love to see you all at our stand 🤗

📅 Wednesday, October 23
11:00 - 16:00
📍 9, Lomonosova str.

ITMO Speaking Club

19 Oct, 15:01

Japan: Culture and Trivia

We're excited to announce our collaboration with ITMO Hikari that will take place next Friday 🤩

An evening filled with discussions about Japanese culture and characteristics, as well as games that will test your knowledge and creativity await you)

Don't miss out!

📅 Friday, October 25
📍 9, Lomonosova str., room 3220 (ITMO. Place)

ITMO Speaking Club

19 Oct, 14:00

🇲🇫 Artisans et métiers d’art

Nous sommes ravis de vous inviter à notre prochaine rencontre dédiée aux artisans et à l’art! Ce sera l’occasion de discuter de l’importance de l’art sur nos vies et de partager notre expérience artistique 🎨

📅 Jeudi, 24 octobre
📍 Lomonosov 9, salle 3220

ITMO Speaking Club

17 Oct, 17:01

I know what you did last week 👻

Thank you all for participating in our mini halloween themed meeting last Friday 🖤

But the spooky celebrations are still underway with the viewing of a classic Halloween movie "Beetlejuice" tomorrow 💃🏻

ITMO Speaking Club

15 Oct, 16:31

🇪🇸 ¡Hola, políglotas!

Esta vez hablaremos de Belleza. ¿Cómo ha cambiado el colmo de belleza a través del tiempo? ¿Estamos dispuestos para hacer lo que sea con el fin de conseguir la perfección? Vamos a ver en la próxima reunión del club de español.

📅 Fecha: 22 de octubre
 Hora: 17:30
📍 Lugar: 3210

ITMO Speaking Club

14 Oct, 14:01

1️⃣Tell us a little bit about yourself:

My name is Svetlana. I teach Russian as a foreign language at ITMO and run the Russian Speaking Club!

2️⃣How long have you been a part of ITMO Speaking Club?

It's a long but cherished adventure! I’ve been with the ITMO Speaking Club since its early days. I loved seeing my colleague and friend Dasha Koval inviting my Access project teens, who found a vital space to boost their English confidence. Since 2016, I’ve witnessed our growth into a diverse community—a true blessing! 

3️⃣What significance does the Speaking Club bring to you? to our participants?

It's heartwarming to see international students improving their language skills while forming deep friendships and even finding love:) Starting anew in a foreign country can be challenging, but our club offers a welcoming space for self-expression and learning in a relaxed, game-like atmosphere.
For me, it’s about more than just language learning—it’s about bridging diverse cultures and communities. I genuinely believe our projects enable students to connect with one another and their own personal journeys, allowing them to uncover something deeper within the stories they share.

4️⃣What piece of advice would you give to anyone looking to improve their language skills?

In our modern reality, I would say that creating content in a foreign language helps! Whether it's being a blogger, streaming in Russian, writing songs, or doing stand-up comedy, it's important not to wait for the perfect moment or the perfect level of language proficiency. Start from where you are now and rock it! 💪🏻

ITMO Speaking Club

14 Oct, 14:01

🤝 Meet our team, pt.3

Next up is Svetlana 💃🏼

ITMO Speaking Club

13 Oct, 13:01

🇨🇵 L'écologie et le développement durable

Chers francophones,

Nous sommes ravis de vous inviter à notre prochaine rencontre dédiée à l'écologie et au développement durable ! Ce sera l'occasion d'échanger des idées, de partager des expériences et d'explorer ensemble des solutions pour un avenir plus vert 🌿

📅 Jeudi, 17 octobre
📍 Lomonosov 9, salle 3109

À très bientôt !

ITMO Speaking Club

12 Oct, 12:02

🎬 Movie Night: Beetlejuice (1988)

The spirits of a deceased couple are harassed by an unbearable family that has moved into their home, and hire a malicious spirit to drive them out.

📅 Friday, October 18
📍 9, Lomonosova str., room 3220 (ITMO. Place)

ITMO Speaking Club

12 Oct, 10:01

🇷🇺 Поэтическая карта мира: северный фольклор

Друзья! "Поэтическая карта мира" отправляется в мир северного фольклора! Приглашаем вас в дубовый зал иностранного отдела библиотеки им. Маяковского, где вы сможете услышать редкие и малоизвестные сказки народов Таймыра, легенды и сказания, а также приметы и обереги хантайских эвенков — одних из самых северных эвенков России.

Встречаемся в 17:00 у турникетов в холле ИТМО на Ломоносова, 9. Неторопливо обсудим архитектуру вдоль набережной Фонтанки и историю здания библиотеки, а затем направимся на северную встречу.

Если у вас не так много времени, приходите сразу в библиотеку к 18:00! Набережная Фонтанки, 44

📅 Четверг, 17 октября
📍 ул. Ломоносова, д. 9, 1 эт., у входа
🇷🇺 A poetic map of the world: Northern folklore

Friends! The "Poetic map of the world" is sent to the world of northern folklore! We invite you to the oak hall of the foreign department of the Mayakovsky Library, where you can hear rare and little-known tales of the Taimyr peoples, legends and tales, as well as signs and charms of the Khanty Evenks — one of the northernmost Evenks of Russia.

We will meet at 17:00 at the turnstile gate in the ITMO lobby at Lomonosov 9. We will leisurely discuss the architecture along the Fontanka Embankment and the history of the library building, and then head to the northern meeting.

If you don't have much time, come straight to the library by 18:00! Fontanka Embankment, 44

📅 Thursday, October 17th
📍 Lomonosov str., 9, 1st floor, at the entrance

ITMO Speaking Club

08 Oct, 17:29

💓¡El club de español tiene un círculo más cercano y amigable!

Nos vemos el 22 de octubre💓

ITMO Speaking Club

08 Oct, 12:30

🇩🇪 German Speaking Club 🌟

Männer sind vom Mars. Frauen von der Venus. Ist das wahr? Welche Geschlechtsunterschiede gibt es?

📅 der 12. Oktober (Samstag)
📍 Zimmer 3220, Lomonosowa 9

Alle Fragen und wichtigen Informationen kannst du In unserem Telegram-Chat finden:

ITMO Speaking Club

07 Oct, 17:01

🇷🇺 Юмор в мировой культуре

Присоединяйтесь к нам завтра, где мы обсудим, над чем смеялись наши предки и какое влияние это оказало на современную культуру )

📅 Вторник, 8 октября
 📍 ул. Ломоносова, 9, аудитория 3110
🇷🇺 Humor in world culture

Join us tomorrow, where we will discuss what our ancestors laughed at and what impact it had on modern culture )

📅 Tuesday, October 8
 📍 9, Lomonosova Str., room 3110

ITMO Speaking Club

07 Oct, 14:01

1️⃣Tell us a tad bit about yourself

My name's Alyona Malinka, I work for FLTC as an English and Spanish teacher and a mentor of three Speaking clubs: English & Spanish for students and ITMO Family for staff. I’m also one of the curators of YaSpeak language shift in Yagodnoe 🌳

2️⃣How long have you been a part of the Speaking Club?

Can’t recall. It feels like I’ve always been there, though I guess it all started in around 2022 when I started joining clubs as a participant first to see how it all works from the inside.

3️⃣What significance does the speaking club bring to you? to our participants?

It’s a place where I personally can feel comfy and rewarded for simply doing what I love and feeling free to go with the flow with my inner crazy idea generator! ⭐️It’s where you can freely be yourself, think outside the box and get highly energised and infected with love for English we all share! I Our clubs are a place where wonderful like-minded people rejoice 💸

4️⃣What piece of advice would you give to anyone looking to improve their language skills?

Experiment! Find your true passion! Do what you truly enjoy. It is by means of deriving pleasure from what we do that that we can push the boundaries and grow 🇬🇧

ITMO Speaking Club

07 Oct, 14:01

🤝 Meet our team, pt.2

Next up is Alyona 💃🏻

ITMO Speaking Club

06 Oct, 15:01

Next month a wonderful event will take place in ITMO University! Don't miss it!


A new cool event at ITMO dedicated to celebrating and getting to know different cultures around the world, prepared by our international students with the support of ITMO.STUDENTS, Buddy System and the Center for Foreign Languages ​​(Russian Language Department). At the same time, it is also a place where you can proudly express and share the beauty of your culture.

Have you ever thought about traveling to another country, making close foreign friends and wonderful memories and impressions? All this is possible at ITMO CULTURE FEST 🔥

When, where and what will be at the festival ??? 🧐

Follow us on Telegram and VKontakte for more upcoming information of the festival 😍



ITMO Speaking Club

05 Oct, 14:01

🎃 Halloween

Halloween came early this year in ITMO Speaking Club!

Get ready for a spooktacular evening at the English speaking club's Halloween event on October 11th! 👻

We'll dive into the fascinating history of Halloween and explore what makes this holiday so special. From its ancient Celtic origins to the modern-day festivities, there's so much to uncover about this eerie celebration. 🕸️

If you're feeling festive, feel free to dress up in any Halloween-themed attire—it's bound to add to the fun! We can't wait to see your creative costumes and share some ghostly tales together. 💀

📅 Friday, October 11
📍 9, Lomonosova, room 3220 (ITMO. Place)

ITMO Speaking Club

05 Oct, 12:02

🇲🇫 Probabilités et possibilités

Salut les amis ! 🖐️

Rejoignez-nous pour une discussion captivante sur les concepts de possibilité et de probabilité ! Comment ces notions influencent-elles nos décisions quotidiennes ? Quelles sont les implications dans notre vie personnelle et professionnelle ?

📅 Date : 10.09.24
Heure : 18h
📍 Lieu : Université ITMO, lomonosov, 9. salle 3109

ITMO Speaking Club

04 Oct, 14:48

Our cadets are getting ready for the trip to mars 🚀