Internal Medicine By Doha Rawag @intmedbydoha Channel on Telegram

Internal Medicine By Doha Rawag


MBBCh , Faculty Of Medicine ,Tripoli University👩‍🎓
GP at TUH👩‍⚕️
Medical educator at💻
القناة خاصة بكل شي يتعلق بمادة الباطنة .💊💉

Internal Medicine By Doha (Arabic)

تتميز قناة الطب الباطني بدوحا بتقديم معلومات قيمة ومفيدة في مجال الطب الباطني. تدير القناة د. دوحا، خريجة كلية الطب من جامعة طرابلس، وهي طبيبة عامة في مستشفى الجامعة، ومدربة طبية في تشمل محتويات القناة كل ما يتعلق بالباطنة من مقالات ونصائح وأخبار حديثة في هذا المجال. سواء كنت طالبًا في كلية الطب أو طبيبًا عامًا مهتمًا بتوسيع معرفتك، فإن قناة الطب الباطني بدوحا هي المكان المثالي للحصول على المعلومات اللازمة. اشترك الآن لتكون على اطلاع دائم بكل جديد في عالم الطب الباطني!

Internal Medicine By Doha Rawag

06 Jan, 16:38

البوست هذا حيقعد محفور في ذاكرتي مهما حييت🤍

معز هو بيشنت ليوكيما (الحمد لله حالياً تعافي و دعواتكم ليه بكمال الصحة و العافية)
و أيضا طالب سنة خامسة من جامعة ترهونة

تعرفت عليه وقت كنت rotation بقسم أمراض الدم و الأورام باطنة و هو بالصدفة يعرفني من قناتي

النجاح = عزيمة و إصرار مهما كانت الظروف اللي انت تمر بيها
قصة نجاح نبيها تكون مصدر تفاؤل للجميع💪

اللهم أنفع بنا أينما كنا🤍

Internal Medicine By Doha Rawag

13 Dec, 14:55

🟨DD of yellow nail

2_ Chronic paronychia
3_ Pseudonymous infection
4_ Yellow nail syndrome
5_Drugs ( Topical 5`flurouracil , tetracycline)💊

Internal Medicine By Doha Rawag

13 Dec, 14:48

🟨Yellow Nail Syndrome

📝Yellow naiks
📝Congenital lymphydema
📝Bronchiactasis / Pleural effusions
📝Chronic sinusitis

Internal Medicine By Doha Rawag

13 Dec, 14:41


1_ Stage 1➡️+ve flactuation test
2_ Stage 2➡️loss of normal angel b/w nail and nail fold
3_ Stage 3➡️loss of window ( Sham Roths sing )
4_ Stage 4 ➡️Drum stick appearance
5_ Stage 5➡️ Hyperthrophic pulmonary osteoathropathy

Internal Medicine By Doha Rawag

10 Dec, 17:20

#Manegment of Pneumothorax 📝

Internal Medicine By Doha Rawag

07 Dec, 13:42


📝Pericarditis +/- Myocarditis
📝Paradoxical response
📝Endobronchial LN compression/impending rupture

Internal Medicine By Doha Rawag

07 Dec, 13:42

مهمة و لازم يجي منها سؤال سواء Case او MCQ📝


Internal Medicine By Doha Rawag

05 Dec, 13:24

مهماااااات جداً📝

Internal Medicine By Doha Rawag

05 Dec, 13:24

✳️Most common type of lung cancer worldwide is
➡️ lung adenocarcinoma 📝

Internal Medicine By Doha Rawag

01 Dec, 09:43

❇️Indication of steroids in sarcoidosis 📝

Internal Medicine By Doha Rawag

01 Dec, 09:43

❇️Hypercalcemia and respiratory diseases

Sarcoidosis ➡️presence of 1α-hydroxylase enzyme in macrophages and giant cells that form part of the granuloma.

Squamous cell carcinoma of lung ➡️
parathyroid hormone-related peptide (PTHrP), a protein that has similar action to parathyroid hormone (PTH) .

ركزوا عليهم مهمات في ال MCQ📝

Internal Medicine By Doha Rawag

26 Nov, 12:27

#Keypoints_Pneumonia 🩺📝

Symptoms of pneumonia + Rust-colored sputum+H/O herps libials =
❇️Sterptococcus pneumonia

Symptoms of pneumonia + yellow to green Sputum + H/O common cold (flu) =

Symptoms of pneumonia + red currant jelly Sputum + Alcoholic or Diabetes patients + cavitary lesion in upper lobe =
❇️Klebsiella pneumonia

Symptoms of pneumonia + SIADH (⬇️Na) + H/O of using hot water tanks =
❇️Legionella pneumonia

Symptoms of pneumonia + Hemolytic anemia (positive cold agglutinins test) + GBS + Erythema multiform =
❇️Mycoplasma pneumonia

مهماااااات هلبا تبتوهم🙏💪

Internal Medicine By Doha Rawag

26 Nov, 12:27

🟨CURB-65 score

Patients are stratified for risk of death as follows:

0: low risk (less than 1% mortality risk)

1 or 2: intermediate risk (1-10% mortality risk)

3 or 4: high risk (more than 10% mortality risk).

Internal Medicine By Doha Rawag

23 Nov, 19:26

🟨Most common ECG findings in patient with PE is
➡️Sinus Tachycardia 📝

➡️Other signs
Rt ventricular strain
(A large S wave in lead I, A Q wave in lead III and an inverted T wave in lead III)🩺

Internal Medicine By Doha Rawag

23 Nov, 19:26

🟨CXR in patient with PE is usually


Internal Medicine By Doha Rawag

23 Nov, 08:34

🟨fibrosis predominantly effecting the lower zones of lung 🫁

📝Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis
📝Connective tissue diseases (Except Ankylosing spondylitis)
📝Drug induced ➡️ e.g Amiodarone, Nitrofuranton, Bleomycin , Methotrexate

و اي حاجة تانية غيرهم بتاتر على ال upper zones.

Internal Medicine By Doha Rawag

23 Nov, 08:34

❇️Hypercalcemia and respiratory diseases

Sarcoidosis ➡️presence of 1α-hydroxylase enzyme in macrophages and giant cells that form part of the granuloma.

Squamous cell carcinoma of lung ➡️
parathyroid hormone-related peptide (PTHrP), a protein that has similar action to parathyroid hormone (PTH) .

ركزوا عليهم مهمات في ال MCQ📝

Internal Medicine By Doha Rawag

18 Nov, 14:38

❇️The mainstay of ttt in bronchiectasis is ➡️

📝Antibiotics + Chest physiotherapy .

Internal Medicine By Doha Rawag

18 Nov, 14:38

#Bronchiectasis+HRCT Findings📝

➡️signet ring sign
➡️Tram track sign

Internal Medicine By Doha Rawag

18 Nov, 14:38


Internal Medicine By Doha Rawag

17 Nov, 18:33

🟨Factors which improve survival in COPD

Smoking cessation
LTOT (Long Term Oxygen Therapy)
Lung volume reduction surgery

Internal Medicine By Doha Rawag

17 Nov, 18:33

🟨Severity of COPD categorised by using

➡️FEV 1

Internal Medicine By Doha Rawag

17 Nov, 18:33


🟨The most common infective causes of COPD exacerbations are:

-Haemophilus influenzae (most common cause)
-Streptococcus pneumoniae
Moraxella catarrhalis

📝Respiratory viruses:
-account for around 30% of exacerbations
-human rhinovirus is the most important pathogen🩺

Internal Medicine By Doha Rawag

17 Nov, 18:33


Any one of the followings:

*Peak flow 33% to 50% best
*Predicted Respiratory rate ≥25 per minute
*Heart rate ≥110 beats per minute
*Inability to complete sentences in one breath.🩺

Internal Medicine By Doha Rawag

17 Nov, 18:32


✳️Respiratory Conditions: Choice of investigations📝

Extrinsic upper airway obstruction assessment➝ Flow-volume loop

Expiratory obstruction (e.g. Asthma, COPD)➝ FEV1

Respiratory muscle strength assessment (e.g. GBS, Myasthenia gravis)➝ FVC

Assessment whether obstructive or restrictive lung disease➝ FEV1/FVC ratio
If ratio <0.7 indicates obstructive
If ratio is >0.7 indicates restrictive

Monitoring of Asthma➝ PEFR

Internal Medicine By Doha Rawag

17 Nov, 18:32


🟨Type 1 respiratory failure (T1RF): is characterised by
hypoxaemia (PaO2 < 8 kPa)
normal or low CO2.

🟨Type 2 respiratory failure (T2RF): is characterised by
hypoxaemia (PaO2 < 8 kPa) hypercapnia (PaCO2 > 6.5 kPa).

Internal Medicine By Doha

09 Nov, 16:20

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته دكاترة🩺

لكل من يتواصل معاي بخصوص كورس ال Examination كامل (Manouver+ findings) للأسف موقفة التسجيل حالياً

لان اخر قروب نكمللهم في نص 12 و لو امتحانكم في 1 أعتقد مش حيكون مناسب نعطي بعد القروب هذا

و بالنسبة لفترة الإمتحان بعون الله حنعطي كورس findings ، حيكون مدته يومين زي ما عطيت للدفعات اللي قبلكم ، وقتها حنزل إعلان بالخصوص

موفقين مسددين بعون الله تعالى 🤍✨️

Internal Medicine By Doha

03 Nov, 14:56

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته 🤍

دكاترة اللي مشتركين معاي في كورس الهستوري حنبدوا تدريب الهستوري من يوم الجمعة الجاية ان شاء الله الموافق 8_11

أيام التدريب/ كل جمعة

أول main complaints حناخدوهم
Chest pain

في كل محاضرة حنختار 4 دكاترة ياخدوا الهستوري و البقية استماع

بحيث كل main complaint ناخدوا عليه زوز سيناريوهات مختلفة📝
و نختموا كل سيناريو ب Disscussion
DD + Investigations
نفس ما مطالبين بيه في الإمتحان

شوفوا فيديوات المنصة للموضوعين اللي بناخدوهم و موفقين ان شاء الله 🙏🪻

رجاءاً اللي مسجلين معاي في الكورس يتواصلوا معاي باش نضيفكم لقروب التدريب و بالنسبة ل توقيت الايف حنزله لاحقاً في القروب المخصص للتدريب.⌚️⏰️

Internal Medicine By Doha

22 Oct, 19:24

✅️Pseudomembranous colitis ttt

Internal Medicine By Doha

13 Oct, 13:43

📝Hands in GIT

(Liver cirrhosis , IBD)

✅️ *2.leuconychia*
(whitening of the nails due to hypoalbuminaemia)

(‘spooning’ of the nails due to iron, B12, or folate deficiency)

✅️*4.Muehrcke’s lines*
(transverse white lines due to hypoalbuminaemia)

✅️* lunulae*
(bluish discolouration seen in Wilson’s disease)

✅️ *6.Palmar erythema*
(chronic liver disease, pregnancy)

✅️ *7.Dupuytren’s contracture* (thickening and fibrous contraction of palmar fascia ( most likely alcoholic liver disease)

✅️ *8.Hepatic flap/asterixis*
(hepatic encephalopathy, uraemia from renal disease)

Internal Medicine By Doha

13 Oct, 13:41

📝Some GIT clenchers

Malabsorption symptoms + macrocytosis in young patient >>> coeliac disease

Malabsorption symptoms + improve with control of diary intake + negative endomyseal Abs>>> Lactose intolerance .

Malabsorption + joint pain + Bradycardia in middle age>>> Whipple's disease ( positive PAS biopsy).

Malabsorption + macrocytosis + negative endomyseal Abs and normal IgA>>> think in tropical sprue .

Malabsorption + recurrent epigastric pain to back + positive fecal elastase >>> chronic pancreatitis .

Malabsorption + symptoms of bronchiectasis >>> cystic fibrosis

Dr / Doha Ali Rawaq

Internal Medicine By Doha

13 Oct, 13:40

📝Most common complication of ERCP is


Internal Medicine By Doha

13 Oct, 13:39

📝Most common congenital abnormalty of GIT is

✅️ Meckele's Diverticulam

Internal Medicine By Doha

13 Oct, 13:33

Chrons disease VS Ulcerative colitis 📝

Internal Medicine By Doha

04 Oct, 20:31

📝Hepatitis B Serology

Internal Medicine By Doha

03 Oct, 20:05

✳️Spontaneous bacterial peritonitis

📝Cause ➡️E.coli
📝Dx➡️Paracentesis➡️Neutrophils > 250 cells/ul
📝TTT➡️IV cefotaxime

Internal Medicine By Doha

03 Oct, 20:05

🟨PBC and ( role of M)📝

Ig M
Anti Mitochondrial Abs
M2 subtype
Middle aged female

Internal Medicine By Doha

03 Oct, 20:05

مهمة هلبا في ال MCQ📝

ديما ال exception يجيبوا Lipase او Amylase و هما ما ليهم علاقة بالكرايتيريا.

Internal Medicine By Doha

03 Oct, 20:05

💠Barrett’s esophagus.
1️⃣The appearance of the esophageal lining (salmon pink color compared to normal white color).
2️⃣The salmon-pink area has specialized intestinal metaplasia.
3️⃣The white area is squamous epithelium.

Internal Medicine By Doha

03 Oct, 20:05

🩺Dx of acute pancreatitis

❇️To confirm the DX
➡️pancreatic enzymes
Lipase more specific than Amylase ركزوووا 💢

❇️To assess the severity

➡️Abd US
📝Initial test ركزووووا💢
تشوفوا بيها edematous pancrease و منه ينشاف بيها لو فيه gallstones او dilatation of biliary tract و هكي نكونوا عرفنا السبب و نزيدوا ناكدوا نطلبوا عالبيشنت MRCP

➡️CT with contrast
Not routinly indicated, only in Dx is in doubt ركزوووا 💢.

Internal Medicine By Doha

03 Oct, 20:05

🟨Alcoholic hepatitis
⬆️AST > ALT 2:1

🟨Non Alcoholic fatty liver

عكس بعض ركزوا عليهم📝

Internal Medicine By Doha

03 Oct, 20:05

❇️CRP is now widely used marker of severity in acute pancreatitis.

Internal Medicine By Doha

03 Oct, 20:05

🩺Most common causes of pancreatitis in UK are


Internal Medicine By Doha

03 Oct, 20:05

🟨Most common site of Carcinoid syndrome is


Internal Medicine By Doha

03 Oct, 20:05

✳️Charcot's triad of Ascending cholangitis

1-RUQ pain

✳️Reynoid's pentad
نفسهم +

Internal Medicine By Doha

03 Oct, 20:05

🟪Key points 📝

Jundice + newly diagnosed DM = Hemochromatosis

Jundice + abnormal movement = Wilsone disease

Jundice + itching = PBC

Jundice + H/O UC = PSC

Jundice + fever + RUQ pain = Ascending cholngitis

H/O DM + HTN + smoking + H/O post prandial abdominal pain = Mesenteric ischemia

Multiple ulcers + diarrhea = Zolinger syndrome

Internal Medicine By Doha

03 Oct, 20:05


Dysphagia to both fluids and solids = Achalasia
Dysphagia to solids only = Malignancy

Internal Medicine By Doha

03 Oct, 20:05

Barium swallow showed corkscrew appearance of the distal esophagus denoting #sever_esophagal_spasm📝





