Intensive English


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Intensive English

17 Nov, 11:07

🎞 ️"Forrest Gump

Intensive English

17 Nov, 11:06

📹 Learn English with Movies | Tom Hanks - “Forrest Gump”

Intensive English

16 Nov, 05:11

Intensive English

16 Nov, 05:09

️ "Forrest Gump" (with subtitle)

Intensive English

16 Nov, 05:04

There are many great movies that can help enhance general English skills, as they provide authentic and realistic language usage. Some of the best movies to improve English skills include:

1. Forrest Gump - This classic film features a slow-witted but kind-hearted man who experiences several defining moments in American history. The film provides a wide range of vocabulary and conversational English.

2. The Shawshank Redemption - This powerful drama is not only captivating but also offers a lot of thought-provoking dialogue and rich language that can help learners improve their English skills.

3. The King's Speech - This historical drama about King George VI's struggle to overcome his speech impediment provides a rich source of formal, eloquent language that can be beneficial for learners looking to improve their comprehension and vocabulary.

4. The Pursuit of Happyness - This inspiring film tells the true story of Chris Gardner's struggles to establish a successful career while raising his son. The movie offers a wide range of vocabulary and real-life dialogue that can be beneficial for English learners.

5. Dead Poets Society - This film is not only inspirational but also offers beautifully crafted language and thought-provoking dialogues that can enhance general language skills.

6. The Social Network - This movie portrays the early days of Facebook and provides a modern and authentic language usage, especially in the context of business and technology.

Watching these movies can be a fun and effective way to improve English skills as they provide a range of vocabulary, colloquial language, grammar, and conversational English in context. Pairing movie watching with subtitles can also be helpful for learners to pick up on new words and phrases.

Intensive English

16 Nov, 05:03

Okay, guys, l share the best materials to enhance general English

Intensive English

15 Nov, 16:06

🔶 WRITING uchun muhim!!!

💠 Nevertheless - shunga qaramay, shunday boʻlsa ham ...

💠 Nonetheless - shunga qaramay ...

💠 However - shunga qaramay, shunday boʻlsa-da ...

💠 Whereas - modomiki, zotan, lekin ...

💠 Therefore - shuning uchun, shu sababli ...

💠 Thus - shuning uchun ...

💠 Still - haligacha ...

💠 Furthermore - shuningdek ...

💠 Moreover - bundan tashqari ...

💠 Besides - bundan tashqari ...

💠 Consequently - oxir-oqibatda, natijada ...

💠 Then - keying, soʻng ...

💠 After that - shundan soʻng, bundan keyin ...

💠 Otherwise - aks holda ...

💠 Likewise - shu bilan birga, shunga oʻxshash tarzda ...

Intensive English

13 Nov, 13:51

IELTS listeningni 100% ko'taradigan metod!

Bugun darsda siz bilan:

Bitta nuqtada qotib qolganizni sababi
Qaysi usul eng yaxshi foyda beradi
O'sha usulni ishlatib practice qilib ko'ramiz
Listening yaxshilash uchun General tips

Dars bugun soat 22:00 da.

📍Shu kanalda bo'lib o'tadi:

Darsga kiradiganlar commentda "+" qoldirsangiz bo'ladi)

Public kanallariz bo'lsa shu postni forward qiling, bu menga ko'rinadi va sizni kanalizga o'zim qo'shilaman)


Intensive English

07 Oct, 06:35

Watching movies is a fun and effective way to improve your English speaking skills. To get the most out of this practice, it's essential to choose movies that are not only entertaining but also suitable for language learning. Here is a list of some of the best movies that can help you improve your English speaking:

1. **For Beginners:**
- **Finding Nemo** - A great choice for beginners due to its simple dialogue and a heartwarming story.
- **Toy Story series** - These animated films have clear and easy-to-understand dialogue.
- **Shrek** - Offers humor and accessible language for learners.

2. **Intermediate Level:**
- **Forrest Gump** - A classic film with slow, clear speech and a compelling story.
- **The Social Network** - A modern film with contemporary dialogue and themes.
- **The Pursuit of Happyness** - Great for improving conversational English.

3. **Advanced Level:**
- **The Shawshank Redemption** - Contains rich vocabulary and complex dialogues.
- **Dead Poets Society** - Excellent for improving comprehension of spoken English.
- **Good Will Hunting** - Features intellectual discussions and complex characters.

4. **Comedies:**
- **Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy** - Perfect for humor and casual conversations.
- **Superbad** - Offers contemporary slang and witty banter.
- **The Grand Budapest Hotel** - A quirky comedy with fast-paced dialogue.

5. **Drama and Romance:**
- **The Notebook** - A classic romance film with emotional conversations.
- **A Beautiful Mind** - Includes intellectual discussions and heartfelt moments.
- **Her** - Explores contemporary themes and relationships through dialogue.

6. **Science Fiction and Fantasy:**
- **Blade Runner 2049** - A visually stunning film with thought-provoking dialogue.
- **Inception** - Offers complex discussions on dreams and reality.
- **The Lord of the Rings Trilogy** - Epic fantasy with rich language and lore.

7. **Biographical Films:**
- **The King's Speech** - Focuses on the development of speech and communication skills.
- **The Theory of Everything** - Explores the life of Stephen Hawking with scientific terminology.
- **Bohemian Rhapsody** - Tells the story of Queen and Freddie Mercury.

8. **Historical Films:**
- **Schindler's List** - A powerful film with historical context and important dialogue.
- **12 Years a Slave** - A historically significant film with impactful conversations.
- **The Imitation Game** - Focuses on the life of Alan Turing and World War II.

Remember to use subtitles initially if you have difficulty understanding the dialogue, and gradually try to watch without them as your English skills improve. Also, consider discussing the movies with nati
ve English speakers or language partners to practice speaking and comprehension further.

Intensive English

30 Aug, 16:56

Asosiy kanal linki👉

Intensive English

29 Aug, 04:13

📌 Easy&Interesting

🙂 Two applications👆 I found really helpful to learn topic vocabulary.

▶️YouTube Channels:

Intensive English

27 Aug, 11:59

Hozir ko'pchilik ingliz tilini o'quv markazda ustozlar bilan qolganlar esa self-study qilib o'qishyapti. Ham ustoz bilan ham self-study qilib o'qiganlar esa 5 barobar tezroq natijaga erishadi.

Sizlarga ana shu 5 barobar tezroq natijaga erishish yo'llarini ko'rsataman.

🤓 Day 1:
Discipline ni qanday ushlash kerak?
Dangasalikni qanday usullar bilan yengsa bo'ladi
Self-study qilish nega qiyin?
Ustozsiz dars qilayotganda qimmatga tushadigan eng katta xatolar

📚 Day 2:
Readingni "bildirmay o'stiradigan" kitoblar va ulardan foydalanish
Band 9.0 strategy o'zi bormi yoki yo'q?
Nega text o'qib tushungandek bo'lasizu aslida hech narsani tushunmaysiz
Reading 6.0 dan Reading 8.5 gacha bo'lgan yo'lim

👂 Day 3
Quloqlarni kattartiradigan top 3 exercises
Script yozish foydalimi yoki yo'q
Kino va podcastlar qanchalik yordam beradi
Qanday qilib Listening Band 9.0 oldim?!

🙊 Day 4
Speaking sheriklar bilan va sheriklarsiz o'stirish
Nega o'rgangan so'zlarimni gapirganda ishlata olmayman?
Speakingda confidence qanchalik muhim
Speaking Band 8.0 uchun bosib o'tilgan yo'l

✍️ Day 5
Writingda idea va vocabulary muammosi
Nega writing doim past chiqadi
Har kun essay yozish kerakmi yoki yo'q
Ishonchli sample essaylar

Darslar hammasi shu kanalda bo'ladi: @RS_IELTS

Darsga qatnashish uchun nima qilish kerak:
Hech qanday shartlar, post tarqatishlar yo'q, faqatgina kanalni unmute qilib pin qiling va screenshot olib commentga yuboring.

Ajoyib 5 kunlik dars o'tamiz❤️

Intensive English

31 Jul, 16:15

Wonderful Words😍😊

Intensive English

31 Jul, 16:13

Say More Politely😉